<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="evolution">
+ <entry name="last_version">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Zuletzt aktualisierte Konfigurationsversion">
+ <longdesc>Die zuletzt aktualisierte Konfigurationsversion von Evolution mit Haupt-, Unter- und Konfigurations-Stufe (z.B. »2.6.0«).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="version">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Konfigurationsversion">
+ <longdesc>Die Konfigurationsversion von Evolution mit Haupt-, Unter- und Konfigurations-Stufe (z.B. »2.6.0«).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="shell">
+ <entry name="express_mode">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Express-Modus aktivieren">
+ <longdesc>Markierung, die eine deutlich vereinfachte Benutzerschnittstelle aktiviert.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="start_offline">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Im Offline-Modus starten">
+ <longdesc>Soll Evolution im Offline- statt im Online-Modus gestartet werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="file_chooser_folder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ausgangsordner des Dateiwählers">
+ <longdesc>Ausgangsordner des GtkFileChooser-Dialogs.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attachment_view">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Erstmalige Anlagenansicht">
+ <longdesc>Initiale Ansicht der Widgets in der Anlagenleiste. »0« bedeutet Symbolansicht, »1« Listenansicht</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="skip_warning_dialog">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Entwicklungs-Warndialog nicht anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Soll der Warndialog in Evolution-Entwicklerversionen nicht angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="network_config">
+ <entry name="autoconfig_url">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Adresse für automatische Proxy-Konfiguration">
+ <longdesc>Adresse, unter der Werte für die Proxy-Konfigration vorliegen</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="ignore_hosts">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nicht-Proxy-Rechner">
+ <longdesc>Dieser Schlüssel enthält eine Liste der Rechnernamen, zu denen direkt verbunden wird, ohne Umweg über einen Proxy (falls einer aktiv ist). Gültige Werte sind Rechnernamen, Domänen (unter Verwendung eines Platzhalters am Anfang wie *.example.com), IP-Adressen (sowohl IPv4 als auch IPv6) sowie Netzwerk-Adressen mit einer Netzmaske (z.B.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="authentication_password">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Passwort für HTTP-Proxy">
+ <longdesc>Zur Legitimation verwendetes Passwort für HTTP-Proxy</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="authentication_user">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Benutzername für HTTP-Proxy">
+ <longdesc>Benutzername für Legitimation an HTTP-Proxy</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_authentication">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Verbindungen zum Proxy-Server legitimieren">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob Verbindungen zum Proxy-Server legitimiert werden müssen. Der Benutzername wird aus dem Schlüssel »/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/authentication_user« geholt, das Passwort entweder aus dem GNOME-Schlüsselbund oder der Passwortdatei unter ~/.gnome2_private/Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_http_proxy">
+ <local_schema short_desc="HTTP-Proxy verwenden">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob Zugriffe per HTTP und sicheres HTTP über einen Proxy laufen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="socks_host">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Rechnername für SOCKS-Proxy">
+ <longdesc>Der Rechnername des Proxys, durch den SOCKS-Anfragen geleitet werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="socks_port">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Port für SOCKS-Proxy">
+ <longdesc>Der Port des in »/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/socks_host« festgelegten Proxys.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="secure_host">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Rechnername für sicheren HTTP-Proxy">
+ <longdesc>Der Rechnername des Proxys, durch den sichere HTTP-Anfragen geleitet werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="secure_port">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Port für sicheren HTTP-Proxy">
+ <longdesc>Der Port des in »/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/secure_host« festgelegten Proxys.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="http_host">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Rechnername für HTTP-Proxy">
+ <longdesc>Der Rechnername des Proxys, durch den HTTP-Anfragen geleitet werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="http_port">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Port für HTTP-Proxy">
+ <longdesc>Der Port des in »/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/http_host» festgelegten Proxys.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="proxy_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Proxy-Konfigurationsmodus">
+ <longdesc>Legt den Proxy-Konfigurationsmodus fest. Mögliche Werte sind 0 (Systemeinstellungen verwenden), 1 (kein Proxy), 2 (manuelle Proxy-Konfiguration) sowie 3 (automatische Proxy-Konfiguration über Adresse)</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="view_defaults">
+ <entry name="component_id">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kennung oder Alias der Komponente, die per Vorgabe beim Start angezeigt werden soll.">
+ <longdesc>Kennung oder Alias der Komponente, die per Vorgabe beim Start angezeigt werden soll.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="statusbar_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Statusleiste ist sichtbar">
+ <longdesc>Soll die Statusleiste angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sidebar_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Seitenleiste anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Soll die Seitenleiste angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toolbar_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Werkzeugleiste anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Soll die Werkzeugleiste angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="buttons_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Fensterknopfstil">
+ <longdesc>Der Stil der Fensterknöpfe. Mögliche Einstellungen sind »text«, »icons«, »both« und »toolbar«. Wenn »toolbar« gesetzt wurde, wird der Stil anhand der GNOME-Einstellungen festgelegt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="buttons_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Fensterknöpfe sind sichtbar">
+ <longdesc>Sollen die Fensterknöpfe angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Voreingestellter Fensterzustand">
+ <longdesc>Soll das Fenster maximiert werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Voreingestellte Fensterhöhe">
+ <longdesc>Die voreingestellte Höhe des Hauptfensters in Pixel.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Voreingestellte Fensterbreite">
+ <longdesc>Die voreingestellte Breite des Hauptfensters in Pixel.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_x">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorgegebene X-Koordinate">
+ <longdesc>Die vorgegebene X-Koordinate des Hauptfensters.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_y">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorgegebene X-Koordinate">
+ <longdesc>Die vorgegebene Y-Koordinate des Hauptfensters.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="folder_bar">
+ <entry name="width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Voreingestellte Seitenleistenbreite">
+ <longdesc>Die voreingestellte Breite der Seitenleiste in Pixel.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="offline">
+ <entry name="folder_paths">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste der Pfade für Ordner, die für eine Offline-Benutzung auf der Platte abgeglichen werden sollen">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="addressbook">
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="show_preview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorschaufeld anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Soll das Vorschaufeld angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Position des Vorschaufensters der Kontaktliste (vertikal)">
+ <longdesc>Position des Vorschaufeldes der Kontaktliste bei vertikaler Anordnung.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Position des Vorschaufensters der Kontaktliste (horizontal)">
+ <longdesc>Position des Vorschaufeldes der Kontaktliste bei horizontaler Anordnung.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="layout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Anordnung für Kontakte">
+ <longdesc>Die Anordnung legt fest, wo die Vorschauleiste in Bezug auf die Kontaktliste angezeigt wird. »0« (klassische Ansicht) setzt die Vorschauleiste unter die Kontaktliste. »1« (vertikale Ansicht) setzt die Vorschauleiste neben die Kontaktliste. </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="select_names">
+ <entry name="last_used_uri">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Adresse des zuletzt im Namenswähler verwendeten Ordners">
+ <longdesc>Adresse des zuletzt im Namenswähler verwendeten Ordners.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="completion">
+ <entry name="show_address">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Legt fest, ob der automatisch vervollständigte Name mit Adresse angezeigt wird">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob die E-Mail-Adresse zusammen mit dem Namen des automatisch vervollständigten Kontakts im Eintrag angezeigt wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="minimum_query_length">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Auto-Vervollständigungslänge">
+ <longdesc>Die Anzahl der Zeichen, die eingegeben werden müssen, bevor Evolution die Auto-Vervollständigung versucht.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="uris">
+ <local_schema short_desc="EFolderList-XML für die Liste der Vervollständigungs-URIs">
+ <longdesc>EFolderList-XML für die Liste der Vervollständigungs-URIs.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="calendar">
+ <entry name="audio_dir">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Speichern des Ordners für die Alarm-Audiodateien">
+ <longdesc>Ordner für das Speichern der Alarm-Audiodateien</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="publish">
+ <entry name="template">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorlage-Adresse für Verfügbarkeitsdaten">
+ <longdesc>Die Adress-Vorlage zur Verwendung als Rückgriff auf Verfügbarkeitsdaten. »%u« wird durch den Benutzerteil der E-Mail-Adresse und »%d« durch die Domain ersetzt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="uris">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Verfügbarkeits-Server-Adressen">
+ <longdesc>Liste der Server-Adressen für die Veröffentlichung von Verfügbarkeitsinformationen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="notify">
+ <entry name="notify_with_tray">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Alarmausgaben im Benachrichtigungsfeld anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Soll das Benachrichtigungsfeld für Alarmausgaben verwendet werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="programs">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Alarmprogramme">
+ <longdesc>Programme, die als Teil von Alarmen ausgeführt werden können.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="calendars">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kalender, für die Alarme ausgeführt werden sollen">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="last_notification_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Letzte Alarmzeit">
+ <longdesc>Zeit der letzten Alarmauslösung im »time_t«-Format.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="other">
+ <entry name="def_recur_count">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Voreingestellte Anzahl an Wiederholungen">
+ <longdesc>Anzahl vorgegebener Wiederholungen für ein neues Ereignis. »-1« bedeutet unbegrenzt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_reminder_units">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Einheit der voreingestellten Erinnerung">
+ <longdesc>Einheit für eine voreingestellte Erinnerung (»minutes«, »hours« oder »days«).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_reminder_interval">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Wert der voreingestellten Erinnerung">
+ <longdesc>Anzahl der Einheiten zur Festlegung einer voreingestellten Erinnerung.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_default_reminder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Voreingestellte Erinnerung für Termine">
+ <longdesc>Soll eine voreingestellte Erinnerung für Termine festgelegt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="prompts">
+ <entry name="confirm_purge">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Beim Säubern nachfragen">
+ <longdesc>Soll beim Säubern von Terminen oder Aufgaben nachgefragt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="confirm_delete">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Beim Löschen von Objekten nachfragen">
+ <longdesc>Soll beim Löschen von Terminen oder Aufgaben nachgefragt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="tasks">
+ <entry name="hide_completed_value">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Wert für das Verbergen von Aufgaben">
+ <longdesc>Anzahl der Einheiten zur Festlegung, wann Aufgaben verborgen werden sollen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_completed_units">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Einheit für das Verbergen von Aufgaben">
+ <longdesc>Einheit zur Festlegung, wann Aufgaben verborgen werden sollen (»minutes«, »hours« oder »days«).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_completed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Erledigte Aufgaben verbergen">
+ <longdesc>Sollen abgeschlossene Aufgaben in der Aufgabenansicht verborgen werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="primary_tasks">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Primäre Aufgabenliste">
+ <longdesc>Adresse der hervorgehobenen (»primären«) Aufgabenliste</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="colors">
+ <entry name="overdue">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Farbe überfälliger Aufgaben">
+ <longdesc>Hintergrundfarbe für überfällige Aufgaben im Format »#rrggbb«.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="due_today">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Farbe heute fälliger Aufgaben">
+ <longdesc>Hintergrundfarbe für heute fällige Aufgaben im Format »#rrggbb«.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="memos">
+ <entry name="primary_memos">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Primäre Notizliste">
+ <longdesc>Adresse der hervorgehobenen (»primären«) Notizliste</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="error_level">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Protokolltyp, ab welchem die Nachricht protokolliert werden soll.">
+ <longdesc>Hier sind drei verschiedene Werte möglich: »0« für Fehler, »1« für Warnungen, »2« für Diagnosemeldungen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_timeout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Anzahl der Sekunden, die eine Fehlermeldung in der Statusleiste angezeigt wird.">
+ <longdesc>Anzahl der Sekunden, die eine Fehlermeldung in der Statusleiste angezeigt wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_scroll_by_week">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Monatsansicht wochenweise durchblättern">
+ <longdesc>Soll in der Monatsansicht wochenweise geblättert werden anstatt monatsweise?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_week_numbers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Wochennummern in Tagesansicht, Arbeitswochenansicht und Datumsnavigator anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Sollen die Wochennummern im Kalender an verschiedenen Stellen angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="events_gradient">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ereignisverlauf">
+ <longdesc>Verlauf der Ereignisse in der Kalenderansicht.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="events_transparency">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ereignistransparenz">
+ <longdesc>Transparenz der Ereignisse in der Kalenderansicht; ein Wert zwischen 0 (transparent) und 1 (deckend).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_color_timebar">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Farbe der Marcus-Bains-Linie - Zeitleiste">
+ <longdesc>Farbe der Marcus-Bains-Linie in der Zeitleiste (Voreinstellung ist leer).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_color_dayview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Farbe der Marcus-Bains-Linie - Tagesansicht">
+ <longdesc>Farbe der Marcus-Bains-Linie in der Tagesansicht.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_line">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Marcus-Bains-Linie">
+ <longdesc>Soll eine Marcus-Bains-Linie (Linie auf der momentanen Zeit) im Kalender angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="working_days">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Arbeitstage">
+ <longdesc>Die Tage, bei denen der Anfang und das Ende der Arbeitsstunden gekennzeichnet werden soll.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_event_end">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Endzeiten von Terminen in Wochen- und Monatsansichten anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Sollen die Endzeiten von Ereignissen in den Wochen- und Monatsansichten angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="compress_weekend">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Wochenenden in Monatsansicht komprimieren">
+ <longdesc>Sollen Wochenenden in der Monatsansicht komprimiert werden, wobei die Tage Sonnabend und Sonntag im Raum eines einzelnen Wochentages enthalten sind?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="task_vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Position der vertikalen Aufgabenvorschau">
+ <longdesc>Position des Aufgaben-Vorschaufeldes in vertikaler Anordnung.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="task_hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Position der horizontalen Aufgabenvorschau">
+ <longdesc>Position des Aufgaben-Vorschaufeldes in horizontaler Anordnung.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_task_preview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Das Aufgaben-Vorschaufeld anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Falls auf »wahr« gesetzt, wird die Aufgabenvorschau im Hauptfenster angezeigt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="task_layout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Anordnung für Aufgaben">
+ <longdesc>Die Anordnung legt fest, wo die Vorschauleiste in Bezug auf die Aufgabenliste angezeigt wird. »0« (klassische Ansicht) setzt die Vorschauleiste unter die Aufgabenliste. »1« (vertikale Ansicht) setzt die Vorschauleiste neben die Aufgabenliste. </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="memo_vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Position der vertikalen Notizvorschau">
+ <longdesc>Position des Notiz-Vorschaufeldes in vertikaler Anordnung.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="memo_hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Position der horizontalen Notizvorschau">
+ <longdesc>Position des Aufgaben-Vorschaufeldes in horizontaler Anordnung.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_memo_preview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Das Notiz-Vorschaufeld anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Falls auf »wahr« gesetzt, wird die Notizvorschau im Hauptfenster angezeigt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="memo_layout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Stil der Notiz">
+ <longdesc>Die Anordnung legt fest, wo die Vorschauleiste in Bezug auf die Notizliste angezeigt wird. »0« (klassische Ansicht) setzt die Vorschauleiste unter die Notizliste. »1« (vertikale Ansicht) setzt die Vorschauleiste neben die Notizliste. </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="date_navigator_pane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Position der vertikalen Schiebeleiste in der Monatsansicht">
+ <longdesc>Die Position der vertikalen Leiste zwischen der Kalenderliste und dem Datumsauswahl-Kalender.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Position der vertikalen Schiebeleiste in der Monatsansicht">
+ <longdesc>Die Position der vertikalen Schiebeleiste zwischen der Ansicht, dem Datumsnavigator-Kalender und der Aufgabenliste in Pixel, wenn die Monatsansicht eingestellt ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Position der horizontalen Schiebeleiste in der Monatsansicht">
+ <longdesc>Die Position der horizontalen Schiebeleiste zwischen der Ansicht, dem Datumsnavigator-Kalender und der Aufgabenliste in Pixel, wenn die Monatsansicht eingestellt ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Position der vertikalen Schiebeleiste">
+ <longdesc>Die Position der vertikalen Schiebeleiste zwischen der Ansicht, dem Datumsnavigator-Kalender und der Aufgabenliste in Pixel, wenn keine Monatsansicht eingestellt ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Position der horizontalen Schiebeleiste">
+ <longdesc>Die Position der horizontalen Schiebeleiste zwischen dem Kalender zur Auswahl des Datums und der Aufgabenliste in Pixel, wenn keine Monatsansicht eingestellt ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="time_divisions">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Zeiteinteilungen">
+ <longdesc>In der Tages- und Wochentagsansicht anzuzeigende Intervalle in Minuten.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_end_minute">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Minute, zu der der Arbeitstag endet">
+ <longdesc>Die Minute von 0 bis 59, zu der der Arbeitstag endet.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_end_hour">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Stunde, zu der der Arbeitstag endet">
+ <longdesc>Die Stunde im 24-Stunden-Format von 0 bis 23, an der ein Arbeitstag endet.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_start_minute">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Minute, zu der der Arbeitstag beginnt">
+ <longdesc>Die Minute von 0 bis 59, zu der der Arbeitstag beginnt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_start_hour">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Stunde, zu der der Arbeitstag beginnt">
+ <longdesc>Die Stunde im 24-Stunden-Format von 0 bis 23, an der ein Arbeitstag beginnt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="week_start_day">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Wochenanfang">
+ <longdesc>Wochentag von Sonntag (»0«) bis Sonnabend (»6«), mit dem die Woche beginnt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_categories">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kategoriefeld im Ereignis-/Aufgaben-/Besprechungseditor anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Soll das Kategoriefeld im Ereignis-/Besprechungseditor angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_timezone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Zeitzonenfeld im Ereignis-/Besprechungseditor anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Soll das Zeitzonenfeld im Ereignis-/Besprechungseditor angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_rsvp">
+ <local_schema short_desc="UAwg-Feld im Ereignis-/Aufgaben-/Besprechungseditor anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Soll das UAwg-Feld im Ereignis-/Aufgaben-/Besprechungseditor angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Artenfeld im Ereignis-/Aufgaben-/Besprechungseditor anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Soll das Artenfeld im Ereignis-/Aufgaben-/Besprechungseditor angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_status">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Statusfeld im Ereignis-/Aufgaben-/Besprechungseditor anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Soll das Statusfeld im Ereignis-/Aufgaben-/Besprechungseditor angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_role">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Positionsfeld im Ereignis-/Aufgaben-/Besprechungseditor anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Soll das Positionsfeld im Ereignis-/Aufgaben-/Besprechungseditor angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_24hour_format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="24-Stunden-Zeitformat">
+ <longdesc>Sollen Zeiten im 24-Stunden- und nicht im 12-Stunden-Format angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zones_max">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Höchstzahl der zuletzt genutzten gespeicherten Zeitzonen.">
+ <longdesc>Höchstzahl der zuletzt genutzten gespeicherten Zeitzonen in der Liste »day_second_zones«.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zones">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Zuletzt genutzte zweite Zeitzonen in der Tagesansicht">
+ <longdesc>Liste der zuletzt genutzten zweiten Zeitzonen in der Tagesansicht.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Die zweite Zeitzone für die Tagesansicht">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob die zweite Zeitzone in der Tagesansicht angezeigt wird, falls diese definiert ist. Der Schlüsselwert hat das gleiche Format wie der Schlüssel »timezone«.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_system_timezone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Zeitzone des Systems verwenden">
+ <longdesc>Die Zeitzone des Systems anstatt der in Evolution gewählten Zeitzone verwenden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="timezone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Zeitzone">
+ <longdesc>Die voreingestellte Zeitzone zur Verwendung für Datum und Zeit im Kalender als nicht übersetzter Ort der Olsen-Zeitzonendatenbank, z.B. »Europe/Berlin«.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="primary_calendar">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Primärer Kalender">
+ <longdesc>Adresse des hervorgehobenen (»primären«) Kalenders</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="eplugin">
+ <dir name="face">
+ <entry name="insert_by_default">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Porträtfoto standardmäßig einfügen">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob ein Porträtfoto in ausgehende Nachrichten eingefügt wird. Das Bild sollte eingerichtet werden, bevor diese Funktion aktiviert wird, ansonsten passiert nichts.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="mail-notification">
+ <entry name="sound-use-theme">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Klangthema verwenden">
+ <longdesc>Das beim Eintreffen neuer Nachrichten zum Abspielen verwendete Klangthema, falls nicht im Signalton-Modus.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-file">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Name der abzuspielenden Klangdatei.">
+ <longdesc>Die beim Eintreffen neuer Nachrichten abzuspielende Klangdatei, falls nicht im Signalton-Modus.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-beep">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Signalton ausgeben oder Klangdatei abspielen.">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob beim Eintreffen neuer Nachrichten ein Signalton ausgegeben wird (»TRUE«) oder eine Klangdatei abgespielt wird (»FALSE«).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Beim Eintreffen neuer E-Mails Klang abspielen">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob eine Klangdatei abgespielt oder ein Signalton ausgegeben wird, wenn neue Nachrichten eintreffen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="status-notification">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Popup-Fenster zusammen mit dem Symbol anzeigen.">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob eine Popup-Nachricht zusammen mit dem Symbol angezeigt werden soll, wenn neue Nachrichten eintreffen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="status-enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Symbol im Benachrichtigungsfeld aktivieren.">
+ <longdesc>Symbol im Benachrichtigungsfeld beim Eintreffen neuer E-Mails anzeigen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="dbus-enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Aktiviert D-Bus-Nachrichten.">
+ <longdesc>Erzeugung einer D-Bus-Nachricht, wenn eine neue E-Mail eintrifft.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="notify-only-inbox">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nur über neue Nachrichten im Eingangsordner benachrichtigen.">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob nur über Nachrichten im Eingangsordner benachrichtigt werden soll.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="email_custom_header">
+ <entry name="customHeader">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste der benutzerdefinierten Kopfzeilen">
+ <longdesc>Diese Liste legt die benutzerdefinierten Kopfzeilen fest, die ausgehenden Nachrichten hinzugefügt werden können. Das Format für eine Kopfzeile und ihren Wert ist: Name der Kopfzeile gefolgt von »=« und die Werte, die durch ein Semikolon (»;«) getrennt werden</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="external-editor">
+ <entry name="launch-on-key-press">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Automatisch beim Bearbeiten einer neuen E-Mail starten">
+ <longdesc>Automatisch den Editor bei Tastendruck beim Verfassen einer Nachricht starten</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="editor-command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorgabe für externen Editor">
+ <longdesc>Der Befehl, der als Editor verwendet werden muss.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="mail">
+ <entry name="template_placeholders">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste der Schlüsselwort/Wert-Paare, die das Vorlagen-Plugin im Nachrichtentext ersetzen soll.">
+ <longdesc>Liste der Schlüsselwort/Wert-Paare, die das Vorlagen-Plugin im Nachrichtentext ersetzen soll.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sync_interval">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Intervall für Datenabgleich mit Servern">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, wie oft lokale Änderungen mit dem entfernen Mail-Server abgeglichen werden. Der Intervall muss mindestens 30 Sekunden betragen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Breite des Fensters »Editor für Suchordner«">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, wie breit des Fenster »Editor für Suchordner« ist. Der Wert ändert sich, wenn der Benutzer das Fenster horizontal vergrößert.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Maximierungs-Status des Fensters »Editor für Suchordner«">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob das Fenster »Editor für Suchordner« maximiert ist. Der Wert ändert sich, wenn der Benutzer das Fenster maximiert oder wiederherstellt. Hinweis: dieser Schlüssel wird von Evolution nicht verwendet, da das Fenster nicht maximiert werden kann. Dieser Schlüssel existiert nur als Implementierungsdetail.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Höhe des Fensters »Editor für Suchordner«">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, wie hoch das Fenster »Editor für Suchordner« ist. Der Wert ändert sich, wenn der Benutzer das Fenster vertikal vergrößert.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Weite des Fensters »E-Mails verschicken und abrufen«">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, wie breit des Fenster »E-Mails verschicken und empfangen« ist. Der Wert ändert sich, wenn der Benutzer das Fenster horizontal vergrößert.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Maximierungs-Status des Fensters »E-Mails verschicken und abrufen«">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob das Fenster »E-Mails verschicken und abrufen« maximiert ist. Der Wert ändert sich, wenn der Benutzer das Fenster maximiert oder wiederherstellt. Hinweis: dieser Schlüssel wird von Evolution nicht verwendet, da das Fenster nicht maximiert werden kann. Dieser Schlüssel existiert nur als Implementierungsdetail.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Höhe des Fensters »E-Mails verschicken und abrufen«">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, wie hoch das Fenster »E-Mails verschicken und abrufen« ist. Der Wert ändert sich, wenn der Benutzer das Fenster vertikal vergrößert.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Breite des Fensters »Filtereditor«">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, wie breit des Fenster »Filtereditor« anfänglich ist. Der Wert ändert sich, wenn der Benutzer das Fenster horizontal vergrößert.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Maximierungs-Status des Fensters »Filtereditor«">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob das Fenster »Filtereditor« anfänglich maximiert ist. Der Wert ändert sich, wenn der Benutzer das Fenster maximiert oder wiederherstellt. Hinweis: dieser Schlüssel wird von Evolution nicht verwendet, da das Fenster nicht maximiert werden kann. Dieser Schlüssel existiert nur als Implementierungsdetail.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Höhe des Fensters »Filtereditor«">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, wie hoch das Fenster »Filtereditor« anfänglich ist. Der Wert ändert sich, wenn der Benutzer das Fenster vertikal vergrößert.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="save_dir">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ordner speichern">
+ <longdesc>Ordner zum Speichern der E-Mailkomponenten-Dateien.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="licenses">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste akzeptierter Lizenzen">
+ <longdesc>Liste der Protokollnamen, deren Lizenzen akzeptiert wurden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="accounts">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kontenliste">
+ <longdesc>Liste der Konten, die Evolutions E-Mail-Komponente bekannt sind. Die Liste enthält Zeichenketten, die Unterordner relativ zu »/apps«/evolution/mail/accounts« angeben.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_account">
+ <local_schema short_desc="UID-Zeichenkette für das Vorgabekonto.">
+ <longdesc>UID-Zeichenkette für das Vorgabekonto.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="labels">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste mit Beschriftungen und damit assoziierter Farben">
+ <longdesc>Liste der Beschriftungen, die Evolutions E-Mail-Komponenete bekannt sind. Die Liste enthält Zeichenketten der Form Name:Farbe, wobei die Farbe als HTML-Hextriplet anzugeben ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nachrichtenbrowser ist maximiert">
+ <longdesc>Der vorgegebene Maximierungsstatus des Nachrichtenbrowserfensters.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Höhe des Nachrichtenbrowsers">
+ <longdesc>Die voreingestellte Höhe des Nachrichtenbrowserfensters.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Breite des Nachrichtenbrowsers">
+ <longdesc>Die voreingestellte Breite des Nachrichtenbrowserfensters.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attachment_reminder_clues">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste der Begriffe, nach denen die Anlagenerinnerung im Text der Nachricht sucht">
+ <longdesc>Liste der Begriffe, nach denen die Anlagenerinnerung im Text der Nachricht sucht</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="trash">
+ <entry name="empty_date">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Letzte Müllleerung">
+ <longdesc>Die Zeit seit der letzten Müllleerung in Tagen seit dem 01.01.1970.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit_days">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Minimale Anzahl der Tage zwischen dem Leeren des Mülls beim Beenden">
+ <longdesc>Minimale Anzahl der Tage zwischen dem Leeren des Mülls beim Beenden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Müllordner beim Beenden leeren">
+ <longdesc>Alle Müllordner beim Beenden von Evolution leeren.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="prompts">
+ <entry name="checkdefault">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Überprüfen, ob Evolution die Vorgabeanwendung zur E-Mail-Verwaltung ist">
+ <longdesc>Bei jedem Start überprüfen, ob Evolution die Vorgabeanwendung zur E-Mail-Verwaltung ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="reply_many_recips">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Beim Antworten an viele Empfänger nachfragen">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob der Benutzer wiederholt gewarnt werden soll, dass er eine Anwort an viele Personen versendet.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="list_reply_to">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nachfragen, wenn Mailinglisten versuchen private Antworten an die Liste umzuleiten">
+ <longdesc>Dadurch werden die wiederholten Warnhinweise aktiviert oder deaktiviert, welche erscheinen, wenn Sie auf eine über eine Mailingliste erhaltene Nachricht an den privaten Absender antworten wollen, aber die »Antwort an«-Kopfzeile die Antwort normalerweise an die Mailingliste leiten würde.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="private_list_reply">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bei privater Antwort auf Listennachrichten nachfragen">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob der Benutzer wiederholt gewarnt werden soll, dass er eine private Antwort auf eine Nachricht versendet, die über eine Mailingliste eingegangen ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="delete_in_vfolder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nachfrage beim Löschen von Nachrichten in Suchordner">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob der Benutzer gewarnt werden soll, dass das Löschen einer Nachricht in einem Suchordner die Nachricht wirklich löscht und nicht nur aus den Suchergebnissen entfernt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_all_read">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Anzeigen wenn mehrere Nachrichten markiert werden">
+ <longdesc>Die Anzeige beim Markieren mehrerer Nachrichten ein-/ausschalten</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="open_many">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vor gleichzeitigem Öffnen von 10 oder mehr Nachrichten einen Hinweis anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Wenn ein Benutzer versucht, 10 oder mehr Nachrichten auf einmal zu öffnen, wird er gefragt, ob er es wirklich tun will.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unwanted_html">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Rückfragen, falls der Benutzer versucht, nicht erwünschtes HTML zu verschicken">
+ <longdesc>Beim Verschicken von HTML-Nachrichten an Kontakte, die keine wollen, nachfragen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="only_bcc">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Rückfragen, falls der Benutzer nur das Blindkopie-Feld ausfüllt">
+ <longdesc>Beim Verschicken von Nachrichten ohne An- und Kopie-Feld nachfragen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expunge">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Beim Säubern nachfragen">
+ <longdesc>Rückfragen, falls ein Benutzer versucht, einen Ordner zu säubern.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_subject">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bei leerem Betreff nachfragen">
+ <longdesc>Rückfragen, falls ein Benutzer versucht, eine Nachricht ohne Betreff zu verschicken.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="format">
+ <entry name="message_display_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Stil der Nachrichtenanzeige. Zulässige Werte: »normal« (normal), »full headers« (alle Kopfzeilen), »source« (Quelltext)">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="reply_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorgabe-Antwortstil">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="forward_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorgabe-Weiterleitungsstil">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="filters">
+ <entry name="flush-outbox">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nachrichtenausgang nach dem Filtern leeren">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest. ob der Nachrichtenausgang nach dem Filtern geleert werden soll. Das geschieht nur, wenn ein »Weiterleiten an«-Filtervorgang angewendet wurde, etwa eine Minute nach der letzten Aktion.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="logfile">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Protokolldatei für Filteraktionen">
+ <longdesc>Protokolldatei für Filteraktionen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="log">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Filteraktionen protokollieren">
+ <longdesc>Filteraktionen in der angegebenen Protokolldatei protokollieren.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="subscribe_window">
+ <entry name="height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Voreingestellte Höhe des Abonnementdialogs">
+ <longdesc>Die voreingestellte Höhe des Abonnementdialogs.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Voreingestellte Breite des Abonnementdialogs">
+ <longdesc>Die voreingestellte Breite des Abonnementdialogs.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="show_real_date">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Den originalen Wert der Kopfzeile »Datum« anzeigen.">
+ <longdesc>Den originalen Wert der Kopfzeile »Datum« anzeigen, mit einer lokalen Zeit, falls sich die Zeitzonen unterscheiden. Anderenfalls wird der Wert der Kopfzeile »Datum« in einem benutzerdefinierten Format und der lokalen Zeitzone dargestellt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_level">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Protokolltyp, ab welchem die Nachricht protokolliert werden soll.">
+ <longdesc>Hier sind drei verschiedene Werte möglich: »0« für Fehler, »1« für Warnungen, »2« für Diagnosemeldungen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_timeout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Anzahl der Sekunden, die eine Fehlermeldung in der Statusleiste angezeigt wird.">
+ <longdesc>Anzahl der Sekunden, die eine Fehlermeldung in der Statusleiste angezeigt wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_latest">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Threads nach der letzten Nachricht im jeweiligen Thread sortieren">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob Threads nach der letzten Nachricht in einem Thread sortiert werden sollen anstatt nach dem Datum der Nachricht. Evolution muss nach Ändern dieses Wertes hierfür neu gestartet werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_expand">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorgabewert, ob Threads ausgeklappt angezeigt werden sollen">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob Threads standardmäßig ausgeklappt oder eingeklappt dargestellt werden sollen. Evolution muss nach Ändern dieses Wertes hierfür neu gestartet werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_subject">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Die Nachrichtenliste themenbasiert nach Threads sortieren">
+ <longdesc>Auf Betreffbasis auf die Thread-Ordnung zurückgreifen, falls die Kopfzeilen einer Nachricht auf keine Referenznachricht verweisen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="address_count">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Anzahl der Adressen, die in den Empfängerfeldern (An/Kopie/Blindkopie( angezeigt werden">
+ <longdesc>Dies setzt die Anzahl der Adressen, die in der Standardansicht angezeigt werden, bevor »…« angezeigt wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="message_text_part_limit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Anzeigebegrenzung des Nachrichtentexts">
+ <longdesc>Dies bestimmt die maximale Größe des Textteils, der von Evolution formatiert wird, angegeben in kB. Die Vorgabe sind 4MB/4096kB. Dieser Wert wird nur dann verwendet, wenn der Schlüssel »force_message_limit« aktiviert ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="force_message_limit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nur Nachrichtentexte anzeigen, die eine bestimmte Größe nicht überschreiten">
+ <longdesc>Nur Nachrichtentexte anzeigen, welche die im Schlüssel »message_text_part_limit« angegebene Größe nicht übersteigen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="address_compress">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kürzen der Adressanzeige in den Empfängerfeldern (An/Kopie/Blindkopie)">
+ <longdesc>Die Anzeige der Adressen in den Empfängerfeldern (An/Kopie/Blindkopie) auf die im Schlüssel »address_count« angegebene Anzahl reduzieren.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="layout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Anordnung">
+ <longdesc>Die Anordnung legt fest, wo die Vorschauleiste in Bezug auf die Nachrichtenliste angezeigt wird. »0« (klassische Ansicht) setzt die Vorschauleiste unter die Nachrichtenliste. »1« (vertikale Ansicht) setzt die Vorschauleiste neben die Nachrichtenliste. </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpaned_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Breite der Nachrichtenliste">
+ <longdesc>Breite der Nachrichtenliste.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="paned_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Höhe des Nachrichtenlistenfelds">
+ <longdesc>Höhe des Nachrichtenlistenfelds.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="safe_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Deaktiviert das Vorschaufenster und entfernt die Auswahl">
+ <longdesc>Dieser Wert wird einmalig beim Aufruf von Evolution eingelesen und danach wieder auf den Vorgabewert »FALSCH« zurückgesetzt. Falls WAHR, so wird das Vorschaufenster für diesen Ordner nicht angezeigt und keine Auswahl in der Nachrichtenliste gesetzt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_vfolders">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Suchordner aktivieren">
+ <longdesc>Aktiviert die Suchordner beim Starten von Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_deleted">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Gelöschte Nachrichten in der Nachrichtenliste anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Gelöschte Nachrichten (durchgestrichen) in der Nachrichtenliste anzeigen</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_seen_timeout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Intervall zum Markieren von Nachrichten als gelesen">
+ <longdesc>Intervall zum Markieren von Nachrichten als gelesen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vertical_view_fonts">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Legt fest, ob die gleichen Schriften für die »Von«- und die »Betreff«-Zeile in der »Nachrichten«-Spalte der vertikalen Ansicht verwendet werden.">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob die gleichen Schriften für die »Von«- und die »Betreff«-Zeile in der »Nachrichten«-Spalte der vertikalen Ansicht verwendet werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_email">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Spalte mit der E-Mail-Adresse des Absenders in der Nachrichtenliste">
+ <longdesc>Zeigt die E-Mail-Adresse des Absenders in einer eigenen Spalte in der Nachrichtenliste an.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_seen">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nach angegebenem Intervall als gelesen markieren">
+ <longdesc>Nach angegebenem Intervall als gelesen markieren.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mime_types">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste der MIME-Typen, die auf Bonobo-Komponentenbetrachter hin überprüft werden sollen">
+ <longdesc>Falls es in Evolution keinen eingebauten Betrachter für einen bestimmten in dieser Liste vorhandenen MIME-Typ gibt, so wird der Inhalt mit einem in der GNOME-MIME-Datenbank verknüpften Bonobo-Komponentenbetrachter angezeigt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="photo_local">
+ <local_schema short_desc="In den lokalen Adressbüchern nach dem Foto des Absenders suchen">
+ <longdesc>Beschleunigt das Abrufen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sender_photo">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Foto des Absenders anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Fotos des Absenders in der Nachrichtenvorschau anzeigen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="headers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste der benutzerdefinierten Kopfzeilen und ihres Aktivierungszustands.">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_all_headers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Alle Nachrichtenköpfe anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Beim Anzeigen von Nachrichten alle Nachrichtenköpfe anzeigen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="animate_images">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Animationen anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Animierte Bilder als Animationen anzeigen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="load_http_images">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bilder für HTML-Nachrichten per HTTP laden">
+ <longdesc>Bilder von HTML-Nachrichten per HTTP(S) laden. Mögliche Werte sind: »0« - Niemals Bilder aus dem Netz laden, »1« - Bilder laden falls Absender im Adressbuch, »2« - Immer Bilder aus dem Netz laden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="charset">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorgabe-Zeichensatz beim Anzeigen von Nachrichten">
+ <longdesc>Vorgabe-Zeichensatz beim Anzeigen von Nachrichten.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="caret_mode">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Eingabezeiger aktivieren/deaktivieren">
+ <longdesc>Eingabezeiger aktivieren, so dass beim Lesen von E-Mails ein Cursor angezeigt wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="citation_colour">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hervorhebungsfarbe für Zitate">
+ <longdesc>Hervorhebungsfarbe für Zitate.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_citations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Zitate in der Nachrichtenvorschau kennzeichnen">
+ <longdesc>Zitate in der Nachrichtenvorschau kennzeichnen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="global_view_setting">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ähnliche Ansichten der Nachrichtenliste für alle Ordner aktivieren">
+ <longdesc>Ähnliche Ansichten der Nachrichtenliste für alle Ordner aktivieren.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_spacebar">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Magische Leertaste ein-/ausschalten">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob die Leertaste zum Blättern in der Nachrichtenvorschau, der Nachrichtenliste und den Ordnern benutzt werden soll.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="no_folder_dots">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Zu lange Ordnernamen in Seitenleiste abkürzen">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob zu lange Ordnernamen in der Seitenleiste abgekürzt werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="side_bar_search">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Schnellsuche an- oder abschalten">
+ <longdesc>Die Suchfunktion in der Seitenleiste einschalten für die interaktive Suche nach Ordnernamen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="animated_images">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bildanimationen anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Bewegte Bilder in HTML-Nachrichten einschalten. Viele Benutzer empfinden animierte Bilder als störend und bevorzugen, ein statisches Bild zu sehen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="fonts">
+ <entry name="use_custom">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Benutzerdefinierte Schriften verwenden">
+ <longdesc>Benutzerdefinierte Schriften zum Anzeigen von E-Mails verwenden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="monospace">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Terminal-Schrift">
+ <longdesc>Die zum Anzeigen von E-Mails verwendete Terminal-Schrift.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="variable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Schrift variabler Breite">
+ <longdesc>Die zum Anzeigen von E-Mails verwendete Schrift variabler Breite.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="composer">
+ <entry name="current_folder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorgabeordner für Anlagen im Nachrichteneditor">
+ <longdesc>Vorgabeordner für Anlagen im Nachrichteneditor.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="ignore_list_reply_to">
+ <local_schema short_desc="»Antwort an« der Mailingliste ignorieren">
+ <longdesc>Einige Mailinglisten legen eine »Antwort an«-Kopfzeile fest, damit Benutzer ihre Antworten an die Liste senden, auch wenn Sie Evolution anweisen, eine private Antwort zu senden. Wenn Sie diese Option auf »wahr« setzen, dann werden diese »Antwort an«-Kopfzeilen ignoriert, so dass Evolution genau das Gewünschte tut: Wenn Sie eine private Antwort senden wollen, wird privat geantwortet, wenn Sie »Antwort an Liste« wünschen, wird dies ausgeführt. Geregelt wird dieses Verhalten durch Vergleichen der Kopfzeilenfelder »Antwort an« und »Antwort an Liste«, sofern letzteres vorhanden ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Voreingestellte Höhe des Editorfensters">
+ <longdesc>Die voreingestellte Höhe des Editorfensters.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Voreingestellte Breite des Editorfensters">
+ <longdesc>Die voreingestellte Breite des Editorfensters.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="no_signature_delim">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kein Signaturtrennzeichen hinzufügen">
+ <longdesc>Setzen Sie dies auf »wahr«, wenn Sie kein beim Verfassen von Nachrichten kein Signaturtrennzeichen vor Ihre Signatur setzen wollen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="top_signature">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Beim Antworten eigene Signaturen an den Anfang stellen">
+ <longdesc>Benutzer streiten sich wo die Signatur beim Verfassen einer Antwort platziert werden soll. Dies legt fest, ob die Signatur zu Beginn oder am Ende der Nachricht platziert wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="outlook_filenames">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dateinamen wie Outlook und GMail kodieren">
+ <longdesc>Dateinamen in E-Mail-Kopfzeilen wie Outlook und GMail kodieren, damit sie Dateinamen mit Umlauten, die von Evolution verschickt wurden, korrekt darstellen. Beide ignorieren den Standard RFC 2231 und benutzen den inkorrekten Standard RFC 2047.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_post_reply_to">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Das Feld »Antwort an« beim Verfassen einer Nachricht an eine Newsgroup anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Das Feld »Antwort an« beim Verfassen einer Nachricht an eine Newsgroup anzeigen. Die Einstellung kann im Menü »Ansicht« beim Verfassen angepasst werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_post_from">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Das Feld »Von« beim Verfassen einer Nachricht an eine Newsgroup anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Das Feld »Von« beim Verfassen einer Nachricht an eine Newsgroup anzeigen. Die Einstellung kann im Menü »Ansicht« beim Verfassen angepasst werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_mail_reply_to">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Das Feld »Antwort an« beim Verfassen einer Nachricht anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Das Feld »Antwort an« beim Verfassen einer Nachricht anzeigen. Die Einstellung kann im Menü »Ansicht« beim Verfassen angepasst werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_mail_cc">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Das Feld »Kopie an« beim Verfassen einer Nachricht anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Das Feld »Kopie an« beim Verfassen einer Nachricht anzeigen. Die Einstellung kann im Menü »Ansicht« beim Verfassen angepasst werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_mail_bcc">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Das Feld »Blindkopie an« beim Verfassen einer Nachricht anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Das Feld »Blindkopie an« beim Verfassen einer Nachricht anzeigen. Die Einstellung kann im Menü »Ansicht« beim Verfassen angepasst werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="spell_languages">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Sprachen für Rechtschreibprüfung">
+ <longdesc>Liste der Sprach-Codes der Wörterbücher, die für die Rechtschreibprüfung verwendet werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="spell_color">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Farbe für Rechtschreibprüfung">
+ <longdesc>Farbe für falsch geschriebene Wörter während der Eingabe</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_html">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Per Vorgabe HTML-E-Mails verschicken?">
+ <longdesc>Per Vorgabe HTML-E-Mails verschicken?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="request_receipt">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Lesebestätigung immer anfordern">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob die Anforderung einer Lesebestätigung standardmäßig zu jeder Nachricht hinzugefügt wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="reply_start_bottom">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Beim Antworten auf Mails unten mit dem Schreiben beginnen">
+ <longdesc>Benutzer streiten sich, wo die Eingabemarke beim Verfassen einer Antwort platziert werden soll. Dies legt fest, ob die Marke zu Beginn oder am Ende der Nachricht platziert wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="group_reply_to_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Gruppenantwort wird an Mailingliste geleitet">
+ <longdesc>Anstelle des normalen »Antwort an«-Verhaltens löst mit dieser Option der Werkzeugleistenknopf »Antwort an Gruppe« eine Antwort nur an die Mailingliste aus, über die Sie die Nachricht erhalten haben, auf die Sie antworten wollen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_smileys">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Automatische Emoticon-Erkennung">
+ <longdesc>Emoticons im Text erkennen und durch Bilder ersetzen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_links">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Automatische Link-Erkennung">
+ <longdesc>Links im Text erkennen und ersetzen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="inline_spelling">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Rechtschreibprüfung an Ort und Stelle">
+ <longdesc>Indikatoren für Rechtschreibfehler bei der Eingabe zeichnen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="charset">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorgabe-Zeichensatz beim Verfassen von Nachrichten">
+ <longdesc>Vorgabe-Zeichensatz beim Verfassen von Nachrichten.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="junk">
+ <entry name="custom_header">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Benutzerdefinierte Kopfzeilen, die für die Prüfung auf Unerwünschtheit genutzt werden.">
+ <longdesc>Benutzerdefinierte Kopfzeilen, die für die Prüfung auf Unerwünschtheit genutzt werden.Das Format ist »Kopfzeilenname=Wert« im GConf-Schlüssel.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="check_custom_header">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Legt fest, ob benutzerdefinierte Kopfzeilen für die Unerwünscht-Prüfung benutzt werden sollen">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob benutzerdefinierte Kopfzeilen für die Prüfung auf Unerwünschtheit benutzt werden sollen. Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist und eine angegebene Kopfzeile auftritt, so wird hierdurch die Prüfung auf Unerwünschtheit beschleunigt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="lookup_addressbook_local_only">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Legt fest, ob nur in lokalen Adressbüchern nach der E-Mail-Adresse des Absenders für das Filtern unerwünschter Nachrichten gesucht wird">
+ <longdesc>Diese Option bezieht sich auf den Schlüssel »lookup_addressbook« und legt fest, ob Adressen im lokalen Adressbuch gesucht werden um sicherzustellen, dass E-Mails von Bekannten nicht als unerwünscht markiert werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="lookup_addressbook">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Legt fest, ob im Adressbuch nach der E-Mail-Adresse des Absenders gesucht wird">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob im Adressbuch nach der E-Mail-Adresse des Absenders gesucht wird. Falls die Adresse gefunden wird, so ist die E-Mail nicht unerwünscht. Es wird nur in Adressbüchern gesucht, die für Auto-Vervollständigung markiert sind. Diese Funktion kann langsam sein falls entfernte Adressbücher (wie LDAP) für die Auto-Vervollständigung aktiviert sind.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_plugin">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorgabe-Plugin für die Unerwünscht-Erkennung">
+ <longdesc>Dies ist das Vorgabe-Unerwünscht-Plugin, auch falls mehrere Plugins aktiviert sind. Falls das als Vorgabe aufgelistete Plugin deaktiviert ist, so wird nicht auf eines der anderen Plugins zurückgegriffen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_date">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Letzte Leerung des Unerwünscht-Ordners">
+ <longdesc>Die Zeit seit der letzten Unerwünscht-Ordner-Leerung in Tagen seit dem 01.01.1970.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit_days">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Minimale Anzahl der Tage zwischen dem Leeren des Unerwünscht-Ordners beim Beenden">
+ <longdesc>Minimale Anzahl der Tage zwischen dem Leeren des Unerwünscht-Ordners beim Beenden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Unerwünscht-Ordner beim Beenden leeren">
+ <longdesc>Alle Unerwünscht-Ordner beim Beenden von Evolution leeren.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="check_incoming">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Eingehende E-Mails daraufhin überprüfen, ob sie unerwünscht sind">
+ <longdesc>Unerwünscht-Test auf eingehende E-Mails anwenden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="sa">
+ <entry name="use_daemon">
+ <local_schema short_desc="SpamAssassin-Daemon und -Client verwenden">
+ <longdesc>SpamAssassin-Daemon und -Client verwenden (spamc/spamd).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="local_only">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ausschließlich lokale Spam-Tests verwenden.">
+ <longdesc>Ausschließlich lokale Spam-Tests verwenden (kein DNS).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="bogofilter">
+ <entry name="unicode">
+ <local_schema short_desc="E-Mails nach Unicode konvertieren">
+ <longdesc>E-Mail-Text in Unicode/UTF-8 umwandeln, um die unerwünschten Elemente aus verschiedenen Zeichenkodierungen einheitlich zu erkennen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="gnome-session">
<dir name="options">
<entry name="logout_prompt">
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Eine Beschreibung des Audio-Profils">
- <longdesc>Eine Profilbeschreibung, die weitere Informationen enthält und beschreibt, wann dieses Profil eingesetzt werden sollte.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Ein Kurzname für das Audio-Profil">
- <longdesc>Ein kurzer Name für das Audio-Profil, der zum Auswählen verwendet wird und das Profil eindeutig identifiziert.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Eine Beschreibung des Audio-Profils">
- <longdesc>Eine Profilbeschreibung, die weitere Informationen enthält und beschreibt, wann dieses Profil eingesetzt werden sollte.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Ein Kurzname für das Audio-Profil">
- <longdesc>Ein kurzer Name für das Audio-Profil, der zum Auswählen verwendet wird und das Profil eindeutig identifiziert.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Eine Beschreibung des Audio-Profils">
- <longdesc>Eine Profilbeschreibung, die weitere Informationen enthält und beschreibt, wann dieses Profil eingesetzt werden sollte.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Ein Kurzname für das Audio-Profil">
- <longdesc>Ein kurzer Name für das Audio-Profil, der zum Auswählen verwendet wird und das Profil eindeutig identifiziert.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Eine Beschreibung des Audio-Profils">
- <longdesc>Eine Profilbeschreibung, die weitere Informationen enthält und beschreibt, wann dieses Profil eingesetzt werden sollte.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Ein Kurzname für das Audio-Profil">
- <longdesc>Ein kurzer Name für das Audio-Profil, der zum Auswählen verwendet wird und das Profil eindeutig identifiziert.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Eine Beschreibung des Audio-Profils">
- <longdesc>Eine Profilbeschreibung, die weitere Informationen enthält und beschreibt, wann dieses Profil eingesetzt werden sollte.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Ein Kurzname für das Audio-Profil">
- <longdesc>Ein kurzer Name für das Audio-Profil, der zum Auswählen verwendet wird und das Profil eindeutig identifiziert.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Eine Beschreibung des Audio-Profils">
- <longdesc>Eine Profilbeschreibung, die weitere Informationen enthält und beschreibt, wann dieses Profil eingesetzt werden sollte.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Ein Kurzname für das Audio-Profil">
- <longdesc>Ein kurzer Name für das Audio-Profil, der zum Auswählen verwendet wird und das Profil eindeutig identifiziert.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Eine Beschreibung des Audio-Profils">
- <longdesc>Eine Profilbeschreibung, die weitere Informationen enthält und beschreibt, wann dieses Profil eingesetzt werden sollte.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Ein Kurzname für das Audio-Profil">
- <longdesc>Ein kurzer Name für das Audio-Profil, der zum Auswählen verwendet wird und das Profil eindeutig identifiziert.</longdesc>
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="evolution">
+ <entry name="last_version">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Last upgraded configuration version">
+ <longdesc>The last upgraded configuration version of Evolution, with major/minor/configuration level (for example "2.6.0").</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="version">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Configuration version">
+ <longdesc>The configuration version of Evolution, with major/minor/configuration level (for example "2.6.0").</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="shell">
+ <entry name="express_mode">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable express mode">
+ <longdesc>Flag that enables a much simplified user interface.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="start_offline">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Start in offline mode">
+ <longdesc>Whether Evolution will start up in offline mode instead of online mode.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="file_chooser_folder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Initial file chooser folder">
+ <longdesc>Initial folder for GtkFileChooser dialogues.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attachment_view">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Initial attachment view">
+ <longdesc>Initial view for attachment bar widgets. "0" is Icon View, "1" is List View.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="skip_warning_dialog">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Skip development warning dialogue">
+ <longdesc>Whether the warning dialogue in development versions of Evolution is skipped.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="network_config">
+ <entry name="autoconfig_url">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Automatic proxy configuration URL">
+ <longdesc>URL that provides proxy configuration values.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="ignore_hosts">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Non-proxy hosts">
+ <longdesc>This key contains a list of hosts which are connected to directly, rather than via the proxy (if it is active). The values can be hostnames, domains (using an initial wildcard like *.foo.com), IP host addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6) and network addresses with a netmask (something like</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="authentication_password">
+ <local_schema short_desc="HTTP proxy password">
+ <longdesc>Password to pass as authentication when doing HTTP proxying.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="authentication_user">
+ <local_schema short_desc="HTTP proxy username">
+ <longdesc>Username to pass as authentication when doing HTTP proxying.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_authentication">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Authenticate proxy server connections">
+ <longdesc>If true, then connections to the proxy server require authentication. The username is retrieved from the "/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/authentication_user" GConf key, and the password is retrieved from either gnome-keyring or the ~/.gnome2_private/Evolution password file.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_http_proxy">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Use HTTP proxy">
+ <longdesc>Enables the proxy settings when accessing HTTP/Secure HTTP over the Internet.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="socks_host">
+ <local_schema short_desc="SOCKS proxy host name">
+ <longdesc>The machine name to proxy socks through.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="socks_port">
+ <local_schema short_desc="SOCKS proxy port">
+ <longdesc>The port on the machine defined by "/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/socks_host" that you proxy through.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="secure_host">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Secure HTTP proxy host name">
+ <longdesc>The machine name to proxy secure HTTP through.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="secure_port">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Secure HTTP proxy port">
+ <longdesc>The port on the machine defined by "/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/secure_host" that you proxy through.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="http_host">
+ <local_schema short_desc="HTTP proxy host name">
+ <longdesc>The machine name to proxy HTTP through.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="http_port">
+ <local_schema short_desc="HTTP proxy port">
+ <longdesc>The port on the machine defined by "/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/http_host" that you proxy through.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="proxy_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Proxy configuration mode">
+ <longdesc>Select the proxy configuration mode. Supported values are 0, 1, 2, and 3 representing "use system settings", "no proxy", "use manual proxy configuration" and "use proxy configuration provided in the autoconfig URL" respectively.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="view_defaults">
+ <entry name="component_id">
+ <local_schema short_desc="ID or alias of the component to be shown by default at start-up.">
+ <longdesc>ID or alias of the component to be shown by default at start-up.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="statusbar_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Statusbar is visible">
+ <longdesc>Whether the status bar should be visible.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sidebar_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Sidebar is visible">
+ <longdesc>Whether the sidebar should be visible.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toolbar_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Toolbar is visible">
+ <longdesc>Whether the toolbar should be visible.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="buttons_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Window button style">
+ <longdesc>The style of the window buttons. Can be "text", "icons", "both", "toolbar". If "toolbar" is set, the style of the buttons is determined by the GNOME toolbar setting.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="buttons_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Window buttons are visible">
+ <longdesc>Whether the window buttons should be visible.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default window state">
+ <longdesc>Whether the window should be maximised.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default window height">
+ <longdesc>The default height for the main window, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default window width">
+ <longdesc>The default width for the main window, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_x">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default window X coordinate">
+ <longdesc>The default X coordinate for the main window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_y">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default window Y coordinate">
+ <longdesc>The default Y coordinate for the main window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="folder_bar">
+ <entry name="width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default sidebar width">
+ <longdesc>The default width for the sidebar, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="offline">
+ <entry name="folder_paths">
+ <local_schema short_desc="List of paths for the folders to be synchronised to disk for offline usage">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="addressbook">
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="show_preview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show preview pane">
+ <longdesc>Whether to show the preview pane.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Contact preview pane position (vertical)">
+ <longdesc>Position of the contact preview pane when oriented vertically.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Contact preview pane position (horizontal)">
+ <longdesc>Position of the contact preview pane when oriented horizontally.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="layout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Contact layout style">
+ <longdesc>The layout style determines where to place the preview pane in relation to the contact list. "0" (Classic View) places the preview pane below the contact list. "1" (Vertical View) places the preview pane next to the contact list.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="select_names">
+ <entry name="last_used_uri">
+ <local_schema short_desc="URI for the folder last used in the select names dialogue">
+ <longdesc>URI for the folder last used in the select names dialogue.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="completion">
+ <entry name="show_address">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show autocompleted name with an address">
+ <longdesc>Whether to force showing the e-mail address with the name of the autocompleted contact in the entry.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="minimum_query_length">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Autocomplete length">
+ <longdesc>The number of characters that must be typed before Evolution will attempt to autocomplete.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="uris">
+ <local_schema short_desc="EFolderList XML for the list of completion URIs">
+ <longdesc>EFolderList XML for the list of completion URIs.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="calendar">
+ <entry name="audio_dir">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Save directory for alarm audio">
+ <longdesc>Directory for saving alarm audio files</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="publish">
+ <entry name="template">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Free/busy template URL">
+ <longdesc>The URL template to use as a free/busy data fallback, %u is replaced by the user part of the mail address and %d is replaced by the domain.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="uris">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Free/busy server URLs">
+ <longdesc>List of server URLs for free/busy publishing.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="notify">
+ <entry name="notify_with_tray">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show display alarms in notification tray">
+ <longdesc>Whether to use the notification tray for display alarms.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="programs">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Alarm programs">
+ <longdesc>Programs that are allowed to be run by alarms.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="calendars">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Calendars to run alarms for">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="last_notification_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Last alarm time">
+ <longdesc>Time the last alarm ran, in time_t.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="other">
+ <entry name="def_recur_count">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default recurrence count">
+ <longdesc>Count of default recurrence for a new event. -1 means forever.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_reminder_units">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default reminder units">
+ <longdesc>Units for a default reminder, "minutes", "hours" or "days".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_reminder_interval">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default reminder value">
+ <longdesc>Number of units for determining a default reminder.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_default_reminder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default appointment reminder">
+ <longdesc>Whether to set a default reminder for appointments.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="prompts">
+ <entry name="confirm_purge">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Confirm expunge">
+ <longdesc>Whether to ask for confirmation when expunging appointments and tasks.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="confirm_delete">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ask for confirmation when deleting items">
+ <longdesc>Whether to ask for confirmation when deleting an appointment or task.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="tasks">
+ <entry name="hide_completed_value">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hide task value">
+ <longdesc>Number of units for determining when to hide tasks.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_completed_units">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hide task units">
+ <longdesc>Units for determining when to hide tasks, "minutes", "hours" or "days".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_completed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hide completed tasks">
+ <longdesc>Whether to hide completed tasks in the tasks view.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="primary_tasks">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Primary task list">
+ <longdesc>URI of the highlighted ("primary") task list</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="colors">
+ <entry name="overdue">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Overdue tasks colour">
+ <longdesc>Background colour of tasks that are overdue, in "#rrggbb" format.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="due_today">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tasks due today colour">
+ <longdesc>Background colour of tasks that are due today, in "#rrggbb" format.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="memos">
+ <entry name="primary_memos">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Primary memo list">
+ <longdesc>URI of the highlighted ("primary") memo list</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="error_level">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Level beyond which the message should be logged.">
+ <longdesc>This can have three possible values: 0 for errors, 1 for warnings, 2 for debug messages.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_timeout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Amount of time in seconds the error should be shown on the status bar.">
+ <longdesc>Amount of time in seconds the error should be shown on the status bar.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_scroll_by_week">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Scroll Month View by a week">
+ <longdesc>Whether to scroll a Month View by a week, not by a month.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_week_numbers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show week numbers in Day View, Work Week View, and Date Navigator">
+ <longdesc>Whether to show week numbers in various places in the Calendar.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="events_gradient">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Event Gradient">
+ <longdesc>Gradient of the events in calendar views.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="events_transparency">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Event Transparency">
+ <longdesc>Transparency of the events in calendar views, a value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_color_timebar">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Marcus Bains Line Colour — Time bar">
+ <longdesc>Colour to draw the Marcus Bains Line in the Time bar (empty for default).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_color_dayview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Marcus Bains Line Colour — Day View">
+ <longdesc>Colour to draw the Marcus Bains line in the Day View.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_line">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Marcus Bains Line">
+ <longdesc>Whether to draw the Marcus Bains Line (line at current time) in the calendar.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="working_days">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Work days">
+ <longdesc>Days on which the start and end of work hours should be indicated.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_event_end">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show appointment end times in week and month views">
+ <longdesc>Whether to display the end time of events in the week and month views.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="compress_weekend">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Compress weekends in month view">
+ <longdesc>Whether to compress weekends in the month view, which puts Saturday and Sunday in the space of one weekday.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="task_vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Task preview pane position (vertical)">
+ <longdesc>Position of the task preview pane when oriented vertically.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="task_hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Task preview pane position (horizontal)">
+ <longdesc>Position of the task preview pane when oriented horizontally.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_task_preview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show the task preview pane">
+ <longdesc>If "true", show the task preview pane in the main window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="task_layout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Task layout style">
+ <longdesc>The layout style determines where to place the preview pane in relation to the task list. "0" (Classic View) places the preview pane below the task list. "1" (Vertical View) places the preview pane next to the task list.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="memo_vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Memo preview pane position (vertical)">
+ <longdesc>Position of the memo preview pane when oriented vertically.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="memo_hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Memo preview pane position (horizontal)">
+ <longdesc>Position of the task preview pane when oriented horizontally.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_memo_preview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show the memo preview pane">
+ <longdesc>If "true", show the memo preview pane in the main window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="memo_layout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Memo layout style">
+ <longdesc>The layout style determines where to place the preview pane in relation to the memo list. "0" (Classic View) places the preview pane below the memo list. "1" (Vertical View) places the preview pane next to the memo list.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="date_navigator_pane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Month view vertical pane position">
+ <longdesc>Position of the vertical pane, between the calendar lists and the date navigator calendar.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Month view vertical pane position">
+ <longdesc>Position of the vertical pane, between the view and the date navigator calendar and task list in the month view, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Month view horizontal pane position">
+ <longdesc>Position of the horizontal pane, between the view and the date navigator calendar and task list in the month view, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vertical pane position">
+ <longdesc>Position of the vertical pane, between the view and the date navigator calendar and task list when not in the month view, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Horizontal pane position">
+ <longdesc>Position of the horizontal pane, between the date navigator calendar and the task list when not in the month view, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="time_divisions">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Time divisions">
+ <longdesc>Intervals shown in Day and Work Week views, in minutes.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_end_minute">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Workday end minute">
+ <longdesc>Minute the workday ends on, 0 to 59.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_end_hour">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Workday end hour">
+ <longdesc>Hour the workday ends on, in twenty four hour format, 0 to 23.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_start_minute">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Workday start minute">
+ <longdesc>Minute the workday starts on, 0 to 59.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_start_hour">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Workday start hour">
+ <longdesc>Hour the workday starts on, in twenty four hour format, 0 to 23.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="week_start_day">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Week start">
+ <longdesc>Weekday the week starts on, from Sunday (0) to Saturday (6).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_categories">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show categories field in the event/meeting/task editor">
+ <longdesc>Whether to show categories field in the event/meeting editor</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_timezone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show timezone field in the event/meeting editor">
+ <longdesc>Whether to show timezone field in the event/meeting editor</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_rsvp">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show RSVP field in the event/task/meeting editor">
+ <longdesc>Whether to show RSVP field in the event/task/meeting editor</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show type field in the event/task/meeting editor">
+ <longdesc>Whether to show type field in the event/task/meeting editor</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_status">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show status field in the event/task/meeting editor">
+ <longdesc>Whether to show status field in the event/task/meeting editor</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_role">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show Role field in the event/task/meeting editor">
+ <longdesc>Whether to show role field in the event/task/meeting editor</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_24hour_format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Twenty four hour time format">
+ <longdesc>Whether to show times in twenty four hour format instead of using am/pm.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zones_max">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Maximum number of recently used timezones to remember.">
+ <longdesc>Maximum number of recently used timezones to remember in a 'day_second_zones' list.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zones">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Recently used second time zones in a Day View">
+ <longdesc>List of recently used second time zones in a Day View.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="The second timezone for a Day View">
+ <longdesc>Shows the second time zone in a Day View, if set. Value is similar to one used in a 'timezone' key.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_system_timezone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Use system timezone">
+ <longdesc>Use the system timezone instead of the timezone selected in Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="timezone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Timezone">
+ <longdesc>The default timezone to use for dates and times in the calendar, as an untranslated Olsen timezone database location like "America/New York".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="primary_calendar">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Primary calendar">
+ <longdesc>URI of the highlighted ("primary") calendar</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="eplugin">
+ <dir name="face">
+ <entry name="insert_by_default">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Insert Face picture by default">
+ <longdesc>Whether insert Face picture to outgoing messages by default. The picture should be set before checking this, otherwise nothing happens.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="mail-notification">
+ <entry name="sound-use-theme">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Use sound theme">
+ <longdesc>Play themed sound when new messages arrive, if not in beep mode.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-file">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Sound file name to be played.">
+ <longdesc>Sound file to be played when new messages arrive, if not in beep mode.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-beep">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Beep or play sound file.">
+ <longdesc>If "true", then beep, otherwise will play sound file when new messages arrive.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Play sound when new messages arrive.">
+ <longdesc>Whether play sound or beep when new messages arrive.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="status-notification">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Popup message together with the icon.">
+ <longdesc>Whether show message over the icon when new messages arrive.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="status-enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable icon in notification area.">
+ <longdesc>Show new mail icon in notification area when new messages arrive.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="dbus-enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable D-Bus messages.">
+ <longdesc>Generates a D-Bus message when new mail messages arrive.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="notify-only-inbox">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Notify new messages for Inbox only.">
+ <longdesc>Whether to notify new messages in Inbox folder only.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="email_custom_header">
+ <entry name="customHeader">
+ <local_schema short_desc="List of Custom Headers">
+ <longdesc>The key specifies the list of custom headers that you can add to an outgoing message. The format for specifying a Header and Header value is: Name of the custom header followed by "=" and the values separated by ";"</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="external-editor">
+ <entry name="launch-on-key-press">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Automatically launch when a new mail is edited">
+ <longdesc>Automatically launch editor when key is pressed in the mail composer</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="editor-command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default External Editor">
+ <longdesc>The default command that must be used as the editor.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="mail">
+ <entry name="template_placeholders">
+ <local_schema short_desc="List of keyword/value pairs for the Templates plugin to substitute in a message body.">
+ <longdesc>List of keyword/value pairs for the Templates plugin to substitute in a message body.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sync_interval">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Server synchronisation interval">
+ <longdesc>Controls how frequently local changes are synchronised with the remote mail server. The interval must be at least 30 seconds.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc=""Search Folder Editor" window width">
+ <longdesc>Initial width of the "Search Folder Editor" window. The value updates as the user resizes the window horizontally.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc=""Search Folder Editor" window maximise state">
+ <longdesc>Initial maximise state of the "Search Folder Editor" window. The value updates when the user maximises or unmaximises the window. Note, this particular value is not used by Evolution since the "Search Folder Editor" window cannot be maximised. This key exists only as an implementation detail.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc=""Search Folder Editor" window height">
+ <longdesc>Initial height of the "Search Folder Editor" window. The value updates as the user resizes the window vertically.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc=""Send and Receive Mail" window width">
+ <longdesc>Initial width of the "Send and Receive Mail" window. The value updates as the user resizes the window horizontally.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc=""Send and Receive Mail" window maximise state">
+ <longdesc>Initial maximise state of the "Send and Receive Mail" window. The value updates when the user maximises or unmaximises the window. Note, this particular value is not used by Evolution since the "Send and Receive Mail" window cannot be maximised. This key exists only as an implementation detail.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc=""Send and Receive Mail" window height">
+ <longdesc>Initial height of the "Send and Receive Mail" window. The value updates as the user resizes the window vertically.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc=""Filter Editor" window width">
+ <longdesc>Initial width of the "Filter Editor" window. The value updates as the user resizes the window horizontally.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc=""Filter Editor" window maximise state">
+ <longdesc>Initial maximise state of the "Filter Editor" window. The value updates when the user maximises or unmaximises the window. Note, this particular value is not used by Evolution since the "Filter Editor" window cannot be maximised. This key exists only as an implementation detail.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc=""Filter Editor" window height">
+ <longdesc>Initial height of the "Filter Editor" window. The value updates as the user resizes the window vertically.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="save_dir">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Save directory">
+ <longdesc>Directory for saving mail component files.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="licenses">
+ <local_schema short_desc="List of accepted licences">
+ <longdesc>List of protocol names whose licence has been accepted.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="accounts">
+ <local_schema short_desc="List of accounts">
+ <longdesc>List of accounts known to the mail component of Evolution. The list contains strings naming subdirectories relative to /apps/evolution/mail/accounts.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_account">
+ <local_schema short_desc="UID string of the default account.">
+ <longdesc>UID string of the default account.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="labels">
+ <local_schema short_desc="List of Labels and their associated colours">
+ <longdesc>List of labels known to the mail component of Evolution. The list contains strings containing name:colour where colour uses the HTML hex encoding.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Mail browser maximised">
+ <longdesc>Default maximised state of the mail browser window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Mail browser height">
+ <longdesc>Default height of the mail browser window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Mail browser width">
+ <longdesc>Default width of the mail browser window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attachment_reminder_clues">
+ <local_schema short_desc="List of clues for the attachment reminder plugin to look for in a message body">
+ <longdesc>List of clues for the attachment reminder plugin to look for in a message body</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="trash">
+ <entry name="empty_date">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Last time Empty Wastebasket was run">
+ <longdesc>The last time Empty Wastebasket was run, in days since January 1st, 1970 (Epoch).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit_days">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Minimum number of days between emptying the wastebasket on exit">
+ <longdesc>Minimum time between emptying the wastebasket on exit, in days.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Empty Wastebasket folders on exit">
+ <longdesc>Empty all Wastebasket folders when exiting Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="prompts">
+ <entry name="checkdefault">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Check whether Evolution is the default mailer">
+ <longdesc>Every time Evolution starts, check whether it is the default mailer.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="reply_many_recips">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Prompt when replying to many recipients">
+ <longdesc>It disables/enables the repeated prompts to warn that you are sending a reply to many people.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="list_reply_to">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Prompt when mailing list hijacks private replies">
+ <longdesc>It disables/enables the repeated prompts to warn that you are trying to send a private reply to a message which arrived via a mailing list, but the list sets a Reply-To: header which redirects your reply back to the list.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="private_list_reply">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Prompt when replying privately to list messages">
+ <longdesc>It disables/enables the repeated prompts to warn that you are sending a private reply to a message which arrived via a mailing list.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="delete_in_vfolder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Prompt when deleting messages in search folder">
+ <longdesc>It disables/enables the repeated prompts to warn that deleting messages from a search folder permanently deletes the message, not simply removing it from the search results.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_all_read">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Prompt while marking multiple messages">
+ <longdesc>Enable or disable the prompt whilst marking multiple messages.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="open_many">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Prompt when user tries to open 10 or more messages at once">
+ <longdesc>If a user tries to open 10 or more messages at one time, ask the user if they really want to do it.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unwanted_html">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Prompt when user tries to send unwanted HTML">
+ <longdesc>Prompt when user tries to send HTML mail to recipients that may not want to receive HTML mail.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="only_bcc">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Prompt when user only fills Bcc">
+ <longdesc>Prompt when user tries to send a message with no To or Cc recipients.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expunge">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Prompt when user expunges">
+ <longdesc>Prompt the user when he or she tries to expunge a folder.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_subject">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Prompt on empty subject">
+ <longdesc>Prompt the user when he or she tries to send a message without a Subject.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="format">
+ <entry name="message_display_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Message-display style ("normal", "full headers", "source")">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="reply_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default reply style">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="forward_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default forward style">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="filters">
+ <entry name="flush-outbox">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Flush Outbox after filtering">
+ <longdesc>Whether to flush Outbox after filtering is done. Outbox flush will happen only when a 'Forward to' filter action is used and approximately one minute after the last action invocation.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="logfile">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Logfile to log filter actions">
+ <longdesc>Logfile to log filter actions.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="log">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Log filter actions">
+ <longdesc>Log filter actions to the specified log file.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="subscribe_window">
+ <entry name="height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Subscribe dialogue default height">
+ <longdesc>Default height of the subscribe dialogue.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Subscribe dialogue default width">
+ <longdesc>Default width of the subscribe dialogue.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="show_real_date">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show original "Date" header value.">
+ <longdesc>Show the original "Date" header (with a local time only if the time zone differs). Otherwise always show "Date" header value in a user preferred format and local time zone.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_level">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Level beyond which the message should be logged.">
+ <longdesc>This can have three possible values. "0" for errors. "1" for warnings. "2" for debug messages.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_timeout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Amount of time in seconds the error should be shown on the status bar.">
+ <longdesc>Amount of time in seconds the error should be shown on the status bar.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_latest">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Whether sort threads based on latest message in that thread">
+ <longdesc>This setting specifies whether the threads should be sorted based on latest message in each thread, rather than by message's date. Evolution requires a restart.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_expand">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default value for thread expand state">
+ <longdesc>This setting specifies whether the threads should be in expanded or collapsed state by default. Evolution requires a restart.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_subject">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thread the message-list based on Subject">
+ <longdesc>Whether to fall back on threading by subjects when the messages do not contain In-Reply-To or References headers.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="address_count">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Number of addresses to display in TO/CC/BCC">
+ <longdesc>This sets the number of addresses to show in default message list view, beyond which a '…' is shown.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="message_text_part_limit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Message text limit for display">
+ <longdesc>This decides the maximum size of the message text that will be displayed under Evolution, specified in terms of KB. The default is 4096 (4MB). This value is used only when the 'force_message_limit' key is activated.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="force_message_limit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Display only message texts not exceeding certain size">
+ <longdesc>Enable display only of message texts not exceeding size defined in 'message_text_part_limit' key.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="address_compress">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Compress display of addresses in TO/CC/BCC">
+ <longdesc>Compress display of addresses in TO/CC/BCC to the number specified in address_count.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="layout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Layout style">
+ <longdesc>The layout style determines where to place the preview pane in relation to the message list. "0" (Classic View) places the preview pane below the message list. "1" (Vertical View) places the preview pane next to the message list.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpaned_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Width of the message-list pane">
+ <longdesc>Width of the message-list pane.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="paned_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Height of the message-list pane">
+ <longdesc>Height of the message-list pane.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="safe_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hides the per-folder preview and removes the selection">
+ <longdesc>This key is read only once and reset to "false" after read. This unselects the mail in the list and removes the preview for that folder.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_vfolders">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable search folders">
+ <longdesc>Enable search folders on startup.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_deleted">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show deleted messages in the message-list">
+ <longdesc>Show deleted messages (with a strike-through) in the message-list.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_seen_timeout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Timeout for marking message as seen">
+ <longdesc>Timeout for marking message as seen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vertical_view_fonts">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Determines whether to use the same fonts for both "From" and "Subject" lines in the "Messages" column in vertical view.">
+ <longdesc>Determines whether to use the same fonts for both "From" and "Subject" lines in the "Messages" column in vertical view.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_email">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Sender e-mail address column in the message list">
+ <longdesc>Show the e-mail address of the sender in a separate column in the message list.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_seen">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Mark as Seen after specified timeout">
+ <longdesc>Mark as Seen after specified timeout.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mime_types">
+ <local_schema short_desc="List of MIME types to check for Bonobo component viewers">
+ <longdesc>If there isn't a built-in viewer for a particular MIME type inside Evolution, any MIME types appearing in this list which map to a Bonobo component viewer in GNOME's MIME type database may be used for displaying content.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="photo_local">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Search for the sender photo in local address books">
+ <longdesc>This option would help in improving the speed of fetching.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sender_photo">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show photo of the sender">
+ <longdesc>Show the photo of the sender in the message reading pane.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="headers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="List of custom headers and whether they are enabled.">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_all_headers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show all message headers">
+ <longdesc>Show all the headers when viewing a messages.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="animate_images">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show Animations">
+ <longdesc>Show animated images as animations.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="load_http_images">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Load images for HTML messages over HTTP">
+ <longdesc>Load images for HTML messages over HTTP(S). Possible values are: "0" — Never load images off the net. "1" — Load images in messages from contacts. "2" — Always load images off the net.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="charset">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default charset in which to display messages">
+ <longdesc>Default charset in which to display messages.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="caret_mode">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable/Disable caret mode">
+ <longdesc>Enable caret mode, so that you can see a cursor when reading mail.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="citation_colour">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Citation highlight colour">
+ <longdesc>Citation highlight colour.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_citations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Mark citations in the message "Preview"">
+ <longdesc>Mark citations in the message "Preview".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="global_view_setting">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable use of a similar message list view settings for all folders">
+ <longdesc>Enable use of a similar message list view settings for all folders.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_spacebar">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable or disable magic space bar">
+ <longdesc>Enable this to use Space bar key to scroll in message preview, message list and folders.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="no_folder_dots">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Disable or enable ellipsizing of folder names in side bar">
+ <longdesc>Whether to disable ellipsizing feature of folder names in the side bar.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="side_bar_search">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable or disable type ahead search feature">
+ <longdesc>Enable the side bar search feature to allow interactive searching of folder names.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="animated_images">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show image animations">
+ <longdesc>Enable animated images in HTML mail. Many users find animated images annoying and prefer to see a static image instead.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="fonts">
+ <entry name="use_custom">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Use custom fonts">
+ <longdesc>Use custom fonts for displaying mail.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="monospace">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Terminal font">
+ <longdesc>The terminal font for mail display.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="variable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Variable width font">
+ <longdesc>The variable width font for mail display.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="composer">
+ <entry name="current_folder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Composer load/attach directory">
+ <longdesc>Directory for loading/attaching files to composer.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="ignore_list_reply_to">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ignore list Reply-To:">
+ <longdesc>Some mailing lists set a Reply-To: header to trick users into sending replies to the list, even when they ask Evolution to make a private reply. Setting this option to TRUE will attempt to ignore such Reply-To: headers, so that Evolution will do as you ask it. If you use the private reply action, it will reply privately, while if you use the 'Reply to List' action it will do that. It works by comparing the Reply-To: header with a List-Post: header, if there is one.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Composer Window default height">
+ <longdesc>Default height of the Composer Window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Composer Window default width">
+ <longdesc>Default width of the Composer Window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="no_signature_delim">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Do not add signature delimiter">
+ <longdesc>Set to TRUE in case you do not want to add signature delimiter before your signature when composing a mail.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="top_signature">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Put personalised signatures at the top of replies">
+ <longdesc>Users get all up in arms over where their signature should go when replying to a message. This determines whether the signature is placed at the top of the message or the bottom.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="outlook_filenames">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Encode file names in an Outlook/GMail way">
+ <longdesc>Encode file names in the mail headers same as Outlook or GMail do, to let them display correctly file names with UTF-8 letters sent by Evolution, because they do not follow the RFC 2231, but use the incorrect RFC 2047 standard.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_post_reply_to">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show "Reply To" field when posting to a newsgroup">
+ <longdesc>Show the "Reply To" field when posting to a newsgroup. This is controlled from the View menu when a news account is chosen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_post_from">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show "From" field when posting to a newsgroup">
+ <longdesc>Show the "From" field when posting to a newsgroup. This is controlled from the View menu when a news account is chosen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_mail_reply_to">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show "Reply To" field when sending a mail message">
+ <longdesc>Show the "Reply To" field when sending a mail message. This is controlled from the View menu when a mail account is chosen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_mail_cc">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show "Cc" field when sending a mail message">
+ <longdesc>Show the "Cc" field when sending a mail message. This is controlled from the View menu when a mail account is chosen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_mail_bcc">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show "Bcc" field when sending a mail message">
+ <longdesc>Show the "Bcc" field when sending a mail message. This is controlled from the View menu when a mail account is chosen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="spell_languages">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Spell checking languages">
+ <longdesc>List of dictionary language codes used for spell checking.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="spell_color">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Spell checking colour">
+ <longdesc>Underline colour for misspelt words when using inline spelling.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_html">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Send HTML mail by default">
+ <longdesc>Send HTML mail by default.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="request_receipt">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Always request read receipt">
+ <longdesc>Whether a read receipt request gets added to every message by default.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="reply_start_bottom">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Put the cursor at the bottom of replies">
+ <longdesc>Users get all up in arms over where the cursor should go when replying to a message. This determines whether the cursor is placed at the top of the message or the bottom.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="group_reply_to_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Group Reply replies to list">
+ <longdesc>Instead of the normal "Reply to All" behaviour, this option will make the 'Group Reply' toolbar button try to reply only to the mailing list through which you happened to receive the copy of the message to which you're replying.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_smileys">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Automatic emoticon recognition">
+ <longdesc>Recognise emoticons in text and replace them with images.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_links">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Automatic link recognition">
+ <longdesc>Recognise links in text and replace them.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="inline_spelling">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Spell check inline">
+ <longdesc>Draw spelling error indicators on words as you type.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="charset">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Default charset in which to compose messages">
+ <longdesc>Default charset in which to compose messages.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="junk">
+ <entry name="custom_header">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Custom headers to use while checking for junk.">
+ <longdesc>Custom headers to use while checking for junk. The list elements are strings in the format "headername=value".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="check_custom_header">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Determines whether to use custom headers to check for junk">
+ <longdesc>Determines whether to use custom headers to check for junk. If this option is enabled and the headers are mentioned, it will be improve the junk checking speed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="lookup_addressbook_local_only">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Determines whether to look up addresses for junk filtering in local address book only">
+ <longdesc>This option is related to the key lookup_addressbook and is used to determine whether to look up addresses in local address book only to exclude mail sent by known contacts from junk filtering.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="lookup_addressbook">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Determines whether to look up in address book for sender e-mail">
+ <longdesc>Determines whether to look up the sender e-mail in the address book. If found, it shouldn't be a spam. It looks up in the books marked for autocompletion. It can be slow, if remote address books (like LDAP) are marked for autocompletion.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_plugin">
+ <local_schema short_desc="The default plugin for Junk hook">
+ <longdesc>This is the default junk plugin, even though there are multiple plugins enabled. If the default listed plugin is disabled, then it won't fall back to the other available plugins.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_date">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Last time Empty Junk was run">
+ <longdesc>The last time Empty Junk was run, in days since January 1st, 1970 (Epoch).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit_days">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Minimum days between emptying the junk on exit">
+ <longdesc>Minimum time between emptying the junk on exit, in days.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Empty Junk folders on exit">
+ <longdesc>Empty all Junk folders when exiting Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="check_incoming">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Check incoming mail being junk">
+ <longdesc>Run junk test on incoming mail.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="sa">
+ <entry name="use_daemon">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Use SpamAssassin daemon and client">
+ <longdesc>Use SpamAssassin daemon and client (spamc/spamd).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="local_only">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Use only local spam tests.">
+ <longdesc>Use only the local spam tests (no DNS).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="bogofilter">
+ <entry name="unicode">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Convert mail messages to Unicode">
+ <longdesc>Convert message text to Unicode UTF-8 to unify spam/ham tokens coming from different character sets.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="gnome-session">
<dir name="options">
<entry name="logout_prompt">
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="A description for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A description of the profile, containing more information and describing when to use this profile.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="A short name for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A short name for the audio profile, to be used in selections and uniquely identifying the profile.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="A description for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A description of the profile, containing more information and describing when to use this profile.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="A short name for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A short name for the audio profile, to be used in selections and uniquely identifying the profile.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="A description for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A description of the profile, containing more information and describing when to use this profile.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="A short name for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A short name for the audio profile, to be used in selections and uniquely identifying the profile.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="A description for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A description of the profile, containing more information and describing when to use this profile.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="A short name for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A short name for the audio profile, to be used in selections and uniquely identifying the profile.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="A description for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A description of the profile, containing more information and describing when to use this profile.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="A short name for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A short name for the audio profile, to be used in selections and uniquely identifying the profile.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="A description for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A description of the profile, containing more information and describing when to use this profile.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="A short name for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A short name for the audio profile, to be used in selections and uniquely identifying the profile.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="A description for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A description of the profile, containing more information and describing when to use this profile.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="A short name for the audio profile">
- <longdesc>A short name for the audio profile, to be used in selections and uniquely identifying the profile.</longdesc>
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="evolution">
+ <entry name="last_version">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Версия последней обновленной конфигурации">
+ <longdesc>Версия последней обновленной версии Evolution, с уровнями major/minor/configuration (например, «2.6.0»).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="version">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Версия конфигурации">
+ <longdesc>Версия конфигурации Evolution, с уровнями major/minor/configuration (например, «2.6.0»).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="shell">
+ <entry name="express_mode">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить экспресс-режим">
+ <longdesc>Флаг, который включает сильно упрощённый интерфейс пользователя.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="start_offline">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Запуск в автономном режиме">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, Evolution будет запускаться в автономном режиме.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="file_chooser_folder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Исходная папка выбора файлов">
+ <longdesc>Исходная папка диалога GtkFileChooser.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attachment_view">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Исходный вид панели вложений">
+ <longdesc>Начальное значение элементов панели вложений. «0» - значки, «1» - список.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="skip_warning_dialog">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Пропускать диалог предупреждения о тестовой версии">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, диалог предупреждения в тестовых версиях Evolution не отображается.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="network_config">
+ <entry name="autoconfig_url">
+ <local_schema short_desc="URL автоматической настройки прокси">
+ <longdesc>URL для получения параметров настройки прокси.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="ignore_hosts">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Узлы для доступа без прокси">
+ <longdesc>Этот ключ содержит список узлов, с которыми проводится прямое соединение, даже если включена прокси. Значения могуть быть именами узлов, доменов, могут исользовать шаблоны как *.foo.com, адресами IP (и IPv4 и IPv6) и адресами сетей с маской (например,</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="authentication_password">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Пароль прокси HTTP">
+ <longdesc>Пароль для проверки подлинности на прокси.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="authentication_user">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Имя пользователя прокси HTTP">
+ <longdesc>Имя пользователя для прохождения проверки подлинности при подключении к прокси HTTP.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_authentication">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Проверить подлинность при соединении с прокси">
+ <longdesc>Если true, то соединение с прокси-сервером требует проверки подлинности. Имя пользователя / пароль определяются при помощи ключа GConf «/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/authentication_user» и локально сохраненного пароля в .gnome2_private/.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_http_proxy">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Использовать прокси HTTP">
+ <longdesc>Включает настройки прокси для доступа к Интернет по протоколу HTTP/HTTPS.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="socks_host">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Имя узла прокси SOCKS">
+ <longdesc>Имя узла прокси протокола SOCKS.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="socks_port">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Порт прокси SOCKS">
+ <longdesc>Порт на прокси узле, определённом ключом «/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/socks_host».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="secure_host">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Имя узла прокси HTTPS">
+ <longdesc>Имя узла прокси протокола HTTPS.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="secure_port">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Порт прокси HTTPS">
+ <longdesc>Порт на прокси узле, определённом ключом «/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/secure_host».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="http_host">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Узел HTTP прокси">
+ <longdesc>Имя узла прокси протокола HTTP.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="http_port">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Порт прокси HTTP">
+ <longdesc>Порт на прокси узле, определённом ключом «/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/http_host».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="proxy_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Режим настройки прокси">
+ <longdesc>Режим конфигурации прокси. Поддерживаемые значения 0, 1, 2, и 3 представляют соответственно «использовать системные настройки», «не использовать прокси», «использовать заданные настройки» и «использовать ресурс для автоматической конфигурации».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="view_defaults">
+ <entry name="component_id">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Идентификатор или псевдоним компонента, который будет показываться при запуске по умолчанию.">
+ <longdesc>Идентификатор или псевдоним компонента, который будет показываться при запуске по умолчанию.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="statusbar_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Панель состояния видима">
+ <longdesc>Должна ли панель состояния быть видимой.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sidebar_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Боковая панель видима">
+ <longdesc>Должна ли боковая панель быть видимой.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toolbar_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Панель инструментов видимая">
+ <longdesc>Должна ли панель инструментов быть видимой.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="buttons_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Стиль кнопок окон">
+ <longdesc>Стиль кнопок окон. Возможные варианты: «text», «icons», «both», «toolbar». Если установлено значение «toolbar», стиль кнопок соответствует системным параметрам среды GNOME.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="buttons_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Кнопки окон видимы">
+ <longdesc>Должны ли быть видимыми кнопки окон.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Состояние окна по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Должны ли окно быть максимизированным.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Высота окна по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Высота основного окна по умолчанию, в пикселах.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ширина окна по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Ширина основного окна по умолчанию, в пикселах.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_x">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Координата X по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Координата Х по умолчанию для основного окна.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_y">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Координата Y по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Координата Y по умолчанию для основного окна.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="folder_bar">
+ <entry name="width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ширина боковой панели по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Ширина боковой панели по умолчанию, в пикселах.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="offline">
+ <entry name="folder_paths">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Список путей для папок, которые будут синхронизироваться на диск для автономной работы">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="addressbook">
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="show_preview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать панель предварительного просмотра">
+ <longdesc>Показывать ли панель предварительного просмотра.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Положение панели предварительного просмотра контактов (вертикально)">
+ <longdesc>Положение панели предварительного просмотра контактов при вертикальной ориентации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Положение панели предварительного вида контактов (горизонтальное)">
+ <longdesc>Положение панели предварительного просмотра контактов при горизонтальной ориентации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="layout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Стиль расположения контактов">
+ <longdesc>Стиль расположения определяет место для панели предварительного просмотра относительно списка контактов. «0» (классический вид) помещает панель предварительного просмотра под списком контактов. «1» (вертикальный вид) помещает панель рядом со списком контактов.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="select_names">
+ <entry name="last_used_uri">
+ <local_schema short_desc="URI папки, использовавшейся в последний раз в диалоге выбора имен">
+ <longdesc>URI папки, использовавшейся в последний раз в диалоге выбора имен</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="completion">
+ <entry name="show_address">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать адрес найденного в адресной книге контакта">
+ <longdesc>Показывать адрес электронной почты совместно с именем при автоматическом дополнении введённого имени адресата.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="minimum_query_length">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Длина автодополнения">
+ <longdesc>Количество символов, которое необходимо ввести для вызова функции автодополнения.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="uris">
+ <local_schema short_desc="EFolderList XML для списка дополнения URI ">
+ <longdesc>EFolderList xml для списка дополнения URI.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="calendar">
+ <entry name="audio_dir">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Каталог для сохранения звуковых файлов будильника">
+ <longdesc>Каталог для сохранения звуковых файлов будильника</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="publish">
+ <entry name="template">
+ <local_schema short_desc="URL шаблона свободен/занят">
+ <longdesc>Шаблон URL для отправки данных о занятости. %u заменяется на левую часть почтового адреса (имя пользователя), %d - домен.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="uris">
+ <local_schema short_desc="URL сервера свободен/занят">
+ <longdesc>Список URL серверов для публикации сведений о занятости.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="notify">
+ <entry name="notify_with_tray">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отображать экранные сигналы в области уведомления">
+ <longdesc>Использовать или нет область уведомления для отображения сигналов.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="programs">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Программы сигналов">
+ <longdesc>Программы, которые разрешено использовать как часть сигналов.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="calendars">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Календари для запуска напоминаний">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="last_notification_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Время последнего сигнала">
+ <longdesc>Время последнего запуска сигнала, в формате in time_t.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="other">
+ <entry name="def_recur_count">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Количество повторов по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Количество повторений по умолчанию для нового события. -1 означает всегда.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_reminder_units">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Единицы напоминания по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Единицы напоминания по умолчанию, «minutes», «hours» или «days».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_reminder_interval">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Значение напоминания по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Количество единиц для напоминания по умолчанию.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_default_reminder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Упоминание о встрече по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Устанавливать ли напоминание для событий по умолчанию.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="prompts">
+ <entry name="confirm_purge">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Подтверждение очистки">
+ <longdesc>Запрашивать подтверждение при очистке встречи или задачи.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="confirm_delete">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Запрашивать подтверждение при удалении элементов">
+ <longdesc>Запрашивать подтверждение при удалении встречи или задачи.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="tasks">
+ <entry name="hide_completed_value">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Скрывать значение задач">
+ <longdesc>Количество единиц для определения момента, когда скрывать задачи.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_completed_units">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Скрывать единицы задач">
+ <longdesc>Единицы для определения момента скрытия задач, «minutes», «hours» или «days».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_completed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Скрывать выполненные задачи">
+ <longdesc>Скрывать ли завершенные задачи в обзоре задач.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="primary_tasks">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Основной список задач">
+ <longdesc>URI выделенного («основного») списка задач</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="colors">
+ <entry name="overdue">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Цвет просроченных задач">
+ <longdesc>Цвет для просроченных задач, в формате "#rrggbb".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="due_today">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Цвет задач на сегодня">
+ <longdesc>Цвет для задач на сегодня, в формате "#rrggbb"</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="memos">
+ <entry name="primary_memos">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Основной список заметок">
+ <longdesc>URI выделенного («основного») списка заметок</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="error_level">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Уровень, за которым сообщение должно заноситься в журнал.">
+ <longdesc>У этого ключа может быть одно из трёх значений: 0 — ошибки, 1 — предупреждения; 2 — отладочные сообщения.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_timeout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Количество времени в секундах, в течение которого ошибка должна показываться в строке состояния.">
+ <longdesc>Количество времени в секундах, в течение которого ошибка должна показываться в строке состояния.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_scroll_by_week">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Листать обзор месяца по неделям">
+ <longdesc>Листать обзор месяца по неделям, а не по месяцам.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_week_numbers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать номера недель в обзоре рабочего дня, недели и в навигаторе даты">
+ <longdesc>Показывать ли номера недель в различных местах в календаре.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="events_gradient">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Градиент события">
+ <longdesc>Градиент элементов в видах календаря</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="events_transparency">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Прозрачность события">
+ <longdesc>Прозрачность элементов в видах календаря, значение между 0 (полная прозрачность) и 1 (непрозрачность).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_color_timebar">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Цвет маркера текущего времени - полоса времени">
+ <longdesc>Цвет маркера времени в расписании (для значения по умолчанию оставьте пустым).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_color_dayview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Цвет маркера текущего времени - Обзор месяца">
+ <longdesc>Цвет маркера текущего времени в обзоре дня</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_line">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Маркер текущего времени">
+ <longdesc>Отображать ли маркер текущего времени в календаре.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="working_days">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Рабочие дни">
+ <longdesc>Дни, когда должны отображаться начало и конец рабочих часов.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_event_end">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отображать время окончания встреч в обзоре недели и месяца">
+ <longdesc>Показывать ли время завершения событий в обзоре недели и месяца.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="compress_weekend">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ужимать выходные дни в обзоре месяца">
+ <longdesc>Ужимать ли выходные дни в обзоре месяца (суббота и воскресенье занимают место одного рабочего дня).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="task_vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Положение панели предварительного просмотра задач (вертикально)">
+ <longdesc>Положение панели предварительного просмотра задач при вертикальной ориентации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="task_hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Положение панели предварительного просмотра задач (горизонтально)">
+ <longdesc>Положение панели предварительного просмотра задач при горизонтальной ориентации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_task_preview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать панель предварительного просмотра задач">
+ <longdesc>Если установлено, показывать панель предварительного просмотра задач в главном окне.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="task_layout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Стиль размещения задач">
+ <longdesc>Стиль расположения определяет место для панели предварительного просмотра относительно списка задач. «0» (классический вид) помещает панель предварительного просмотра под списком задач. «1» (вертикальный вид) помещает панель рядом со списком задач.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="memo_vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Положение панели предварительного просмотра заметок (вертикально)">
+ <longdesc>Положение панели предварительного просмотра заметок при вертикальной ориентации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="memo_hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Положение панели предварительного просмотра заметок (горизонтально)">
+ <longdesc>Положение панели предварительного просмотра задач при горизонтальной ориентации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_memo_preview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать панель предварительного просмотра заметок">
+ <longdesc>Если установлено, показывать панель предварительного просмотра заметок в главном окне.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="memo_layout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Стиль заметок">
+ <longdesc>Стиль расположения определяет место для панели предварительного просмотра относительно списка заметок. «0» (классический вид) помещает панель предварительного просмотра под списком заметок. «1» (вертикальный вид) помещает панель рядом со списком заметок.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="date_navigator_pane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Позиция вертикальной панели в обзоре месяца">
+ <longdesc>Позиция вертикальной панели между списками календаря и навигатором дат календаря.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Позиция вертикальной панели в обзоре месяца">
+ <longdesc>Положение вертикальной панели между навигатором обзора и даты и списком задач в режиме обзора месяца, в пикселах.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Позиция горизонтальной панели в обзоре месяца">
+ <longdesc>Положение горизонтальной панели между навигатором обзора и даты и списком задач в режиме обзора месяца, в пикселах.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Позиция вертикальной панели">
+ <longdesc>Положение вертикальной панели между навигатором обзора и даты и списком задач когда не в режиме обзора месяца, в пикселах.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Позиция горизонтальной панели">
+ <longdesc>Положение горизонтальной панели между навигатором обзора и даты и списком задач когда не в режиме обзора месяца, в пикселах.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="time_divisions">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Деления времени">
+ <longdesc>Интервалы, отображаемые в режимах "День" и "Рабочая неделя", в минутах.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_end_minute">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Минуты завершения рабочего дня">
+ <longdesc>Минуты завершения рабочего дня, от 0 до 59.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_end_hour">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Час завершения рабочего дня">
+ <longdesc>Час окончания рабочего дня, в 24-часовом формате, от 0 до 23.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_start_minute">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Минута начала рабочего дня">
+ <longdesc>Минуты начала рабочего дня, от 0 до 59</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_start_hour">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Час начала рабочего дня">
+ <longdesc>Час начала рабочего дня, в 24-часовом формате, от 0 до 23.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="week_start_day">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Начало недели">
+ <longdesc>День, с которого начинается неделя, с воскресенья (0) до субботы (6)</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_categories">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отображать поле «Категории» в редакторе событий/задач/собраний">
+ <longdesc>Отображать ли поле «Категории» в редакторе событий/собраний</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_timezone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать поле «Часовой пояс» в редакторе событий/собраний">
+ <longdesc>Отображать ли поле «Часовой пояс» в редакторе событий/задач/собраний</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_rsvp">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отображать поле «Просьба ответить» в редакторе событий/задач/собраний">
+ <longdesc>Отображать ли поле «Просьба ответить» в редакторе событий/задач/собраний</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать поле «Тип» в редакторе событий/задач/собраний">
+ <longdesc>Отображать ли поле «Тип» в редакторе событий/задач/собраний</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_status">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отображать поле «Состояние» в редакторе событий/задач/собраний">
+ <longdesc>Отображать ли поле «Состояние» в редакторе событий/задач/собраний</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_role">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отображать поле «Должность» в редакторе событий/задач/собраний">
+ <longdesc>Отображать ли поле «Должность» в редакторе событий/задач/собраний</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_24hour_format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="24-часовой формат времени">
+ <longdesc>Показывать ли время в 24-часовом формате вместо am/pm.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zones_max">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Максимальное число недавних часовых поясов.">
+ <longdesc>Максимальное количество хранимых недавних часовых поясов в списке «day_second_zones».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zones">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Недавние вторичные часовые пояса в обзоре дня">
+ <longdesc>Список недавно использованных вторичных часовых поясов в обзоре дня.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Вторичный часовой пояс в обзоре дня">
+ <longdesc>Показывать вторичный часовой пояс в обзоре дня. Смысл значения такой же, как и в ключе «timezone».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_system_timezone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Использовать системный часовой пояс">
+ <longdesc>Использовать системный часовой пояс вместо того, который указан в Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="timezone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Часовой пояс">
+ <longdesc>Часовой пояс по умолчанию, используемый для дат календаря, в виде непереведенного имени Olsen из базы часовых поясов, например "America/New York".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="primary_calendar">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Основной календарь">
+ <longdesc>URI выделенного («основного») календаря</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="eplugin">
+ <dir name="face">
+ <entry name="insert_by_default">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Вставлять по умолчанию личную фотографию">
+ <longdesc>Вставлять ли по умолчанию изображение лица в исходящие сообщения. Перед этим необходимо установить изображение, иначе ничего не произойдёт.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="mail-notification">
+ <entry name="sound-use-theme">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Использовать звуковую тему">
+ <longdesc>Воспроизводить звук при получении новой почты, если не включён режим гудка.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-file">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Имя звукового файла, который надо проигрывать.">
+ <longdesc>Звуковой файл, воспроизводимый при приходе новой почты, если не включён режим гудка.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-beep">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Подавать звуковой сигнал или воспроизводить звуковой файл.">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то подавать гудок, иначе проигрывать звуковой файл при поступлении новых сообщений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Воспроизводить звуковой файл при приходе новой почты.">
+ <longdesc>Воспроизводить ли звук или подавать гудок при получении новых сообщений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="status-notification">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Всплывающие сообщения вместе со значком.">
+ <longdesc>Показывать ли сообщение над значком при получении новых сообщений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="status-enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить значок в области уведомления.">
+ <longdesc>Извещает пользователя о появлении новой почты значком в области уведомлений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="dbus-enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить сообщения D-Bus.">
+ <longdesc>Генерирует сообщение D-BUS при приходе новой почты.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="notify-only-inbox">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Оповещать о новых сообщениях только во «Входящих»">
+ <longdesc>Оповещать ли о новых сообщениях только в папке «Входящие».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="email_custom_header">
+ <entry name="customHeader">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Список дополнительных заголовков">
+ <longdesc>Этот ключ задаёт список дополнительных заголовков, которые можно добавлять к исходящим сообщениям. Формат для задания заголовка и значения следующий: Сначала идёт имя заголовка, затем «=» и затем значения, разделённые символом «;»</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="external-editor">
+ <entry name="launch-on-key-press">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Запускать автоматически при редактировании нового сообщения">
+ <longdesc>Автоматически запускать редактор при нажатии кнопки в окне составления сообщений</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="editor-command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Внешний редактор по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Команда для запуска редактора по умолчанию.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="mail">
+ <entry name="template_placeholders">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Список пар ключевое слово/значение модуля шаблонов для замены в теле сообщения.">
+ <longdesc>Список пар ключевое слово/значение модуля шаблонов для замены в теле сообщения.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sync_interval">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Интервал синхронизации с сервером">
+ <longdesc>Определяет, как часто локальны изменения синхронизируются с удалённым почтовым сервером. Интервал должен быть хотя бы 30 секунд.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ширина окна «Редактор папок поиска»">
+ <longdesc>Исходное значение ширины окна «Редактор папок поиска». Значение обновляется, когда пользователь изменяет горизонтальные размеры окна.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Развёрнутое состояние окна «Редактор папок поиска»">
+ <longdesc>Исходное состояние окна «Редактор папок поиска». Значение обновляется, когда пользователь разворачивает окно на весь экран или восстанавливает его. Заметьте, что значение не используется Evolution, так как окно «Редактор папок поиска» не может быть развёрнуто на весь экран. Этот ключ существует только из-за деталей реализации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Высота окна «Редактор папок поиска»">
+ <longdesc>Исходное значение высоты окна «Редактор папок поиска». Значение обновляется, когда пользователь изменяет вертикальные размеры окна.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ширина окна «Получение и отправка почты»">
+ <longdesc>Исходное значение ширины окна «Отправка и получение почты». Это значение изменяется, когда пользователь изменяет размер окна по горизонтали.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Развёрнутое состояние окна «Получение и отправка почты»">
+ <longdesc>Исходное состояние окна «Отправка и получение почты». Это значение изменяется, когда пользователь разворачивает окно на весь экран или сворачивает его. Заметьте, что значение не используется Evolution, так как окно «Отправка и получение почты» не может быть развёрнуто на весь экран. Этот ключ существует только из-за деталей реализации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Высота окна «Получение и отправка почты»">
+ <longdesc>Исходное значение высоты окна «Отправка и получение почты». Это значение изменяется, когда пользователь изменяет размер окна по вертикали.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ширина окна «Редактор фильтров»">
+ <longdesc>Исходное значение ширины окна «Редактор фильтров». Значение обновляется, когда пользователь изменяет горизонтальные размеры окна.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Развёрнутое состояние окна «Редактор фильтров»">
+ <longdesc>Исходное состояние окна «Редактор фильтров». Значение обновляется, когда пользователь разворачивает окно на весь экран или восстанавливает его. Заметьте, что значение не используется Evolution, так как окно «Редактор фильтров» не может быть развёрнуто на весь экран. Этот ключ существует только из-за деталей реализации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Высота окна «Редактор фильтров»">
+ <longdesc>Исходное значение высоты окна «Редактор фильтров». Значение обновляется, когда пользователь изменяет вертикальные размеры окна.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="save_dir">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Сохранить каталог">
+ <longdesc>Каталог для сохранения файлов компонентов почты.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="licenses">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Список принятых лицензий">
+ <longdesc>Список имен протоколов, чьи лицензии были приняты.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="accounts">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Список учётных записей">
+ <longdesc>Список учётных записей, известных почтовому компоненту Evolution. Этот список содержит строки, соответствующие именам каталогов в /apps/evolution/mail/accounts.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_account">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Строка UID основной учётной записи.">
+ <longdesc>Строка UID основной учётной записи.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="labels">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Список меток и связанных с ними цветов">
+ <longdesc>Список меток, известных почтовому компоненту Evolution. Список содержит строки имя:цвет, где цвет использует кодировку цвета HTML.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Браузер почты имеет максимальные размеры">
+ <longdesc>Развёрнутое состояние окна браузера почты по умолчанию </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Высота браузера почты">
+ <longdesc>Высота окна браузера почты по умолчанию.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ширина браузера почты">
+ <longdesc>Ширина окна браузера почты по умолчанию</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attachment_reminder_clues">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Список ключей для модуля уведомления о забытых вложениях для поиска в теле письма">
+ <longdesc>Список ключей для модуля уведомления о забытых вложениях для поиска в теле письма</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="trash">
+ <entry name="empty_date">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Последний раз мусорная корзина очищалась">
+ <longdesc>Время последней очистки корзины (в днях с начала эпохи (1 января 1970)).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit_days">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Минимальное количество дней между очисткой корзины при выходе">
+ <longdesc>Минимальное время между очисткой корзины при выходе, в днях.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Очищать корзину при выходе">
+ <longdesc>Очищать все корзины при выходе из Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="prompts">
+ <entry name="checkdefault">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Проверять, является ли Evolution почтовой программой по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Проверять при каждом запуске, является ли Evolution почтовой программой по умолчанию.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="reply_many_recips">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Предупреждать при ответе нескольким получателям">
+ <longdesc>Включает/выключает предупреждения </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="list_reply_to">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Предупреждать, когда список рассылки захватывает личные ответы ">
+ <longdesc>Включает/выключает повторяющиеся предупреждения при попытке отправки личных ответов на сообщения, полученные через список рассылки, в заголовке которых установлен обратный адрес, перенаправляющий ответы обратно в список.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="private_list_reply">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Предупреждать при личном ответе в список сообщений">
+ <longdesc>Включает/выключает повторяющиеся предупреждения при отправке личного сообщения, попадающего в список рассылки.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="delete_in_vfolder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Предупреждать при удалении сообщений в папке поиска">
+ <longdesc>Включает/выключает повторяющиеся предупреждения о том, что при удалении сообщений из папки поиска они удаляются совсем, а не только из результатов поиска.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_all_read">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Предупреждать при пометке нескольких сообщений">
+ <longdesc>Включает/выключает запрос подтверждения при пометке нескольких сообщений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="open_many">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Выводить запрос при попытке пользователя открыть 10 или более сообщений одновременно">
+ <longdesc>Если пользователь пытается открыть 10 или более сообщений одновременно, выводить диалог запроса, действительно ли пользователь хочет это сделать.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unwanted_html">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Предупреждать, когда пользователь пытается отправить нежелательный HTML">
+ <longdesc>Предупреждать при отправке сообщений в формате HTML тем, кто не желает этого.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="only_bcc">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Предупреждать, если пользователь заполнил только поле скрытой копии">
+ <longdesc>Предупреждать при попытке отправки сообщений с пустыми полями «Кому» или «Копия».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expunge">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Предупреждать при очистке пользователем">
+ <longdesc>Предупреждать, если пользователь пытается очистить удалённые сообщения в папке.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_subject">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Предупреждать, если тема пустая">
+ <longdesc>Предупреждать, если пользователь пытается отправить сообщение без темы.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="format">
+ <entry name="message_display_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Тип отображения сообщения («normal», «full headers», «source»)">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="reply_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Стиль ответа по умолчанию">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="forward_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Стиль пересылки по умолчанию">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="filters">
+ <entry name="flush-outbox">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отправить исходящие после фильтрации">
+ <longdesc>Отправлять ли исходящие сообщения после применения фильтрации. Отправка произойдёт только при использовании какого-либо действия фильтра «Перенаправить» и примерно через минуту после выполнения последнего действия.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="logfile">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Файл журнала действий фильтра">
+ <longdesc>Файл журнала действий фильтра.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="log">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Регистрировать действия фильтра">
+ <longdesc>Регистрировать действия фильтра в указанном файле журнала.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="subscribe_window">
+ <entry name="height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Высота диалога подписки по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Высота диалога подписки по умолчанию.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ширина окна диалога подписки по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Ширина окна подписки по умолчанию.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="show_real_date">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показать исходное значение заголовка «Дата»">
+ <longdesc>Показать исходный заголовок «Дата» (с локальным временем, только если отличается часовой пояс). В противном случае, всегда показывать значение заголовка «Дата» в формате и с часовым поясом, выбранным пользователем.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_level">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Уровень, за которым сообщение должно заноситься в журнал.">
+ <longdesc>У этого ключа может быть одно из трёх значений: 0 — ошибки, 1 — предупреждения; 2 — отладочные сообщения.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_timeout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Количество времени в секундах, в течение которого ошибка должна показываться в строке состояния.">
+ <longdesc>Количество времени в секундах, в течение которого ошибка должна показываться в строке состояния.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_latest">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Сортировать ли подшивки по последнему сообщению в этой подшивке">
+ <longdesc>Этот ключ определяет, должны ли подшивки упорядочиваться по последнему сообщению в каждой подшивке, а не по дате сообщения. Чтобы изменение этого ключа вступило в силу, надо перезапустить Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_expand">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Состояние подшивки по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Этот ключ определяет, должна ли подшивка по умолчанию раскрываться или быть свёрнутой. Чтобы изменение этого ключа вступило в силу, надо перезапустить Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_subject">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Подшивать список сообщений по полю «Тема»">
+ <longdesc>Переходить ли к разворачиванию подшивок по теме, если сообщения не содержат заголовков In-Reply-To и References.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="address_count">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Количество адресов, отображаемых в TO/CC/BCC">
+ <longdesc>Устанавливает количество адресов, отображаемых при просмотре сообщения, за которыми отображается «...».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="message_text_part_limit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ограничение отображаемого текста сообщения">
+ <longdesc>Определяет максимальный размер текста сообщения, который может быть показан в Evolution. Размер по умолчанию: 4МБ (4096 КБ). Это значение используется только при включённом ключе 'force_message_limit'.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="force_message_limit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать тексты сообщений, не превышающих определённого размера">
+ <longdesc>Показываеть текст сообщений, размер которых не превышает размера, определённого ключом 'message_text_part_limit'.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="address_compress">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Сжимать отображение адресов в TO/CC/BCC">
+ <longdesc>Уменьшить количество адресов отображаемых в TO/CC/BCC адресов до числа, указанного в address_count.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="layout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Стиль размещения">
+ <longdesc>Стиль размещения задаёт место для панели предварительного просмотра относительно списка сообщений. «0» (классический вид) помещает панель под список сообщений. «1» (вертикальный вид) помещает панель рядом со списком сообщений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpaned_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ширина панели списка сообщений">
+ <longdesc>Высота панели спика сообщений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="paned_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Высота панели списка сообщений">
+ <longdesc>Высота панели спика сообщений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="safe_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Скрыть предварительный просмотр для каждого каталога и удалить выделение">
+ <longdesc>Этот ключ читается только один раз и сбрасывается в ложь после чтения. С помощью него можно отменить выделение почты и отключить панель просмотра текущего каталога.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_vfolders">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить папки поиска">
+ <longdesc>Включить папки поиска при запуске.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_deleted">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать удалённые сообщения в списке сообщений">
+ <longdesc>Показывать удалённые сообщения (как перечеркнутые) в списке сообщений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_seen_timeout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Задержка перед помечанием сообщения как просмотренное">
+ <longdesc>Задержка перед помечанием сообщения как просмотренное.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vertical_view_fonts">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Определяет, надо ли использовать одинаковые шрифты для строк «От» и «Тема» в столбце «Сообщения» в вертикальном режиме просмотра.">
+ <longdesc>Определяет, надо ли использовать одинаковые шрифты для строк «От» и «Тема» в столбце «Сообщения» в вертикальном режиме просмотра.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_email">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать адрес отправителя в столбце списка сообщений">
+ <longdesc>Показывать адрес отправителя в отдельном столбце списка сообщений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_seen">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Помечать как просмотренные через указанное время">
+ <longdesc>Помечать сообщение как просмотренное через указанный период времени.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mime_types">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Список типов mime для подбора компонента просмотра через Bonobo">
+ <longdesc>Если в программе Evolution отсутствует встроенная программа просмотра для определённого типа MIME, все типы MIME из этого списка, которые связаны с компонентом просмотра Bonobo среды GNOME будут отображаться с использованием этого компонента.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="photo_local">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Искать фотографии отправителя в локальных адресных книгах">
+ <longdesc>Этот параметр должен увеличить скорость загрузки.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sender_photo">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показать фотографию отправителя">
+ <longdesc>Показывать фотографию отправителя в панели чтения сообщений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="headers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Список дополнительных заголовков и включены ли они.">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_all_headers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать все заголовки сообщений">
+ <longdesc>Показывать все заголовки при просмотре сообщений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="animate_images">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать анимацию">
+ <longdesc>Показывать анимированные изображения как анимации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="load_http_images">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Загружать сообщения для HTML-сообщений по HTTP">
+ <longdesc>Загружать изображения для HTML-сообщений по HTTP(S). Возможные значения: «0» — никогда не загружать изображения из сети; «1» — загружать изображения, если отправитель есть в адресной книге; «2» — всегда загружать изображения из сети.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="charset">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Кодировка по умолчанию для отображения сообщений">
+ <longdesc>Кодировка по умолчанию для отображения сообщений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="caret_mode">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить/выключить режим каретки">
+ <longdesc>Включить режим каретки, то есть вы сможете видеть курсор при чтении почты.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="citation_colour">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Цвет подсветки цитирования">
+ <longdesc>Цвет подсветки цитирования.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_citations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Помечать цитирование в сообщении в панели предварительного просмотра">
+ <longdesc>Помечать цитирование в сообщении в панели предварительного просмотра.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="global_view_setting">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Использовать установленные параметры отображения списка сообщений для всех папок.">
+ <longdesc>Использовать установленные параметры отображения списка сообщений для всех папок.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_spacebar">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить или выключить «волшебный пробел»">
+ <longdesc>Установите этот ключ, чтобы можно было использовать клавишу пробела для прокрутки предпросмотра сообщения, списка сообщений и папок.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="no_folder_dots">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить или выключить сокращение имён папок в боковой панели">
+ <longdesc>Выключить ли сокращение имён в дереве папок в боковой панели.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="side_bar_search">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable or disable type ahead search feature">
+ <longdesc>Включить функцию поиска в боковой панели, для интерактивного поиска названий папкок.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="animated_images">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать анимацию изображений">
+ <longdesc>Включить анимацию изображений в сообщениях HTML. Многие пользователи находят анимированные изображения раздражающими и вместо этого предпочитают видеть статические изображения.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="fonts">
+ <entry name="use_custom">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Использовать другие шрифты">
+ <longdesc>Использовать другие шрифты для отображения почты.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="monospace">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Шрифт терминала">
+ <longdesc>Шрифт терминала для отображения почты.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="variable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Шрифт переменной ширины">
+ <longdesc>Пропорциональный шрифт для основного дисплея.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="composer">
+ <entry name="current_folder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Каталог загрузки/прикрепления при написании сообщения">
+ <longdesc>Каталог для сохранения файлов компонентов почты.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="ignore_list_reply_to">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Игнорировать «Обратный адрес» списка">
+ <longdesc>Некоторые списки рассылки устанавливают заголовок обратного адреса, чтобы принудить пользователей отправлять ответы в список, даже если они попросили Evolution отправить ответ лично. Установка этого параметра заставит Evolution пытаться игнорировать заголовки обратного адреса. Если вы отправляете ответ лично, то он будет отправлен лично. Действие «Ответить в список» отправит ответ в список. Работа этого параметра основана на сравнении заголовков обратного адреса и списка рассылки.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Высота окна редактора по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Высота окна редактора по умолчанию.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ширина окна редактора по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Ширина окна редактора по умолчанию.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="no_signature_delim">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Не добавлять разделитель для подписи.">
+ <longdesc>Установите в значение ИСТИНА, если вы не хотите добавлять разделитель подписи при создании почтового сообщения</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="top_signature">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Помещать персональную подпись в верхней части ответов">
+ <longdesc>Пользователь может определить, где должна размещаться его подпись при ответе на сообщение. Этот параметр определяет, будет ли подпись в начале или в конце сообщения.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="outlook_filenames">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Кодировать имена файлов в стиле Outlook/GMail">
+ <longdesc>Кодировать имена файлов в заголовках таким же образ, как это делают Outlook и GMail, чтобы они могли открывать отправленные из Evolution файлы с именами в формате UTF-8, потому что они не полностью следуют RFC 2231, но используют некорректный стандарт RFC 2047.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_post_reply_to">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отображать поле «Адрес для ответа» при отправке в группу новостей">
+ <longdesc>Показывать поле «Адрес для ответа» при отправке в группу новостей. Этот параметр управляется из меню Вид, когда выбрана учётная запись новостей.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_post_from">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отображать поле «От» при отправке в группу новостей">
+ <longdesc>Показывать поле «От» при отправке в группу новостей. Этот параметр управляется из меню Вид, когда выбрана учётная запись новостей.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_mail_reply_to">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отображать поле «Адрес для ответа» при отправке почтовых сообщений">
+ <longdesc>Показывать поле «Адрес для ответа» при отправке почтового сообщения. Этот параметр управляется из меню Вид, когда выбрана почтовая учётная запись.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_mail_cc">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отображать поле «Копия» при отправке почтового сообщения">
+ <longdesc>Показывать поле «Копия» при отправке почтового сообщения. Этот параметр управляется из меню Вид, когда выбрана учётная запись почты.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_mail_bcc">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отображать поле «Скрытая копия» при отправке почтового сообщения">
+ <longdesc>Показывать поле «Скрытая копия» при отправке почтового сообщения. Этот параметр управляется из меню Вид, когда выбрана учётная запись почты.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="spell_languages">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Языки проверки орфографии">
+ <longdesc>Список языков, используемый для проверки орфографии.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="spell_color">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Цвет проверки орфографии">
+ <longdesc>Цвет подчёркивания для слов с ошибкой при проверке орфографии.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_html">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отправлять почту в формате HTML по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Отправлять почту в формате HTML по умолчанию.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="request_receipt">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Всегда запрашивать отчёт о прочтении">
+ <longdesc>Добавлять ли отчёт о прочтении к каждому сообщению.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="reply_start_bottom">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Помещать курсор в начало при ответе">
+ <longdesc>Пользователь получает полный контроль над тем, куда должен попадать курсор при ответе на сообщения. Этот параметр определяет, будет ли курсор в начале или в конце сообщения.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="group_reply_to_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="«Ответить всем» отвечает в список">
+ <longdesc>Вместо обычного поведения «Ответить всем», этот параметр настроит кнопку «Ответить всем» на панели инструментов на ответ только в список рассылки, через который вы получили копию сообщения, на которое отвечаете.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_smileys">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Автоматическое распознавание эмоций">
+ <longdesc>Распознавать эмоции в тексте и заменять их значками.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_links">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Автоматическое распознавание гиперссылок">
+ <longdesc>Распознавать ссылки в тексте и заменять их.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="inline_spelling">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Проверять орфографию при вводе">
+ <longdesc>Подчеркивать ошибки орфографии при вводе текста</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="charset">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Кодировка по умолчанию для составления сообщений">
+ <longdesc>Кодировка по умолчанию для составления сообщений.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="junk">
+ <entry name="custom_header">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Указанные пользователем заголовки для выявления спама">
+ <longdesc>Указанные пользователем заголовки для выявления спама. Формат в GConf: заголовок=значение.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="check_custom_header">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Определяет, надо ли использовать указанные пользователем заголовки для выявления спама">
+ <longdesc>Определяет, надо ли использовать указанные пользователем заголовки для выявления спама. Если этот ключ установлен и заголовки указаны, то скорость проверки на спам повысится.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="lookup_addressbook_local_only">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Определяет, нужно ли искать адреса для фильтрации спама только в локальной адресной книге">
+ <longdesc>Этот параметр относится к ключу lookup_addressbook и определяет, использовать ли только локальные адресные книги при исключении известных контактов при фильтрации спама.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="lookup_addressbook">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Определяет, нужно ли искать отправителя в адресной книге">
+ <longdesc>Определяет, нужно ли искать электронный адрес отправителя в адресной книге. Если он там есть, то сообщение, видимо, не является спамом. Поиск производится в адресных книгах, помеченных для автодополнения. Поиск может быть медленным, если для автодополнения помечены удалённые книги (например, LDAP).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_plugin">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Модуль, обрабатывающий спам по умолчанию">
+ <longdesc>Это модуль обработки спама по умолчанию, даже если несколько модулей обработки спама включены одновременно. Если модуль по умолчанию выключен, доступные модули обработки спама всё равно не будут использоваться.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_date">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Последний раз спам очищался">
+ <longdesc>Время последней очистки от спама (в днях с начала эпохи (1 января 1970)).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit_days">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Минимальное количество дней между очисткой спама при выходе">
+ <longdesc>Минимальное время между очисткой спама при выходе, в днях.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Очищать каталог спама при выходе">
+ <longdesc>Очищать все каталоги со спамом при выходе из Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="check_incoming">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Проверять, являются ли входящие сообщения спамом">
+ <longdesc>Проверять на спам входящую почту.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="sa">
+ <entry name="use_daemon">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Использовать клиент и демон SpamAssassin">
+ <longdesc>Использовать клиент и демон SpamAssassin (spamc/spamd).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="local_only">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Использовать только локальные спам-тесты.">
+ <longdesc>Использовать только локальные спам-тесты (без DNS).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="bogofilter">
+ <entry name="unicode">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Преобразовывать почтовые сообщения в Юникод">
+ <longdesc>Преобразовывать текст сообщения в кодировку UTF-8 для облегчения работы фильтров спама, имеющих проблемы с различными кодировками.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="gnome-session">
<dir name="options">
<entry name="logout_prompt">
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Описание аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Описание профиля, содержащее дополнительную информацию и использование профиля.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля, используемое для выбора и уникальной идентификации профиля.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Описание аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Описание профиля, содержащее дополнительную информацию и использование профиля.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля, используемое для выбора и уникальной идентификации профиля.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Описание аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Описание профиля, содержащее дополнительную информацию и использование профиля.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля, используемое для выбора и уникальной идентификации профиля.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Описание аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Описание профиля, содержащее дополнительную информацию и использование профиля.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля, используемое для выбора и уникальной идентификации профиля.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Описание аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Описание профиля, содержащее дополнительную информацию и использование профиля.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля, используемое для выбора и уникальной идентификации профиля.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Описание аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Описание профиля, содержащее дополнительную информацию и использование профиля.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля, используемое для выбора и уникальной идентификации профиля.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Описание аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Описание профиля, содержащее дополнительную информацию и использование профиля.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля">
- <longdesc>Краткое имя для этого аудио-профиля, используемое для выбора и уникальной идентификации профиля.</longdesc>
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="evolution">
+ <entry name="last_version">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Phiên bản cấu hình Evolution đã cập nhật cuối cùng">
+ <longdesc>Phiên bản cấu hình Evolution đã cập nhật cuối cùng, với mức độ cấu hình lớn/nhỏ (v.d. « 2.6.0 »).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="version">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Phiên bản cấu hình">
+ <longdesc>Phiên bản cấu hình của trình Evolution, với mức độ cấu hình lớn/nhỏ (v.d. « 2.6.0 »).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="shell">
+ <entry name="start_offline">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Khởi chạy trong chế độ ngoại tuyến">
+ <longdesc>Có nên khỏi chạy trình Evolution trong chế độ ngoại tuyến thay vào chế độ trực tuyến hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="skip_warning_dialog">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bỏ qua hộp thoại cảnh báo phát triển">
+ <longdesc>Có nên bỏ qua hộp thoại cảnh báo trong phiên bản phát triển Evolution hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="network_config">
+ <entry name="autoconfig_url">
+ <local_schema short_desc="URL tự động cấu hình máy phục vụ ủy nhiệm">
+ <longdesc>Địa chỉ URL cung cấp các giá trị cấu hình ủy nhiệm.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="ignore_hosts">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Máy khác ủy nhiệm">
+ <longdesc>Khoá này chứa một danh sách các máy tới chúng kết nối trực tiếp, không phải qua máy phục vụ ủy nhiệm (nếu nó đang chạy). Các giá trị có thể là tên máy, miền (dùng một ký tự đại diện đầu tiên, v.d. « *.vnoss.org »), địa chỉ IP của máy (cả hai IPv4 và IPv6) và địa chỉ mạng có mặt nạ mạng (tương tự với « »).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="authentication_password">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Mật khẩu ủy nhiệm HTTP">
+ <longdesc>Mật khẩu cần gửi để xác thực khi kết nối qua máy phục vụ ủy nhiệm HTTP.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="authentication_user">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tên người dùng ủy nhiệm HTTP">
+ <longdesc>Tên người dùng cần gửi để xác thực khi kết nối qua máy phục vụ ủy nhiệm HTTP.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_authentication">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Xác thực kết nối qua máy phục vụ ủy nhiệm">
+ <longdesc>Đúng thì mỗi kết nối tới máy phục vụ ủy nhiệm sẽ yêu cầu xác thực. Tên người dùng được lấy từ khoá GConf « /apps/evolution/shell/network_config/authentication_user », và mật khẩu được lấy từ hoặc vòng khoá GNOME (gnome-keyring) hoặc tập tin mật khẩu « ~/.gnome2_private/Evolution ».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_http_proxy">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dùng ủy nhiệm HTTP">
+ <longdesc>Hiệu lực thiết lập ủy nhiệm khi truy cập HTTP(S) qua Internet.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="socks_host">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tên máy ủy nhiệm SOCKS">
+ <longdesc>Tên máy qua đó cần chạy kết nối SOCKS ủy nhiệm.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="socks_port">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Cổng ủy nhiệm SOCKS">
+ <longdesc>Cổng trên máy được xác định bởi « /apps/evolution/shell/network_config/socks_host » qua đó bạn chạy kết nối ủy nhiệm.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="secure_host">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tên máy ủy nhiệm HTTP bảo mật">
+ <longdesc>Tên máy qua đó cần chạy kết nối HTTP bảo mật ủy nhiệm.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="secure_port">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Cổng ủy nhiệm HTTP bảo mật">
+ <longdesc>Cổng trên máy được xác định bởi « /apps/evolution/shell/network_config/secure_host » qua đó bạn chạy kết nối ủy nhiệm.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="http_host">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tên máy ủy nhiệm HTTP">
+ <longdesc>Tên máy qua đó cần chạy kết nối HTTP ủy nhiệm.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="http_port">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Cổng ủy nhiệm HTTP">
+ <longdesc>Cổng trên máy được xác định bởi « /apps/evolution/shell/network_config/http_host » qua đó bạn chạy kết nối ủy nhiệm.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="proxy_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Chế độ cấu hình ủy nhiệm">
+ <longdesc>Hãy lựa chọn chế độ cấu hình ủy nhiệm. Các giá trị đã hỗ trợ là:
+ • 0 dùng thiết lập của hệ thống
+ • 1 không có ủy nhiệm
+ • 2 dùng cấu hình ủy nhiệm thủ công
+ • 3 dùng cấu hình ủy nhiệm được cung cấp trong URL tự động cấu hình.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="view_defaults">
+ <entry name="component_id">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Mặc định là hiển thị ID hay biệt hiệu của thành phần khi khởi động.">
+ <longdesc>Mặc định là hiển thị ID hay biệt hiệu của thành phần khi khởi động.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="statusbar_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện khung lề">
+ <longdesc>Hiện/ẩn thanh trạng thái.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sidebar_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện khung lề">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hiển thị khung lề hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toolbar_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện thanh công cụ">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hiển thị thanh công cụ hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="buttons_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kiểu nút cửa sổ">
+ <longdesc>Kiểu dạng mọi cái nút cửa sổ. Có thể là "text" (chữ), "icons" (ảnh), "both" (cả hai) hay "toolbar" (thanh công cụ). Nếu lập « thanh công cụ » thì thiết lập thanh công cụ GNOME sẽ quyết định kiểu dạng các cái nút này.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="buttons_visible">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiển thị nút cửa sổ">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hiển thị mọi cái nút trên cửa sổ hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tình trạng cửa sổ mặc định">
+ <longdesc>Có nên phóng to cửa sổ hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Độ cao cửa sổ mặc định">
+ <longdesc>Độ cao mặc định cửa của sổ chính, theo điểm ảnh.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Độ rộng cửa sổ mặc định">
+ <longdesc>Độ rộng mặc định cửa của sổ chính, theo điểm ảnh.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="folder_bar">
+ <entry name="width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Độ rộng khung lề mặc định">
+ <longdesc>Độ rộng mặc định của thanh nách, theo điểm ảnh.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="offline">
+ <entry name="folder_paths">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Danh sách đường dẫn cho những thư mục sẽ được đồng bộ với đĩa để sử dụng ngoại tuyến.">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="addressbook">
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="show_preview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện ô Xem thử">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hiển thị ô cửa sổ xem thử hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="select_names">
+ <entry name="last_used_uri">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Địa chỉ URI cho thư mục đã dùng cuối cùng trong hộp thoại chọn tên.">
+ <longdesc>Địa chỉ URI cho thư mục đã dùng cuối cùng trong hộp thoại chọn tên.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="completion">
+ <entry name="show_address">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện tên tự động điền nốt cùng với địa chỉ">
+ <longdesc>Có nê ép buộc hiển thị trong mục nhập địa chỉ thư cùng với tên của liên lạc tự động điền nốt, hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="minimum_query_length">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Độ dài tự động gõ xong">
+ <longdesc>Số ký tự cần gõ trước khi trình Evolution sẽ cố tự động hoàn tất.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="uris">
+ <local_schema short_desc="XML EFolderList (danh sách thư mục điện) cho danh sách các địa chỉ URI sẽ gõ xong.">
+ <longdesc>XML EFolderList (danh sách thư mục điện) cho danh sách các địa chỉ URI sẽ gõ xong.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="calendar">
+ <entry name="audio_dir">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thư mục lưu âm thanh báo động">
+ <longdesc>Thư mục vào đó cần lưu các tập tin âm thanh báo động</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="publish">
+ <entry name="template">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Địa chỉ mạng mẫu Rảnh/Bận">
+ <longdesc>Mẫu địa chỉ mạng cần dùng là dữ liệu Rảnh/Bận phục hồi: « %u » được thay thế bằng phần người dùng của địa chỉ thư, và « %d » được thay thế bằng miền của địa chỉ.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="uris">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Địa chỉ mạng của máy phục vụ Rảnh/Bận">
+ <longdesc>Danh sách các địa chỉ mạng máy phục vụ để xuất bản thông tin Rảnh/Bận.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="notify">
+ <entry name="notify_with_tray">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiển thị báo động trong khay thông báo">
+ <longdesc>Có nên dùng khay thông báo để hiển thị báo động hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="programs">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Chương trình báo động">
+ <longdesc>Chương trình mà bảo động có thể chạy.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="calendars">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Lịch cần chạy báo động cho chúng">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="last_notification_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Giờ báo động cuối cùng">
+ <longdesc>Giờ đã bảo động cuối cùng, theo time_t</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="other">
+ <entry name="default_reminder_units">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Đơn vị nhắc nhở mặc định">
+ <longdesc>Đơn vị cho bộ nhắc nhở mặc định, "minutes" (phút), "hours" (giờ) hoặc "days" (ngày).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_reminder_interval">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Giá trị nhắc nhở mặc định">
+ <longdesc>Tổng số đơn vị để quyết định lúc nào nhắc nhở mặc định.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_default_reminder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bộ nhắc nhở cuộc hẹn mặc định">
+ <longdesc>Có nên lập bộ nhắc nhở mặc định cho mọi cuộc hẹn hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="prompts">
+ <entry name="confirm_purge">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Xác nhận khi xoá hẳn">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hỏi xác nhận khi xoá hắn cuộc hẹn và tác vụ hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="confirm_delete">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hỏi xác nhận trước khi xoá mục">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hỏi xác nhận khi xoá cuộc hẹn hay tác vụ hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="tasks">
+ <entry name="hide_completed_value">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ẩn giá trị tác vụ">
+ <longdesc>Tổng số đơn vị để quyết định lúc nào nên ẩn cộng việc.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_completed_units">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ẩn đơn vị tác vụ">
+ <longdesc>Đơn vị để quyết định lúc nào ẩn cộng việc, "minutes" (phút), "hours" (giờ) hoặc "days" (ngày).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_completed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ẩn mọi tác vụ hoàn tất">
+ <longdesc>Có nên ẩn mọi tác vụ đã hoàn tất trong ô xem tác vụ hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="colors">
+ <entry name="overdue">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Màu của tác vụ quá hạn">
+ <longdesc>Màu nền của mọi tác vụ quá hạn, có dạng « #rrggbb »</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="due_today">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Màu của tác vụ hết hạn vào hôm nay">
+ <longdesc>Màu nền của mọi tác vụ hết hạn hôm nay, có dạng « #rrggbb »</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="error_level">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Mức quá đó thư nên được ghi lưu.">
+ <longdesc>Có ba giá trị có thể:
+ • 0 lỗi
+ • 1 cảnh báo
+ • 2 thông điệp gỡ lỗi.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_timeout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thời lượng theo giây trong đó cần hiển thị lỗi trên thanh trạng thái.">
+ <longdesc>Thời lượng theo giây trong đó cần hiển thị lỗi trên thanh trạng thái.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="events_gradient">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dốc sự kiện">
+ <longdesc>Dốc của các sự kiện trong ô xem lịch.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="events_transparency">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Độ trong suốt sự kiện">
+ <longdesc>Độ trong suốt của sự kiện trong ô xem lịch (giá trị giữa 0 (trong suốt) và 1 (đục).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_color_timebar">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Màu Dòng Marcus Bains — Thanh thời gian">
+ <longdesc>Màu cần vẽ Dòng Marcus Bains trong thanh Thời gian (bỏ rỗng để chọn mặc định)</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_color_dayview">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Màu Dòng Marcus Bains — Xem ngày">
+ <longdesc>Màu cần vẽ Dòng Marcus Bains trong ô xem Ngày</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_line">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dòng Marcus Bains">
+ <longdesc>Có nên vẽ Dòng Marcus Bains (dòng tại giờ hiện có) trong lịch hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="working_days">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ngày làm việc">
+ <longdesc>Ngày cần ngụ ý giờ bắt đầu và kết thúc đều làm việc.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_event_end">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện thời điểm kết thúc cuộc hẹn trong ô xem tuần và tháng đều">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hiển thị thời điểm kết thúc sự kiện trong ô xem tuần và tháng đều hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="compress_weekend">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nén các ngày cuối tuần trong ô xem tháng">
+ <longdesc>Có nên nén những ngày cuối tuần trong ô xem tháng, mà hiển thị hai ngày Thứ Bảy và Chủ Nhật đều là cùng cách của một ngày tuần.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="date_navigator_pane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vị trí của ô cửa sổ dọc trong ô xem tháng">
+ <longdesc>Vị trí của ô cửa sổ dọc, giữa các danh sách lịch và lịch duyệt ngày.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vị trí của ô cửa sổ dọc trong ô xem tháng">
+ <longdesc>Ví trị của ô cửa sổ dọc, giữa ô xem và lịch duyệt ngày và danh sách công việc khi trong ô xem tháng, theo điểm ảnh.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vị trí của ô cửa sổ ngang trong ô xem tháng">
+ <longdesc>Ví trị của ô cửa sổ ngang, giữa ô xem và lịch duyệt ngày và danh sách tác vụ khi trong ô xem tháng, theo điểm ảnh.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vị trí ô cửa sổ dọc">
+ <longdesc>Ví trị của ô cửa sổ ngang, giữa lịch duyệt ngày và danh sách tác vụ khi không phải trong ô xem tháng, theo điểm ảnh.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpane_position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ví trị ô cửa sổ ngang">
+ <longdesc>Ví trị của ô cửa sổ ngang, giữa lịch duyệt ngày và danh sách tác vụ khi không phải trong ô xem tháng, theo điểm ảnh.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="time_divisions">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Chia thời gian">
+ <longdesc>Hộp thời gian được hiển thị trong ô xem Ngày/Tuần làm việc, theo phút</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_end_minute">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Phút kết thúc ngày làm việc">
+ <longdesc>Phút kết thúc ngày làm việc, 0-59.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_end_hour">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Giờ kết thúc ngày làm việc">
+ <longdesc>Giờ kết thúc ngày làm việc, có dạng 24 giờ (0-23).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_start_minute">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Phút bắt đầu ngày làm việc">
+ <longdesc>Phút bắt đầu ngày làm việc, 0-59.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_start_hour">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Giờ bắt đầu ngày làm việc">
+ <longdesc>Giờ bắt đầu ngày làm việc, có dạng 24 giờ (0-23).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="week_start_day">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tuần bắt đầu">
+ <longdesc>Hôm bắt đầu tuần, từ Chủ Nhật (0) đến Thứ Bảy (6).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_categories">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện trường Hạng trong bộ sửa cuộc họp/tác vụ/sự kiện">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hiển thị trường loại trong bộ sửa cuộc họp/sự kiện hay không</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_timezone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện trường Múi giờ trong bộ sửa cuộc họp/tác vụ/sự kiện">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hiển thị trường múi giờ trong bộ sửa cuộc họp/sự kiện hay không</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_rsvp">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện trường RSVP (Vui lòng hồi âm) trong bộ sửa cuộc họp/tác vụ/sự kiện">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hiển thị trường RSVP (Vui lòng hồi âm) trong bộ sửa cuộc họp/tác vụ/sự kiện hay không</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện trường Kiểu trong bộ sửa cuộc họp/tác vụ/sự kiện">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hiển thị trường kiểu trong bộ sửa cuộc họp/tác vụ/sự kiện hay không</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_status">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện trường Trạng thái trong bộ sửa cuộc họp/tác vụ/sự kiện">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hiển thị trường trạng thái trong bộ sửa cuộc họp/tác vụ/dữ kiện hay không</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_role">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện trường Vai trò trong bộ sửa cuộc họp/tác vụ/sự kiện">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hiển thị trường Vai trò trong bộ sửa cuộc họp/tác vụ/sự kiện hay không</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_24hour_format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Định dạng thời gian 24 giờ">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hiển thị giờ dạng 24-giờ thay vào dùng am/pm (buổi sáng/buổi chiều-tối) hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zones_max">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Số tối đa các múi giờ vừa dùng cần nhớ.">
+ <longdesc>Số tối đa các múi giờ vừa dùng cần giữ lại trong một danh sách « day_second_zones ».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zones">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Múi giờ thứ hai vừa dùng trong một ô Xem Ngày">
+ <longdesc>Danh sách các múi giờ vừa dùng trong một ô Xem Ngày.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Múi giờ thứ hai cho một ô Xem Ngày">
+ <longdesc>Bật tùy chọn này thì hiển thị múi giờ thứ hai trong một ô Xem Ngày. Giá trị này tương tự với giá trị dùng trong một khoá « timezone » (múi giờ).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="timezone">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Múi giờ">
+ <longdesc>Múi giờ mặc định cần dùng cho ngày và giờ trong lịch, là ví trị cơ sở dữ liệu kiểu Olsen chưa dịch như « Asia/Hanoi » (Châu Á/Hà nội).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="eplugin">
+ <dir name="mail-notification">
+ <entry name="sound-file">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tên của tập tin âm thanh cần phát.">
+ <longdesc>Tập tin âm thanh cần phát khi nhận thư mới, nếu không phải ở chế độ kêu bíp.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-beep">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kêu bíp hay phát tập tin âm thanh.">
+ <longdesc>Đúng ("true") thì kêu Bíp, không thì phát tập tin âm thanh khi nhận thư mới.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Phát âm thanh khi nhận thư mới">
+ <longdesc>Có nên phát âm thanh hay kêu bíp khi nhận thư mới.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="status-notification">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiển thị thông điệp cùng với biểu tượng.">
+ <longdesc>Có nên hiển thị thông điệp ở trên biểu tượng hay không, khi nhận thư mới.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="status-enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiển thị biểu tượng trong vùng thông báo.">
+ <longdesc>Hiển thị biểu tượng thư mới trong vùng thông báo khi nhận thư mớ.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="dbus-enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bật thông điệp D-Bus.">
+ <longdesc>Tạo ra một thông điệp D-BUS khi nhận thư mới.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="notify-only-inbox">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thông báo về thư mới chỉ trong hộp Thư Đến.">
+ <longdesc>Có nên thông báo chỉ về thư mới trong hộp Thư Đến, hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="email_custom_header">
+ <entry name="customHeader">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Danh sách Dòng đầu Riêng">
+ <longdesc>Khoá này ghi rõ danh sách các dòng đầu tự chọn mà bạn có thể thêm vào một thư được gửi đi. Định dạng ghi rõ một dòng đầu và giá trị dòng đầu là tên của dòng đầu tự chọn với một dấu bằng « = » theo sau, và các giá trị định giới bằng dấu chấm phẩy « ; ».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="external-editor">
+ <entry name="editor-command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Trình soạn thảo bên ngoài mặc định">
+ <longdesc>Câu lệnh mặc định cần dùng làm trình soạn thảo.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="mail">
+ <entry name="template_placeholders">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Danh sách các cặp từ-khoá/giá-trị cho phần bổ sung Mẫu thay thế trong thân thư.">
+ <longdesc>Danh sách các cặp từ-khoá/giá-trị cho phần bổ sung Mẫu thay thế trong thân thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sync_interval">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Khoảng đợi đồng bộ máy phục vụ">
+ <longdesc>Điều khiển khoảng đợi giữa hai lần đồng bộ các thay đổi cục bộ với máy phục vụ từ xa. Khoảng thời gian tối thiểu là 30 giây.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Chiều rộng của cửa sổ « Gửi và Nhận Thư »">
+ <longdesc>Chiều rộng đầu tiên của cửa sổ « Gửi và Nhận Thư ». Giá trị này cứ cập nhật khi người dùng co giãn cửa sổ theo chiều ngang.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_maximized">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tình trạng phóng to cửa sổ « Gửi và Nhận Thư »">
+ <longdesc>Tình trạng phóng to đầu tiên của cửa sổ « Gửi và Nhận Thư ». Giá trị này cứ cập nhật khi người dùng phóng to hay thu nhỏ cửa sổ. Ghi chú rằng giá trị cụ thể này không phải được Evolution dùng vì cửa sổ « Gửi và Nhận Thư » không phóng to được. Do đó khoá này chỉ tồn tại làm chi tiết thực hiện.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Chiều cao của cửa sổ « Gửi và Nhận Thư »">
+ <longdesc>Chiều cao đầu tiên của cửa sổ « Gửi và Nhận Thư ». Giá trị này cứ cập nhật khi người dùng co giãn cửa sổ theo chiều dọc.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="save_dir">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thư mục lưu">
+ <longdesc>Thư mục vào đó cần lưu các tập tin thành phần thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="licenses">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Danh sách các quyền phép đã chấp nhận">
+ <longdesc>Danh sách các tên giao thức có quyền đã chấp nhận.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="accounts">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Danh sách các tài khoản">
+ <longdesc>Danh sách các tài khoản mà thành phần thư của Evolution biết được. Danh sách ấy chứa chuỗi lập tên của các thư mục con liên quan với /apps/evolution/mail/accounts.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_account">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Chuỗi UID của tài khoản mặc định.">
+ <longdesc>Chuỗi UID của tài khoản mặc định.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="labels">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Danh sách Nhãn và màu sắc liên quan">
+ <longdesc>Danh sách các nhãn mà thành phần thư của Evolution biết được. Danh sách ấy chứa chuỗi name:color (tên:màu) mà màu ấy dạng hệ thập lục phân HTML.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attachment_reminder_clues">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Danh sách các đầu mối cho phần bổ sung nhắc nhở đồ đính kèm lần trong thân thư">
+ <longdesc>Danh sách các đầu mối cho phần bổ sung nhắc nhở đồ đính kèm lần trong thân thư</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="trash">
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit_days">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Số ngày tối thiểu giữa hai lần đổ rác khi thoát.">
+ <longdesc>Thời gian tối thiểu giữa hai lần sổ rác khi thoát, theo ngày.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Làm sạch thư mục Rác khi thoát">
+ <longdesc>Làm sạch thư mục Rác khi thoát trình Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="prompts">
+ <entry name="checkdefault">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kiểm tra nếu Evolution là trình thư mặc định.">
+ <longdesc>Mỗi lần khởi chạy Evolution, kiểm tra nếu nó là trình thư mặc định hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="delete_in_vfolder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nhắc khi xoá thư khỏi thư mục tìm kiếm">
+ <longdesc>Nó bật/tắt tính năng cứ nhắc cảnh báo rằng việc xoá thư khỏi một thư mục tìm kiếm sẽ xoá hoàn toàn thư đó, không phải đơn giản gỡ bỏ nó khỏi kết quả tìm kiếm.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_all_read">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nhắc khi đánh dấu nhiều thư">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="open_many">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nhắc khi người dùng cố mở hơn 9 thư cùng lúc">
+ <longdesc>Nếu người dùng cố mở hơn 9 thư cùng lúc thì hỏi nếu họ thật muốn làm như thế.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unwanted_html">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nhắc khi người dùng cố gửi thư dạng HTML không phải được muốn">
+ <longdesc>Nhắc khi người dùng cố gửi thư HTML cho liên lạc không muốn nhận HTML.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="only_bcc">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nhắc khi người dùng chỉ nhập Bcc">
+ <longdesc>Nhắc khi người dùng cố gửi thư mà không có người nhận Cho (To) hay Chép Cho (CC).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expunge">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nhắc khi người dùng xoá hẳn">
+ <longdesc>Nhắc người dùng khi họ cố xoá hẳn thư mục.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_subject">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nhắc khi có chủ đề rỗng">
+ <longdesc>Nhắc người dùng khi họ cố gửi thư chưa có Chủ đề.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="format">
+ <entry name="message_display_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kiểu dáng hiển thị thư ("normal" - chuẩn, "full headers" - dòng đầu đây đủ, "source" - mã nguồn)">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="reply_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kiểu trả lời mặc định">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="forward_style">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kiểu chuyển tiếp mặc định">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="filters">
+ <entry name="logfile">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tập tin bản ghi nơi cần ghi lưu các hành động lọc.">
+ <longdesc>Tập tin bản ghi nơi cần ghi lưu các hành động lọc.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="log">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ghi lưu các hành động lọc">
+ <longdesc>Ghi lưu các hành động lọc vào tập tin bản ghi đã ghi rõ.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="subscribe_window">
+ <entry name="height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Độ cao mặc định của hộp thoại đăng ký">
+ <longdesc>Độ cao mặc định cửa hộp thoại Đăng ký.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Độ rộng mặc định của hộp thoại đăng ký">
+ <longdesc>Độ rộng mặc định cửa hộp thoại Đăng ký.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="error_level">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Mức quá đó thư nên được ghi lưu.">
+ <longdesc>Có ba giá trị có thể:
+ • 0 lỗi
+ • 1 cảnh báo
+ • 2 thông điệp gỡ lỗi.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_timeout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thời lượng theo giây trong đó cần hiển thị lỗi trên thanh trạng thái.">
+ <longdesc>Thời lượng theo giây trong đó cần hiển thị lỗi trên thanh trạng thái.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_latest">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Có nên sắp xếp nhánh dựa vào thư mới nhất trong nhánh, hay không">
+ <longdesc>Thiết lập này xác định các nhánh nên được sắp xếp dựa vào thư mới nhất trong mỗi nhánh, hơn là theo ngày tháng nhận thư. Cần phải khởi chạy lại Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_expand">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Giá trị mặc định cho tình trạng dãn ra nhánh">
+ <longdesc>Thiết lập này xác định các nhánh nên được giãn ra hay co lại theo mặc định. Evolution cần thiết khởi chạy lại.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_subject">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiển thị nhánh trong danh sách thư, theo Chủ đề">
+ <longdesc>Có nên trở về tạo nhánh thư theo chủ đề khi thư không chứa dòng đầu In-Reply-To (trả lời theo thư trước) hay References (tham chiếu).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="address_count">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Số địa chỉ cần hiển thị trong Cho/CC/BCC">
+ <longdesc>Tùy chọn này đặt số địa chỉ cần hiển thị trong ô xem danh sách thư mặc định, ở ngoại đó hiển thị dấu chấm lửng (…).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="address_compress">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thu gọn ô hiển thị các địa chỉ trong Cho/CC/BCC">
+ <longdesc>Thu gọn ô hiển thị các địa chỉ trong trường Cho/CC/BCC thành số được xác định trong giá trị « address_count » (số đếm địa chỉ)</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpaned_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Độ rộng ô cửa sổ danh sách thư">
+ <longdesc>Độ rộng của ô cửa sổ danh sách thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="paned_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Độ cao ô cửa sổ danh sách thư">
+ <longdesc>Độ cao ô cửa sổ danh sách thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="safe_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ẩn ô xem thử từng thư mục và gỡ bỏ vùng chọn">
+ <longdesc>Khoá này được đọc chỉ một lần, và đặt lại thành "false" (sai) sau khi đọc. Hành vi này thì bỏ chọn thư trong danh sách, và gỡ bo ô xem thử đối với thư mục đó.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_vfolders">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bật thư mục tìm kiếm">
+ <longdesc>Bật thư mục tìm kiếm vào lúc khởi chạy.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_deleted">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiển thị thư bị xoá trong danh sách các thư.">
+ <longdesc>Hiển thị mọi thư bị xoá (kiểu gạch đè) trong danh sách các thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_seen_timeout">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thời hạn đánh dấu thư Đã xem">
+ <longdesc>Thời hạn đánh dấu thư Đã xem.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vertical_view_fonts">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Xác định có nên sử dụng cùng một phông chữ trên cả hai dòng đầu « Từ » và « Chủ đề » trong cột « Thư » khi xem theo chiều dọc.">
+ <longdesc>Xác định có nên sử dụng cùng một phông chữ trên cả hai dòng đầu « Từ » và « Chủ đề » trong cột « Thư » khi xem theo chiều dọc.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_email">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Cột địa chỉ thư cua người gửi trong danh sách thư">
+ <longdesc>Hiển thị địa chỉ thư của người gửi trong một cột riêng trong danh sách thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_seen">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Đánh dấu là Đã xem, sau thời hạn đã ghi rõ.">
+ <longdesc>Đánh dấu là Đã xem, sau thời hạn đã ghi rõ.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mime_types">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Danh sách các dạng MIME cần kiểm tra đối với bộ xem thành phần Bonobo">
+ <longdesc>Nếu Evolution không có bộ xem có sẵn cho một dạng MIME nào đó thì bất cứ dạng MIME nào xuất hiện trong danh sách này mà ánh xạ tới một bộ xem thành phần Bonobo trong cơ sở dữ liệu dạng MIME của GNOME thì có thể được sử dụng để hiển thị nội dung.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="photo_local">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tìm kiếm ảnh chụp người gửi trong các sổ địa chỉ cục bộ">
+ <longdesc>Tùy chọn này sẽ tăng tốc độ lấy thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sender_photo">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện ảnh chụp của người gửi">
+ <longdesc>Hiển thị ảnh chụp của người gửi trong ô cửa sổ đọc thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="headers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Danh sách các dòng đầu tự chọn và nếu bật chưa.">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="animate_images">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện hoạt cảnh">
+ <longdesc>Hiện ảnh đã hoạt cảnh kiểu hoạt cảnh.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="load_http_images">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Nạp qua HTTP các ảnh cho thư HTML">
+ <longdesc>Tải qua HTTP(S) các ảnh cho thư HTML. Giá trị có thể:
+0 - không bao giờ tải ảnh từ Internet
+1 - tải ảnh trong thư đến tử liên lạc
+2 - lúc nào cũng tải ảnh từ Internet (không an toàn)</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="charset">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bộ ký tự mặc định để hiển thị thư.">
+ <longdesc>Bộ ký tự mặc định để hiển thị thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="caret_mode">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bật/tắt chế độ con nháy">
+ <longdesc>Bật chế độ con nháy, để bạn xem con chạy khi đọc thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="citation_colour">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Màu tô sáng trích dẫn">
+ <longdesc>Màu tô sáng trích dẫn.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_citations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Đánh các trích dẫn trong thư « Xem thử ».">
+ <longdesc>Đánh các trích dẫn trong thư « Xem thử ».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_spacebar">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bật/tắt phím dài ma thuật">
+ <longdesc>Bật tùy chọn này để sử dụng phím dài để cuộn qua ô xem thử thư, danh sách thư và các thư mục.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="no_folder_dots">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bật hay tắt thay thế phần tên thư mục bị cắt ngắn trong khung lề bằng dấu chấm lửng">
+ <longdesc>Có nên tắt tính năng thay thế phần còn lại của tên thư mục bị cắt ngắn trong khung lề bằng dấu chấm lửng, hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="side_bar_search">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bật/tắt tính năng tìm kiếm gõ trước">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="fonts">
+ <entry name="use_custom">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dùng phông chữ tự chọn">
+ <longdesc>Dùng phông chữ tự chọn để hiển thị thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="monospace">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Phông chữ thiết bị cuối">
+ <longdesc>Phông chữ thiết bị cuối để hiển thị thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="variable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Phông chữ rộng biến">
+ <longdesc>Phông chữ độ rộng biến đổi để hiển thị thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="composer">
+ <entry name="current_folder">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thư mục nạp/đính của bộ cấu tạo">
+ <longdesc>Thư mục từ đó cần nạp/đính tập tin vào bộ cấu tạo.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="height">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Độ cao mặc định cửa sổ soạn">
+ <longdesc>Độ cao mặc định cửa Cửa sổ Soạn.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="width">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Độ rộng mặc định cửa sổ soạn">
+ <longdesc>Độ rộng mặc định cửa Cửa sổ Soạn,</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="outlook_filenames">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Mã hoá các tên tập tin theo kiểu dáng Outlook/GMail">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="spell_languages">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ngôn ngữ kiểm tra chính tả">
+ <longdesc>Danh sách các mã ngôn ngữ từ điển được dùng để kiểm tra chính tả.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="spell_color">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Màu kiểm tra chính tả">
+ <longdesc>Màu gạch dưới cho từ sai chính tả khi dùng chức năng chính tả trực tiếp.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_html">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Gửi thư dạng HTML theo mặc định">
+ <longdesc>Gửi thư dạng HTML theo mặc định</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="request_receipt">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Luôn luôn yêu cầu thông báo đã đọc">
+ <longdesc>Mặc định là có nên thêm vào mỗi thư một yêu cầu thông báo đã đọc, hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_smileys">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tự động nhận dạng biểu tượng xúc cảm">
+ <longdesc>Nhận dạng hình cười trong văn bản và thay thế bằng ảnh.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_links">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tự động nhận dạng liên kết">
+ <longdesc>Nhận ra mọi liên kết trong văn bản và thay thế chúng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="inline_spelling">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kiểm tra trực tiếp chính tả">
+ <longdesc>Vẽ chỉ báo lỗi chính tả trên từ khi gõ.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="charset">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bộ ký tự mặc định để soạn thảo thư.">
+ <longdesc>Bộ ký tự mặc định để soạn thảo thư.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="junk">
+ <entry name="custom_header">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Các dòng đầu tự chọn cần sử dụng trong khi kiểm tra có thư rác không.">
+ <longdesc>Các dòng đầu tự chọn cần sử dụng trong khi kiểm tra có thư rác không. Những mục danh sách là chuỗi theo định dạng « tên_dòng_đầu=giá_trị ».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="check_custom_header">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Xác định có nên sử dụng các dòng đầu tự chọn để kiểm tra có thư rác, hay không.">
+ <longdesc>Xác định có nên sử dụng các dòng đầu tự chọn để kiểm tra có thư rác, hay không. Bật tùy chọn này và ghi rõ những dòng đầu hữu ích, thì tăng tốc độ kiểm tra có thư rác.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="lookup_addressbook_local_only">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Quyết định có nên tra tìm địa chỉ để lọc ra thư rác chỉ trong sổ địa chỉ cục bộ hay không">
+ <longdesc>Tùy chọn này liên quan đến khoá lookup_addressbook (tra tìm trong sổ địa chỉ) và được dùng để quyết định có nên tra tìm địa chỉ chỉ trong sổ địa chỉ cục bộ, để loại trừ khỏi tiến trình lọc ra thư rác các thư được gửi bởi liên lạc đã biết.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="lookup_addressbook">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Quyết định có nên tra tìm trong sổ địa chỉ tìm địa chỉ thư của người gửi, hay không">
+ <longdesc>Quyết định có nên tra tìm địa chỉ thư của người gửi trong sổ địa chỉ hay không. Tìm thấy thì nó không nên là thư rác. Chức năng này tra tìm trong những sổ được đánh dấu cho chức năng tự động điền nốt. Tiến trình này có thể chạy chậm nếu bạn đã đánh dấu sổ địa chỉ ở xa (v.d. LDAP) để tự động điền nốt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_plugin">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Phần bổ sung mặc định cho móc Thư rác">
+ <longdesc>Đây là phần bổ sung Thư rác mặc định, mặc dù có nhiều phần bổ sung được hiệu lực. Vậy nếu phần bổ sung đã liệt kê mặc định bị tắt, nó không bị thay thế bằng phần bổ sung sẵn sàng khác.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit_days">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Số ngày tối thiểu giữa hai lần xoá thư rác khi thoát.">
+ <longdesc>Thời gian tối thiểu giữa hai lần xoá thư rác khi thoát, theo ngày.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Làm sạch thư mục Thư rác khi thoát">
+ <longdesc>Làm sạch thư mục Thư rác khi thoát khỏi trình Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="check_incoming">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kiểm thư mới nhận là thư rác">
+ <longdesc>Chạy phép thử thư rác khi thư gửi đến</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="sa">
+ <entry name="use_daemon">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dùng trình nền và ứng dụng khách SpamAssassin">
+ <longdesc>Dùng trình nền và ứng dụng khách SpamAssassin (spamc/spamd).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="local_only">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dùng chỉ sự kiểm tra thư rác kiểu cục bộ.">
+ <longdesc>Dùng chỉ sự kiểm tra thư rác kiểu cục bộ (không có DNS).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="bogofilter">
+ <entry name="unicode">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Chuyển đổi thư sang Unicode">
+ <longdesc>Chuyển đổi văn bản của thư sang UTF-8 Unicode, để hợp nhất các hiệu bài rác đến từ các bộ ký tự khác nhau.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="gnome-session">
<dir name="options">
<entry name="logout_prompt">
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Mô tả hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Mô tả hồ sơ mà chứa thông tin thêm, và diễn tả khi nào nên sử dụng hồ sơ này.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Tên ngắn cho hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Một tên ngắn duy nhất cho hồ sơ âm thanh, để sử dụng khi chọn hồ sơ.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Mô tả hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Mô tả hồ sơ mà chứa thông tin thêm, và diễn tả khi nào nên sử dụng hồ sơ này.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Tên ngắn cho hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Một tên ngắn duy nhất cho hồ sơ âm thanh, để sử dụng khi chọn hồ sơ.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Mô tả hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Mô tả hồ sơ mà chứa thông tin thêm, và diễn tả khi nào nên sử dụng hồ sơ này.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Tên ngắn cho hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Một tên ngắn duy nhất cho hồ sơ âm thanh, để sử dụng khi chọn hồ sơ.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Mô tả hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Mô tả hồ sơ mà chứa thông tin thêm, và diễn tả khi nào nên sử dụng hồ sơ này.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Tên ngắn cho hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Một tên ngắn duy nhất cho hồ sơ âm thanh, để sử dụng khi chọn hồ sơ.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Mô tả hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Mô tả hồ sơ mà chứa thông tin thêm, và diễn tả khi nào nên sử dụng hồ sơ này.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Tên ngắn cho hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Một tên ngắn duy nhất cho hồ sơ âm thanh, để sử dụng khi chọn hồ sơ.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Mô tả hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Mô tả hồ sơ mà chứa thông tin thêm, và diễn tả khi nào nên sử dụng hồ sơ này.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Tên ngắn cho hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Một tên ngắn duy nhất cho hồ sơ âm thanh, để sử dụng khi chọn hồ sơ.</longdesc>
<entry name="description">
<local_schema short_desc="Mô tả hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Mô tả hồ sơ mà chứa thông tin thêm, và diễn tả khi nào nên sử dụng hồ sơ này.</longdesc>
<entry name="name">
<local_schema short_desc="Tên ngắn cho hồ sơ âm thanh">
- <longdesc>Một tên ngắn duy nhất cho hồ sơ âm thanh, để sử dụng khi chọn hồ sơ.</longdesc>
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+ </dir>
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+ </dir>
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+ </dir>
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+ </dir>
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+ <entry name="day_end_minute" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/day_end_minute"/>
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+ <entry name="day_start_minute" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/day_start_minute"/>
+ <entry name="day_start_hour" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/day_start_hour"/>
+ <entry name="week_start_day" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/week_start_day"/>
+ <entry name="show_categories" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/show_categories"/>
+ <entry name="show_timezone" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/show_timezone"/>
+ <entry name="show_rsvp" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/show_rsvp"/>
+ <entry name="show_type" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/show_type"/>
+ <entry name="show_status" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/show_status"/>
+ <entry name="show_role" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/show_role"/>
+ <entry name="use_24hour_format" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/use_24hour_format"/>
+ <entry name="day_second_zones_max" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/day_second_zones_max"/>
+ <entry name="day_second_zones" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/day_second_zones"/>
+ <entry name="day_second_zone" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/day_second_zone"/>
+ <entry name="use_system_timezone" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/use_system_timezone"/>
+ <entry name="timezone" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/timezone"/>
+ <entry name="primary_calendar" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/calendar/display/primary_calendar"/>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="eplugin">
+ <dir name="face">
+ <entry name="insert_by_default" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/eplugin/face/insert_by_default"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="mail-notification">
+ <entry name="sound-use-theme" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/eplugin/mail-notification/sound-use-theme"/>
+ <entry name="sound-file" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/eplugin/mail-notification/sound-file"/>
+ <entry name="sound-beep" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/eplugin/mail-notification/sound-beep"/>
+ <entry name="sound-enabled" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/eplugin/mail-notification/sound-enabled"/>
+ <entry name="status-notification" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/eplugin/mail-notification/status-notification"/>
+ <entry name="status-enabled" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/eplugin/mail-notification/status-enabled"/>
+ <entry name="dbus-enabled" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/eplugin/mail-notification/dbus-enabled"/>
+ <entry name="notify-only-inbox" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/eplugin/mail-notification/notify-only-inbox"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="email_custom_header">
+ <entry name="customHeader" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/eplugin/email_custom_header/customHeader"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="external-editor">
+ <entry name="launch-on-key-press" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/eplugin/external-editor/launch-on-key-press"/>
+ <entry name="editor-command" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/eplugin/external-editor/editor-command"/>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="mail">
+ <entry name="template_placeholders" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/template_placeholders"/>
+ <entry name="sync_interval" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/sync_interval"/>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_width" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/vfolder_editor_width"/>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_maximized" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/vfolder_editor_maximized"/>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_height" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/vfolder_editor_height"/>
+ <entry name="send_recv_width" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/send_recv_width"/>
+ <entry name="send_recv_maximized" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/send_recv_maximized"/>
+ <entry name="send_recv_height" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/send_recv_height"/>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_width" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/filter_editor_width"/>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_maximized" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/filter_editor_maximized"/>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_height" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/filter_editor_height"/>
+ <entry name="save_dir" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/save_dir"/>
+ <entry name="licenses" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/licenses"/>
+ <entry name="accounts" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/accounts"/>
+ <entry name="default_account" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/default_account"/>
+ <entry name="labels" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/labels"/>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_maximized" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/mail_browser_maximized"/>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_height" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/mail_browser_height"/>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_width" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/mail_browser_width"/>
+ <entry name="attachment_reminder_clues" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/attachment_reminder_clues"/>
+ <dir name="trash">
+ <entry name="empty_date" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/trash/empty_date"/>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit_days" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/trash/empty_on_exit_days"/>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/trash/empty_on_exit"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="prompts">
+ <entry name="checkdefault" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/prompts/checkdefault"/>
+ <entry name="reply_many_recips" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/prompts/reply_many_recips"/>
+ <entry name="list_reply_to" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/prompts/list_reply_to"/>
+ <entry name="private_list_reply" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/prompts/private_list_reply"/>
+ <entry name="delete_in_vfolder" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/prompts/delete_in_vfolder"/>
+ <entry name="mark_all_read" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/prompts/mark_all_read"/>
+ <entry name="open_many" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/prompts/open_many"/>
+ <entry name="unwanted_html" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/prompts/unwanted_html"/>
+ <entry name="only_bcc" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/prompts/only_bcc"/>
+ <entry name="expunge" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/prompts/expunge"/>
+ <entry name="empty_subject" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/prompts/empty_subject"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="format">
+ <entry name="message_display_style" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/format/message_display_style"/>
+ <entry name="reply_style" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/format/reply_style"/>
+ <entry name="forward_style" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/format/forward_style"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="filters">
+ <entry name="flush-outbox" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/filters/flush-outbox"/>
+ <entry name="logfile" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/filters/logfile"/>
+ <entry name="log" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/filters/log"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="subscribe_window">
+ <entry name="height" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/subscribe_window/height"/>
+ <entry name="width" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/subscribe_window/width"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="show_real_date" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/show_real_date"/>
+ <entry name="error_level" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/error_level"/>
+ <entry name="error_timeout" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/error_timeout"/>
+ <entry name="thread_latest" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/thread_latest"/>
+ <entry name="thread_expand" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/thread_expand"/>
+ <entry name="thread_subject" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/thread_subject"/>
+ <entry name="address_count" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/address_count"/>
+ <entry name="message_text_part_limit" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/message_text_part_limit"/>
+ <entry name="force_message_limit" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/force_message_limit"/>
+ <entry name="address_compress" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/address_compress"/>
+ <entry name="layout" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/layout"/>
+ <entry name="hpaned_size" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/hpaned_size"/>
+ <entry name="paned_size" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/paned_size"/>
+ <entry name="safe_list" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/safe_list"/>
+ <entry name="enable_vfolders" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/enable_vfolders"/>
+ <entry name="show_deleted" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/show_deleted"/>
+ <entry name="mark_seen_timeout" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/mark_seen_timeout"/>
+ <entry name="vertical_view_fonts" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/vertical_view_fonts"/>
+ <entry name="show_email" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/show_email"/>
+ <entry name="mark_seen" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/mark_seen"/>
+ <entry name="mime_types" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/mime_types"/>
+ <entry name="photo_local" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/photo_local"/>
+ <entry name="sender_photo" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/sender_photo"/>
+ <entry name="headers" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/headers"/>
+ <entry name="show_all_headers" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/show_all_headers"/>
+ <entry name="animate_images" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/animate_images"/>
+ <entry name="load_http_images" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/load_http_images"/>
+ <entry name="charset" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/charset"/>
+ <entry name="caret_mode" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/caret_mode"/>
+ <entry name="citation_colour" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/citation_colour"/>
+ <entry name="mark_citations" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/mark_citations"/>
+ <entry name="global_view_setting" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/global_view_setting"/>
+ <entry name="magic_spacebar" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/magic_spacebar"/>
+ <entry name="no_folder_dots" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/no_folder_dots"/>
+ <entry name="side_bar_search" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/side_bar_search"/>
+ <entry name="animated_images" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/animated_images"/>
+ <dir name="fonts">
+ <entry name="use_custom" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/fonts/use_custom"/>
+ <entry name="monospace" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/fonts/monospace"/>
+ <entry name="variable" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/display/fonts/variable"/>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="composer">
+ <entry name="current_folder" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/current_folder"/>
+ <entry name="ignore_list_reply_to" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/ignore_list_reply_to"/>
+ <entry name="height" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/height"/>
+ <entry name="width" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/width"/>
+ <entry name="no_signature_delim" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/no_signature_delim"/>
+ <entry name="top_signature" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/top_signature"/>
+ <entry name="outlook_filenames" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/outlook_filenames"/>
+ <entry name="show_post_reply_to" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/show_post_reply_to"/>
+ <entry name="show_post_from" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/show_post_from"/>
+ <entry name="show_mail_reply_to" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/show_mail_reply_to"/>
+ <entry name="show_mail_cc" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/show_mail_cc"/>
+ <entry name="show_mail_bcc" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/show_mail_bcc"/>
+ <entry name="spell_languages" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/spell_languages"/>
+ <entry name="spell_color" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/spell_color"/>
+ <entry name="send_html" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/send_html"/>
+ <entry name="request_receipt" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/request_receipt"/>
+ <entry name="reply_start_bottom" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/reply_start_bottom"/>
+ <entry name="group_reply_to_list" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/group_reply_to_list"/>
+ <entry name="magic_smileys" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/magic_smileys"/>
+ <entry name="magic_links" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/magic_links"/>
+ <entry name="inline_spelling" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/inline_spelling"/>
+ <entry name="charset" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/composer/charset"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="junk">
+ <entry name="custom_header" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/junk/custom_header"/>
+ <entry name="check_custom_header" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/junk/check_custom_header"/>
+ <entry name="lookup_addressbook_local_only" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/junk/lookup_addressbook_local_only"/>
+ <entry name="lookup_addressbook" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/junk/lookup_addressbook"/>
+ <entry name="default_plugin" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/junk/default_plugin"/>
+ <entry name="empty_date" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/junk/empty_date"/>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit_days" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/junk/empty_on_exit_days"/>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/junk/empty_on_exit"/>
+ <entry name="check_incoming" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/junk/check_incoming"/>
+ <dir name="sa">
+ <entry name="use_daemon" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/junk/sa/use_daemon"/>
+ <entry name="local_only" mtime="1326796986" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/junk/sa/local_only"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="bogofilter">
+ <entry name="unicode" mtime="1326796985" schema="/schemas/apps/evolution/mail/junk/bogofilter/unicode"/>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="gnome-sound-recorder">
<entry name="last-input" mtime="1326795820" schema="/schemas/apps/gnome-sound-recorder/last-input"/>
<entry name="last-profile-id" mtime="1326795820" schema="/schemas/apps/gnome-sound-recorder/last-profile-id"/>
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="evolution">
+ <entry name="last_version" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Last upgraded configuration version">
+ <longdesc>The last upgraded configuration version of Evolution, with major/minor/configuration level (for example "2.6.0").</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="version" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Configuration version">
+ <longdesc>The configuration version of Evolution, with major/minor/configuration level (for example "2.6.0").</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="shell">
+ <entry name="express_mode" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable express mode">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Flag that enables a much simplified user interface.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="start_offline" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Start in offline mode">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc> Whether Evolution will start up in offline mode instead of online mode.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="file_chooser_folder" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Initial file chooser folder">
+ <longdesc>Initial folder for GtkFileChooser dialogs.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attachment_view" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Initial attachment view">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>Initial view for attachment bar widgets.
+ "0" is Icon View, "1" is List View.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="skip_warning_dialog" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Skip development warning dialog">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether the warning dialog in development versions of Evolution is skipped.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="network_config">
+ <entry name="autoconfig_url" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Automatic proxy configuration URL">
+ <longdesc>URL that provides proxy configuration values.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="ignore_hosts" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Non-proxy hosts">
+ <longdesc>This key contains a list of hosts which are connected to directly, rather than via the proxy (if it is active). The values can be hostnames, domains (using an initial wildcard like *.foo.com), IP host addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6) and network addresses with a netmask (something like</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="authentication_password" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="HTTP proxy password">
+ <longdesc>Password to pass as authentication when doing HTTP proxying.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="authentication_user" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="HTTP proxy username">
+ <longdesc>User name to pass as authentication when doing HTTP proxying.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_authentication" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Authenticate proxy server connections">
+ <longdesc>If true, then connections to the proxy server require authentication. The username is retrieved from the "/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/authentication_user" GConf key, and the password is retrieved from either gnome-keyring or the ~/.gnome2_private/Evolution password file.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_http_proxy" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Use HTTP proxy">
+ <longdesc>Enables the proxy settings when accessing HTTP/Secure HTTP over the Internet.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="socks_host" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="SOCKS proxy host name">
+ <longdesc>The machine name to proxy socks through.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="socks_port" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="SOCKS proxy port">
+ <longdesc>The port on the machine defined by "/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/socks_host" that you proxy through.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="secure_host" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Secure HTTP proxy host name">
+ <longdesc>The machine name to proxy secure HTTP through.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="secure_port" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Secure HTTP proxy port">
+ <longdesc>The port on the machine defined by "/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/secure_host" that you proxy through.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="http_host" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="HTTP proxy host name">
+ <longdesc>The machine name to proxy HTTP through.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="http_port" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="HTTP proxy port">
+ <longdesc>The port on the machine defined by "/apps/evolution/shell/network_config/http_host" that you proxy through.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="proxy_type" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Proxy configuration mode">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>Select the proxy configuration mode. Supported values are 0, 1, 2, and 3 representing "use system settings", "no proxy", "use manual proxy configuration" and "use proxy configuration provided in the autoconfig url" respectively.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="view_defaults">
+ <entry name="component_id" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="ID or alias of the component to be shown by default at start-up.">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>mail</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>ID or alias of the component to be shown by default at start-up.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="statusbar_visible" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Statusbar is visible">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether the status bar should be visible.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sidebar_visible" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Sidebar is visible">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether the sidebar should be visible.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toolbar_visible" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Toolbar is visible">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether the toolbar should be visible.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="buttons_style" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Window button style">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>toolbar</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>The style of the window buttons. Can be "text", "icons", "both", "toolbar". If "toolbar" is set, the style of the buttons is determined by the GNOME toolbar setting.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="buttons_visible" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Window buttons are visible">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether the window buttons should be visible.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_maximized" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default window state">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether or not the window should be maximized.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_height" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default window height">
+ <default type="int" value="480"/>
+ <longdesc>The default height for the main window, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_width" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default window width">
+ <default type="int" value="640"/>
+ <longdesc>The default width for the main window, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_x" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default window X coordinate">
+ <longdesc>The default X coordinate for the main window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_y" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default window Y coordinate">
+ <longdesc>The default Y coordinate for the main window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="folder_bar">
+ <entry name="width" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default sidebar width">
+ <default type="int" value="200"/>
+ <longdesc>The default width for the sidebar, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="offline">
+ <entry name="folder_paths" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="List of paths for the folders to be synchronized to disk for offline usage">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="addressbook">
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="show_preview" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-addressbook">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show preview pane">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to show the preview pane.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vpane_position" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-addressbook">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Contact preview pane position (vertical)">
+ <default type="int" value="400"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Position of the contact preview pane when oriented vertically.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpane_position" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-addressbook">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Contact preview pane position (horizontal)">
+ <default type="int" value="200"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Position of the contact preview pane when oriented horizontally.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="layout" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-addressbook">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Contact layout style">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The layout style determines where to place the preview pane
+ in relation to the contact list. "0" (Classic View) places
+ the preview pane below the contact list. "1" (Vertical View)
+ places the preview pane next to the contact list.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="select_names">
+ <entry name="last_used_uri" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-addressbook">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="URI for the folder last used in the select names dialog">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>URI for the folder last used in the select names dialog.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="completion">
+ <entry name="show_address" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-addressbook">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show autocompleted name with an address">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether force showing the mail address with the name of the autocompleted contact in the entry.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="minimum_query_length" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-addressbook">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Autocomplete length">
+ <default type="int" value="3"/>
+ <longdesc>The number of characters that must be typed before Evolution will attempt to autocomplete.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="uris" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-addressbook">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="EFolderList XML for the list of completion URIs">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>EFolderList XML for the list of completion URIs.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="calendar">
+ <entry name="audio_dir" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Save directory for alarm audio">
+ <longdesc>
+ Directory for saving alarm audio files
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="publish">
+ <entry name="template" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Free/busy template URL">
+ <longdesc>The URL template to use as a free/busy data fallback, %u is replaced by the user part of the mail address and %d is replaced by the domain.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="uris" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-calendar" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Free/busy server URLs">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>List of server URLs for free/busy publishing.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="notify">
+ <entry name="notify_with_tray" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show display alarms in notification tray">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether or not to use the notification tray for display alarms.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="programs" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-calendar" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Alarm programs">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>Programs that are allowed to be run by alarms.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="calendars" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-calendar" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Calendars to run alarms for">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="last_notification_time" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Last alarm time">
+ <default type="int" value="-1"/>
+ <longdesc>Time the last alarm ran, in time_t.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="other">
+ <entry name="def_recur_count" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default recurrence count">
+ <default type="int" value="2"/>
+ <longdesc>Count of default recurrence for a new event. -1 means forever.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_reminder_units" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default reminder units">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>Units for a default reminder, "minutes", "hours" or "days".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_reminder_interval" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default reminder value">
+ <default type="int" value="15"/>
+ <longdesc>Number of units for determining a default reminder.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_default_reminder" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default appointment reminder">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to set a default reminder for appointments.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="prompts">
+ <entry name="confirm_purge" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Confirm expunge">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to ask for confirmation when expunging appointments and tasks.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="confirm_delete" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Ask for confirmation when deleting items">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to ask for confirmation when deleting an appointment or task.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="tasks">
+ <entry name="hide_completed_value" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Hide task value">
+ <default type="int" value="1"/>
+ <longdesc>Number of units for determining when to hide tasks.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_completed_units" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Hide task units">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>days</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>Units for determining when to hide tasks, "minutes", "hours" or "days".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_completed" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Hide completed tasks">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to hide completed tasks in the tasks view.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="primary_tasks" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Primary task list">
+ <longdesc>URI of the highlighted ("primary") task list</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="colors">
+ <entry name="overdue" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Overdue tasks color">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>#ff0000</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>Background color of tasks that are overdue, in "#rrggbb" format.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="due_today" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Tasks due today color">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>#1e90ff</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>Background color of tasks that are due today, in "#rrggbb" format.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="memos">
+ <entry name="primary_memos" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Primary memo list">
+ <longdesc>URI of the highlighted ("primary") memo list</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="error_level" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Level beyond which the message should be logged.">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc> This can have three possible values. 0 for errors. 1 for warnings.
+ 2 for debug messages.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_timeout" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Amount of time in seconds the error should be shown on the status bar.">
+ <default type="int" value="60"/>
+ <longdesc> Amount of time in seconds the error should be shown on the status bar.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_scroll_by_week" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Scroll Month View by a week">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to scroll a Month View by a week, not by a month.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_week_numbers" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show week numbers in Day View, Work Week View, and Date Navigator">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to show week numbers in various places in the Calendar.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="events_gradient" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Event Gradient">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Gradient of the events in calendar views.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="events_transparency" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="float" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Event Transparency">
+ <default type="float" value="1"/>
+ <longdesc>Transparency of the events in calendar views, a value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_color_timebar" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Marcus Bains Line Color - Time bar">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>#ff0000</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>Color to draw the Marcus Bains Line in the Time bar (empty for default).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_color_dayview" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Marcus Bains Line Color - Day View">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>#ff0000</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>Color to draw the Marcus Bains line in the Day View.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="marcus_bains_line" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Marcus Bains Line">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to draw the Marcus Bains Line (line at current time) in the calendar.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="working_days" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Work days">
+ <default type="int" value="62"/>
+ <longdesc>Days on which the start and end of work hours should be indicated.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_event_end" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show appointment end times in week and month views">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to display the end time of events in the week and month views.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="compress_weekend" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Compress weekends in month view">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to compress weekends in the month view, which puts Saturday and Sunday in the space of one weekday.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="task_vpane_position" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Task preview pane position (vertical)">
+ <default type="int" value="400"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Position of the task preview pane when oriented vertically.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="task_hpane_position" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Task preview pane position (horizontal)">
+ <default type="int" value="200"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Position of the task preview pane when oriented horizontally.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_task_preview" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show the task preview pane">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If "true", show the task preview pane in the main window.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="task_layout" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Task layout style">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The layout style determines where to place the preview pane
+ in relation to the task list. "0" (Classic View) places the
+ preview pane below the task list. "1" (Vertical View) places
+ the preview pane next to the task list.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="memo_vpane_position" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Memo preview pane position (vertical)">
+ <default type="int" value="400"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Position of the memo preview pane when oriented vertically.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="memo_hpane_position" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Memo preview pane position (horizontal)">
+ <default type="int" value="200"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Position of the task preview pane when oriented horizontally.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_memo_preview" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show the memo preview pane">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If "true", show the memo preview pane in the main window.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="memo_layout" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Memo layout style">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The layout style determines where to place the preview pane
+ in relation to the memo list. "0" (Classic View) places the
+ preview pane below the memo list. "1" (Vertical View) places
+ the preview pane next to the memo list.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="date_navigator_pane_position" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Month view vertical pane position ">
+ <default type="int" value="150"/>
+ <longdesc>Position of the vertical pane, between the calendar lists and the date navigator calendar.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_vpane_position" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Month view vertical pane position ">
+ <default type="int" value="150"/>
+ <longdesc>Position of the vertical pane, between the view and the date navigator calendar and task list in the month view, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="month_hpane_position" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Month view horizontal pane position ">
+ <default type="int" value="32000"/>
+ <longdesc>Position of the horizontal pane, between the view and the date navigator calendar and task list in the month view, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vpane_position" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Vertical pane position">
+ <default type="int" value="150"/>
+ <longdesc>Position of the vertical pane, between the view and the date navigator calendar and task list when not in the month view, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpane_position" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Horizontal pane position">
+ <default type="int" value="400"/>
+ <longdesc>Position of the horizontal pane, between the date navigator calendar and the task list when not in the month view, in pixels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="time_divisions" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Time divisions">
+ <default type="int" value="30"/>
+ <longdesc>Intervals shown in Day and Work Week views, in minutes.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_end_minute" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Workday end minute">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>Minute the workday ends on, 0 to 59.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_end_hour" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Workday end hour">
+ <default type="int" value="17"/>
+ <longdesc>Hour the workday ends on, in twenty four hour format, 0 to 23.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_start_minute" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Workday start minute">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>Minute the workday starts on, 0 to 59.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_start_hour" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Workday start hour">
+ <default type="int" value="9"/>
+ <longdesc>Hour the workday starts on, in twenty four hour format, 0 to 23.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="week_start_day" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Week start">
+ <default type="int" value="1"/>
+ <longdesc>Weekday the week starts on, from Sunday (0) to Saturday (6).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_categories" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show categories field in the event/meeting/task editor">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to show categories field in the event/meeting editor</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_timezone" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show timezone field in the event/meeting editor">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to show timezone field in the event/meeting editor</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_rsvp" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show RSVP field in the event/task/meeting editor">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to show RSVP field in the event/task/meeting editor</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_type" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show type field in the event/task/meeting editor">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to show type field in the event/task/meeting editor</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_status" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show status field in the event/task/meeting editor">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to show status field in the event/task/meeting editor</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_role" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show Role field in the event/task/meeting editor">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to show role field in the event/task/meeting editor</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_24hour_format" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Twenty four hour time format">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to show times in twenty four hour format instead of using am/pm.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zones_max" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Maximum number of recently used timezones to remember.">
+ <default type="int" value="5"/>
+ <longdesc>Maximum number of recently used timezones to remember in a 'day_second_zones' list.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zones" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-calendar" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Recently used second time zones in a Day View">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>List of recently used second time zones in a Day View.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="day_second_zone" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="The second timezone for a Day View">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>Shows the second time zone in a Day View, if set. Value is similar to one used in a 'timezone' key.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_system_timezone" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Use system timezone">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Use the system timezone instead of the timezone selected
+ in Evolution.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="timezone" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Timezone">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>UTC</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>The default timezone to use for dates and times in the calendar, as an untranslated Olsen timezone database location like "America/New York".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="primary_calendar" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-calendar">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Primary calendar">
+ <longdesc>URI of the highlighted ("primary") calendar</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="eplugin">
+ <dir name="face">
+ <entry name="insert_by_default" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="org.gnome.evolution.plugins.face">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Insert Face picture by default">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether insert Face picture to outgoing messages by default. The picture should be set before checking this, otherwise nothing happens.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="mail-notification">
+ <entry name="sound-use-theme" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Use sound theme">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Play themed sound when new messages arrive, if not in beep mode.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-file" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Sound file name to be played.">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>Sound file to be played when new messages arrive, if not in beep mode.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-beep" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Beep or play sound file.">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>If "true", then beep, otherwise will play sound file when new messages arrive.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sound-enabled" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Play sound when new messages arrive.">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether play sound or beep when new messages arrive.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="status-notification" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Popup message together with the icon.">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether show message over the icon when new messages arrive.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="status-enabled" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable icon in notification area.">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Show new mail icon in notification area when new messages arrive.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="dbus-enabled" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable D-Bus messages.">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Generates a D-Bus message when new mail messages arrive.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="notify-only-inbox" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Notify new messages for Inbox only.">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether to notify new messages in Inbox folder only.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="email_custom_header">
+ <entry name="customHeader" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-eplugin" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="List of Custom Headers">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Security=Personal;Unclassified;Protected;InConfidence;Secret;Topsecret</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>The key specifies the list of custom headers that you can add to an outgoing message. The format for specifying a Header and Header value is: Name of the custom header followed by "=" and the values separated by ";"</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="external-editor">
+ <entry name="launch-on-key-press" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Automatically launch when a new mail is edited">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Automatically launch editor when key is pressed in the mail composer</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="editor-command" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default External Editor">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>gedit</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>The default command that must be used as the editor.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="mail">
+ <entry name="template_placeholders" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-mail" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="List of keyword/value pairs for the Templates plugin to
+ substitute in a message body.">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>myphone=012345</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>myplace=Abcd</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>myname=Alice</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ List of keyword/value pairs for the Templates plugin to
+ substitute in a message body.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sync_interval" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Server synchronization interval">
+ <default type="int" value="60"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Controls how frequently local changes are synchronized with the
+ remote mail server. The interval must be at least 30 seconds.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_width" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc=""Search Folder Editor" window width">
+ <default type="int" value="400"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Initial width of the "Search Folder Editor" window.
+ The value updates as the user resizes the window horizontally.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_maximized" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc=""Search Folder Editor" window maximize state">
+ <longdesc>
+ Initial maximize state of the "Search Folder Editor" window.
+ The value updates when the user maximizes or unmaximizes the
+ window. Note, this particular value is not used by Evolution
+ since the "Search Folder Editor" window cannot be maximized.
+ This key exists only as an implementation detail.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vfolder_editor_height" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc=""Search Folder Editor" window height">
+ <default type="int" value="650"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Initial height of the "Search Folder Editor" window.
+ The value updates as the user resizes the window vertically.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_width" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc=""Send and Receive Mail" window width">
+ <default type="int" value="600"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Initial width of the "Send and Receive Mail" window.
+ The value updates as the user resizes the window horizontally.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_maximized" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc=""Send and Receive Mail" window maximize state">
+ <longdesc>
+ Initial maximize state of the "Send and Receive Mail" window.
+ The value updates when the user maximizes or unmaximizes the
+ window. Note, this particular value is not used by Evolution
+ since the "Send and Receive Mail" window cannot be maximized.
+ This key exists only as an implementation detail.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_recv_height" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc=""Send and Receive Mail" window height">
+ <default type="int" value="200"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Initial height of the "Send and Receive Mail" window.
+ The value updates as the user resizes the window vertically.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_width" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc=""Filter Editor" window width">
+ <default type="int" value="400"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Initial width of the "Filter Editor" window.
+ The value updates as the user resizes the window horizontally.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_maximized" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc=""Filter Editor" window maximize state">
+ <longdesc>
+ Initial maximize state of the "Filter Editor" window.
+ The value updates when the user maximizes or unmaximizes the
+ window. Note, this particular value is not used by Evolution
+ since the "Filter Editor" window cannot be maximized. This
+ key exists only as an implementation detail.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="filter_editor_height" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc=""Filter Editor" window height">
+ <default type="int" value="650"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Initial height of the "Filter Editor" window.
+ The value updates as the user resizes the window vertically.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="save_dir" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Save directory">
+ <longdesc>
+ Directory for saving mail component files.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="licenses" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-mail" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="List of accepted licenses">
+ <longdesc>
+ List of protocol names whose license has been accepted.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="accounts" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-mail" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="List of accounts">
+ <longdesc>
+ List of accounts known to the mail component of
+ Evolution. The list contains strings naming
+ subdirectories relative to /apps/evolution/mail/accounts.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_account" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="UID string of the default account.">
+ <longdesc>
+ UID string of the default account.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="labels" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-mail" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="List of Labels and their associated colors">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>I_mportant:#EF2929</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>_Work:#F57900</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>_Personal:#4E9A06</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>_To Do:#3465A4</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>_Later:#75507B</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ List of labels known to the mail component of
+ Evolution. The list contains strings containing name:color
+ where color uses the HTML hex encoding.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_maximized" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Mail browser maximized">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Default maximized state of the mail browser window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_height" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Mail browser height">
+ <default type="int" value="400"/>
+ <longdesc>Default height of the mail browser window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mail_browser_width" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Mail browser width">
+ <default type="int" value="600"/>
+ <longdesc>Default width of the mail browser window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attachment_reminder_clues" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-mail" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="List of clues for the attachment reminder plugin to look for in a message body">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>attachment</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>attaching</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>attached</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>enclosed</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ List of clues for the attachment reminder plugin to look for
+ in a message body
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="trash">
+ <entry name="empty_date" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Last time Empty Trash was run">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The last time Empty Trash was run, in days since January 1st, 1970 (Epoch).
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit_days" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Minimum days between emptying the trash on exit">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Minimum time between emptying the trash on exit, in days.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Empty Trash folders on exit">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Empty all Trash folders when exiting Evolution.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="prompts">
+ <entry name="checkdefault" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Check whether Evolution is the default mailer">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Every time Evolution starts, check whether or not it is the default mailer.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="reply_many_recips" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Prompt when replying to many recipients">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ It disables/enables the repeated prompts to warn that you are
+ sending a reply to many people.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="list_reply_to" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Prompt when mailing list hijacks private replies">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>It disables/enables the repeated prompts to warn that you are trying sending a private reply to a message which arrived via a mailing list, but the list sets a Reply-To: header which redirects your reply back to the list</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="private_list_reply" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Prompt when replying privately to list messages">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ It disables/enables the repeated prompts to warn that you are
+ sending a private reply to a message which arrived via a
+ mailing list.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="delete_in_vfolder" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Prompt when deleting messages in search folder">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ It disables/enables the repeated prompts to warn that deleting
+ messages from a search folder permanently deletes the message, not
+ simply removing it from the search results.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_all_read" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Prompt while marking multiple messages">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Enable or disable the prompt whilst marking multiple messages.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="open_many" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Prompt when user tries to open 10 or more messages at once">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If a user tries to open 10 or more messages at one time, ask the user
+ if they really want to do it.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unwanted_html" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Prompt when user tries to send unwanted HTML">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Prompt when user tries to send HTML mail to recipients that
+ may not want to receive HTML mail.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="only_bcc" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Prompt when user only fills Bcc">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Prompt when user tries to send a message with no To or Cc recipients.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expunge" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Prompt when user expunges">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Prompt the user when he or she tries to expunge a folder.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_subject" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Prompt on empty subject">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Prompt the user when he or she tries to send a message
+ without a Subject.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="format">
+ <entry name="message_display_style" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Message-display style ("normal", "full headers", "source")">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="reply_style" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default reply style">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="forward_style" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default forward style">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="filters">
+ <entry name="flush-outbox" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Flush Outbox after filtering">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Whether to flush Outbox after filtering is done. Outbox flush will happen
+ only when there was used any 'Forward to' filter action and approximately
+ one minute after the last action invocation.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="logfile" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Logfile to log filter actions">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Logfile to log filter actions.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="log" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Log filter actions">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Log filter actions to the specified log file.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="subscribe_window">
+ <entry name="height" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Subscribe dialog default height">
+ <default type="int" value="400"/>
+ <longdesc>Default height of the subscribe dialog.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="width" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Subscribe dialog default width">
+ <default type="int" value="600"/>
+ <longdesc>Default width of the subscribe dialog.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="display">
+ <entry name="show_real_date" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show original "Date" header value.">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Show the original "Date" header (with a local time only if the time zone differs).
+ Otherwise always show "Date" header value in a user preferred format and local time zone.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_level" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Level beyond which the message should be logged.">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ This can have three possible values. "0" for errors.
+ "1" for warnings. "2" for debug messages.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="error_timeout" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Amount of time in seconds the error should be shown on the status bar.">
+ <default type="int" value="60"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Amount of time in seconds the error should be shown on the status bar.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_latest" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Whether sort threads based on latest message in that thread">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ This setting specifies whether the threads should be sorted based
+ on latest message in each thread, rather than by message's date.
+ Evolution requires a restart.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_expand" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default value for thread expand state">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ This setting specifies whether the threads should be in expanded
+ or collapsed state by default. Evolution requires a restart.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="thread_subject" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Thread the message-list based on Subject">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Whether or not to fall back on threading by subjects when the
+ messages do not contain In-Reply-To or References headers.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="address_count" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Number of addresses to display in TO/CC/BCC">
+ <default type="int" value="5"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ This sets the number of addresses to show in default message list
+ view, beyond which a '...' is shown.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="message_text_part_limit" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Message text limit for display">
+ <default type="int" value="4096"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ This decides the max size of the message text that will be displayed under
+ Evolution, specified in terms of KB. The default is 4096 (4MB). This value
+ is used only when 'force_message_limit' key is activated.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="force_message_limit" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Display only message texts not exceeding certain size">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Enable to display only message texts not exceeding size defined in 'message_text_part_limit' key.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="address_compress" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Compress display of addresses in TO/CC/BCC">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Compress display of addresses in TO/CC/BCC to the number
+ specified in address_count.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="layout" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Layout style">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The layout style determines where to place the preview pane
+ in relation to the message list. "0" (Classic View) places
+ the preview pane below the message list. "1" (Vertical View)
+ places the preview pane next to the message list.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hpaned_size" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Width of the message-list pane">
+ <default type="int" value="450"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Width of the message-list pane.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="paned_size" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Height of the message-list pane">
+ <default type="int" value="144"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Height of the message-list pane.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="safe_list" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Hides the per-folder preview and removes the selection">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ This key is read only once and reset to "false" after read. This
+ unselects the mail in the list and removes the preview for that
+ folder.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_vfolders" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable search folders">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Enable search folders on startup.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_deleted" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show deleted messages in the message-list">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Show deleted messages (with a strike-through) in the message-list.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_seen_timeout" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Timeout for marking message as seen">
+ <default type="int" value="1500"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Timeout for marking message as seen.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="vertical_view_fonts" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Determines whether to use the same fonts for both "From" and "Subject" lines in the "Messages" column in vertical view.">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Determines whether to use the same fonts for both "From" and "Subject" lines in the "Messages" column in vertical view.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_email" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Sender email-address column in the message list">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Show the email-address of the sender in a separate column in the message list.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_seen" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Mark as Seen after specified timeout">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Mark as Seen after specified timeout.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mime_types" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-mail" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="List of MIME types to check for Bonobo component viewers">
+ <longdesc>
+ If there isn't a builtin viewer for a particular MIME type inside Evolution,
+ any MIME types appearing in this list which map to a Bonobo component viewer
+ in GNOME's MIME type database may be used for displaying content.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="photo_local" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Search for the sender photo in local address books ">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ This option would help in improving the speed of fetching.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="sender_photo" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show photo of the sender">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Show the photo of the sender in the message reading pane.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="headers" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-mail" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="List of custom headers and whether they are enabled.">
+ <longdesc>
+ This key should contain a list of XML structures specifying custom headers,
+ and whether they are to be displayed. The format of the XML structure is
+ <header enabled> - set enabled if the header is to be displayed
+ in the mail view.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_all_headers" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show all message headers">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Show all the headers when viewing a messages.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="animate_images" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show Animations">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Show animated images as animations.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="load_http_images" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Load images for HTML messages over HTTP">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Load images for HTML messages over HTTP(S). Possible values are:
+ "0" - Never load images off the net.
+ "1" - Load images in messages from contacts.
+ "2" - Always load images off the net.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="charset" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default charset in which to display messages">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Default charset in which to display messages.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="caret_mode" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable/disable caret mode">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Enable caret mode, so that you can see a cursor when reading mail.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="citation_colour" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Citation highlight color">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>#737373</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Citation highlight color.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="mark_citations" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Mark citations in the message "Preview"">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Mark citations in the message "Preview".
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="global_view_setting" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable to use a similar message list view settings for all folders">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc> Enable to use a similar message list view settings for all folders.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_spacebar" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable or disable magic space bar">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc> Enable this to use Space bar key to scroll in message preview, message list and folders.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="no_folder_dots" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Disable or enable ellipsizing of folder names in side bar">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Whether disable ellipsizing feature of folder names in side bar.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="side_bar_search" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable or disable type ahead search feature">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Enable the side bar search feature to allow interactive searching of folder names.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="animated_images" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show image animations">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Enable animated images in HTML mail. Many users find animated
+ images annoying and prefer to see a static image instead.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="fonts">
+ <entry name="use_custom" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Use custom fonts">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Use custom fonts for displaying mail.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="monospace" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Terminal font">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Monospace 12</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ The terminal font for mail display.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="variable" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Variable width font">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Sans 12</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ The variable width font for mail display.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="composer">
+ <entry name="current_folder" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Composer load/attach directory">
+ <longdesc>
+ Directory for loading/attaching files to composer.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="ignore_list_reply_to" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Ignore list Reply-To:">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Some mailing lists set a Reply-To: header to trick users into
+ sending replies to the list, even when they ask Evolution to
+ make a private reply. Setting this option to TRUE will attempt
+ to ignore such Reply-To: headers, so that Evolution will do
+ as you ask it. If you use the private reply action, it will
+ reply privately, while if you use the 'Reply to List' action
+ it will do that. It works by comparing the Reply-To: header
+ with a List-Post: header, if there is one.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="height" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Composer Window default height">
+ <default type="int" value="500"/>
+ <longdesc>Default height of the Composer Window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="width" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Composer Window default width">
+ <default type="int" value="600"/>
+ <longdesc>Default width of the Composer Window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="no_signature_delim" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Do not add signature delimiter">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Set to TRUE in case you do not want to add signature delimiter
+ before your signature when composing a mail.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="top_signature" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Put personalized signatures at the top of replies">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Users get all up in arms over where their signature should go
+ when replying to a message. This determines whether the signature is
+ placed at the top of the message or the bottom.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="outlook_filenames" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Encode file names in an Outlook/GMail way">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Encode file names in the mail headers same as Outlook or GMail do, to let them display correctly file names with UTF-8 letters sent by Evolution, because they do not follow the RFC 2231, but use the incorrect RFC 2047 standard.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_post_reply_to" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show "Reply To" field when posting to a newsgroup">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Show the "Reply To" field when posting to a newsgroup. This
+ is controlled from the View menu when a news account is chosen.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_post_from" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show "From" field when posting to a newsgroup">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Show the "From" field when posting to a newsgroup. This is
+ controlled from the View menu when a news account is chosen.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_mail_reply_to" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show "Reply To" field when sending a mail message">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Show the "Reply To" field when sending a mail message. This
+ is controlled from the View menu when a mail account is chosen.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_mail_cc" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show "Cc" field when sending a mail message">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Show the "Cc" field when sending a mail message. This is
+ controlled from the View menu when a mail account is chosen.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_mail_bcc" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show "Bcc" field when sending a mail message">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Show the "Bcc" field when sending a mail message. This is
+ controlled from the View menu when a mail account is chosen.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="spell_languages" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-mail" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Spell checking languages">
+ <longdesc>
+ List of dictionary language codes used for spell checking.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="spell_color" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Spell checking color">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>#FFFF00000000</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Underline color for misspelled words when using inline spelling.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="send_html" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Send HTML mail by default">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Send HTML mail by default.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="request_receipt" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Always request read receipt">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Whether a read receipt request gets added to every message by default.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="reply_start_bottom" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Put the cursor at the bottom of replies">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Users get all up in arms over where the cursor should go when
+ replying to a message. This determines whether the cursor is placed
+ at the top of the message or the bottom.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="group_reply_to_list" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Group Reply replies to list">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Instead of the normal "Reply to All" behaviour, this option will
+ make the 'Group Reply' toolbar button try to reply only to the
+ mailing list through which you happened to receive the copy of
+ the message to which you're replying.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_smileys" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Automatic emoticon recognition">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Recognize emoticons in text and replace them with images.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="magic_links" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Automatic link recognition">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Recognize links in text and replace them.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="inline_spelling" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Spell check inline">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Draw spelling error indicators on words as you type.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="charset" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Default charset in which to compose messages">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Default charset in which to compose messages.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="junk">
+ <entry name="custom_header" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="list" owner="evolution-mail" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Custom headers to use while checking for junk.">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>X-Spam-Flag=YES</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>X-Spam-Level=*****</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Custom headers to use while checking for junk. The list elements
+ are string in the format "headername=value".
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="check_custom_header" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Determines whether to use custom headers to check for junk">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Determines whether to use custom headers to check for junk. If this option is enabled and the headers are mentioned, it will be improve the junk checking speed.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="lookup_addressbook_local_only" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Determines whether to look up addresses for junk filtering in local address book only">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ This option is related to the key lookup_addressbook and is used to determine whether to look up addresses in local address book only to exclude mail sent by known contacts from junk filtering.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="lookup_addressbook" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Determines whether to lookup in address book for sender email">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Determines whether to lookup the sender email in address book. If found, it shouldn't be a spam. It looks up in the books marked for autocompletion. It can be slow, if remote address books (like LDAP) are marked for autocompletion.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="default_plugin" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="string" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="The default plugin for Junk hook">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Bogofilter</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ This is the default junk plugin, even though there are multiple plugins
+ enabled. If the default listed plugin is disabled, then it won't fall back
+ to the other available plugins.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_date" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Last time Empty Junk was run">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The last time Empty Junk was run, in days since January 1st, 1970 (Epoch).
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit_days" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="int" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Minimum days between emptying the junk on exit">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Minimum time between emptying the junk on exit, in days.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="empty_on_exit" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Empty Junk folders on exit">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Empty all Junk folders when exiting Evolution.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="check_incoming" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Check incoming mail being junk">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Run junk test on incoming mail.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="sa">
+ <entry name="use_daemon" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Use SpamAssassin daemon and client">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Use SpamAssassin daemon and client (spamc/spamd).
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="local_only" mtime="1326796986" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="evolution-mail">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Use only local spam tests.">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Use only the local spam tests (no DNS).
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="bogofilter">
+ <entry name="unicode" mtime="1326796985" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="bf-eplugin">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Convert mail messages to Unicode">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Convert message text to Unicode UTF-8 to unify spam/ham tokens
+ coming from different character sets.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="gnome-sound-recorder">
<entry name="last-input" mtime="1326795820" type="schema" stype="string" owner="Gnome Sound Recorder">
<local_schema locale="C">