--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+@author: Frank Brehm
+@contact: frank.brehm@pixelpark.com
+@license: LGPL3+
+@copyright: © 2021 Frank Brehm, Digitas Pixelpark, Berlin
+@summary: Modules for handling the PowerDNS API
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import pprint
+import glob
+import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path
+# Third party modules
+from setuptools import setup
+ENCODING = "utf-8"
+# own modules:
+# __base_dir__ = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+__base_dir__ = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
+# __bin_dir__ = os.path.join(__base_dir__, 'bin')
+__bin_dir__ = __base_dir__ / 'bin'
+# __lib_dir__ = os.path.join(__base_dir__, 'lib')
+__lib_dir__ = __base_dir__ / 'lib'
+# __module_dir__ = os.path.join(__lib_dir__, 'pp_admintools')
+__module_dir__ = __lib_dir__ / 'pp_admintools'
+# __init_py__ = os.path.join(__module_dir__, '__init__.py')
+__init_py__ = __module_dir__ / '__init__.py'
+__script_dir__ = __base_dir__ / 'scripts'
+PATHS = {
+ '__base_dir__': __base_dir__,
+ '__bin_dir__': __bin_dir__,
+ '__lib_dir__': __lib_dir__,
+ '__module_dir__': __module_dir__,
+ '__init_py__': __init_py__,
+ '__script_dir__=': __script_dir__,
+# -----------------------------------
+def pp(obj):
+ pprinter = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
+ return pprinter.pformat(obj)
+# print("Paths:\n{}".format(pp(PATHS)))
+if __module_dir__.exists() and __init_py__.is_file():
+ sys.path.insert(0, str(__lib_dir__))
+import pp_admintools
+__packet_version__ = pp_admintools.__version__
+__packet_name__ = 'create_terraform'
+__author__ = 'Frank Brehm'
+__contact__ = 'frank.brehm@pixelpark.com'
+__copyright__ = '(C) 2021 Frank Brehm, Digitas Pixelpark GmbH, Berlin'
+__license__ = 'LGPL3+'
+__url__ = 'https://git.pixelpark.com/ppadmin/admin-tools'
+__target_scripts_dir__ = Path('usr/libexec/pixelpark')
+__open_args__ = {}
+if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
+ __open_args__ = {'encoding': ENCODING, 'errors': 'surrogateescape'}
+# -----------------------------------
+def read(fname):
+ content = None
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ with open(fname, 'r') as fh:
+ content = fh.read()
+ else:
+ with open(fname, 'r', **__open_args__) as fh:
+ content = fh.read()
+ return content
+# -----------------------------------
+def is_python_file(filename):
+ if str(filename).endswith('.py'):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+# -----------------------------------
+__requirements__ = [
+ 'fb_tools',
+ 'six'
+# -----------------------------------
+def read_requirements():
+ req_file = __base_dir__ / 'requirements.txt'
+ if not req_file.is_file():
+ return
+ f_content = req_file.read()
+ if not f_content:
+ return
+ re_comment = re.compile(r'\s*#.*')
+ re_gitrepo = re.compile(r'^(git@|(git\+)?https?://)', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_module = re.compile(r'([a-z][a-z0-9_]*[a-z0-9])', re.IGNORECASE)
+ for line in f_content.splitlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ line = re_comment.sub('', line)
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ if re_gitrepo.match(line):
+ continue
+ match = re_module.search(line)
+ if not match:
+ continue
+ module = match.group(1)
+ if module not in __requirements__:
+ __requirements__.append(module)
+ # print("Found required modules: {}\n".format(pp(__requirements__)))
+# -----------------------------------
+__scripts__ = [
+ 'bin/dns-deploy-zones'
+# -----------------------------------
+__data_files__ = []
+__scripts__ = []
+__data_files__.append(('etc/pixelpark', 'etc/dns-deploy-zones.ini.default'))
+for f in __script_dir__.glob('*'):
+ if f.is_file() and os.access(str(f), os.X_OK):
+ relpath = os.path.relpath(str(f), str(__base_dir__))
+ __scripts__.append(relpath)
+if __scripts__:
+ __data_files__.append(('usr/libexec/pixelpark', __scripts__))
+# -----------------------------------
+MO_FILES = 'locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo'
+PO_FILES = 'locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.po'
+def create_mo_files():
+ mo_files = []
+ for po_path in glob.glob(PO_FILES):
+ mo = Path(po_path.replace('.po', '.mo'))
+ # print("Compiling message catalog {p!r} -> {m!r}.".format(
+ # p=str(po_path), m=str(mo)))
+ if not mo.exists():
+ subprocess.call(['msgfmt', '-o', str(mo), po_path])
+ mo_files.append(str(mo))
+ # print("Found mo files: {}\n".format(pp(mo_files)))
+ return mo_files
+# -----------------------------------
+ version=__packet_version__,
+ long_description=read('README.md'),
+ scripts=__scripts__,
+ requires=__requirements__,
+ package_dir={'': 'lib'},
+ package_data={
+ '': create_mo_files(),
+ },
+ data_files=__data_files__,
+# =======================================================================
+# vim: fileencoding=utf-8 filetype=python ts=4 expandtab