maybe chmod 0644 'apache2/vhosts.d/02_bilder.conf'
maybe chmod 0644 'apache2/vhosts.d/default_vhost.include'
maybe chmod 0755 'at'
-maybe chmod 0755 'at-spi2'
-maybe chmod 0644 'at-spi2/accessibility.conf'
maybe chgrp 'at' 'at/at.deny'
maybe chmod 0640 'at/at.deny'
maybe chmod 0755 'audisp'
+++ /dev/null
-<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-Bus Bus Configuration 1.0//EN" "">
- <type>accessibility</type>
- <auth>EXTERNAL</auth>
- <listen>unix:tmpdir=/tmp</listen>
- <policy context="default">
- <!-- Allow root to connect -->
- <allow user="root"/>
- <!-- Allow everything to be sent -->
- <allow send_destination="*" eavesdrop="true"/>
- <!-- Allow everything to be received -->
- <allow eavesdrop="true"/>
- <!-- Allow anyone to own anything -->
- <allow own="*"/>
- </policy>
- <limit name="max_incoming_bytes">1000000000</limit>
- <limit name="max_outgoing_bytes">1000000000</limit>
- <limit name="max_message_size">1000000000</limit>
- <limit name="service_start_timeout">120000</limit>
- <limit name="auth_timeout">240000</limit>
- <limit name="max_completed_connections">100000</limit>
- <limit name="max_incomplete_connections">10000</limit>
- <limit name="max_connections_per_user">100000</limit>
- <limit name="max_pending_service_starts">10000</limit>
- <limit name="max_names_per_connection">50000</limit>
- <limit name="max_match_rules_per_connection">50000</limit>
- <limit name="max_replies_per_connection">50000</limit>
- <limit name="reply_timeout">300000</limit>