+++ /dev/null
-if [[ $(id -u -n) != "root" ]] ; then
- echo "You must be root to execute this script!" >&2
- exit 1
-declare -a ACCOUNTS_REMOVE=()
-echo "Executing Puppet agent ..."
-while [[ -e "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state/agent_catalog_run.lock" ]] ; do
- modulus=$(( $i % 10 ))
- if [[ "${modulus}" == "0" ]] ; then
- echo "Waiting ..."
- fi
- sleep 1
- i=$(( $1 + 1 ))
-cmd="puppet agent --test"
-if [[ "${SIMULATE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- echo "Executing: ${cmd}"
- eval ${cmd}
-if id kuntz >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "On this host there are still the old (hiera based) accounts active." >&2
- exit 1
-if id klaus.kuntz >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "There seems to be enabled LDAP authentication."
- echo "There seems NOT to be LDAP authentication on this host." >&2
- exit 5
-echo "Handing home directories of existing users ..."
-for old_account in "${!ACCOUNTS_MIGRATE[@]}" ; do
- new_account="${ACCOUNTS_MIGRATE[${old_account}]}"
- old_home="/home/${old_account}"
- new_home="/home/${new_account}"
- if [[ -d "${old_home}" ]] ; then
- CUR_OWNER=$( stat --format "%U" "${old_home}" )
- if [[ "${CUR_OWNER}" != "${new_account}" ]] ; then
- echo "Chowning \"${old_home}\" to user \"${new_account}\": ..."
- cmd="chown -R \"${new_account}\": \"${old_home}\""
- if [[ "${SIMULATE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- echo "Executing: ${cmd}"
- else
- eval ${cmd}
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "${old_account}" != "${new_account}" ]] ; then
- echo "Moving '${old_home}' => '${new_home}' ..."
- if [[ -d "${new_home}" ]] ; then
- echo "Cannot move '${old_home}' => '${new_home}', because the target dir is already existing."
- else
- echo "mv -v \"${old_home}\" \"${new_home}\""
- fi
- fi
- fi
-echo "Removing home directories of non-existing users ..."
-for old_account in "${ACCOUNTS_REMOVE[@]}" ; do
- old_home="/home/${old_account}"
- if id "${old_account}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- continue
- fi
- if [[ -d "${old_home}" ]] ; then
- cmd="rm -rf \"${old_home}\""
- echo "Removing '${old_home}' ..."
- if [[ "${SIMULATE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- echo "Executing: ${cmd}"
- else
- eval ${cmd}
- fi
- fi
-echo "Finished."
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+set -u
+BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
+MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
+BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
+BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
+if [[ -f "${BIN_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
+ . "${BIN_DIR}/functions.rc"
+ echo "Bash resource file '${BIN_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
+ exit 5
+ Executes the puppet agent in test mode.
+usage() {
+ cat <<-EOF
+ Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [Common Options]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
+ Common Options:
+get_options() {
+ local tmp=
+ local base_dir=
+ set +e
+ tmp=$( getopt -o ${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} --long ${STD_LONG_OPTIONS} -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
+ if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ set -e
+ # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
+ eval set -- "${tmp}"
+ eval_common_options "$@"
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
+ declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ error "Unknown options: ${REMAINING_OPTS[*]}"
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" != "0" ]] ; then
+ error "Invalig arguments given: ${REMAINING_ARGS[*]}"
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ if [[ $(id -u -n) != "root" ]] ; then
+ error "You must ${RED}be root${NORMAL} to execute this script!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+exec_puppet_agent() {
+ empty_line
+ local msg="Executing ${CYAN}Puppet agent${NORMAL} "
+ if [[ "${SIMULATE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ msg+="in ${CYAN}noop mode${NORMAL} "
+ fi
+ msg+="..."
+ info "${msg}"
+ empty_line
+ local i=0
+ local modulus=
+ while [[ -e "${PUPPET_RUN_LOCK}" ]] ; do
+ modulus=$(( $i % 10 ))
+ if [[ "${modulus}" == "0" ]] ; then
+ info "Waiting ..."
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ i=$(( $1 + 1 ))
+ done
+ local cmd="${PUPPET_BIN} agent --test"
+ if [[ "${SIMULATE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ cmd+=" --noop"
+ fi
+ debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
+ eval ${cmd}
+ empty_line
+ info "${CYAN}Finished${NORMAL}."
+main() {
+ get_options "$@"
+ umask 0022
+ exec_puppet_agent
+main "$@"
+exit 0
+# vim: et list