print $p . "Schau nach, ob das Firstaction-Script ausgefuehrt werden soll ...\n" if verbose() > 2;
unless ( $self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$firstscript}{'first'} ) {
$cmd = join( "\n", @{$self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$firstscript}{'cmd'}} ) . "\n";
- print $p . "Fuehre Firstaction-Script '$firstscript' aus:\n$cmd" if verbose();
+ print $p . "Fuehre Firstaction-Script '$firstscript' aus:\n$cmd";
system $cmd unless $self->{'test'};
$self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$firstscript}{'first'} = 1;
print $p . "Schau nach, ob das Prerotate-Script ausgefuehrt werden soll ...\n" if verbose() > 2;
unless ( $self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$prescript}{'prerun'} and $sharedscripts ) {
$cmd = join( "\n", @{$self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$prescript}{'cmd'}} ) . "\n";
- print $p . "Fuehre Firstaction-Script '$prescript' aus:\n$cmd" if verbose();
+ print $p . "Fuehre Firstaction-Script '$prescript' aus:\n$cmd";
system $cmd unless $self->{'test'};
$self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$prescript}{'prerun'} = 1;
if ( $do_script ) {
$self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$postscript}{'donepost'} = 1;
$cmd = join( "\n", @{$self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$postscript}{'cmd'}} ) . "\n";
- print $p . "Fuehre Postrotate-Script '$postscript' aus:\n$cmd" if verbose();
+ print $p . "Fuehre Postrotate-Script '$postscript' aus:\n$cmd";
system $cmd unless $self->{'test'};
if ( $do_script ) {
$self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$lastscript}{'donelast'} = 1;
$cmd = join( "\n", @{$self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$lastscript}{'cmd'}} ) . "\n";
- print $p . "Fuehre Lastaction-Script '$lastscript' aus:\n$cmd" if verbose();
+ print $p . "Fuehre Lastaction-Script '$lastscript' aus:\n$cmd";
system $cmd unless $self->{'test'};
foreach $name ( keys %{$self->{'c'}{'scripts'}} ) {
if ( $self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$name}{'dopost'} and not $self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$name}{'donepost'} ) {
$cmd = join( "\n", @{$self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$name}{'cmd'}} ) . "\n";
- print $p . "Fuehre Postrotate-Script '$name' aus:\n$cmd" if verbose();
+ print $p . "Fuehre Postrotate-Script '$name' aus:\n$cmd";
system $cmd unless $self->{'test'};
foreach $name ( keys %{$self->{'c'}{'scripts'}} ) {
if ( $self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$name}{'dolast'} and not $self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$name}{'donelast'} ) {
$cmd = join( "\n", @{$self->{'c'}{'scripts'}{$name}{'cmd'}} ) . "\n";
- print $p . "Fuehre Lastaction-Script '$name' aus:\n$cmd" if verbose();
+ print $p . "Fuehre Lastaction-Script '$name' aus:\n$cmd";
system $cmd unless $self->{'test'};