+++ /dev/null
-# Provisioning-Installation of edHat Enterprise Linux 9.2
-# Standard Pixelpark Installation of rhel-9.2 templates.
-# Firewall configuration
-firewall --disabled
-# Use network installation from cobbler host
-# url --url="https://test-cobbler01.pixelpark.com/cobbler/distro_mirror/RHEL-9.2" --noverifyssl
-url --url="http://${server}/cobbler/distro_mirror/RHEL-9.2"
-sshpw --username=inst testtest --plaintext
-# Root install-password
-rootpw --iscrypted ${ROOT_PWD_HASH}
-# System authorization information
-# auth --useshadow --passalgo=sha512
-authselect select sssd with-mkhomedir with-sudo
-# Use text mode install
-# System keyboard
-keyboard --vckeymap=de-deadacute
-# System language
-lang en_US
-# SELinux configuration
-selinux --permissiv
-# Do not configure the X Window System
-# Installation logging level
-# logging --level=debug
-# Reboot after installation
-# firstboot --disable
-# System timezone
-timezone Europe/Berlin
-# Partitioning and Disk
-# Clear the Master Boot Record
-# System bootloader configuration
-bootloader --location=mbr --append="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=1G-4G:192M,4G-64G:256M,64G-:512M"
-# Network done by DHCP
-# network --bootproto=dhcp
-# network --bootproto=static --ip= --netmask= --gateway=
-network --bootproto=static --ip=${ip_address_eth0} --netmask=${netmask_eth0} --gateway=${if_gateway_eth0}
-# Partition clearing information
-clearpart --drives=sda --initlabel --all
-# Disk partitioning information
-part /boot --fstype ext4 --size=512 --ondisk=sda --asprimary
-part pv.01 --size=1 --grow --ondisk=sda
-volgroup vgroot pv.01
-logvol / --vgname=vgroot --name=root --fstype=xfs --size=6144
-logvol swap --vgname=vgroot --name=swap --fstype=swap --size=1024
-logvol /home --vgname=vgroot --name=home --fstype=xfs --size=1024
-logvol /var --vgname=vgroot --name=var --fstype=xfs --size=4096 --grow
-logvol /var/log --vgname=vgroot --name=log --fstype=xfs --size=3072
-# Packages
-@^minimal install
-# Pre tasks
-# %pre --interpreter=/bin/bash --log=/var/log/ks-pre.log
-%pre --interpreter=/bin/bash --log=/var/log/ks-pre.log
-echo "[$( date --rfc-3339=seconds )]: Hier get's los ..."
-if grep '^nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf >/dev/null ; then
- echo "Nameservers are defined in /etc/resolv.conf:"
- grep '^nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf
- echo "Adding nameservers, and to /etc/resolv.conf ..."
- echo "nameserver" >>/etc/resolv.conf
- echo "nameserver" >>/etc/resolv.conf
- echo "nameserver" >>/etc/resolv.conf
-echo "Used /etc/resolv.conf:"
-cat /etc/resolv.conf
-#end raw
-# Pre installation tasks
-%pre-install --interpreter=/bin/bash --log=/var/log/ks-pre-install.log
-echo "[$( date --rfc-3339=seconds )]: Aber nu erst ..."
-#end raw
-# Post installation tasks in chroot env
-%post --interpreter=/usr/bin/bash
-### output to console
-mkdir -p -v "/var/log/anaconda"
-exec < /dev/console &> >(tee -a "$POST_LOG")
-# Installation of pixelpark standard applications
-echo "[$( date --rfc-3339=seconds )]: Start postinstallation tasks:"
-#end raw
-### debug
-# set -x
-echo "cobbler profile = $profile_name"
-echo "IP interfaces"
-ip link show
-echo "IP addresses"
-ip address show
-echo "IPv4 routes"
-ip route list
-echo "IPv6 routes"
-ip -6 route list
-echo "/etc/resolv.conf"
-cat /etc/resolv.conf
-if [[ -d "/etc/yum.repos.d" ]] ; then
- echo
- echo "/etc/yum.repos.d/"
- ls -lA /etc/yum.repos.d
- for repo_file in /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo ; do
- if [[ -f "${repo_file}" ]] ; then
- echo
- echo "${repo_file}"
- echo '---'
- cat "${repo_file}"
- echo '---'
- fi
- done
-#end raw
-### remove unnecessary directory
-rm -rfv /var/var
-export hostname="$hostname"
-export system_name="$system_name"
-export gateway="$gateway"
-export mgmt_interface="eth0"
-export ip_address_eth0="$ip_address_eth0"
-export netmask_eth0="${netmask_eth0}"
-export if_gateway_eth0="${if_gateway_eth0}"
-export mac_address_eth0="$mac_address_eth0"
-export system_status="${SYSTEM_STATUS}"
-export ws_rel_filesdir="${WS_REL_FILESDIR}"
-export cobbler_url="${COBBLER_URL}"
-export rhsm_user="${RHSM_USER}"
-export rhsm_pwd="${RHSM_PWD}"
-export rhsm_system_id="${RHSM_SYSTEM_ID}"
-export rhsm_registred=''
-export redhat_repo_server='https://cdn.redhat.com'
-if [[ -n "${REDHAT_REPO_SERVER}" ]] ; then
- redhat_repo_server="${REDHAT_REPO_SERVER}"
-export redhat_repo_path_prefix='/content'
-if [[ -n "${REDHAT_REPO_PATH_PREFIX}" ]] ; then
- redhat_repo_path_prefix="${REDHAT_REPO_PATH_PREFIX}"
-export redhat_gpg_key='file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release'
-if [[ -n "${REDHAT_GPG_KEY}" ]] ; then
- redhat_gpg_key="${REDHAT_GPG_KEY}"
-echo "Hostname: '${hostname}'"
-echo "System name: '${system_name}'"
-echo "Gateway: '${gateway}'"
-echo "Management interface: '${mgmt_interface}'"
-echo "IP address eth0: '${ip_address_eth0}'"
-echo "Netmask eth0: '${netmask_eth0}'"
-echo "Gateway eth0: '${if_gateway_eth0}'"
-echo "MAC address eth0: '${mac_address_eth0}'"
-echo "System status: '${system_status}'"
-echo "Ws relative filesdir: '${ws_rel_filesdir}'"
-echo "Cobbler URL: '${cobbler_url}'"
-echo "RedHat SubscriptionManager User: '${rhsm_user}'"
-echo "RedHat SubscriptionManager System ID: '${rhsm_system_id}'"
-echo "RedHat repository server: '${redhat_repo_server}'"
-echo "RedHat repository path prefix: '${redhat_repo_path_prefix}'"
-echo "RedHat GPK key: '${redhat_gpg_key}'"
-#end raw
-# Performing snippets
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.001.basics.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.005.update_resolvconf.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.010.authkeys.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.040.network.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.060.tweak_systemd.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.070.tweak_grub.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.075.tmp-tmpfs.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $tweak_rsyslog_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.080.rsyslogd-el9.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $tweak_rsyslog_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.085.disable-ipv6.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.100.clear_repos.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.110.register-rhel.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.190.repos_rhel9.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.195.repos_el9.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $init_repos_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.200.init-repos.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $init_repos_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.211.bashrc-el9.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.220.locales-el9.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $vimrc_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.231.vimrc-centos9.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $vimrc_snippet"
-#set $pkgs_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.250.pkgs-el9.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $pkgs_snippet"
-#set $dist_upgrade_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.280.dist-upgrade.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $dist_upgrade_snippet"
-#set $create_motd_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.300.create-motd.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $create_motd_snippet"
-#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.320.root-ssh-login.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
-#set $chrony_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.400.chrony.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $chrony_snippet"
-#set $puppet_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.450.puppet.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $puppet_snippet"
-#set $logrotate_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.500.logrotate.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $logrotate_snippet"
-## ###########################
-## Sees to be finished
-#set $finish_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.999.finish.sh"
-echo "Using snippet $finish_snippet"
--- /dev/null
+# Provisioning-Installation of edHat Enterprise Linux 9.3
+# Standard Pixelpark Installation of rhel-9.3 templates.
+# Firewall configuration
+firewall --disabled
+# Use network installation from cobbler host
+# url --url="https://test-cobbler01.pixelpark.com/cobbler/distro_mirror/RHEL-9.3" --noverifyssl
+url --url="http://${server}/cobbler/distro_mirror/RHEL-9.3"
+sshpw --username=inst testtest --plaintext
+# Root install-password
+rootpw --iscrypted ${ROOT_PWD_HASH}
+# System authorization information
+# auth --useshadow --passalgo=sha512
+authselect select sssd with-mkhomedir with-sudo
+# Use text mode install
+# System keyboard
+keyboard --vckeymap=de-deadacute
+# System language
+lang en_US
+# SELinux configuration
+selinux --permissiv
+# Do not configure the X Window System
+# Installation logging level
+# logging --level=debug
+# Reboot after installation
+# firstboot --disable
+# System timezone
+timezone Europe/Berlin
+# Partitioning and Disk
+# Clear the Master Boot Record
+# System bootloader configuration
+bootloader --location=mbr --append="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=1G-4G:192M,4G-64G:256M,64G-:512M"
+# Network done by DHCP
+# network --bootproto=dhcp
+# network --bootproto=static --ip= --netmask= --gateway=
+network --bootproto=static --ip=${ip_address_eth0} --netmask=${netmask_eth0} --gateway=${if_gateway_eth0}
+# Partition clearing information
+clearpart --drives=sda --initlabel --all
+# Disk partitioning information
+part /boot --fstype ext4 --size=512 --ondisk=sda --asprimary
+part pv.01 --size=1 --grow --ondisk=sda
+volgroup vgroot pv.01
+logvol / --vgname=vgroot --name=root --fstype=xfs --size=6144
+logvol swap --vgname=vgroot --name=swap --fstype=swap --size=1024
+logvol /home --vgname=vgroot --name=home --fstype=xfs --size=1024
+logvol /var --vgname=vgroot --name=var --fstype=xfs --size=4096 --grow
+logvol /var/log --vgname=vgroot --name=log --fstype=xfs --size=3072
+# Packages
+@^minimal install
+# Pre tasks
+# %pre --interpreter=/bin/bash --log=/var/log/ks-pre.log
+%pre --interpreter=/bin/bash --log=/var/log/ks-pre.log
+echo "[$( date --rfc-3339=seconds )]: Hier get's los ..."
+if grep '^nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf >/dev/null ; then
+ echo "Nameservers are defined in /etc/resolv.conf:"
+ grep '^nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf
+ echo "Adding nameservers, and to /etc/resolv.conf ..."
+ echo "nameserver" >>/etc/resolv.conf
+ echo "nameserver" >>/etc/resolv.conf
+ echo "nameserver" >>/etc/resolv.conf
+echo "Used /etc/resolv.conf:"
+cat /etc/resolv.conf
+#end raw
+# Pre installation tasks
+%pre-install --interpreter=/bin/bash --log=/var/log/ks-pre-install.log
+echo "[$( date --rfc-3339=seconds )]: Aber nu erst ..."
+#end raw
+# Post installation tasks in chroot env
+%post --interpreter=/usr/bin/bash
+### output to console
+mkdir -p -v "/var/log/anaconda"
+exec < /dev/console &> >(tee -a "$POST_LOG")
+# Installation of pixelpark standard applications
+echo "[$( date --rfc-3339=seconds )]: Start postinstallation tasks:"
+#end raw
+### debug
+# set -x
+echo "cobbler profile = $profile_name"
+echo "IP interfaces"
+ip link show
+echo "IP addresses"
+ip address show
+echo "IPv4 routes"
+ip route list
+echo "IPv6 routes"
+ip -6 route list
+echo "/etc/resolv.conf"
+cat /etc/resolv.conf
+if [[ -d "/etc/yum.repos.d" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo "/etc/yum.repos.d/"
+ ls -lA /etc/yum.repos.d
+ for repo_file in /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo ; do
+ if [[ -f "${repo_file}" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo "${repo_file}"
+ echo '---'
+ cat "${repo_file}"
+ echo '---'
+ fi
+ done
+#end raw
+### remove unnecessary directory
+rm -rfv /var/var
+export hostname="$hostname"
+export system_name="$system_name"
+export gateway="$gateway"
+export mgmt_interface="eth0"
+export ip_address_eth0="$ip_address_eth0"
+export netmask_eth0="${netmask_eth0}"
+export if_gateway_eth0="${if_gateway_eth0}"
+export mac_address_eth0="$mac_address_eth0"
+export system_status="${SYSTEM_STATUS}"
+export ws_rel_filesdir="${WS_REL_FILESDIR}"
+export cobbler_url="${COBBLER_URL}"
+export rhsm_user="${RHSM_USER}"
+export rhsm_pwd="${RHSM_PWD}"
+export rhsm_system_id="${RHSM_SYSTEM_ID}"
+export rhsm_registred=''
+export redhat_repo_server='https://cdn.redhat.com'
+if [[ -n "${REDHAT_REPO_SERVER}" ]] ; then
+ redhat_repo_server="${REDHAT_REPO_SERVER}"
+export redhat_repo_path_prefix='/content'
+if [[ -n "${REDHAT_REPO_PATH_PREFIX}" ]] ; then
+ redhat_repo_path_prefix="${REDHAT_REPO_PATH_PREFIX}"
+export redhat_gpg_key='file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release'
+if [[ -n "${REDHAT_GPG_KEY}" ]] ; then
+ redhat_gpg_key="${REDHAT_GPG_KEY}"
+echo "Hostname: '${hostname}'"
+echo "System name: '${system_name}'"
+echo "Gateway: '${gateway}'"
+echo "Management interface: '${mgmt_interface}'"
+echo "IP address eth0: '${ip_address_eth0}'"
+echo "Netmask eth0: '${netmask_eth0}'"
+echo "Gateway eth0: '${if_gateway_eth0}'"
+echo "MAC address eth0: '${mac_address_eth0}'"
+echo "System status: '${system_status}'"
+echo "Ws relative filesdir: '${ws_rel_filesdir}'"
+echo "Cobbler URL: '${cobbler_url}'"
+echo "RedHat SubscriptionManager User: '${rhsm_user}'"
+echo "RedHat SubscriptionManager System ID: '${rhsm_system_id}'"
+echo "RedHat repository server: '${redhat_repo_server}'"
+echo "RedHat repository path prefix: '${redhat_repo_path_prefix}'"
+echo "RedHat GPK key: '${redhat_gpg_key}'"
+#end raw
+# Performing snippets
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.001.basics.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.005.update_resolvconf.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.010.authkeys.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.040.network.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.060.tweak_systemd.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.070.tweak_grub.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.075.tmp-tmpfs.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $tweak_rsyslog_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.080.rsyslogd-el9.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $tweak_rsyslog_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.085.disable-ipv6.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.100.clear_repos.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.110.register-rhel.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.190.repos_rhel9.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.195.repos_el9.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $init_repos_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.200.init-repos.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $init_repos_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.211.bashrc-el9.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.220.locales-el9.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $vimrc_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.231.vimrc-centos9.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $vimrc_snippet"
+#set $pkgs_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.250.pkgs-el9.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $pkgs_snippet"
+#set $dist_upgrade_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.280.dist-upgrade.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $dist_upgrade_snippet"
+#set $create_motd_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.300.create-motd.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $create_motd_snippet"
+#set $this_snippet= "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.320.root-ssh-login.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $this_snippet"
+#set $chrony_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.400.chrony.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $chrony_snippet"
+#set $puppet_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.450.puppet.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $puppet_snippet"
+#set $logrotate_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.500.logrotate.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $logrotate_snippet"
+## ###########################
+## Sees to be finished
+#set $finish_snippet = "per_status/" + $SYSTEM_STATUS + "/tpl.999.finish.sh"
+echo "Using snippet $finish_snippet"