--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+@author: Frank Brehm
+@contact: frank.brehm@pixelpark.com
+@copyright: © 2017 by Frank Brehm, Berlin
+@summary: The module for a application object related to PowerDNS.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+# Standard modules
+import logging
+import logging.config
+import re
+import copy
+import json
+# Third party modules
+import requests
+import six
+# Own modules
+from .common import pp, to_bool
+from .cfg_app import PpCfgAppError, PpConfigApplication
+__version__ = '0.1.0'
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# =============================================================================
+class PpPDNSAppError(PpCfgAppError):
+ """Base error class for all exceptions happened during
+ execution this configured application"""
+ pass
+# =============================================================================
+class PpPDNSApplication(PpConfigApplication):
+ """
+ Class for configured application objects related to PowerDNS.
+ """
+ api_keys = {
+ 'global': "6d1b08e2-59c6-49e7-9e48-039ade102016",
+ 'public': "cf0fb928-2a73-49ec-86c2-36e85c9672ff",
+ 'local': "d94b183a-c50d-47f7-b338-496090af1577"
+ }
+ api_hosts = {
+ 'global': "systemshare.pixelpark.com",
+ 'public': "dnsmaster-public.pixelpark.com",
+ 'local': "dnsmaster-local.pixelpark.com"
+ }
+ default_api_port = 8081
+ default_api_servername = "localhost"
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(
+ self, appname=None, verbose=0, version=__version__, base_dir=None,
+ initialized=None, usage=None, description=None,
+ argparse_epilog=None, argparse_prefix_chars='-', env_prefix=None,
+ cfg_dir=None, cfg_stems=None, cfg_encoding='utf-8', need_config_file=False):
+ self._api_key = self.api_keys['global']
+ self._api_host = self.api_hosts['global']
+ self._api_port = self.default_api_port
+ self._api_servername = self.default_api_servername
+ self._user_agent = '{}/{}'.format(_LIBRARY_NAME, __version__)
+ self._environment = 'global'
+ super(PpPDNSApplication, self).__init__(
+ appname=appname, verbose=verbose, version=version, base_dir=base_dir,
+ initialized=False, usage=usage, description=description,
+ argparse_epilog=argparse_epilog, argparse_prefix_chars=argparse_prefix_chars,
+ env_prefix=env_prefix, cfg_dir=cfg_dir, cfg_stems=stems,
+ cfg_encoding=cfg_encoding, need_config_file=need_config_file,
+ )
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------
+ @property
+ def api_key(self):
+ "The API key to use the PowerDNS API"
+ return self._api_key
+ @api_key.setter
+ def api_key(self, value):
+ if value is None or str(value).strip() == '':
+ raise PpPDNSAppError("Invalid API key {!r} given.".format(value))
+ self._api_key = str(value).strip()
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------
+ @property
+ def api_host(self):
+ "The host name or address providing the PowerDNS API."
+ return self._api_host
+ @api_host.setter
+ def api_host(self, value):
+ if value is None or str(value).strip() == '':
+ raise PpPDNSAppError("Invalid API host {!r} given.".format(value))
+ self._api_host = str(value).strip().lower()
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------
+ @property
+ def api_port(self):
+ "The TCP port number of the PowerDNS API."
+ return self._api_port
+ @api_port.setter
+ def api_port(self, value):
+ v = int(value)
+ if v < 1:
+ raise PpPDNSAppError("Invalid API port {!r} given.".format(value))
+ self._api_port = v
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------
+ @property
+ def api_servername(self):
+ "The (virtual) name of the PowerDNS server used in API calls."
+ return self._api_servername
+ @api_servername.setter
+ def api_servername(self.value):
+ if value is None or str(value).strip() == '':
+ raise PpPDNSAppError("Invalid API server name {!r} given.".format(value))
+ self._api_servername = str(value).strip()
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------
+ @property
+ def user_agent(self):
+ "The name of the user agent used in API calls."
+ return self._user_agent
+ @user_agent.setter
+ def user_agent(self.value):
+ if value is None or str(value).strip() == '':
+ raise PpPDNSAppError("Invalid user agent {!r} given.".format(value))
+ self._user_agent = str(value).strip()
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------
+ @property
+ def environment(self):
+ "The name of the PowerDNS environment."
+ return self._environment
+ @environment.setter
+ def environment(self, value):
+ if value is None:
+ raise PpPDNSAppError("Invalid environment None given.")
+ v = str(value).strip().lower()
+ if v not in self.api_keys.keys():
+ raise PpPDNSAppError("Invalid environment {!r} given.".format(value))
+ self._environment = v
+ self._api_host = self.api_hosts[v]
+ self._api_key = self.api_keys[v]
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def as_dict(self, short=True):
+ """
+ Transforms the elements of the object into a dict
+ @param short: don't include local properties in resulting dict.
+ @type short: bool
+ @return: structure as dict
+ @rtype: dict
+ """
+ res = super(PpPDNSApplication, self).as_dict(short=short)
+ res['api_host'] = self.api_host
+ res['api_hosts'] = copy.copy(self.api_hosts)
+ res['api_key'] = self.api_key
+ res['api_keys'] = copy.copy(self.api_keys)
+ res['api_port'] = self.api_port
+ res['api_servername'] = self.api_servername
+ res['default_api_servername'] = self.default_api_servername
+ res['default_api_port'] = self.default_api_port
+ res['environment'] = self.environment
+ res['user_agent'] = self.user_agent
+ return res
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def init_arg_parser(self):
+ """
+ Method to initiate the argument parser.
+ This method should be explicitely called by all init_arg_parser()
+ methods in descendant classes.
+ """
+ super(PpPDNSApplication, self).init_arg_parser()
+ pdns_group = self.arg_parser.add_argument_group('PowerDNS API options')
+ env_group = pdns_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ env_group.add_argument(
+ '-E', '--env', '--environment',
+ metavar="ENVIRONMENT", choices=self.api_keys.keys().sort(), dest="env",
+ help=(
+ "Select, which PowerDNS environment to use. "
+ "Valid values: {v}, default: {d!r}.".format(
+ v=', '.join(map(lambda x: repr(x), self.api_keys.keys().sort())),
+ d='global'))
+ )
+ env_group.add_argument(
+ '-G', '--global',
+ action='store_true', dest="env_global",
+ help=("Using the 'global' PowerDNS environment."),
+ )
+ env_group.add_argument(
+ '-L', '--local',
+ action='store_true', dest="env_local",
+ help=("Using the 'local' PowerDNS environment."),
+ )
+ env_group.add_argument(
+ '-P', '--public',
+ action='store_true', dest="env_public",
+ help=("Using the 'public' PowerDNS environment."),
+ )
+ pdns_group.add_argument(
+ '-p', '--port',
+ metavar="PORT", type=int, dest='api_port', default=self.default_api_port,
+ help=("Which port to connect to PowerDNS API, default: {}.".format(self.default_api_port)),
+ )
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def perform_arg_parser(self):
+ """
+ Public available method to execute some actions after parsing
+ the command line parameters.
+ """
+ if self.args.env:
+ self.environment = self.args.env
+ elif self.args.env_global:
+ self.environment = 'global'
+ elif self.args.env_local:
+ self.environment = 'local'
+ elif self.args.env_public:
+ self.environment = 'public'
+ if self.args.api_port:
+ self.api_port = self.args.api_port
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def pre_run(self):
+ """
+ Dummy function to run before the main routine.
+ Could be overwritten by descendant classes.
+ """
+ if self.verbose > 1:
+ LOG.debug("executing pre_run() ...")
+ super(PpPDNSApplication, self).pre_run()
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _run(self):
+ """
+ Dummy function as main routine.
+ MUST be overwritten by descendant classes.
+ """
+ LOG.debug("Executing nothing ...")
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def post_run(self):
+ """
+ Dummy function to run after the main routine.
+ Could be overwritten by descendant classes.
+ """
+ if self.verbose > 1:
+ LOG.debug("executing post_run() ...")
+# =============================================================================
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ pass
+# =============================================================================
+# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 list