-install_chrony() {
+install_ntp() {
echo "${HASH_LINE}"
- log "Deinstalling ntp ..."
- echo "Stopping ntpd.service ..."
- systemctl stop ntpd.service
- echo "Disabling ntpd.service ..."
- systemctl disable ntpd.service
- echo "Deinstalling ntp ..."
- yum remove -y ntp
+ log "Deinstalling chrony from whatever reason ..."
+ echo "Stopping chronyd ..."
+ systemctl stop chronyd
+ echo "Disabling chronyd ..."
+ systemctl disable chronyd
+ echo "Deinstalling chrony ..."
+ yum remove -y chrony
- log "Installing Chrony ..."
- if yum install -y chrony ; then
+ log "Installing NTP ..."
+ if yum install -y ntp ; then
- echo "[$(date)]: Could not install chrony" | tee -a "${ERROR_POINTER}"
+ echo "[$(date)]: Could not install ntp." | tee -a "${ERROR_POINTER}"
- echo "Configuring chrony ..."
- cat <<-EOF > /etc/chrony.conf
- # Chrony configuration
- # Using timeservers of pixelpark
+ echo "Cofiguring ntpd ..."
+ mkdir -pv /etc/ntp
+ cat <<-EOF > /etc/ntp.conf
+ tinker panic 0
+ driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift
+ # Permit time synchronization with our time source, but do not
+ # permit the source to query or modify the service on this system.
+ restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
+ restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
+ restrict
+ restrict -6 ::1
server time01.pixelpark.com iburst
server time02.pixelpark.com iburst
server time03.pixelpark.com iburst
- # Record the rate at which the system clock gains/losses time.
- driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift
- # Allow the system clock to be stepped in the first three updates
- # if its offset is larger than 1 second.
- makestep 1.0 3
- # Enable kernel synchronization of the real-time clock (RTC).
- rtcsync
- # Enable hardware timestamping on all interfaces that support it.
- #hwtimestamp *
- # Increase the minimum number of selectable sources required to adjust
- # the system clock.
- minsources 2
- # Allow NTP client access from local network.
- #allow
- allow 10/8
- allow 192.168/16
- allow 172.16/12
- # Serve time even if not synchronized to a time source.
- local stratum 10
- # Specify file containing keys for NTP authentication.
- keyfile /etc/chrony.keys
- # Specify directory for log files.
- logdir /var/log/chrony
- # Select which information is logged.
- log measurements statistics tracking
- echo "Configuring chrony keys ..."
- cat <<-EOF > /etc/chrony.keys
- # This is the chrony keys file. It is used for NTP authentication with
- # symmetric keys. It should be readable only by root or the user to which
- # chronyd is configured to switch to after start.
- # Examples of valid keys:
- #1 MD5 AVeryLongAndRandomPassword
- #2 MD5 HEX:12114855C7931009B4049EF3EFC48A139C3F989F
- #3 SHA1 HEX:B2159C05D6A219673A3B7E896B6DE07F6A440995
- 1 SHA256 HEX:4739BD84604DE5A1CCEE906C23EB3947398B31DA33BD0C5FE9A863B4CA9BA4AA
- 2 MD5 HEX:4D534773C63AA638BE493B154844AADEEFFCA0AB98358E61815FA12466C8C807
+ cat <<-EOF > /etc/ntp/step-tickers
+ time01.pixelpark.com
+ time02.pixelpark.com
+ time03.pixelpark.com
- chown -v root:chrony /etc/chrony.keys
- chmod -v 0640 /etc/chrony.keys
- echo "Ensuring /var/lib/chrony ..."
- mkdir -pv /var/lib/chrony
- cmmod -v 0755 /var/lib/chrony
- chown -v chrony:chrony /var/lib/chrony
- echo "Ensuring /var/log/chrony ..."
- mkdir -pv /var/log/chrony
- cmmod -v 0755 /var/log/chrony
- chown -v chrony:chrony /var/log/chrony
- systemctl enable chronyd.service
+ systemctl enable ntpd
- install_chrony
+ install_ntp