--- /dev/null
+## !/bin/bash
+install_puppet() {
+ local pplabs_conf_dir="/etc/puppetlabs"
+ local puppet_conf_dir="${pplabs_conf_dir}/puppet"
+ local puppet_conf_file="${puppet_conf_dir}/puppet.conf"
+ local facter_conf_dir="${pplabs_conf_dir}/facter/facts.d"
+ echo
+ echo "${HASH_LINE}"
+ echo
+ log "Installing Puppet agent ..."
+ echo
+ echo "Creating group puppet ..."
+ groupadd -g 63000 puppet
+ getent group puppet
+ echo
+ echo "Creating user puppet ..."
+ useradd -u 63000 -g puppet -d /var/lib/puppet -c "Puppet configuration management" -s /sbin/nologin puppet
+ getent passwd puppet
+ id puppet
+ echo
+ echo "Installing puppet package ..."
+ if yum install -y puppet-agent ; then
+ :
+ else
+ echo "[$(date)]: Could not install puppet-agent." | tee -a "${ERROR_POINTER}"
+ fi
+ echo
+ echo "Creating config dirs ..."
+ mkdir -pv "${puppet_conf_dir}" "${facter_conf_dir}"
+ echo
+ echo "Creating ${puppet_conf_file} ..."
+ cat <<-EOF >"${puppet_conf_file}"
+ [main]
+ ca_ttl = 10y
+ [agent]
+ # The file in which puppetd stores a list of the classes
+ # associated with the retrieved configuratiion. Can be loaded in
+ # the separate "puppet" executable using the "--loadclasses"
+ # option.
+ # The default value is '\$confdir/classes.txt'.
+ classfile = \$vardir/classes.txt
+ environment = production
+ report = true
+ pluginsync = true
+ splay = true
+ use_srv_records = true
+ srv_domain = pixelpark.info
+ pluginsource = puppet:///plugins
+ pluginfactsource = puppet:///pluginfacts
+ echo
+ echo "Creating ${facter_conf_dir}/customer.yaml"
+ cat <<-EOF >"${facter_conf_dir}/customer.yaml"
+ ---
+ customer: pixelpark
+ echo
+ echo "Creating ${facter_conf_dir}/host.yaml"
+ cat <<-EOF >"${facter_conf_dir}/host.yaml"
+ ---
+ pp_purpose: Unknown
+ pp_location: L105
+ pp_owner: Pixelpark AG
+ pp_contact: 8x5@pixelpark.com
+ pp_zonehost: VMWare
+ echo
+ echo "Creating ${facter_conf_dir}/tier.yaml"
+ cat <<-EOF >"${facter_conf_dir}/tier.yaml"
+ ---
+ tier: production
+ echo
+ echo "Creating ${facter_conf_dir}/role.yaml"
+ cat <<-EOF >"${facter_conf_dir}/role.yaml"
+ ---
+ role: default
+ echo
+ echo "Disabling service puppet ..."
+ systemctl disable puppet
+#end raw
+## vim: ts=4 et list