from LogRotateConfig import LogrotateConfigurationError
from LogRotateConfig import LogrotateConfigurationReader
+from LogRotateStatusFile import LogrotateStatusFileError
+from LogRotateStatusFile import LogrotateStatusFile
revision = '$Revision$'
revision = re.sub( r'\$', '', revision )
revision = re.sub( r'Revision: ', r'r', revision )
+class LogrotateStatusFileError(Exception):
+ '''
+ Base class for exceptions in this module.
+ '''
class LogrotateStatusFile(object):
Class for operations with the logrotate state file
@type: str
+ self.file_name_is_absolute = False
+ '''
+ @ivar: flag, that shows, that the file name is now an absolute path
+ @type: bool
+ '''
self.fd = None
@ivar: the file object of the opened status file, or None, if not opened
def _read(self, must_exists = True):
+ '''
+ Reads the status file and put the results in the dict self.file_state.
+ Puts back the absolute path of the status file in self.file_name on success.
+ Throws a LogrotateStatusFileError on a error.
+ @param must_exists: throws an exception, if true and the status file
+ doesn't exists
+ @type must_exists: bool
+ @return: success of reading
+ @rtype: bool
+ '''
+ self.file_state = {}
+ _ = self.t.lgettext
+ # Check for existence of status file
+ if not os.path.exists(self.file_name):
+ msg = _("Status file '%s' doesn't exists.") % (self.file_name)
+ if must_exists:
+ raise LogrotateStatusFileError(msg)
+ else:
+ return False
+ # makes the name of the status file an absolute path
+ if not self.file_name_is_absolute:
+ self.file_name = os.path.abspath(self.file_name)
+ self.file_name_is_absolute = True
+ if self.verbose > 2:
+ msg = _("Absolute path of status file is now '%s'.") % (self.file_name)
+ self.logger.debug(msg)
+ # Checks, that the status file is a regular file
+ if not os.path.isfile(self.file_name):
+ msg = _("Status file '%s' is not a regular file.") % (self.file_name)
+ raise LogrotateStatusFileError(msg)
+ return False
+ msg = _("Reading status file '%s' ...") % (self.file_name)
+ self.logger.debug(msg)
+ fd = None
+ try:
+ fd = open(self.file_name, 'Ur')
+ except IOError, e:
+ msg = _("Could not read status file '%s': ") % (configfile) + str(e)
+ raise LogrotateStatusFileError(msg)
+ self.fd = fd
- pass
return True