<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="gitg">
+ <dir name="preferences">
+ <dir name="commit">
+ <dir name="message">
+ <entry name="right-margin-at">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Spalte, in welcher der rechte Rand angezeigt wird">
+ <longdesc>Die Spalte, in welcher der rechte Rand angezeigt wird, falls die Einstellung für den rechten Rand auf »WAHR« gesetzt ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show-right-margin">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Rechten Rand in der Ansicht der Einspielmeldungen anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Einen Indikator für den rechten Rand in der Ansicht der Einspielmeldung anzeigen. Dadurch lässt sich leicht erkennen, wo die Einspielmeldung an einer bestimmten Spalte einen Zeilenumbruch erhalten sollte.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="view">
+ <dir name="history">
+ <entry name="collapse-inactive-lanes">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Einklappen inaktiver Pfade">
+ <longdesc>Diese Einstellung legt das Einklappen inaktiver Pfade fest. Gültige Werte liegen zwischen 0 und 4, wobei 0 »früh« bezeichnet und 4 »spät«.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="search-filter">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Revisionen während der Suche filtern">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob die Revisionen in der Chronikansicht gefiltert werden sollen, anstellen zur ersten Übereinstimmung zu springen</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="seahorse">
<dir name="applet">
<entry name="display_decrypted_clipboard">
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="gitg">
+ <dir name="preferences">
+ <dir name="commit">
+ <dir name="message">
+ <entry name="right-margin-at">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Column at Which Right Margin is Shown">
+ <longdesc>The column at which the right margin is shown if the right-margin preference is set to TRUE.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show-right-margin">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show Right Margin in Commit Message View">
+ <longdesc>Show a right margin indicator in the commit message view. This can be used to easily see where to break the commit message at a particular column.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="view">
+ <dir name="history">
+ <entry name="collapse-inactive-lanes">
+ <local_schema short_desc="When to Collapse Inactive Lanes">
+ <longdesc>Setting that indicates when an inactive lane should be collapsed. Valid values are 0–4, where 0 indicates 'early' and 4 indicates 'late'.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="search-filter">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Filter Revisions When Searching">
+ <longdesc>Whether searching filters the revisions in the history view instead of jumping to the first match.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="seahorse">
<dir name="applet">
<entry name="display_decrypted_clipboard">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="gitg">
+ <dir name="preferences">
+ <dir name="commit">
+ <dir name="message">
+ <entry name="right-margin-at" mtime="1326740102" schema="/schemas/apps/gitg/preferences/commit/message/right-margin-at"/>
+ <entry name="show-right-margin" mtime="1326740102" schema="/schemas/apps/gitg/preferences/commit/message/show-right-margin"/>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="view">
+ <dir name="main">
+ <entry name="layout-vertical" mtime="1326740102" schema="/schemas/apps/gitg/preferences/view/main/layout-vertical"/>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="history">
+ <entry name="topo-order" mtime="1326740102" schema="/schemas/apps/gitg/preferences/view/history/topo-order"/>
+ <entry name="collapse-inactive-lanes" mtime="1326740102" schema="/schemas/apps/gitg/preferences/view/history/collapse-inactive-lanes"/>
+ <entry name="search-filter" mtime="1326740102" schema="/schemas/apps/gitg/preferences/view/history/search-filter"/>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="seahorse">
<dir name="applet">
<entry name="display_decrypted_clipboard" mtime="1326736551" schema="/schemas/apps/seahorse/applet/display_decrypted_clipboard"/>
<entry name="show_hidden_files" mtime="1326727624" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/file_views/show_hidden_files"/>
<dir name="url-handlers">
+ <dir name="gitg">
+ <entry name="enabled" mtime="1326740102" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/gitg/enabled"/>
+ <entry name="needs_terminal" mtime="1326740102" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/gitg/needs_terminal"/>
+ <entry name="command" mtime="1326740102" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/gitg/command"/>
+ </dir>
<dir name="h323">
<entry name="needs_terminal" mtime="1326729921" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/h323/needs_terminal"/>
<entry name="command" mtime="1326729921" schema="/schemas/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/h323/command"/>
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="gitg">
+ <dir name="preferences">
+ <dir name="commit">
+ <dir name="message">
+ <entry name="right-margin-at" mtime="1326740102" type="schema" stype="int" owner="gitg">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Column at Which Right Margin is Shown">
+ <default type="int" value="72"/>
+ <longdesc>The column at which the right margin is shown if the right-margin
+ preference is set to TRUE.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show-right-margin" mtime="1326740102" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="gitg">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show Right Margin in Commit Message View">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Show a right margin indicator in the commit message view. This
+ can be used to easily see where to break the commit message at a
+ particular column.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="view">
+ <dir name="main">
+ <entry name="layout-vertical" mtime="1326740102" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="gitg">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show Main View in Vertical Layout">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Setting that sets the orientation layout of the main view.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="history">
+ <entry name="topo-order" mtime="1326740102" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="gitg">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show History in Topological Order">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Setting that indicates whether to show the history in
+ topological order.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="collapse-inactive-lanes" mtime="1326740102" type="schema" stype="int" owner="gitg">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="When to Collapse Inactive Lanes">
+ <default type="int" value="2"/>
+ <longdesc>Setting that indicates when an inactive lane should be collapsed.
+ Valid values are 0 - 4, where 0 indicates 'early' and 4 indicates 'late'.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="search-filter" mtime="1326740102" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="gitg">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Filter Revisions When Searching">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether searching filters the revisions in the history view
+ instead of jumping to the first match.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="seahorse">
<dir name="applet">
<entry name="display_decrypted_clipboard" mtime="1326736551" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="seahorse">
<dir name="url-handlers">
+ <dir name="gitg">
+ <entry name="enabled" mtime="1326740102" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="gitg">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Whether command to handle GITG scheme URLs is enabled">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether command to handle GITG scheme URLs is enabled.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="needs_terminal" mtime="1326740102" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="gitg">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Whether command to handle GITG scheme URLs needs a terminal">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>Whether command to handle GITG scheme URLs needs a terminal.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command" mtime="1326740102" type="schema" stype="string" owner="gitg">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="The command to handle GITG scheme URLs">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>gitg "%s"</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>The command to handle GITG scheme URLs.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
<dir name="h323">
<entry name="needs_terminal" mtime="1326729921" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="gnome">
<local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Run the command in a terminal">