maybe chmod 0755 'eselect/postgresql/slots'
maybe chmod 0755 'eselect/postgresql/slots/9.4'
maybe chmod 0644 'eselect/postgresql/slots/9.4/base'
+maybe chmod 0755 'eselect/postgresql/slots/9.5'
+maybe chmod 0644 'eselect/postgresql/slots/9.5/base'
maybe chmod 0644 'etc-update.conf'
maybe chmod 0755 'etckeeper'
maybe chmod 0755 'etckeeper/commit.d'
maybe chmod 0600 'postfix/saslpass'
maybe chmod 0755 'postgresql-9.4'
maybe chmod 0644 'postgresql-9.4/psqlrc'
+maybe chmod 0755 'postgresql-9.5'
+maybe chmod 0644 'postgresql-9.5/psqlrc'
maybe chmod 0755 'prelink.conf.d'
maybe chmod 0644 'prelink.conf.d/nss.conf'
maybe chmod 0644 'procmailrc'
--- /dev/null
+-- system-wide psql configuration file
+-- This file is read before the .psqlrc file in the user's home directory.
+-- Copy this to your installation's sysconf directory and rename it psqlrc.
+-- The sysconf directory can be identified via "pg_config --sysconfdir".