use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
+use Module::Info;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$Revisn =~ s/^.*:\s*(\S+)\s*\$.*/$1/s;
our $VERSION = "1.0." . $Revisn;
my $module = {};
my ( $verbose, $cur_dir, $cmdline_verbose, $DebugLevel, $help, $show_version, $get_module_version );
print "Include-Verzeichnisse: " . Dumper(\@INC) if $verbose;
+my $global_count = 0;
for my $d ( @INC ) {
my $dir = abs_path($d);
my $file_abs = $File::Find::name;
if ( -f $file_abs and $file_abs =~ /\.pm$/ ) {
print "Untersuche '$file_abs' ...\n" if $verbose > 1;
my ( $volume, $file_in_volume, $file_bla ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $file_abs, 1 );
$file_in_volume =~ s/^$cur_dir\///;
return if $file_in_volume =~ /^$arch\//;
return if $file_in_volume =~ /^$version\//;
+ $global_count++;
my $modname = $file_in_volume;
$modname =~ s/\.pm$//;
$modname =~ s#/#::#g;
$mod_info->{'path'} = $file_abs;
$mod_info->{'loc'} = $loc_name;
+ if ( $get_module_version ) {
+ my $version = get_version( $file_abs, $modname );
+ $version = '' unless defined $version;
+ $mod_info->{'version'} = $version;
+ $module->{$modname}{'version'} = $version unless exists $module->{$modname}{'version'};
+ }
push @{ $module->{$modname}{'locations'} }, $mod_info;
#$module->{$modname} = $location;
print Dumper( $module ) if $verbose > 1;
print "\nGefundene Module:\n\n" if $verbose;
+printf "insgesamt %d Module gefunden.\n\n", $global_count if $verbose;
for my $m ( sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %$module ) {
printf " - %s\n", $m;
for my $mod_info ( @{ $module->{$m}{'locations'} } ) {
- printf " %-11s %s\n", $mod_info->{'loc'}, $mod_info->{'path'};
+ my $version = $get_module_version ? ( " (" . $mod_info->{'version'} . ")" ) : '';
+ printf " %-11s %s%s\n", $mod_info->{'loc'}, $mod_info->{'path'}, $version;
- #print $module->{$_} . " " . $_ . "\n";
exit 0;
+sub get_version {
+ my $module_path = shift;
+ my $module_name = shift;
+ my $mod = Module::Info->new_from_file($module_path);
+ my $version = $mod->version;
+ $version = '~' unless defined $version and $version ne '';
+ return $version;
=end comment