--- /dev/null
+# Set up the prompt
+autoload -Uz promptinit
+prompt adam1
+setopt histignorealldups sharehistory
+# Use emacs keybindings even if our EDITOR is set to vi
+bindkey -e
+# Keep 1000 lines of history within the shell and save it to ~/.zsh_history:
+# Use modern completion system
+autoload -Uz compinit
+zstyle ':completion:*' auto-description 'specify: %d'
+zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _correct _approximate
+zstyle ':completion:*' format 'Completing %d'
+zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
+zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=2
+eval "$(dircolors -b)"
+zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
+zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ''
+zstyle ':completion:*' list-prompt %SAt %p: Hit TAB for more, or the character to insert%s
+zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}' 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=* l:|=*'
+zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=long
+zstyle ':completion:*' select-prompt %SScrolling active: current selection at %p%s
+zstyle ':completion:*' use-compctl false
+zstyle ':completion:*' verbose true
+zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#)*=0=01;31'
+zstyle ':completion:*:kill:*' command 'ps -u $USER -o pid,%cpu,tty,cputime,cmd'
--- /dev/null
+# /etc/zsh/zshenv: system-wide .zshenv file for zsh(1).
+# This file is sourced on all invocations of the shell.
+# If the -f flag is present or if the NO_RCS option is
+# set within this file, all other initialization files
+# are skipped.
+# This file should contain commands to set the command
+# search path, plus other important environment variables.
+# This file should not contain commands that produce
+# output or assume the shell is attached to a tty.
+# Global Order: zshenv, zprofile, zshrc, zlogin
+if [[ -z "$PATH" || "$PATH" == "/bin:/usr/bin" ]]
+ export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games"
--- /dev/null
+# /etc/zsh/zshrc: system-wide .zshrc file for zsh(1).
+# This file is sourced only for interactive shells. It
+# should contain commands to set up aliases, functions,
+# options, key bindings, etc.
+# Global Order: zshenv, zprofile, zshrc, zlogin
+# An array to note missing features to ease diagnosis in case of problems.
+typeset -ga debian_missing_features
+ [[ "$TERM" != 'emacs' ]]
+ typeset -A key
+ key=(
+ BackSpace "${terminfo[kbs]}"
+ Home "${terminfo[khome]}"
+ End "${terminfo[kend]}"
+ Insert "${terminfo[kich1]}"
+ Delete "${terminfo[kdch1]}"
+ Up "${terminfo[kcuu1]}"
+ Down "${terminfo[kcud1]}"
+ Left "${terminfo[kcub1]}"
+ Right "${terminfo[kcuf1]}"
+ PageUp "${terminfo[kpp]}"
+ PageDown "${terminfo[knp]}"
+ )
+ function bind2maps () {
+ local i sequence widget
+ local -a maps
+ while [[ "$1" != "--" ]]; do
+ maps+=( "$1" )
+ shift
+ done
+ shift
+ sequence="${key[$1]}"
+ widget="$2"
+ [[ -z "$sequence" ]] && return 1
+ for i in "${maps[@]}"; do
+ bindkey -M "$i" "$sequence" "$widget"
+ done
+ }
+ bind2maps emacs -- BackSpace backward-delete-char
+ bind2maps viins -- BackSpace vi-backward-delete-char
+ bind2maps vicmd -- BackSpace vi-backward-char
+ bind2maps emacs -- Home beginning-of-line
+ bind2maps viins vicmd -- Home vi-beginning-of-line
+ bind2maps emacs -- End end-of-line
+ bind2maps viins vicmd -- End vi-end-of-line
+ bind2maps emacs viins -- Insert overwrite-mode
+ bind2maps vicmd -- Insert vi-insert
+ bind2maps emacs -- Delete delete-char
+ bind2maps viins vicmd -- Delete vi-delete-char
+ bind2maps emacs viins vicmd -- Up up-line-or-history
+ bind2maps emacs viins vicmd -- Down down-line-or-history
+ bind2maps emacs -- Left backward-char
+ bind2maps viins vicmd -- Left vi-backward-char
+ bind2maps emacs -- Right forward-char
+ bind2maps viins vicmd -- Right vi-forward-char
+ # Make sure the terminal is in application mode, when zle is
+ # active. Only then are the values from $terminfo valid.
+ if (( ${+terminfo[smkx]} )) && (( ${+terminfo[rmkx]} )); then
+ function zle-line-init () {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ printf '%s' ${terminfo[smkx]}
+ }
+ function zle-line-finish () {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ printf '%s' ${terminfo[rmkx]}
+ }
+ zle -N zle-line-init
+ zle -N zle-line-finish
+ else
+ for i in {s,r}mkx; do
+ (( ${+terminfo[$i]} )) || debian_missing_features+=($i)
+ done
+ unset i
+ fi
+ unfunction bind2maps
+fi # [[ -z "$DEBIAN_PREVENT_KEYBOARD_CHANGES" ]] && [[ "$TERM" != 'emacs' ]]
+zstyle ':completion:*:sudo:*' command-path /usr/local/sbin \
+ /usr/local/bin \
+ /usr/sbin \
+ /usr/bin \
+ /sbin \
+ /bin \
+ /usr/X11R6/bin
+(( ${+aliases[run-help]} )) && unalias run-help
+autoload -Uz run-help