--- /dev/null
+# /etc/ksysguardd.conf
+# LogFiles: the list of all available logfiles
+# Sensors: the list of all accessible sensors
+# Apm Advanced Power Management
+# Acpi Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
+# CpuInfo CPU-Clock information
+# DiskStat partition space. Data comes from mtab, getmntent() and statfs()
+# DiskStats disk throughput. Data comes from /etc/diskstats
+# LmSensors information about motherboard and CPU
+# LoadAvg system load values
+# LogFile local logfiles
+# Memory physical memory and swap
+# NetDev throughput of network interfaces
+# NetStat number of TCP/UDP/ICMP/Unix sockets
+# ProcessList current processes
+# SoftRaid Monitors software raid devices. See mdadm.
+# Stat interrupts, CPU and disk throughput. Data comes from /etc/stat
+# Uptime System uptime. Data comes from /etc/uptime