--- /dev/null
+- name: "Clean all RUVs for Replication ID {{ target_replica_id }} on suffix '{{ suffix }}' ..."
+ ansible.builtin.shell: "dsconf '{{ slapd_instance }}' repl-tasks cleanallruv --suffix '{{ suffix }}' --replica-id={{ target_replica_id }}"
+ ignore_errors: true
+- name: "Get the result of cleaning RUVs on suffix '{{ suffix }}' ..."
+ ansible.builtin.shell: "dsconf '{{ slapd_instance }}' repl-tasks list-cleanruv-tasks --suffix '{{ suffix }}'"
+ register: list_cleanruv_tasks_results
+ ignore_errors: true
+ check_mode: false
+ changed_when: false
+- name: "Show current list_cleanruv_tasks_results for suffix '{{ suffix }}'."
+ debug:
+ msg: "{{ list_cleanruv_tasks_results.stdout }}"
+ verbosity: 0
+# vim: filetype=yaml