--- /dev/null
+package CookBook::Plugin::ConfigLoader;
+# $Id: ConfigLoader.pm 61 2007-06-11 16:45:13Z fbrehm $
+# $URL$
+use base "Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader";
+use CookBook::Common;
+use Catalyst::Log::Log4perl;
+my %LogLevels = (
+ 'FATAL' => 1,
+ 'ERROR' => 1,
+ 'WARN' => 1,
+ 'INFO' => 1,
+ 'DEBUG' => 1,
+=head2 finalize_config
+This method is called after the config file is loaded. It can be
+used to implement tuning of config values that can only be done
+at runtime. If you need to do this to properly configure any
+plugins, it's important to load ConfigLoader before them.
+ConfigLoader provides a default finalize_config method which
+walks through the loaded config hash and replaces any strings
+beginning containing C<__HOME__> with the full path to
+app's home directory (i.e. C<$c-E<gt>path_to('')> ).
+You can also use C<__path_to(foo/bar)__> which translates to
+C<$c-E<gt>path_to('foo', 'bar')>
+sub finalize_config {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $K = __PACKAGE__ . "::finalize_config(): ";
+ #$c->log->debug( get_output_string( $K, "aufgerufen." ) ) if $c->config->{'debug_level'} >= 2;
+ $c->SUPER::finalize_config();
+ # Vorgabe-View festlegen (kann mit $c->stash->{'current_view_instance'} oder $c->stash->{'current_view'} ueberschrieben werden.)
+ $c->config()->{'default_view'} = 'TT' unless $c->config()->{'default_view'};
+ my $log4perlconf = "";
+ my $log_level = uc( $c->config()->{'log_level'} || 'info' );
+ $log_level = 'INFO' unless $LogLevels{$log_level};
+ $log_level = 'DEBUG';
+ }
+ else {
+ $log_level = 'INFO' if $log_level eq 'DEBUG';
+ }
+ $log4perlconf .= 'log4perl.rootLogger=' . $log_level . ", A1\n";
+ if ( $c->config()->{'colored_log'} ) {
+ $log4perlconf .= "log4perl.appender.A1=Log::Log4perl::Appender::ScreenColoredLevels\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $log4perlconf .= "log4perl.appender.A1=Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen\n";
+ }
+ $log4perlconf .= "log4perl.appender.A1.layout=PatternLayout\n";
+ $log4perlconf .= "log4perl.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d] [CookBook] [%p] %m%n\n";
+ $c->log->debug( $K . "Log4perl-Konfiguration:\n" . $log4perlconf ) if $c->config->{'debug_level'} >= 1;
+ $c->log( Catalyst::Log::Log4perl->new( \$log4perlconf ) );
+ my $dsn = 'dbi:mysql:host=%s;database=%s';
+ $dsn = sprintf( $dsn, ( $c->config()->{'database'}->{'host'} || 'localhost' ),
+ ( $c->config()->{'database'}->{'schema'} || 'cookbook' ) );
+ my $port = 3306;
+ if ( $c->config()->{'database'}->{'port'} and to_int( $c->config()->{'database'}->{'port'} ) ) {
+ $port = $c->config()->{'database'}->{'port'};
+ }
+ $port = $port == 3306 ? '' : ';port=' . $port;
+ $dsn .= $port;
+ $c->config()->{'dsn'} = $dsn;
+ $c->config()->{'db_user'} = $c->config()->{'database'}->{'user'} || 'cookbook';
+ $c->config()->{'db_passwd'} = $c->config()->{'database'}->{'passwd'} || '';
+ $ENV{'COOKBOOK_DSN'} = $dsn;
+ $ENV{'COOKBOOK_USER'} = $c->config()->{'db_user'};
+ $ENV{'COOKBOOK_PWD'} = $c->config()->{'db_passwd'};
+ $c->log->debug( get_output_string( $K, "Aktuelle Konfiguration: ", $c->config ) ) if $c->config->{'debug_level'} >= 3;
+} ## end sub finalize_config