<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="control-center">
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_upgrade_uninstall">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kontrollzentrum nach dem Aktualisieren oder Deinstallieren eines Objektes beenden">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob das Kontrollzentrum nach dem Aktualisieren oder Deinstallieren eines Objektes beendet werden soll.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_add_remove">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kontrollzentrum nach dem Hinzufügen oder Entfernen eines Objektes beenden">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob das Kontrollzentrum nach dem Hinzufügen oder Entfernen eines Objektes beendet werden soll.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_help">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kontrollzentrum nach dem Aufrufen der Hilfe beenden">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob das Kontrollzentrum nach dem Aufrufen der Hilfe beendet werden soll.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_start">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kontrollzentrum nach dem Starten eines Objektes beenden">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob das Kontrollzentrum nach dem Starten eines Objektes beendet werden soll.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_static_action">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Das Kontrollzentrum schließen, nachdem die Aktion aktiviert wurde">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob das Kontrollzentrum nach dem Aktivieren einer »Häufigen Aktion« beendet wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_actions_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Aktionen und zugewiesene .desktop-Dateien">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="network">
+ <entry name="current_location">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Aktueller Ort im Netzwerk">
+ <longdesc>Legen Sie hier den aktuellen Ortsnamen fest. Er wird zur Bestimmung der richtigen Konfiguration des Netzwerk-Proxys verwendet.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="appearance">
+ <entry name="more_themes_url">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Adresse für weitere Themen">
+ <longdesc>Adresse, unter der weitere Arbeitsflächen-Themen zu finden sind. Wenn man die Zeichenkette leer lässt, erscheint kein Link.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="more_backgrounds_url">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Adresse für weitere Hintergründe">
+ <longdesc>Adresse, unter der weitere Arbeitsflächen-Hintergründe zu finden sind. Wenn man die Zeichenkette leer lässt, erscheint kein Link.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="drivemount-applet">
<dir name="prefs">
<entry name="interval">
<longdesc>Sollen alle externen Programme zum Erzeugen von Miniatur-Vorschaubildern deaktiviert werden, unabhängig davon, ob sie anderweitig aktiviert wurden?</longdesc>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-otf">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorschaubilder auf OpenType-Schriften anzeigen?">
+ <longdesc>Sollen Miniatur-Vorschaubilder auf OpenType-Schriften angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorschaubefehl für OpenType-Schriften">
+ <longdesc>Setzen Sie diesen Schlüssel auf den zum Erstellen von Miniatur-Vorschaubildern auf OpenType-Schriften verwendeten Befehl.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-pcf">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorschaubilder auf PCF-Schriften anzeigen?">
+ <longdesc>Sollen Miniatur-Vorschaubilder auf PCF-Schriften angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorschaubefehl für PCF-Schriften">
+ <longdesc>Setzen Sie diesen Schlüssel auf den zum Erstellen von Miniatur-Vorschaubildern auf PCF-Schriften verwendeten Befehl.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-type1">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorschaubilder auf Type1-Schriften anzeigen?">
+ <longdesc>Sollen Miniatur-Vorschaubilder auf Type1-Schriften angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorschaubefehl für Type1-Schriften">
+ <longdesc>Setzen Sie diesen Schlüssel auf den zum Erstellen von Miniatur-Vorschaubildern auf Type1-Schriften verwendeten Befehl.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-ttf">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorschaubilder auf TrueType-Schriften anzeigen?">
+ <longdesc>Sollen Miniatur-Vorschaubilder auf TrueType-Schriften angezeigt werden?</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vorschaubefehl für TrueType-Schriften">
+ <longdesc>Setzen Sie diesen Schlüssel auf den zum Erstellen von Miniatur-Vorschaubildern auf TrueType-Schriften verwendeten Befehl.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
<dir name="application@x-shockwave-flash">
<entry name="command">
<local_schema short_desc="Befehl für Vorschaubilder von Flash-Dateien">
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="control-center">
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_upgrade_uninstall">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Exit shell on upgrade or uninstall action performed">
+ <longdesc>Indicates whether to close the shell when an upgrade or uninstall action is performed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_add_remove">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Exit shell on add or remove action performed">
+ <longdesc>Indicates whether to close the shell when an add or remove action is performed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_help">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Exit shell on help action performed">
+ <longdesc>Indicates whether to close the shell when a help action is performed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_start">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Exit shell on start action performed">
+ <longdesc>Indicates whether to close the shell when a start action is performed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_static_action">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Close the control-centre when a task is activated">
+ <longdesc>if true, the control-centre will close when a "Common Task" is activated.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_actions_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Task names and associated .desktop files">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="network">
+ <entry name="current_location">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Current network location">
+ <longdesc>Set this to your current location name. This is used to determine the appropriate network proxy configuration.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="appearance">
+ <entry name="more_themes_url">
+ <local_schema short_desc="More themes URL">
+ <longdesc>URL for where to get more desktop themes. If set to an empty string the link will not appear.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="more_backgrounds_url">
+ <local_schema short_desc="More backgrounds URL">
+ <longdesc>URL for where to get more desktop backgrounds. If set to an empty string the link will not appear.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="drivemount-applet">
<dir name="prefs">
<entry name="interval">
<longdesc>Set to true to disable all external thumbnailer programs, independent on whether they are independently disabled/enabled.</longdesc>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-otf">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Whether to thumbnail OpenType fonts">
+ <longdesc>If set to true, then OpenType fonts will be thumbnailed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thumbnail command for OpenType fonts">
+ <longdesc>Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for OpenType fonts.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-pcf">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Whether to thumbnail PCF fonts">
+ <longdesc>If set to true, then PCF fonts will be thumbnailed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thumbnail command for PCF fonts">
+ <longdesc>Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for PCF fonts.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-type1">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Whether to thumbnail Type1 fonts">
+ <longdesc>If set to true, then Type1 fonts will be thumbnailed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thumbnail command for Type1 fonts">
+ <longdesc>Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for Type1 fonts.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-ttf">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Whether to thumbnail TrueType fonts">
+ <longdesc>If set to true, then TrueType fonts will be thumbnailed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thumbnail command for TrueType fonts">
+ <longdesc>Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for TrueType fonts.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
<dir name="application@x-shockwave-flash">
<entry name="command">
<local_schema short_desc="Thumbnail command for Flash files">
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="control-center">
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_upgrade_uninstall">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Выходить из оболочки при выполнении действия обновления или удаления">
+ <longdesc>Указывает, закрывать ли оболочку при выполнении действия установки или удаления.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_add_remove">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Выходить из оболочки при выполнении действия удаления или добавления">
+ <longdesc>Указывает, закрывать ли оболочку при выполнении действия добавления или удаления.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_help">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Выходить из оболочки при вызове действия справки">
+ <longdesc>Указывает, закрывать ли оболочку при выполнении действия справки.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_start">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Выходить из оболочки при выполнении действия запуска">
+ <longdesc>Указывает, закрывать ли оболочку при выполнении действия запуска.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_static_action">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Закрывать центр управления, когда задача активирована">
+ <longdesc>Если этот параметр установлен, центр управления будет закрыт при активации "Общей задачи".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_actions_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Имена заданий и связанные с ними файлы .desktop">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="network">
+ <entry name="current_location">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Текущее расположение в сети">
+ <longdesc>Установить название вашего текущего местоположения. Оно используется для определения соответствующей настройки прокси-сервера.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="appearance">
+ <entry name="more_themes_url">
+ <local_schema short_desc="URL хранилища тем">
+ <longdesc>URL для получения дополнительных тем рабочего стола. Если установить в пустую строку - ссылка не будет отображаться.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="more_backgrounds_url">
+ <local_schema short_desc="URL хранилища фоновых рисунков">
+ <longdesc>URL для получения дополнительных обоев рабочего стола. Если установить в пустую строку - ссылка не будет отображаться.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="drivemount-applet">
<dir name="prefs">
<entry name="interval">
<longdesc>Установите этот ключ, чтобы отключить все внешние программы миниатюризации, независимо от того, включены они или отключены другими способами.</longdesc>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-otf">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Создавать ли миниатюры для шрифтов OpenType">
+ <longdesc>Если включено, будут создаваться миниатюры для шрифтов OpenType</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Команда создания миниатюр для шрифтов OpenType">
+ <longdesc>Ключ задаёт команду для создания миниатюр шрифтов OpenType.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-pcf">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Создавать ли миниатюры для шрифтов PCF">
+ <longdesc>Если включено, будут создаваться миниатюры для шрифтов PCF</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Команда создания миниатюр для шрифтов PCF">
+ <longdesc>Ключ задаёт команду для создания миниатюр шрифтов PCF.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-type1">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Создавать ли миниатюры для шрифтов Type1">
+ <longdesc>Если включено, будут создаваться миниатюры для шрифтов Type1</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Команда создания миниатюр для шрифтов Type1">
+ <longdesc>Ключ задаёт команду для создания миниатюр шрифтов Type1.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-ttf">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Создавать ли миниатюры для шрифтов TrueType">
+ <longdesc>Если включено, будут создаваться миниатюры для шрифтов TrueType</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Команда создания миниатюр для шрифтов TrueType">
+ <longdesc>Ключ задаёт команду для создания миниатюр шрифтов TrueType.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
<dir name="application@x-shockwave-flash">
<entry name="command">
<local_schema short_desc="Команда для создания миниатюр из файлов Flash">
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="control-center">
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_upgrade_uninstall">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thoát khỏi trình bao khi làm hành vi nâng cấp hoặc huỷ cài đặt">
+ <longdesc>Cho biết có nên đóng trình bao khi làm hành vi nâng cấp hoặc hủy cài đặt hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_add_remove">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thoát khỏi trình bao khi làm hành vi thêm hay gỡ bỏ">
+ <longdesc>Cho biết có nên đóng trình bao khi làm hành vi thêm hoặc gỡ bỏ hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_help">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thoát khỏi trình bao khi làm hành vi trợ giúp">
+ <longdesc>Cho biết có nên đóng trình bao khi làm hành vi trợ giúp hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_start">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Thoát khỏi trình bao khi làm hành vi bắt đầu">
+ <longdesc>Cho biết có nên đóng trình bao khi làm hành vi bắt đầu hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_static_action">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Đóng trung tâm điều khiển khi kích hoạt một nhiệm vụ">
+ <longdesc>nếu đúng thì trung tâm điều khiển sẽ đóng khi kích hoạt « Tác vụ thường làm ».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_actions_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tên tác vụ và tập tin .desktop tương ứng">
+ <longdesc>Tên nhiệm vụ được hiện thị ở trung tâm điều khiển theo sau bởi ";" ngăn cách tên tập tin .desktop tương ứng để khởi động đối với nhiệm vụ đó.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
<dir name="drivemount-applet">
<dir name="prefs">
<entry name="interval">
<longdesc>Đặt Đúng (true) để vô hiệu hoá mọi trình hiển ảnh thu nhỏ bên ngoài, không cần biết chúng có bị vô hiệu hoá hay không.</longdesc>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-otf">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Có nên tạo ảnh mẫu cho phông chữ OpenType hay không">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đặt true (đúng), phông chữ OpenType sẽ được tạo ảnh mẫu.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Lệnh tạo ảnh mẫu cho phông chữ OpenType">
+ <longdesc>Đặt khóa này cho lệnh được dùng để tạo ảnh mẫu cho phông chữ OpenType.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-pcf">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Có nên tạo ảnh mẫu cho phông chữ PCF hay không">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đặt true (đúng), phông chữ PCF sẽ được tạo ảnh mẫu.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Lệnh tạo ảnh mẫu cho phông chữ PCF">
+ <longdesc>Đặt khóa này cho lệnh được dùng để tạo ảnh mẫu cho phông chữ PCF.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-type1">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Có nên tạo ảnh mẫu cho phông chữ Type1 hay không">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đặt true (đúng), phông chữ Type1 sẽ được tạo ảnh mẫu.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Lệnh tạo ảnh mẫu cho phông chữ Type1">
+ <longdesc>Đặt khóa này cho lệnh được dùng để tạo ảnh mẫu cho phông chữ Type1.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-ttf">
+ <entry name="enable">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Có nên tạo ảnh mẫu cho phông chữ TrueType hay không">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đặt true (đúng), phông chữ TrueType sẽ được tạo ảnh mẫu.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Lệnh tạo ảnh mẫu cho phông chữ TrueType">
+ <longdesc>Đặt khóa này cho lệnh được dùng để tạo ảnh mẫu cho phông chữ TrueType.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
<dir name="application@x-shockwave-flash">
<entry name="command">
<local_schema short_desc="Lệnh tạo ảnh mẫu cho tập tin Flash">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="control-center">
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_upgrade_uninstall" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/apps/control-center/cc_exit_shell_on_action_upgrade_uninstall"/>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_add_remove" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/apps/control-center/cc_exit_shell_on_action_add_remove"/>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_help" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/apps/control-center/cc_exit_shell_on_action_help"/>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_start" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/apps/control-center/cc_exit_shell_on_action_start"/>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_static_action" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/apps/control-center/cc_exit_shell_on_static_action"/>
+ <entry name="cc_actions_list" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/apps/control-center/cc_actions_list"/>
+ <dir name="network">
+ <entry name="current_location" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/apps/control-center/network/current_location"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="appearance">
+ <entry name="more_themes_url" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/apps/control-center/appearance/more_themes_url"/>
+ <entry name="more_backgrounds_url" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/apps/control-center/appearance/more_backgrounds_url"/>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="stickynotes_applet">
<dir name="settings">
<entry name="confirm_deletion" mtime="1326800469" schema="/schemas/apps/stickynotes_applet/settings/confirm_deletion"/>
<dir name="thumbnailers">
<entry name="disable_all" mtime="1326727479" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/disable_all"/>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-otf">
+ <entry name="enable" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-font-otf/enable"/>
+ <entry name="command" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-font-otf/command"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-pcf">
+ <entry name="enable" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-font-pcf/enable"/>
+ <entry name="command" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-font-pcf/command"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-type1">
+ <entry name="enable" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-font-type1/enable"/>
+ <entry name="command" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-font-type1/command"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-ttf">
+ <entry name="enable" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-font-ttf/enable"/>
+ <entry name="command" mtime="1326800557" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-font-ttf/command"/>
+ </dir>
<dir name="application@x-shockwave-flash">
<entry name="command" mtime="1326794693" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-shockwave-flash/command"/>
<entry name="enable" mtime="1326794693" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-shockwave-flash/enable"/>
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="control-center">
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_upgrade_uninstall" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="control-center">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Exit shell on upgrade or uninstall action performed">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Indicates whether to close the shell when an upgrade or uninstall action is performed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_add_remove" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="control-center">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Exit shell on add or remove action performed">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Indicates whether to close the shell when an add or remove action is performed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_help" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="control-center">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Exit shell on help action performed">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Indicates whether to close the shell when a help action is performed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_action_start" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="control-center">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Exit shell on start action performed">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Indicates whether to close the shell when a start action is performed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_exit_shell_on_static_action" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="control-center">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Close the control-center when a task is activated">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>if true, the control-center will close when a "Common Task" is activated.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cc_actions_list" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="list" owner="control-center" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="en_GB">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Change Theme;gtk-theme-selector.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Set Preferred Applications;default-applications.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Add Printer;gnome-cups-manager.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="de">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Thema ändern;gtk-theme-selector.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Bevorzugte Anwendungen festlegen;default-applications.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Drucker hinzufügen;gnome-cups-manager.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="vi">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Đổi sắc thái;gtk-theme-selector.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Đặt các ứng dụng đã thích;default-applications.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Thêm máy in;gnome-cups-manager.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Task names and associated .desktop files">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Change Theme;gtk-theme-selector.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Set Preferred Applications;default-applications.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Add Printer;gnome-cups-manager.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>The task name to be displayed in the control-center followed by a ";" separator then the filename of an associated .desktop file to launch for that task.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="ru">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Изменить тему;gtk-theme-selector.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Установить предпочтительные приложения;default-applications.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Добавить принтер;gnome-cups-manager.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="network">
+ <entry name="current_location" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="string" owner="control-center">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Current network location">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Set this to your current location name. This is used to
+ determine the appropriate network proxy configuration.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="appearance">
+ <entry name="more_themes_url" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="string" owner="control-center">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="More themes URL">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>http://art.gnome.org/themes/</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ URL for where to get more desktop themes. If set to an
+ empty string the link will not appear.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="more_backgrounds_url" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="string" owner="control-center">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="More backgrounds URL">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>http://art.gnome.org/backgrounds/</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ URL for where to get more desktop backgrounds. If set to an
+ empty string the link will not appear.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="drivemount-applet">
<dir name="prefs">
<entry name="autofs_friendly" mtime="1326800470" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="drivemount-applet">
<longdesc>Set to true to disable all external thumbnailer programs, independent on whether they are independently disabled/enabled.</longdesc>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-otf">
+ <entry name="enable" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="bool">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Whether to thumbnail OpenType fonts">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If set to true, then OpenType fonts will be thumbnailed.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Thumbnail command for OpenType fonts">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>gnome-thumbnail-font %u %o</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for
+ OpenType fonts.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-pcf">
+ <entry name="enable" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="bool">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Whether to thumbnail PCF fonts">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If set to true, then PCF fonts will be thumbnailed.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Thumbnail command for PCF fonts">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>gnome-thumbnail-font %u %o</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for
+ PCF fonts.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-type1">
+ <entry name="enable" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="bool">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Whether to thumbnail Type1 fonts">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If set to true, then Type1 fonts will be thumbnailed.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Thumbnail command for Type1 fonts">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>gnome-thumbnail-font %u %o</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for
+ Type1 fonts.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="application@x-font-ttf">
+ <entry name="enable" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="bool">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Whether to thumbnail TrueType fonts">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If set to true, then TrueType fonts will be thumbnailed.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command" mtime="1326800557" type="schema" stype="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Thumbnail command for TrueType fonts">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>gnome-thumbnail-font %u %o</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for
+ TrueType fonts.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
<dir name="application@x-shockwave-flash">
<entry name="command" mtime="1326794693" type="schema" stype="string" owner="swfdec-thumbnailer">
<local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Thumbnail command for Flash files">