--- /dev/null
+# This is a system configuration for allowing or denying certain users or
+# groups to be able to do certain actions that involve system restricted
+# actions such as halt, reboot, suspend, hibernate etc.
+# This file is read in order from top to bottom - the first rule to MATCH
+# will be used for a user or a group, and nothing after that is read.
+# You must put all the ACTION definitons BEFORE user and group rule matches.
+# Any action definitons after a rule match has been found will be ignored.
+# This allows actions to be re-defined for different user groups, so matches
+# so the command for an action can change for matches to the rules later on.
+# Any user or group NOT matched by an allow or a deny will be ALLOWED to
+# perform the action by default (system administrators should be aware of
+# this and implement whatever policies they see fit). Generally speaking
+# a user of a workstation, desktop or laptop is intended to have such abilities
+# to perform these actions, thus the default of allow. For multi-user systems
+# the system administrator is considerd capable enough to restrict what they
+# see they need to.
+# A WARNING to admins: do NOT allow access for users to this system remotely
+# UNLESS you fully trust them or you have locked down permissions to halt/reboot
+# suspend etc. here first. You have been warned.
+# action: halt /sbin/shutdown -h now
+# action: reboot /sbin/shutdown -r now
+# action: suspend /etc/acpi/sleep.sh force
+# action: hibernate /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh force
+# user: username allow: halt reboot suspend hibernate
+# group: groupname deny: *
+# group: * deny: *
+# user: * allow: suspend
+# user: billy allow: halt reboot
+# group: staff deny: halt suspend hibernate
+# etc.
+# user and group name can use glob matches (* == all for example) like the
+# shell. as can action names allowed or denied.
+action: halt /sbin/shutdown -h now
+action: reboot /sbin/shutdown -r now
+action: suspend /usr/sbin/pm-suspend
+action: hibernate /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate
+# on FreeBSD use this instead of the above.
+#action suspend /usr/sbin/zzz
+# root is allowed to do anything - but it needs to be here explicitly anyway
+user: root allow: *
+# members of operator, staff and admin groups should be able to do all
+group: operator allow: *
+group: staff allow: *
+group: admin allow: *
+group: sys allow: *
+group: wheel allow: *
+# common "user" groups for "console users" on desktops/laptops
+group: dialout allow: *
+group: disk allow: *
+group: adm allow: *
+group: cdrom allow: *
+group: floppy allow: *
+group: audio allow: *
+group: dip allow: *
+group: plugdev allow: *
+# put in a list of other users and groups here that are allowed or denied etc.
+# e.g.
+# user: myuser allow: *
+# user: another allow: suspend hibernate
+# deny everyone else by default
+user: * deny: *
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"
+ "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/menu-spec/1.0/menu.dtd">
+ <Name>Applications</Name>
+ <Directory>Applications.directory</Directory>
+ <!-- Scan legacy dirs first, as later items take priority -->
+ <LegacyDir>/etc/X11/applnk</LegacyDir>
+ <LegacyDir>/usr/share/gnome/apps</LegacyDir>
+ <KDELegacyDirs/>
+ <!-- Read standard .directory and .desktop file locations -->
+ <DefaultAppDirs/>
+ <DefaultDirectoryDirs/>
+ <!-- Read in overrides and child menus from applications-merged/ -->
+ <DefaultMergeDirs/>
+ <!-- Accessories submenu -->
+ <Menu>
+ <Name>Accessories</Name>
+ <Directory>Utility.directory</Directory>
+ <Include>
+ <And>
+ <Category>Utility</Category>
+ <!-- Accessibility spec must have either the Utility or Settings
+ category, and we display an accessibility submenu already for
+ the ones that do not have Settings, so don't display accessibility
+ applications here -->
+ <Not><Category>Accessibility</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>System</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>Development</Category></Not>
+ </And>
+ </Include>
+ </Menu> <!-- End Accessories -->
+ <!-- Accessibility submenu -->
+ <Menu>
+ <Name>Universal Access</Name>
+ <Directory>Utility-Accessibility.directory</Directory>
+ <Include>
+ <And>
+ <Category>Accessibility</Category>
+ <Not><Category>Settings</Category></Not>
+ </And>
+ </Include>
+ </Menu> <!-- End Accessibility -->
+ <!-- Development Tools -->
+ <Menu>
+ <Name>Development</Name>
+ <Directory>Development.directory</Directory>
+ <Include>
+ <Or>
+ <Category>Development</Category>
+ <Category>X-KDE-KDevelopIDE</Category>
+ <Category>Translation</Category>
+ <Category>WebDevelopment</Category>
+ </Or>
+ <Filename>emacs.desktop</Filename>
+ </Include>
+ </Menu> <!-- End Development Tools -->
+ <!-- Education -->
+ <Menu>
+ <Name>Education</Name>
+ <Directory>Education.directory</Directory>
+ <Include>
+ <And>
+ <Category>Education</Category>
+ <Category>X-KDE-Edu-Language</Category>
+ <Not><Category>Science</Category></Not>
+ </And>
+ </Include>
+ </Menu> <!-- End Education -->
+ <!-- Science -->
+ <Menu>
+ <Name>Science</Name>
+ <Directory>GnomeScience.directory</Directory>
+ <Include>
+ <And>
+ <Category>Education</Category>
+ <Category>Science</Category>
+ <Category>Astronomy</Category>
+ <Category>Biology</Category>
+ <Category>Chemistry</Category>
+ <Category>Geology</Category>
+ <Category>MedicalSoftware</Category>
+ <Category>Physics</Category>
+ <Category>Math</Category>
+ </And>
+ </Include>
+ </Menu> <!-- End Science -->
+ <!-- Games -->
+ <Menu>
+ <Name>Games</Name>
+ <Directory>Game.directory</Directory>
+ <Include>
+ <And>
+ <Category>Game</Category>
+ <Category>Amusement</Category>
+ <Not><Category>ActionGame</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>AdventureGame</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>ArcadeGame</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>BoardGame</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>BlocksGame</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>CardGame</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>KidsGame</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>LogicGame</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>RolePlaying</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>Simulation</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>SportsGame</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>StrategyGame</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>X-KDE-KidsGame</Category></Not>
+ </And>
+ <Or>
+ <Category>Game</Category>
+ </Or>
+ </Include>
+ </Menu> <!-- End Games -->
+ <!-- Graphics -->
+ <Menu>
+ <Name>Graphics</Name>
+ <Directory>Graphics.directory</Directory>
+ <Include>
+ <And>
+ <Category>Graphics</Category>
+ </And>
+ </Include>
+ </Menu> <!-- End Graphics -->
+ <!-- Internet -->
+ <Menu>
+ <Name>Internet</Name>
+ <Directory>Network.directory</Directory>
+ <Include>
+ <And>
+ <Category>Network</Category>
+ </And>
+ </Include>
+ </Menu> <!-- End Internet -->
+ <!-- Multimedia -->
+ <Menu>
+ <Name>Multimedia</Name>
+ <Directory>AudioVideo.directory</Directory>
+ <Include>
+ <And>
+ <Category>AudioVideo</Category>
+ </And>
+ </Include>
+ </Menu> <!-- End Multimedia -->
+ <!-- Office -->
+ <Menu>
+ <Name>Office</Name>
+ <Directory>Office.directory</Directory>
+ <Include>
+ <And>
+ <Category>Office</Category>
+ </And>
+ </Include>
+ </Menu> <!-- End Office -->
+ <!-- System Tools-->
+ <Menu>
+ <Name>System</Name>
+ <Directory>System-Tools.directory</Directory>
+ <Include>
+ <And>
+ <Category>System</Category>
+ <Not><Category>Settings</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>Game</Category></Not>
+ </And>
+ </Include>
+ </Menu> <!-- End System Tools -->
+ <!-- Other -->
+ <Menu>
+ <Name>Other</Name>
+ <Directory>Other.directory</Directory>
+ <OnlyUnallocated/>
+ <Include>
+ <And>
+ <Not><Category>Core</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>Settings</Category></Not>
+ <Not><Category>Screensaver</Category></Not>
+ </And>
+ </Include>
+ </Menu> <!-- End Other -->
+ <!-- The Debian menu -->
+ <Menu>
+ <Name>Debian</Name>
+ <MergeFile>debian-menu.menu</MergeFile>
+ <Directory>Debian.directory</Directory>
+ </Menu>
+ <Merge type="menus"/>
+ <Merge type="files"/>
+</Menu> <!-- End Applications -->