--- /dev/null
+# dns-deploy-zones.ini
+pidfile = /run/dns-deploy-zones.pid
+keep_backup = yes
+#environment = local
+#host = prd-dnsmaster01-local.pixelpark.com.
+#port = 8081
+#root_path = /api/v1
+#server_id = localhost
+#key = <unknown>
+#is_internal = True
+#masters = dev-dnsmaster01-local.pixelpark.com, dev-ns2-local-admin.pixelpark.com
+listen_on_v6 = False
+# Configuration files and directories
+config_dir = /etc/named
+# Relative to config_dir
+#named_conf = named.conf
+#bindkeys_file = named.iscdlv.key
+#rootkeys_file = named.root.key
+#default_zones_file = named.rfc1912.zones
+#acl_cfg_file = named.acl.conf
+#log_cfg_file = named.log.conf
+#zones_cfg_file = named.zones.conf
+# Runtime user and group
+#named_user = named
+#named_group = named
+# Variable status directories and files
+#base_dir = /var/named
+# Relative to base_dir
+#data_dir = data
+#slave_dir = slaves
+#root_zone_file = named.ca
+#managed_keys_dir = dynamic
+# Runtime volatile directories and files
+#run_dir = /run/named
+# Relative to run_dir
+#pidfile = named.pid
+#session_keyfile = session.key
+#dnssec = True
+# Logging configuration
+#log_dir = /var/log/named
+#query_log = True
+#show_bind_version = False
+version_to_show = Shut up!
+# Command for syntax checking of named.conf
+#cmd_checkconf = /usr/sbin/named-checkconf
+# Command for reloading the named daemon
+#cmd_reload = /usr/sbin/rndc reload
+# Command for getting the status of the named daemon
+#cmd_status = /usr/bin/systemctl status named.service
+# Command for starting the named daemon
+#cmd_start = /usr/bin/systemctl start named.service
+# Command for restarting the named daemon
+#cmd_restart = /usr/bin/systemctl restart named.service
+#zone_tsig_key = <key-name>
+# vim: filetype=dosini