<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="clock_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="speed_unit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Geschwindigkeitseinheit">
+ <longdesc>Die für die Anzeige der Windgeschwindigkeit zu benutzende Einheit.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="temperature_unit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Temperatureinheit">
+ <longdesc>Die für die Anzeige von Temperaturen zu benutzende Einheit.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cities">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste der Orte">
+ <longdesc>Eine Liste der im Kalenderfenster anzuzeigenden Orte.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="internet_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Internet-Zeit verwenden">
+ <longdesc>Im Zuge von GNOME 2.6 wurde dieser Schlüssel zu Gunsten des »format«-Schlüssels für nichtig erklärt. Das Schema wird zwecks Rückwärtskompatibilität beibehalten.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unix_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="UNIX-Zeit verwenden">
+ <longdesc>Im Zuge von GNOME 2.6 wurde dieser Schlüssel zu Gunsten des »format«-Schlüssels für nichtig erklärt. Das Schema wird zwecks Rückwärtskompatibilität beibehalten.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hour_format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Stundenformat">
+ <longdesc>Im Zuge von GNOME 2.6 wurde dieser Schlüssel zu Gunsten des »format«-Schlüssels für nichtig erklärt. Das Schema wird zwecks Rückwärtskompatibilität beibehalten.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_locations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste mit Orten ausklappen">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob die Liste der Orte im Kalenderfenster ausgeklappt ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_weather">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste mit Wetterinformationen ausklappen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird die Liste der Wetterinformationen im Kalenderfenster ausgeklappt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_tasks">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste mit Aufgaben ausklappen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird die Liste der Aufgaben im Kalenderfenster ausgeklapptt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_birthdays">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste mit Geburtstagen ausklappen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird die Liste der Geburtstage im Kalenderfenster ausgeklappt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_appointments">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste mit Terminen ausklappen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird die Liste der Termine im Kalenderfenster ausgeklappt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_week_numbers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Wochennummern im Kalender anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, werden die Wochennummern im Kalender angezeigt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="config_tool">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Werkzeug zur Zeitkonfiguration">
+ <longdesc>Im Zuge von GNOME 2.26 wurde dieser Schlüssel zu Gunsten eines internen Werkzeugs zur Zeiteinstellung für nichtig erklärt. Das Schema wird zwecks Rückwärtskompatibilität beibehalten.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="gmt_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="UTC verwenden">
+ <longdesc>Mit GNOME 2.28 wurde dieser Schlüssel in Verbindung mit der Nutzung der Zeitzonen für nichtig erklärt. Das Schema wird zwecks Rückwärtskompatibilität beibehalten.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_temperature">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Die Temperatur in der Uhr anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird die Temperatur neben dem Wettersymbol angezeigt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_weather">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Das Wetter in der Uhr anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Legt fest, ob ein Wettersymbol angezeigt wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_tooltip">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Datum in Minihilfe anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird das Datum in einer Minihilfe angezeigt, wenn sich die Maus über der Uhr befindet.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_date">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Datum in Uhr anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird in der Uhr zusätzlich zur Zeit das Datum angezeigt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_seconds">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Zeit sekundengenau anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird die Zeit sekundengenau angezeigt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="custom_format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Benutzerdefiniertes Uhrenformat">
+ <longdesc>Dieser Schlüssel gibt das vom Uhren-Applet verwendete Format an, falls der Format-Schlüssel »custom« (benutzerdefiniert) ist. Sie können von »strftime()« akzeptierte Platzhalter verwenden, um ein bestimmtes Format zu erzielen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Stundenformat">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="window_list_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="maximum_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Maximale Größe der Fensterliste">
+ <longdesc>Im Zuge von GNOME 2.20 wurde dieser Schlüssel für nichtig erklärt. Das Schema wird zwecks Rückwärtskompatibilität beibehalten.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="minimum_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Minimale Größe der Fensterliste">
+ <longdesc>Im Zuge von GNOME 2.20 wurde dieser Schlüssel für nichtig erklärt. Das Schema wird zwecks Rückwärtskompatibilität beibehalten.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="move_unminimized_windows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Fenster beim Wiederherstellen auf momentan sichtbare Arbeitsfläche verschieben">
+ <longdesc>Fall dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird ein Fenster auf die sichtbare Arbeitsfläche verschoben, wenn es wiederhergestellt wird. Andernfalls wird zur Arbeitsfläche gewechselt, auf der sich das Fenster befindet.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="group_windows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Wann Fenster gruppiert werden sollen">
+ <longdesc>Dieser Schlüssel legt fest, wann Fenster der selben Anwendung in der Fensterliste gruppiert werden sollen. Zulässige Werte: »never« (nie), »auto« (bei Platzmangel) sowie »always« (immer).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_all_workspaces">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Auf allen Arbeitsfläche befindliche Fenster anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, zeigt die Fensterliste alle geöffneten Fenster an, einschließlich denen, die sich auf anderen Arbeitsflächen befinden. Andernfalls zeigt sie lediglich die auf der momentan sichtbaren Arbeitsfläche befindlichen Fenster an.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="workspace_switcher_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="num_rows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Zeilen in Arbeitsflächenumschalter">
+ <longdesc>Dieser Schlüssel legt die Anzahl der Zeilen (bei horizontaler Darstellung) oder Spalten (bei vertikaler Darstellung) fest, in denen der Umschalter die Arbeitsflächen anzeigt. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, falls der Schlüssel »display_all_workspaces« WAHR ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_all_workspaces">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Alle Arbeitsflächen anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, zeigt der Arbeitsflächenumschalter alle Arbeitsflächen an. Andernfalls zeigt er lediglich die momentan sichtbare.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_workspace_names">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Namen der Arbeitsflächen anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, zeigt der Arbeitsflächenumschalter auf den Mini-Arbeitsflächen im Umschalter deren Namen an. Andernfalls enthalten diese den Inhalt der Arbeitsflächen. Dies funktioniert nur, wenn der Fenster-Manager »Metacity« verwendet wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="panel">
+ <dir name="objects">
+ <entry name="action_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Typ des Aktionsknopfes">
+ <longdesc>Der Aktionstyp, den dieser Knopf repräsentiert. Zulässige Werte: »lock« (Sperren), »logout« (Abmelden), »run« (Ausführen), »search« (Suche) sowie »screenshot« (Bildschirmfoto). Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, falls der Objekttypschlüssel »object_type« »action-applet« ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="launcher_location">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Speicherort des Starters">
+ <longdesc>Der Speicherort der .desktop-Datei, die den Starter beschreibt. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, falls der Objekttypschlüssel »object_type« »launcher-object« ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="menu_path">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Pfad zum Menüinhalt">
+ <longdesc>Der Pfad, mit Hilfe dessen der Menüinhalt konstruiert wird. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, falls der Schlüssel »use_menu_path« WAHR ist und der Objekttypschlüssel »object_type« »menu-object« ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_menu_path">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Benutzerdefinierten Pfad für Menüinhalt verwenden">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird der Schlüssel »menu_path« als Pfad verwendet, mit dessen Hilfe der Menüinhalt konstruiert wird. Falls dieser Schlüssel FALSCH ist, wird der Schlüssel »menu_path« ignoriert. Dieser Schlüssel kommt lediglich zum Tragen, falls der Objekttypschlüssel »object_type« »menu-object« oder »drawer-object« ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="custom_icon">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Für Objektknopf verwendetes Symbol">
+ <longdesc>Der Speicherort der Bilddatei, die als Symbol für den Objektknopf verwendet werden soll. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, falls der Objekttypschlüssel »object_type« »drawer_object« oder »menu-object« ist und der Schlüssel »use_custom_icon« WAHR ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_custom_icon">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Benutzerdefiniertes Symbol für Objektknopf verwenden">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird der Schlüssel »custom_icon« als benutzerdefiniertes Symbol für den Knopf verwendet. Falls dieser Schlüssel FALSCH ist, wird der Schlüssel »custom_icon« ignoriert. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, falls der Objekttypschlüssel »object_type« »menu-object« oder »drawer-object« ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="tooltip">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Für Schublade oder Menü anzuzeigende Minihilfe">
+ <longdesc>Der in der Minihilfe zu dieser Schublade oder diesem Menü anzuzeigende Text. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, falls der Objekttypschlüssel »object_type« »drawer-object« oder »menu-object« ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attached_toplevel_id">
+ <local_schema short_desc="An Schublade angehängtes Panel">
+ <longdesc>Der Identifikator des an diese Schublade angehängten Panels. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, falls der Objekttypschlüssel »object_type« »drawer-object« ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="applet_iid">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Applet-IID">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="bonobo_iid">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Applet-Bonobo-IID">
+ <longdesc>Dieser Schlüssel ist durch die Migration auf die neue Applet-Bibliothek veraltet. Die Bonobo-Implementierungskennung des Applets - z.B. »OAFIID:GNOME_ClockApplet«. Dieser Schlüssel kommt lediglich zum Tragen, falls der Objekttypschlüssel »object_type« »bonobo-applet« ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="locked">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Das Objekt auf dem Panel sperren">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, darf der Benutzer das Applet nicht verschieben, ohne das Objekt vorher freizugeben, und zwar durch Anklicken des Menüobjekts »Freigeben«.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_right_stick">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Die Position relativ zur unteren rechten Ecke bestimmen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird die Position des Objekts relativ zur rechten Kante (oder der unteren, falls vertikal) des Panels berechnet.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Objektposition auf dem Panel">
+ <longdesc>Die Position dieses Panel-Objekts. Diese wird in Anzahl der Pixel zur linken (bzw. oberen, falls vertikal) Panel-Kante angegeben.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toplevel_id">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Übergeordnetes Panel, das Objekt enthält">
+ <longdesc>Der Identifikator des übergeordneten Panels, das dieses Objekt enthält.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Typ des Panelobjekts">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="general">
+ <entry name="profiles_migrated">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Konfiguration der alten Profile wurde übernommen">
+ <longdesc>Ein boolescher Wert der anzeigt, ob die vorherige Konfiguration unter /apps/panel/profiles/default zum neuen Ort /apps/panel kopiert wurde.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_id_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste der Panel-Objektkennungen">
+ <longdesc>Eine Liste der Panel-Objektkennungen. Jede Kennung entspricht einem Panel-Objekt (z.B. einem Starter oder einer Menüleiste). Die Einstellungen jedes dieser Panel-Objekte werden unter »/apps/panel/objects/$(id)« abgelegt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="applet_id_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste der Panel-Applet-Kennungen">
+ <longdesc>Eine Liste der Applet-Kennungen. Jede Kennung entspricht einem bestimmten Panel-Applet. Die Einstellungen jedes dieser Applets werden unter »/apps/panel/applets/$(id)« abgelegt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toplevel_id_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Liste Panel-Kennungen">
+ <longdesc>Eine Liste der Panel-Kennungen. Jede Kennung entspricht einem Panel auf oberster Ebene. Die Einstellungen jedes dieser Panels werden unter »/apps/panel/toplevels/$(id)« abgelegt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_autocompletion">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Automatische Vervollständigung im Dialog »Anwendung ausführen« aktivieren">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird die automatische Vervollständigung im Dialog »Anwendung ausführen« aktiviert.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_program_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Programmliste im Dialog »Anwendung ausführen« ausklappen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird die Liste bekannter Anwendungen der Größe des Dialogs »Anwendung ausführen« angepasst, sobald dieser geöffnet wird. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, falls der Schlüssel »enable_program_list« WAHR ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_program_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Programmliste im Dialog »Anwendung ausführen« aktivieren">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird die Liste bekannter Anwendungen im Dialog »Anwendung ausführen« angezeigt. Der Schlüssel »show_program_list« legt fest, ob die Größe der Liste der des Fensters angepasst werden soll.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="global">
+ <entry name="disable_force_quit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Erzwungenes Beenden deaktivieren">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, erlaubt es das Panel dem Benutzer nicht, das Beenden einer Anwendung zu erzwingen. Dies wird durch das Entfernen des »Anwendung beenden«-Knopfes bewerkstelligt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disable_log_out">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Abmelden deaktivieren">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, erlaubt es das Panel dem Benutzer nicht, sich abzumelden. Dies wird durch das Entfernen der »Abmelden«-Menüeinträge bewerkstelligt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disable_lock_screen">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Veraltet">
+ <longdesc>Dieser Schlüssel ist veraltet, weil er nicht zur Implementierung einer sauberen Sperrung verwendet werden kann. Stattdessen sollte der Schlüssel »/desktop/gnome/lockdown/disable_lock_screen« verwendet werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disabled_applets">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Zu ignorierende Applet-IIDs">
+ <longdesc>Eine Liste von Applet-IIDs, die das Panel ignoriert. Auf diese Weise können Sie verhindern, dass bestimmte Applets geladen oder im Menü angezeigt werden. Falls Sie beispielsweise das Befehlszeilen-Applet deaktivieren möchten, so müssen Sie »OAFIID:GNOME_MiniCommanderApplet« zur Liste hinzufügen. Damit diese Einstellungen wirksam werden, muss das Panel neu gestartet werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="locked_down">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Einstellungssperre für gesamtes Panel">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, unterbindet das Panel jegliche Änderungen an der Panel-Konfiguration. Applets müssen jedoch möglicherweise einzeln gesperrt werden. Damit diese Einstellungen wirksam werden, muss das Panel neu gestartet werden.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="highlight_launchers_on_mouseover">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Starter hervorheben, wenn sich die Maus darüber befindet">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, werden Starter hervorgehoben, wenn sich der Zeiger über ihnen befindet.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="confirm_panel_remove">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Entfernen des Panels bestätigen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird ein Dialog angezeigt, der den Benutzer dazu auffordert, das Entfernen eines Panels zu bestätigen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="drawer_autoclose">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Schublade automatisch schließen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird eine Schublade automatisch geschlossen, sobald der Benutzer darin einen Starter anklickt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_screenshot_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Veraltet">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="screenshot_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Veraltet">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="run_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Veraltet">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="menu_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Veraltet">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_key_bindings">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Veraltet">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_hide_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Veraltet">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_animation_speed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Veraltet">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_show_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Veraltet">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_minimized_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Veraltet">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_animations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Animationen aktivieren">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="keep_menus_in_memory">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Veraltet">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="tooltips_enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Minihilfen aktivieren">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, werden für Panelobjekte Minihilfen angezeigt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="toplevels">
+ <entry name="animation_speed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Animationsgeschwindigkeit">
+ <longdesc>Die Geschwindigkeit, in der Animationen wiedergegeben werden sollen. Zulässige Werte: »slow« (langsam), »medium« (mittel) sowie »fast« (schnell). Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, falls der Schlüssel »enable_animations« WAHR ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="auto_hide_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Sichtbare Pixel wenn verborgen">
+ <longdesc>Gibt die Anzahl der sichtbaren Pixel an, wenn das Panel automatisch in einer Ecke verbogen wurde. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, wenn der Schlüssel »auto_hide« WAHR ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unhide_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Verzögerung beim Auto-Wiederanzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Gibt die Anzahl der Millisekunden an, die sich der Zeiger über der Panel-Fläche befinden muss, bevor das Panel automatisch wieder angezeigt wird. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, falls der Schlüssel »auto_hide« WAHR ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Verzögerung beim Auto-Verbergen">
+ <longdesc>Gibt die Anzahl der Millisekunden an, die sich der Zeiger außerhalb der Panel-Fläche befinden muss, bevor das Panel automatisch verborgen wird. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, falls der Schlüssel »auto_hide« WAHR ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_arrows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Pfeile auf Verbergen-Knöpfen anzeigen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, werden auf den Verbergen-Knöpfen Pfeile angezeigt. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich zum Tragen, falls der Schlüssel »enable_buttons« WAHR ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_buttons">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Verbergen-Knöpfe aktivieren">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, werden auf jeder Seite des Panels Knöpfe angezeigt, die verwendet werden können, um das Panel an den Rand des Bildschirms zu verschieben, wobei in diesem Zustand nur ein Knopf angezeigt wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_animations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Animationen aktivieren">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird das Anzeigen/Verbergen dieses Panels animiert. Anderenfalls wird das Panel unverzüglich angezeigt/verborgen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="auto_hide">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel automatisch in der Ecke verbergen.">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird das Panel automatisch in einer Bildschirmecke verborgen, sobald der Zeiger die Panel-Fläche verlässt. Erneutes Bewegen in diese Ecke sorgt dafür, dass das Panel wieder angezeigt wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y_centered">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel auf Y-Achse zentrieren">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, werden die Schlüssel »y« und »y_bottom« ignoriert und das Panel im Zentrum der Y-Achse auf dem Bildschirm platziert. Falls die Größe des Panels verändert wird, verharrt es auf dieser Position - das Panel wächst also auf beiden Seiten. Falls dieser Schlüssel FALSCH ist, geben die Schlüssel »y« und »y_bottom« den Anzeigeort des Panels an.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x_centered">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel auf X-Achse zentrieren">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, werden die Schlüssel »x« und »x_right« ignoriert und das Panel im Zentrum der X-Achse auf dem Bildschirm platziert. Falls die Größe des Panels verändert wird, verharrt es auf dieser Position - das Panel wächst also auf beiden Seiten. Falls dieser Schlüssel FALSCH ist, geben die Schlüssel »x« und »x_right« den Anzeigeort des Panels an.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y_bottom">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Y-Koordinate des Panels, ausgehend von unten">
+ <longdesc>Die Position des Panels auf der Y-Achse, beginnend unten vom Bildschirm. Falls dieser Wert -1 ist, wird er ignoriert und der Wert des Schlüssels »y« verwendet. Falls dieser Wert größer als 0 ist, wird der Wert des Schlüssels »y« ignoriert. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich im nicht ausgedehnten Modus zum Tragen. Im ausgedehnten Modus wird dieser Schlüssel ignoriert und das Panel an der vom Schlüssel »orientation« angegebenen Bildschirmkante platziert.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x_right">
+ <local_schema short_desc="X-Koordinate des Panels, ausgehend von rechts">
+ <longdesc>Die Position des Panels auf der X-Achse, beginnend rechts vom Bildschirm. Falls dieser Wert -1 ist, wird er ignoriert und der Wert des Schlüssels »x« verwendet. Falls dieser Wert größer als 0 ist, wird der Wert des Schlüssels »x« ignoriert. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich im nicht ausgedehnten Modus zum Tragen. Im ausgedehnten Modus wird dieser Schlüssel ignoriert und das Panel an der vom Schlüssel »orientation« angegebenen Bildschirmkante platziert.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Y-Koordinate des Panels">
+ <longdesc>Die Position des Panels auf der Y-Achse. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich im nicht ausgedehnten Modus zum Tragen. Im ausgedehnten Modus wird dieser Schlüssel ignoriert und das Panel an der vom Schlüssel »orientation« angegebenen Bildschirmkante platziert.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x">
+ <local_schema short_desc="X-Koordinate des Panels">
+ <longdesc>Die Position des Panels auf der X-Achse. Dieser Schlüssel kommt ausschließlich im nicht ausgedehnten Modus zum Tragen. Im ausgedehnten Modus wird dieser Schlüssel ignoriert und das Panel an der vom Schlüssel »orientation« angegebenen Bildschirmkante platziert.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel-Größe">
+ <longdesc>Die Höhe des Panels (Breite bei vertikalen Panels). Das Panel legt auf Basis der Schriftgröße und anderer Indikatoren beim Ausführen eine minimale Größe fest. Die maximale Größe ist auf ein Viertel der Bildschirmhöhe (bzw. -breite) begrenzt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="orientation">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel-Ausrichtung">
+ <longdesc>Die Ausrichtung des Panels. Zulässige Werte: »top« (oben), »bottom« (unten), »left« (links) sowie »right« (rechts). Im ausgedehnten Modus gibt der Schlüssel an, auf welcher Seite des Bildschirms sich das Panel befindet. Im unausgedehnten Modus ist der Unterschied zwischen »top« und »bottom« weniger wichtig: Beide zeigen an, dass es sich hierbei um ein horizontales Panel handelt - sie sind jedoch für das Verhalten mancher Panel-Objekte ausschlaggebend. So wird z.B. bei einem oberen Panel (»top«) das Menü eines Menüknopfes unterhalb, bei einem unteren Panel (»bottom«) oberhalb des Panels angezeigt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ausdehnen und so die gesamte Bildschirmbreite belegen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, belegt das Panel die gesamte Bildschirmbreite (Höhe, falls es ein vertikales Panel ist). In diesem Modus kann das Panel ausschließlich an Bildschirmkanten platziert werden. Falls dieser Schlüssel FALSCH ist, ist das Panel gerade so groß, dass die Applets, Starter und Knöpfe darauf passen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="monitor">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Xinerama-Monitor, auf dem das Panel angezeigt wird">
+ <longdesc>In einer Xinerama-Umgebung ist es möglich, monitorspezifische Panels anzulegen. Dieser Schlüssel identifiziert den Bildschirm, auf dem das Panel momentan angezeigt wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="screen">
+ <local_schema short_desc="X-Bildschirm, auf dem das Panel angezeigt wird">
+ <longdesc>Falls Sie mehrere Bildschirme verwenden, können Panels auch auf einzelnen Bildschirmen angezeigt werden. Dieser Schlüssel legt fest, auf welchem Bildschirm dieses Panel angezeigt werden soll.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="name">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Name zur Panel-Identifikation">
+ <longdesc>Dies ist ein menschenlesbarer Name, anhand dessen Sie ein Panel identifizieren können. Seine Hauptaufgabe besteht darin, als Fenstertitel für das Panel zu fungieren, was beim Umschalten zwischen Panels nützlich ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="background">
+ <entry name="rotate">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bild auf vertikalen Panels drehen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird das Hintergrundbild gedreht angezeigt, falls das Panel vertikal ausgerichtet ist.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="stretch">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bild auf Panelgröße strecken">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird das Bild den Abmessungen des Panels angepasst. Das Ansichtsverhältnis des Bildes bleibt dabei nicht erhalten.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="fit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bild in Panel einpassen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird das Bild auf Panel-Höhe (falls horizontal) skaliert, wobei das Ansichtsverhältnis des Bildes beibehalten wird.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="image">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hintergrundbild">
+ <longdesc>Gibt die für das Hintergrundbild zu verwendende Datei an. Falls das Bild einen Alphakanal enthält, wird es mit dem Hintergrundbild der Arbeitsfläche gemischt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="opacity">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Deckkraft der Hintergrundfarbe">
+ <longdesc>Gibt die Deckkraft der Hintergrundfarbe an. Falls die Farbe nicht komplett deckend ist (ein Wert von weniger als 65535), wird das Bild mit dem Hintergrundbild der Arbeitsfläche gemischt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="color">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hintergrundfarbe">
+ <longdesc>Gibt die Hintergrundfarbe des Panels im #RGB-Format an.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hintergrundtyp">
+ <longdesc>Welcher Hintergrundtyp soll für dieses Panel verwendet werden? Zulässige Werte: »gtk« (den voreingestellten GTK+-Widget-Hintergrund verwenden), »color« (die gewünschte Farbe als Hintergrundfarbe verwenden) sowie »image« (das gewünschte Bild als Hintergrund verwenden).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="fish_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="rotate">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Auf vertikalen Panels drehen">
+ <longdesc>Falls dieser Schlüssel WAHR ist, wird die Fischanimation auf vertikalen Panels gedreht angezeigt.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="speed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Pause nach jedem Einzelbild">
+ <longdesc>Dieser Schlüssel legt die Anzahl der Sekunden fest, die jedes Einzelbild angezeigt werden soll.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="frames">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Einzelbilder in Fischanimation">
+ <longdesc>Dieser Schlüssel gibt die Anzahl der darzustellenden Einzelbilder in der Fischanimation an.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Beim Anklicken des Fisches auszuführender Befehl">
+ <longdesc>Dieser Schlüssel gibt den Befehl an, der beim Anklicken des Fischs ausgeführt werden soll.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="image">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Die Animations-Pixmap des Fisches">
+ <longdesc>Dieser Schlüssel gibt den Dateinamen der Pixmap an, die für die im Fisch-Applet angezeigte Animation verwendet wird, und zwar relativ zum Pixmap-Ordner.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="name">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Der Name des Fisches">
+ <longdesc>Ein namenloser Fisch ist ein ziemlich dämlicher Fisch. Erwecken Sie Ihren Fisch zum Leben, indem Sie ihm einen Namen geben!</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="gweather">
<dir name="prefs">
<entry name="radar">
<entry name="coordinates">
<local_schema short_desc="Standortkoordinaten">
- <longdesc>Breiten- und Längengrad Ihres aktuellen Standorts, angegeben in GG-MM-SS[NS] GG-MM-SS[OW], also Grad-Minuten-Sekunden[Nord-Süd] bzw. [Ost-West].</longdesc>
<entry name="location4">
<local_schema short_desc="Wetter für eine Stadt">
- <longdesc>Die Stadt, für die gweather die Informationen darstellt.</longdesc>
<entry name="location3">
<local_schema short_desc="Radarstandort">
- <longdesc>Ein dreistelliger Code zum Abfragen der Radarkarten von weather.com, siehe http://git.gnome.org/cgit/libgweather/plain/data/Locations.xml.in</longdesc>
<entry name="location2">
<local_schema short_desc="Zonen-Standort">
- <longdesc>Eine eindeutige Zone für die Stadt, siehe http://git.gnome.org/cgit/libgweather/plain/data/Locations.xml.in</longdesc>
<entry name="location1">
<local_schema short_desc="Nächstgelegene Stadt">
- <longdesc>Nächstgelegene Zone, z.B. einer Hauptstadt, siehe http://git.gnome.org/cgit/libgweather/plain/data/Locations.xml.in</longdesc>
<entry name="location0">
<local_schema short_desc="Informationen zum Wetterstandort.">
- <longdesc>Informationen zum Wetterstandort.</longdesc>
<entry name="enable_radar_map">
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="clock_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="speed_unit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Speed unit">
+ <longdesc>The unit to use when showing wind speed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="temperature_unit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Temperature unit">
+ <longdesc>The unit to use when showing temperatures.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cities">
+ <local_schema short_desc="List of locations">
+ <longdesc>A list of locations to display in the calendar window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="internet_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Use Internet time">
+ <longdesc>The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.6 in favour of the 'format' key. The schema is retained for compatibility with older versions.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unix_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Use UNIX time">
+ <longdesc>The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.6 in favour of the 'format' key. The schema is retained for compatibility with older versions.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hour_format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hour format">
+ <longdesc>The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.6 in favour of the 'format' key. The schema is retained for compatibility with older versions.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_locations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Expand list of locations">
+ <longdesc>If true, expand the list of locations in the calendar window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_weather">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Expand list of weather information">
+ <longdesc>If true, expand the list of weather information in the calendar window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_tasks">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Expand list of tasks">
+ <longdesc>If true, expand the list of tasks in the calendar window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_birthdays">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Expand list of birthdays">
+ <longdesc>If true, expand the list of birthdays in the calendar window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_appointments">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Expand list of appointments">
+ <longdesc>If true, expand the list of appointments in the calendar window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_week_numbers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show week numbers in calendar">
+ <longdesc>If true, show week numbers in the calendar.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="config_tool">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Time configuration tool">
+ <longdesc>The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.22 with the use of an internal time configuration tool. The schema is retained for compatibility with older versions.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="gmt_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Use UTC">
+ <longdesc>The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.28 in favour of the use of timezones. The schema is retained for compatibility with older versions.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_temperature">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show temperature in clock">
+ <longdesc>If true, show the temperature next to the weather icon.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_weather">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show weather in clock">
+ <longdesc>If true, display a weather icon.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_tooltip">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show date in tooltip">
+ <longdesc>If true, show date in a tooltip when the pointer is over the clock.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_date">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show date in clock">
+ <longdesc>If true, display date in the clock, in addition to time.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_seconds">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show time with seconds">
+ <longdesc>If true, display seconds in time.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="custom_format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Custom format of the clock">
+ <longdesc>This key specifies the format used by the clock applet when the format key is set to "custom". You can use conversion specifiers understood by strftime() to obtain a specific format. See the strftime() manual for more information.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hour format">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="window_list_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="maximum_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Maximum window list size">
+ <longdesc>The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.20. The schema is retained for compatibility with older versions.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="minimum_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Minimum window list size">
+ <longdesc>The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.20. The schema is retained for compatibility with older versions.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="move_unminimized_windows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Move windows to current workspace when unminimised">
+ <longdesc>If true, then when unminimising a window, move it to the current workspace. Otherwise, switch to the workspace of the window.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="group_windows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="When to group windows">
+ <longdesc>Decides when to group windows from the same application on the window list. Possible values are "never", "auto" and "always".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_all_workspaces">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Show windows from all workspaces">
+ <longdesc>If true, the window list will show windows from all workspaces. Otherwise it will only display windows from the current workspace.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="workspace_switcher_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="num_rows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Rows in workspace switcher">
+ <longdesc>This key specifies how many rows (for horizontal layout) or columns (for vertical layout) the workspace switcher shows the workspaces in. This key is only relevant if the display_all_workspaces key is true.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_all_workspaces">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Display all workspaces">
+ <longdesc>If true, the workspace switcher will show all workspaces. Otherwise it will only show the current workspace.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_workspace_names">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Display workspace names">
+ <longdesc>If true, the workspaces in the workspace switcher will display the names of the workspaces. Otherwise they will display the windows on the workspace. This setting only works when the window manager is Metacity.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="panel">
+ <dir name="objects">
+ <entry name="action_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Action button type">
+ <longdesc>The action type this button represents. Possible values are "lock", "logout", "run", "search" and "screenshot". This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "action-applet".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="launcher_location">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Launcher location">
+ <longdesc>The location of the .desktop file describing the launcher. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "launcher-object".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="menu_path">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Menu content path">
+ <longdesc>The path from which the menu contents is contructed. This key is only relevant if the use_menu_path key is true and the object_type key is "menu-object".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_menu_path">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Use custom path for menu contents">
+ <longdesc>If true, the menu_path key is used as the path from which the menu contents should be constructed. If false, the menu_path key is ignored. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "menu-object".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="custom_icon">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Icon used for object's button">
+ <longdesc>The location of the image file used as the icon for the object's button. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "drawer-object" or "menu-object" and the use_custom_icon key is true.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_custom_icon">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Use custom icon for object's button">
+ <longdesc>If true, the custom_icon key is used as a custom icon for the button. If false, the custom_icon key is ignored. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "menu-object" or "drawer-object".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="tooltip">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tooltip displayed for drawer or menu">
+ <longdesc>The text to display in a tooltip for this drawer or this menu. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "drawer-object" or "menu-object".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attached_toplevel_id">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel attached to drawer">
+ <longdesc>The identifier of the panel attached to this drawer. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "drawer-object".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="applet_iid">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Applet IID">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="bonobo_iid">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Applet Bonobo IID">
+ <longdesc>This key is deprecated, following the migration to a new library for applets. The Bonobo implementation ID of the applet — e.g. "OAFIID:GNOME_ClockApplet". This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "bonobo-applet".</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="locked">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Lock the object to the panel">
+ <longdesc>If true, the user may not move the applet without first unlocking the object using the "Unlock" menuitem.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_right_stick">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Interpret position relative to bottom/right edge">
+ <longdesc>If true, the position of the object is interpreted relative to the right (or bottom if vertical) edge of the panel.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Object's position on the panel">
+ <longdesc>The position of this panel object. The position is specified by the number of pixels from the left (or top if vertical) panel edge.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toplevel_id">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Toplevel panel containing object">
+ <longdesc>The identifier of the toplevel panel which contains this object.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel object type">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="general">
+ <entry name="profiles_migrated">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Old profiles configuration migrated">
+ <longdesc>A boolean flag to indicate whether the user's previous configuration in /apps/panel/profiles/default has been copied to the new location in /apps/panel.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_id_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel object ID list">
+ <longdesc>A list of panel object IDs. Each ID identifies an individual panel object (e.g. a launcher, action button or menu button/bar). The settings for each of these objects are stored in /apps/panel/objects/$(id).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="applet_id_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel applet ID list">
+ <longdesc>A list of panel applet IDs. Each ID identifies an individual panel applet. The settings for each of these applets are stored in /apps/panel/applets/$(id).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toplevel_id_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel ID list">
+ <longdesc>A list of panel IDs. Each ID identifies an individual toplevel panel. The settings for each of these panels are stored in /apps/panel/toplevels/$(id).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_autocompletion">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable autocompletion in "Run Application" dialogue">
+ <longdesc>If true, autocompletion in the "Run Application" dialogue is made available.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_program_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Expand program list in "Run Application" dialogue">
+ <longdesc>If true, the "Known Applications" listing in the "Run Application" dialogue is expanded when the dialogue is opened. This key is only relevant if the enable_program_list key is true.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_program_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable program list in "Run Application" dialogue">
+ <longdesc>If true, the "Known Applications" listing in the "Run Application" dialogue is made available. Whether or not the listing is expanded when the dialogue is shown is controlled by the show_program_list key.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="global">
+ <entry name="disable_force_quit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Disable Force Quit">
+ <longdesc>If true, the panel will not allow a user to force an application to quit by removing access to the force quit button.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disable_log_out">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Disable Logging Out">
+ <longdesc>If true, the panel will not allow a user to log out, by removing access to the log out menu entries.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disable_lock_screen">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Deprecated">
+ <longdesc>This key is deprecated as it cannot be used to implement proper lockdown. The /desktop/gnome/lockdown/disable_lock_screen key should be used instead.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disabled_applets">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Applet IIDs to disable from loading">
+ <longdesc>A list of applet IIDs that the panel will ignore. This way you can disable certain applets from loading or showing up in the menu. For example to disable the mini-commander applet add 'OAFIID:GNOME_MiniCommanderApplet' to this list. The panel must be restarted for this to take effect.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="locked_down">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Complete panel lockdown">
+ <longdesc>If true, the panel will not allow any changes to the configuration of the panel. Individual applets may need to be locked down separately however. The panel must be restarted for this to take effect.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="highlight_launchers_on_mouseover">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Highlight launchers on mouseover">
+ <longdesc>If true, a launcher is highlighted when the user moves the pointer over it.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="confirm_panel_remove">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Confirm panel removal">
+ <longdesc>If true, a dialogue is shown asking for confirmation if the user wants to remove a panel.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="drawer_autoclose">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Autoclose drawer">
+ <longdesc>If true, a drawer will automatically be closed when the user clicks a launcher in it.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_screenshot_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Deprecated">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="screenshot_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Deprecated">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="run_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Deprecated">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="menu_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Deprecated">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_key_bindings">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Deprecated">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_hide_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Deprecated">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_animation_speed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Deprecated">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_show_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Deprecated">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_minimized_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Deprecated">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_animations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable animations">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="keep_menus_in_memory">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Deprecated">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="tooltips_enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable tooltips">
+ <longdesc>If true, tooltips are shown for objects in panels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="toplevels">
+ <entry name="animation_speed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Animation speed">
+ <longdesc>The speed in which panel animations should occur. Possible values are "slow", "medium" and "fast". This key is only relevant if the enable_animations key is true.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="auto_hide_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Visible pixels when hidden">
+ <longdesc>Specifies the number of pixels visible when the panel is automatically hidden into a corner. This key is only relevant if the auto_hide key is true.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unhide_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel autounhide delay">
+ <longdesc>Specifies the number of milliseconds delay after the pointer enters the panel area before the panel is automatically re-shown. This key is only relevant if the auto_hide key is true.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel autohide delay">
+ <longdesc>Specifies the number of milliseconds delay after the pointer leaves the panel area before the panel is automatically hidden. This key is only relevant if the auto_hide key is true.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_arrows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable arrows on hide buttons">
+ <longdesc>If true, arrows will be placed on the hide buttons. This key is only relevant if the enable_buttons key is true.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_buttons">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable hide buttons">
+ <longdesc>If true, buttons will be placed on each side of the panel which may be used to move the panel to edge of the screen, leaving only a button showing.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_animations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Enable animations">
+ <longdesc>If true, hiding and un-hiding of this panel will be animated rather than happening instantly.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="auto_hide">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Automatically hide panel into corner">
+ <longdesc>If true, the panel is automatically hidden into a corner of the screen when the pointer leaves the panel area. Moving the pointer to that corner again will cause the panel to re-appear.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y_centered">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Centre panel on y-axis">
+ <longdesc>If true, the y and y_bottom keys are ignored and the panel is placed at the centre of the y-axis of the screen. If the panel is resized it will remain at that position — i.e. the panel will grow on both sides. If false, the y and y_bottom keys specify the location of the panel.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x_centered">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Centre panel on x-axis">
+ <longdesc>If true, the x and x_right keys are ignored and the panel is placed at the centre of the x-axis of the screen. If the panel is resized it will remain at that position — i.e. the panel will grow on both sides. If false, the x and x_right keys specify the location of the panel.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y_bottom">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Y co-ordinate of panel, starting from the bottom of the screen">
+ <longdesc>The location of the panel along the y-axis, starting from the bottom of the screen. If set to -1, the value is ignored and the value of the y key is used. If the value is greater than 0, then the value of the y key is ignored. This key is only relevant in un-expanded mode. In expanded mode this key is ignored and the panel is placed at the screen edge specified by the orientation key.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x_right">
+ <local_schema short_desc="X co-ordinate of panel, starting from the right of the screen">
+ <longdesc>The location of the panel along the x-axis, starting from the right of the screen. If set to -1, the value is ignored and the value of the x key is used. If the value is greater than 0, then the value of the x key is ignored. This key is only relevant in un-expanded mode. In expanded mode this key is ignored and the panel is placed at the screen edge specified by the orientation key.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Y co-ordinate of panel">
+ <longdesc>The location of the panel along the y-axis. This key is only relevant in un-expanded mode. In expanded mode this key is ignored and the panel is placed at the screen edge specified by the orientation key.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x">
+ <local_schema short_desc="X co-ordinate of panel">
+ <longdesc>The location of the panel along the x-axis. This key is only relevant in un-expanded mode. In expanded mode this key is ignored and the panel is placed at the screen edge specified by the orientation key.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel size">
+ <longdesc>The height (width for a vertical panel) of the panel. The panel will determine at runtime a minimum size based on the font size and other indicators. The maximum size is fixed at one quarter of the screen height (or width).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="orientation">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Panel orientation">
+ <longdesc>The orientation of the panel. Possible values are "top", "bottom", "left", "right". In expanded mode the key specifies which screen edge the panel is on. In un-expanded mode the difference between "top" and "bottom" is less important – both indicate that this is a horizontal panel – but still give a useful hint as to how some panel objects should behave. For example, on a "top" panel a menu button will pop up its menu below the panel, whereas on a "bottom" panel the menu will be popped up above the panel.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Expand to occupy entire screen width">
+ <longdesc>If true, the panel will occupy the entire screen width (height if this is a vertical panel). In this mode the panel can only be placed at a screen edge. If false, the panel will only be large enough to accommodate the applets, launchers and buttons on the panel.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="monitor">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Xinerama monitor where the panel is displayed">
+ <longdesc>In a Xinerama setup, you may have panels on each individual monitor. This key identifies the current monitor the panel is displayed on.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="screen">
+ <local_schema short_desc="X screen where the panel is displayed">
+ <longdesc>With a multi-screen setup, you may have panels on each individual screen. This key identifies the current screen the panel is displayed on.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="name">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Name to identify panel">
+ <longdesc>This is a human readable name which you can use to identify a panel. Its main purpose is to serve as the panel's window title which is useful when navigating between panels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="background">
+ <entry name="rotate">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Rotate image on vertical panels">
+ <longdesc>If true, the background image will be rotated when the panel is oriented vertically.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="stretch">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Stretch image to panel">
+ <longdesc>If true, the image will be scaled to the panel dimensions. The aspect ratio of the image will not be maintained.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="fit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Fit image to panel">
+ <longdesc>If true, the image will be scaled (retaining the aspect ratio of the image) to the panel height (if horizontal).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="image">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Background image">
+ <longdesc>Specifies the file to be used for the background image. If the image contains an alpha channel it will be composited onto the desktop background image.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="opacity">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Background colour opacity">
+ <longdesc>Specifies the opacity of the background colour format. If the colour is not completely opaque (a value of less than 65535), the colour will be composited onto the desktop background image.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="color">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Background colour">
+ <longdesc>Specifies the background colour for the panel in #RGB format.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Background type">
+ <longdesc>Which type of background should be used for this panel. Possible values are "gtk" — the default GTK+ widget background will be used, "colour" — the colour key will be used as background colour or "image" — the image specified by the image key will be used as background.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="fish_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="rotate">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Rotate on vertical panels">
+ <longdesc>If true, the fish's animation will be displayed rotated on vertical panels.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="speed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Pause per frame">
+ <longdesc>This key specifies the number of seconds each frame will be displayed.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="frames">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Frames in fish's animation">
+ <longdesc>This key specifies the number of frames that will be displayed in the fish's animation.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Command to execute on click">
+ <longdesc>This key specifies the command that will be tried to execute when the fish is clicked.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="image">
+ <local_schema short_desc="The fish's animation pixmap">
+ <longdesc>This key specifies the filename of the pixmap which will be used for the animation displayed in the fish applet relative to the pixmap directory.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="name">
+ <local_schema short_desc="The fish's name">
+ <longdesc>A fish without a name is a pretty dull fish. Bring your fish to life by naming him.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="gweather">
<dir name="prefs">
<entry name="radar">
<entry name="coordinates">
<local_schema short_desc="Location co-ordinates">
- <longdesc>Latitude and longitude of your location expressed in DD-MM-SS[NS] DD-MM-SS[EW].</longdesc>
<entry name="location4">
<local_schema short_desc="Weather for a city">
- <longdesc>The city that gweather displays information for.</longdesc>
<entry name="location3">
<local_schema short_desc="Radar location">
- <longdesc>A three-digit-long code for retrieving radar maps from weather.com, found from http://git.gnome.org/cgit/libgweather/plain/data/Locations.xml.in</longdesc>
<entry name="location2">
<local_schema short_desc="Zone location">
- <longdesc>A unique zone for the city, as found from http://git.gnome.org/cgit/libgweather/plain/data/Locations.xml.in</longdesc>
<entry name="location1">
<local_schema short_desc="Nearby city">
- <longdesc>Nearby major zone, such as a capital city, as found from http://git.gnome.org/cgit/libgweather/plain/data/Locations.xml.in</longdesc>
<entry name="location0">
<local_schema short_desc="Weather location information">
- <longdesc>Weather location information.</longdesc>
<entry name="enable_radar_map">
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="clock_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="speed_unit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Единица скорости">
+ <longdesc>Единица измерения, используемая для скорости ветра.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="temperature_unit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Единица температуры">
+ <longdesc>Единица измерения, используемая для температур.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cities">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Список местностей">
+ <longdesc>Список мест, которые нужно показывать в окне календаря.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="internet_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать время Интернета">
+ <longdesc>Использовать этот ключ не рекомендуется начиная с GNOME версии 2.6. Предпочтительнее использовать ключ «format». Данный ключ остаётся только для совместимости с предыдущими версиями.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unix_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать время UNIX">
+ <longdesc>Использовать этот ключ не рекомендуется начиная с GNOME версии 2.6. Предпочтительнее использовать ключ «format». Данный ключ остаётся только для совместимости с предыдущими версиями.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hour_format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Формат часов">
+ <longdesc>Использовать этот ключ не рекомендуется начиная с GNOME версии 2.6. Предпочтительнее использовать ключ «format». Данный ключ остаётся только для совместимости с предыдущими версиями.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_locations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Разворачивать список местностей">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, список мест в окне календаря разворачивается.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_weather">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Разворачивать список сведений о погоде">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, список прогнозов погоды в окне календаря разворачивается.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_tasks">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Разворачивать список задач">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, список задач в окне календаря разворачивается.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_birthdays">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Разворачивать список дней рождения">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, список дней рождений в окне календаря разворачивается.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_appointments">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Разворачивать список встреч">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, список встреч в окне календаря разворачивается.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_week_numbers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать номера недель в календаре">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, в календаре показываются номера недель.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="config_tool">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Программа установки часов">
+ <longdesc>Использование этого ключа было объявлено устаревшим в GNOME 2.22 с помощью внутренних инструментов конфигурирования. Эта схема остаётся для совместимости с предыдущими версиями.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="gmt_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать время по Гринвичу (UTC)">
+ <longdesc>Использовать этот ключ не рекомендуется начиная с GNOME версии 2.28. Предпочтительнее пользоваться настройками часовых поясов. Данный ключ остаётся только для совместимости с предыдущими версиями.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_temperature">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать температуру в часах">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, рядом со значком погоды показывается температура.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_weather">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать погоду в часах">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, показывается значок погоды.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_tooltip">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать дату в подсказке">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, при наведении указателя на апплет часов показывается всплывающая подсказка с датой.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_date">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать дату в апплете часов">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, в апплете показывается не только время, но и дата.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_seconds">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать секунды">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, показываются секунды.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="custom_format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Другой формат часов">
+ <longdesc>Этот ключ определяет формат, используемый апплетом часов, когда ключ формата установлен в значение «custom». Можно использовать последовательности, понимаемые функцией strftime(), для достижения желаемого формата. Для получения дополнительной информации смотрите руководство по функции strftime().</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Формат часов">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="window_list_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="maximum_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Максимальный размер списка окон">
+ <longdesc>Использовать этот ключ в среде GNOME версии начиная с 2.20 не рекомендуется. Данный ключ остаётся только для совместимости с предыдущими версиями.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="minimum_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Минимальный размер списка окон">
+ <longdesc>Использовать этот ключ в среде GNOME версии начиная с 2.20 не рекомендуется. Данный ключ остаётся только для совместимости с предыдущими версиями.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="move_unminimized_windows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Перемещать окна на текущее рабочее место при восстановлении">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, восстановление окна будет происходить на текущее рабочее место, а не на исходное.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="group_windows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Группировать ли окна">
+ <longdesc>Определяет, когда группировать окна одинаковых приложений в списке окон. Допустимые значения: «never», «auto» и «always».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_all_workspaces">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать окна со всех рабочих мест">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, список окон будет отображать окна со всех рабочих мест, а не только с текущего.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="workspace_switcher_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="num_rows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Строк в переключателе">
+ <longdesc>Этот ключ определяет, во сколько рядов (при горизонтальном размещении) или столбцов (при вертикальном размещении) переключатель будет показывать рабочие места. Имеет смысл только если установлен ключ display_all_workspaces.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_all_workspaces">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать все рабочие места">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, переключатель будет показывать все рабочие места. Иначе будет показано только текущее.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_workspace_names">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Показывать названия рабочих мест">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, переключатель будет показывать названия рабочих мест. Если не установлен, на рабочих местах будут показываться окна. Этот ключ работает только тогда, когда используется менеджер окон Metacity.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="panel">
+ <dir name="objects">
+ <entry name="action_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Тип кнопки действия">
+ <longdesc>Тип действия, реализуемого кнопкой. Допустимые значения: «lock», «logout», «run», «search» and «screenshot». Этот параметр имеет смысл только в том случае, если object_type содержит «action-applet».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="launcher_location">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Расположение кнопки запуска">
+ <longdesc>Местоположение файла .desktop, описывающего кнопку запуска. Этот параметр имеет смысл только в том случае, если тип объекта (object_type) содержит «launcher-object».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="menu_path">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Путь содержимого меню">
+ <longdesc>Путь, из которого будет построено содержимое меню. Этот ключ имеет смысл только в том случае, если ключ use_menu_path установлен и ключ object_type имеет значение «menu-object».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_menu_path">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Использовать другой путь к содержимому меню">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то значение из ключа menu_path используется как путь, из которого будет сконструировано меню. Если не установлен, то значение ключа menu_path будет проигнорировано. Этот параметр имеет смысл только если ключ object_type содержит значение «menu-object».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="custom_icon">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Значок, используемый для кнопки объекта">
+ <longdesc>Местоположение файла изображения, используемого как значок для кнопки объекта. Этот ключ имеет смысл только в том случае, если ключ object_type содержит «drawer-object» и ключ use_custom_icon установлен.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_custom_icon">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Использовать другой значок для кнопки объекта">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то значение из ключа custom_icon используется как пользовательский значок для кнопки. Если не установлен, то значение ключа custom_icon будет проигнорировано. Этот параметр имеет смысл, только если ключ object_type содержит значение «menu-object» или «drawer-object».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="tooltip">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Всплывающая подсказка для ящика или меню">
+ <longdesc>Текст, используемый в качестве подсказки для данного ящика. Этот параметр имеет смысл только в том случае, если ключ object_type имеет значение «drawer-object» или «menu-object».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attached_toplevel_id">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Панель, присоединённая к ящику">
+ <longdesc>Идентификатор панели, присоединенной к данному ящику. Этот параметр имеет смысл только в том случае, если ключ object_type содержит «drawer-object».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="applet_iid">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Идентификатор апплета (IID)">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="bonobo_iid">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bonobo-идентификатор апплета">
+ <longdesc>Этот ключ устарел после перевода апплетов на новую библиотеку. Идентификатор реализации Bonobo апплета, например, «OAFIID:GNOME_ClockApplet». Этот ключ имеет смысл только в том случае, если ключ object_type содержит «bonobo-applet».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="locked">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Закрепить объект на панели">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то пользователь не может перемещать апплет, не отдав перед этим команду «Разблокировать».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_right_stick">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Интерпретировать позицию относительно нижнего/правого края">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то позиция объекта интерпретируется относительно правого (или нижнего для вертикальных панелей) края панели.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Положение объекта на панели">
+ <longdesc>Положение объекта на панели. Положение определяется количеством пикселей от левого (или верхнего для вертикальных панелей) края панели.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toplevel_id">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Панель верхнего уровня, содержащая объект">
+ <longdesc>Идентификатор панели верхнего уровня, которая содержит данный объект.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Тип объекта панели">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="general">
+ <entry name="profiles_migrated">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Настройка старых профилей перенесена">
+ <longdesc>Логический флаг, указывающий, была ли предыдущая конфигурация пользователя из /apps/panel/profiles/default перенесена на новое место в /apps/panel.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_id_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Список идентификаторов объектов панели">
+ <longdesc>Список идентификаторов объектов панели. Каждый идентификатор обозначает отдельный объект панели (например, кнопку запуска, кнопку команды или меню). Параметры каждого из этих объектов хранятся в /apps/panel/objects/$(id).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="applet_id_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Список идентификаторов апплетов панели">
+ <longdesc>Список идентификаторов апплетов панели. Каждый идентификатор обозначает отдельный апплет на панели. Параметры каждого из этих апплетов хранятся в /apps/panel/applets/$(id).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toplevel_id_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Список идентификаторов панели">
+ <longdesc>Список идентификаторов панелей. Каждый идентификатор соответствует своей отдельной панели верхнего уровня. Параметры каждой из этих панелей хранятся в /apps/panel/toplevels/$(id).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_autocompletion">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить автодополнение в диалоге «Выполнить программу»">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, в диалоге «Выполнить программу» будет включено автоматическое дополнение.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_program_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Разворачивать список программ в диалоге «Выполнить программу»">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, список «Известные приложения» в диалоге «Выполнить программу» по умолчанию разворачивается. Этот ключ имеет смысл только в том случае, если установлен ключ enable_program_list.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_program_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить список программ в диалоге «Выполнить программу»">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то в диалоге «Выполнить программу» становится доступным список «Известные приложения». Будет ли он развёрнут по умолчанию, зависит от ключа show_program_list.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="global">
+ <entry name="disable_force_quit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отключить принудительное завершение">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, панель не будет позволять принудительно завершать приложение. Соответствующая кнопка будет недоступна.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disable_log_out">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Отключить завершение сеанса">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, панель не будет позволять завершать сеанс. Соответствующие пункты меню будут недоступны.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disable_lock_screen">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Устаревший">
+ <longdesc>Этот ключ устарел, так как не может быть использован для осуществления надлежащей блокировка. Вместо него должен использоваться ключ /desktop/gnome/lockdown/disable_lock_screen.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disabled_applets">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Идентификаторы (IID) запрещённых апплетов">
+ <longdesc>Список идентификаторов апплетов (IID), которые панель будет игнорировать. Таким образом можно запретить загрузку некоторых апплетов или их отображение в меню. Например, чтобы запретить апплет командной строки, добавьте к этому списку строку «OAFIID:GNOME_MiniCommanderApplet». Чтобы изменения в списке вступили в силу, панель нужно перезапустить.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="locked_down">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Полная блокировка панели">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, панель не будет позволять производить изменения в своих настройках. Однако отдельные апплеты могут потребовать отдельной блокировки. Чтобы этот ключ вступил в силу, панель необходимо перезапустить.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="highlight_launchers_on_mouseover">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Подсвечивать кнопки запуска при наведении мыши">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, кнопка запуска будет подсвечиваться при наведении на неё указателя.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="confirm_panel_remove">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Подтверждать удаление панели">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, при попытке удаления панели будет запрашиваться подтверждение.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="drawer_autoclose">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Автоматически закрывать ящик">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, ящик будет автоматически закрываться при нажатии на одну из кнопок запуска в нём.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_screenshot_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Устаревший">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="screenshot_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Устаревший">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="run_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Устаревший">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="menu_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Устаревший">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_key_bindings">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Устаревший">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_hide_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Устаревший">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_animation_speed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Устаревший">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_show_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Устаревший">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_minimized_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Устаревший">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_animations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить анимацию">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="keep_menus_in_memory">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Устаревший">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="tooltips_enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить всплывающие подсказки">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, для объектов панели показываются всплывающие подсказки.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="toplevels">
+ <entry name="animation_speed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Скорость анимации">
+ <longdesc>Скорость, с которой должна производиться анимация. Допустимые значения: «slow» (медленно), «medium» (средне) и «fast» (быстро). Этот ключ действует только в том случае, если установлен ключ enable_animations.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="auto_hide_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Количество отображаемых пикселей скрытой панели.">
+ <longdesc>Указывает количество пикселей, видимых, когда панель автоматически скрывается за границу экрана. Этот ключ имеет смысл только в том случае, если установлен ключ auto_hide.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unhide_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Задержка автораскрытия панели">
+ <longdesc>Указывает задержку в миллисекундах между появлением указателя мыши в области панели и автоматическим раскрытием этой панели. Имеет смысл только в том случае, если установлен ключ auto_hide.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Задержка автоскрытия панели">
+ <longdesc>Указывает задержку в миллисекундах между покиданием указателем мыши области над панелью и автоматическим скрытием этой панели. Имеет смысл только в том случае, если установлен ключ auto_hide.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_arrows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить стрелки на кнопках скрытия/раскрытия">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то на кнопки скрытия/раскрытия будут нанесены стрелки. Этот параметр имеет смысл только в том случае, если установлен ключ enable_buttons.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_buttons">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить кнопки скрытия/раскрытия">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то на панели будут кнопки скрытия/раскрытия. Они используются для «вывода» панели за пределы экрана, так что остаётся видимой только кнопка, позволяющая «развернуть» панель обратно.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_animations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Включить анимацию">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то скрытие и раскрытие панели будет анимированным, а не моментальным.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="auto_hide">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Автоматически прятать панель в угол">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то панель будет автоматически скрываться в угол экрана при покидании указателем мыши пространства над панелью. Если поместить указатель в этот угол, панель снова появится.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y_centered">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Центрировать панель по оси Y">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то ключи y и y_bottom игнорируются и панель помещается в центр оси Y экрана. Если размер панели изменяется, она всё равно остаётся на том же месте (иными словами — расширяется одновременно в обе стороны). Если ключ не установлен, то ключи y и y_bottom определяют положение панели.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x_centered">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Центрировать панель по оси X">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то ключи x и x_right игнорируются и панель помещается в центр оси X экрана. Если размер панели изменяется, она всё равно остаётся на том же месте (иными словами — расширяется одновременно в обе стороны). Если ключ не установлен, то ключи x и x_right определяют положение панели.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y_bottom">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Y-координата панели от низа экрана">
+ <longdesc>Расположение панели по оси Y, считая от низа экрана. Если установлено в -1, это значение игнорируется и используется ключ y. Если значение больше 0, тогда игнорируется значение ключа y. Этот ключ имеет эффект только в том случае, если панель не настроена на расширение до размеров экрана. В режиме расширения этот ключ игнорируется, и панель размещается у края экрана в соответствии со значением ключа ориентации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x_right">
+ <local_schema short_desc="X-координата панели от правого края экрана">
+ <longdesc>Расположение панели по оси X, считая от правой стороны экрана. Если установлено в -1, это значение игнорируется и используется ключ x. Если значение больше 0, тогда игнорируется значение ключа x. Этот ключ имеет эффект только в том случае, если панель не настроена на расширение до размеров экрана. В режиме расширения этот ключ игнорируется, и панель размещается у края экрана в соответствии со значением ключа ориентации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Y-координата панели">
+ <longdesc>Расположение панели по оси Y. Этот ключ имеет эффект только в том случае, если панель не настроена на расширение до размеров экрана. В режиме расширения этот ключ игнорируется, и панель размещается у края экрана в соответствии со значением ключа ориентации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x">
+ <local_schema short_desc="X-координата панели">
+ <longdesc>Расположение панели по оси X. Этот ключ имеет эффект только в том случае, если панель не настроена на расширение до размеров экрана. В режиме расширения этот ключ игнорируется, и панель размещается у края экрана в соответствии со значением ключа ориентации.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Размер панели">
+ <longdesc>Высота панели (или ширина, если панель вертикальная). Панель определяет минимально допустимый размер «на ходу» исходя из размера шрифта и других соображений. Максимальный размер ограничен четвертью высоты экрана (или ширины, для вертикальных панелей).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="orientation">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ориентация панели">
+ <longdesc>Ориентация панели. Возможные значения: «top», «bottom», «left», «right». В режиме расширения значение определяет, у какой стороны экрана расположена панель. Если расширение до размеров экрана не используется, то разница между «top» и «bottom» менее важна — оба значения определяют, что это горизонтальная панель, но всё же определяет некоторые аспекты поведения объектов на панели. Например, при значении «top» выпадающее меню у кнопки меню будет ориентировано вниз, тогда как при «bottom» — вверх.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Расширять панель до ширины экрана">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то панель будет занимать всю ширину экрана (или высоту, если панель вертикальная). Такие панели могут размещаться только по краям экрана. Если этот ключ не установлен, то панель будет занимать лишь столько пространства, сколько необходимо для размещения находящихся на ней апплетов и кнопок.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="monitor">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Монитор в расширении Xinerama, на котором показывается панель">
+ <longdesc>При использовании системы Xinerama можно иметь разные панели на разных мониторах. Этот ключ определяет текущий монитор, на котором находится панель.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="screen">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Экран в системе X Window, на котором показывается панель">
+ <longdesc>При наличии нескольких экранов можно иметь разные панели на разных экранах. Данный ключ определяет текущий экран, на котором находится панель.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="name">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Имя для обозначения панели">
+ <longdesc>Удобное для чтения человеком имя панели. Основное назначение — служить заголовком окна панели, что полезно при переключении между панелями.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="background">
+ <entry name="rotate">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Поворачивать изображение на вертикальных панелях">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то фоновое изображение будет повёрнуто, если панель ориентирована вертикально.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="stretch">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Растянуть изображение по панели">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, размер изображения будет изменен до размеров панели. Соотношение высоты к ширине изображения при этом не сохраняется.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="fit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Подгонять размер изображения под размер панели">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, то фоновое изображение будет масштабироваться (с сохранением соотношения высоты к ширине) до высоты панели (если панель горизонтальная).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="image">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Фоновое изображение">
+ <longdesc>Указывает файл, используемый в качестве фонового изображения. Если изображение содержит альфа-канал, то оно будет совмещено на прозрачных участках с изображением фона рабочего стола.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="opacity">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Степень непрозрачности фонового цвета">
+ <longdesc>Определяет степень непрозрачности фонового цвета. Если цвет хотя бы частично прозрачен (то есть значение этого ключа меньше, чем 65535), то цвет будет совмещён с изображением фона рабочего стола.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="color">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Фоновый цвет">
+ <longdesc>Указывает цвет фона для панели в формате #RGB.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Тип фона">
+ <longdesc>Какой тип фона использовать для панели. Допустимые значения: «gtk» (будет использован общесистемный фон элементов GTK+), «color» (фон будет залит цветом, указанным в соответствующем ключе) и «image» (в качестве фона будет использовано указанное в соответствующем ключе изображение).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="fish_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="rotate">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Поворачивать на вертикальных панелях">
+ <longdesc>Если этот ключ установлен, на вертикальных панелях анимация будет отображаться в повёрнутом виде.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="speed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Задержка кадра">
+ <longdesc>Этот ключ определяет количество секунд, в течение которых отображается каждый кадр.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="frames">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Число кадров в анимации рыбки">
+ <longdesc>Этот ключ определяет число кадров, используемых в анимации рыбки.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Команда, выполняемая при нажатии">
+ <longdesc>Этот ключ определяет команду, выполняемую при щелчке на рыбке.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="image">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Анимированное изображение рыбки">
+ <longdesc>Этот ключ определяет имя файла изображения, которое будет использоваться для отображения анимации апплета рыбки, относительно каталога изображений (pixmap).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="name">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Имя рыбки">
+ <longdesc>Рыбка без имени — скучная рыбка. Оживите рыбку, дав ей имя.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="gweather">
<dir name="prefs">
<entry name="radar">
<entry name="coordinates">
<local_schema short_desc="Координаты местоположения">
- <longdesc>Ваши широта и долгота в формате DD-MM-SS[NS] DD-MM-SS[EW].</longdesc>
<entry name="location4">
<local_schema short_desc="Погода для города">
- <longdesc>Город, погоду в котором показывает gweather.</longdesc>
<entry name="location3">
<local_schema short_desc="Радарный адрес">
- <longdesc>Трёхзначный код для получения радарных карт от weather.com — его можно найти по адресу http://git.gnome.org/cgit/libgweather/plain/data/Locations.xml.in</longdesc>
<entry name="location2">
<local_schema short_desc="Местоположение зоны">
- <longdesc>Уникальная зона для города — её можно найти в http://git.gnome.org/cgit/libgweather/plain/data/Locations.xml.in</longdesc>
<entry name="location1">
<local_schema short_desc="Ближайший город">
- <longdesc>Ближайший крупный город — его можно найти в http://git.gnome.org/cgit/libgweather/plain/data/Locations.xml.in</longdesc>
<entry name="location0">
<local_schema short_desc="Сведения о погоде в местоположении">
- <longdesc>Сведения о погоде в местоположении.</longdesc>
<entry name="enable_radar_map">
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
+ <dir name="clock_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="speed_unit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Đơn vị tốc độ">
+ <longdesc>Đơn vị dùng để hiện tốc độ gió.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="temperature_unit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Đơn vị nhiệt độ">
+ <longdesc>Đơn vị dùng để hiện nhiệt độ.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cities">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Danh sách địa điểm">
+ <longdesc>Danh sách địa điểm hiển thị trong cửa sổ lịch.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="internet_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dùng giờ Mạng">
+ <longdesc>Dùng khoá này đã bị phản đối trong GNOME 2.6 để ủng hộ khoá 'format' (định dạng). Giản đồ vẫn được giữ nguyên để tương thích với các phiên bản cũ.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unix_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dùng giờ UNIX">
+ <longdesc>Dùng khoá này đã bị phản đối trong GNOME 2.6 để ủng hộ khoá 'format' (định dạng). Giản đồ vẫn được giữ nguyên để tương thích với các phiên bản cũ.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hour_format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dạng thức giờ">
+ <longdesc>Dùng khoá này đã bị phản đối trong GNOME 2.6 để ủng hộ khoá 'format' (định dạng). Giản đồ vẫn được giữ nguyên để tương thích với các phiên bản cũ.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_locations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bung danh sách địa điểm">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, bung danh sách địa điểm trong cửa sổ lịch.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_weather">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dãn ra danh sách thông tin thời tiết">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, dãn ra danh sách thông tin thời tiết trong cửa sổ lịch.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_tasks">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dãn ra danh sách tác vụ">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, dãn ra danh sách tác vụ trong cửa sổ lịch.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_birthdays">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dãn ra danh sách ngày sinh nhật">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, dãn ra danh sách ngày sinh nhật trong cửa sổ lịch.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_appointments">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dãn ra danh sách cuộn hẹn">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, dãn ra danh sách cuộc hẹn trong cửa sổ lịch.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_week_numbers">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện số tuần trong lịch">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, hiển thị số tuần trong lịch.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="config_tool">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Công cụ cấu hình thời gian">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="gmt_time">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dùng UTC">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_temperature">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện nhiệt độ trong đồng hồ">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, hiển thị nhiệt độ kế bên biểu tượng thời tiết.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_weather">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện thời tiết trong đồng hồ">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, hiển thị biểu tượng thời tiết.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_tooltip">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện ngày trong chú giải công cụ">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, hiển thị ngày trong chú giải công cụ khi trỏ lên đồng hồ.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_date">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện ngày trong đồng hồ">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, hiển thị ngày trong đồng hồ, kèm với giờ.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_seconds">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện thời gian có giây">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, hiển thị giây trong thời gian.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="custom_format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dạng thức tự chọn cho đồng hồ">
+ <longdesc>Khoá này xác định định dạng được dùng bởi tiểu dụng đồng hồ khi khoá định dạng được đặt là "custom" (tự chọn). Bạn có thể dùng toán tử chuyển đổi được dùng bởi strftime() để xác định định dạng riêng. Xem sổ tay strftime() để tìm thông tin thêm.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="format">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dạng thức giờ">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="window_list_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="maximum_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kích thước danh sách cửa sổ tối đa">
+ <longdesc>Dùng khoá này đã bị phản đối trong GNOME 2.20. Giản đồ vẫn được giữ nguyên để tương thích với các phiên bản cũ.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="minimum_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kích thước danh sách cửa sổ tối thiểu">
+ <longdesc>Dùng khoá này đã bị phản đối trong GNOME 2.20. Giản đồ vẫn được giữ nguyên để tương thích với các phiên bản cũ.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="move_unminimized_windows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Chuyển cửa sổ tới vùng làm việc hiện thời khi được phục hồi">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, khi phục hồi cửa sổ, di chuyển nó đến vùng làm việc hiện hành. Nếu khác, chuyển đến vùng làm việc của cửa sổ đó.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="group_windows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Khi nên xếp nhóm cửa sổ">
+ <longdesc>Quyết định khi nào xếp nhóm các cửa sổ từ cùng ứng dụng trên danh sách cửa sổ. Giá trị hợp lệ là "never" (không bao giờ), "auto" (tự động) và "always" (luôn luôn).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_all_workspaces">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện các cửa sổ trên mọi vùng làm việc">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, danh sách cửa sổ sẽ hiển thị các cửa sổ từ mọi vùng làm việc. Nếu sai thì chỉ hiển thị cửa sổ từ vùng làm việc hiện thời.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="workspace_switcher_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="num_rows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Các hàng trong Bộ chuyển vùng làm việc">
+ <longdesc>Khoá này xác định bao nhiêu hàng (cho bố trí dọc) hoặc bao nhiêu cột (cho bố trí ngang) mà bộ chuyển vùng làm việc hiển thị các vùng làm việc trong nó. Khoá này chỉ có cần thiết nếu khoá display_all_workspaces (hiển thị mọi vùng làm việc) là true (thật).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_all_workspaces">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện mọi vùng làm việc">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng thì bộ chuyển vùng làm việc sẽ hiển thị mọi vùng làm việc, nếu không thì nó chỉ hiện vùng làm việc hiện thời.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_workspace_names">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiện tên vùng làm việc">
+ <longdesc>Đúng thì các vùng làm việc trong bộ chuyển vùng làm việc sẽ hiển thị tên các vùng làm việc. Không thì hiển thị các cửa sổ trong vùng làm việc. Thiết lập này chỉ hoạt động được khi bộ quản lý cửa sổ là Metacity.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="panel">
+ <dir name="objects">
+ <entry name="action_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kiểu nút hành động">
+ <longdesc>Kiểu hành độn cua nút này. Giá trị có thể là « lock » (khoá), « logout » (đăng xuất), « run » (chạy), « search » (tìm kiếm), và « screenshot » (chụp hình). Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu khoá « object_type » (kiểu đối tượng) là « action-applet » (tiểu dụng hành động).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="launcher_location">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ví trị bộ khởi chạy">
+ <longdesc>Vị trí tập tin « .desktop » (màn hình nền) mô tả Bộ khởi chạy. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu khoá « object_type » (kiểu đôi tượng) là « launcher-object » (đối tượng khởi chạy).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="menu_path">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Đường dẫn nội dung trình đơn">
+ <longdesc>Đường dẫn để xây dựng nội dung trình đơn từ đó. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu khoá « use_menu_path » (dùng đường dẫn trình đơn) là đúng và khoá « object_type » (kiểu đối tượng) là « menu-path » (đường dẫn trình đơn).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_menu_path">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dùng đường dẫn tự chọn cho nội dung trình đơn">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, khoá « menu_path » (đường dẫn trình đơn) thì được dùng làm đường dẫn để xây dựng trình đơn. Nếu sai, khoá « menu_path » bị bỏ qua. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu khoá « object_type » (kiểu đốí tượng là « menu-object » (đối tượng trình đơn).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="custom_icon">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Biểu tượng dùng cho nút đối tượng">
+ <longdesc>Vị trí của tập tin ảnh được dùng làm biểu tượng cho nút đối tượng. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu khoá « object_type » (kiểu đôi tượng) là « drawer-object » (đốí tượng ngăn kéo) hoặc « menu-object » (đối tượng trình đơn) và khoá « use_custom_icon » (dùng biểu tượng tự chọn) là đúng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_custom_icon">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Dùng biểu tượng tự chọn cho nút đối tượng">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, khoá « custom_icon » (biểu tượng tự chọn) thì được dùng làm biểu tượng tự chọn cho nút. Nếu sai, khoá « custom_icon » bị bỏ qua. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu khoá object_type (kiểu đối tượng) là « menu-object » (đối tượng trình đơn) hoặc « drawer-object » (đối tượng ngăn kéo).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="tooltip">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Chú giải công cụ cho Ngăn kéo hoặc .trình đơn">
+ <longdesc>Chuỗi để hiển thị trong chú giải công cụ cho Ngăn kéo này hay trinh đơn này. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu khoá « object_type » (kiểu đối tượng) là « drawer-object » (đối tượng ngăn kéo) hoặc « menu-object » (đối tượng trình đơn).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attached_toplevel_id">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bảng gắn vào ngăn kéo">
+ <longdesc>Định danh của Bảng điều khiển gắn với Ngăn kéo này. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu khoá « object_type » (kiểu đối tượng) là « drawer-object » (đối tượng ngăn kéo).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="bonobo_iid">
+ <local_schema short_desc="IID Bonobo tiểu dụng">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="locked">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Khoá đối tượng vào Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, người dùng không thể di chuyển tiểu dụng mà không gỡ khoá đối tượng bằng lệnh « Bỏ khoá ».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_right_stick">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hiểu vị trí tương đối so với cạnh dưới/phải">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, vị trí của đối tượng được hiểu tương đối so với cạnh phải (hoặc cạnh đáy nếu nằm dọc) của Bảng điều khiển.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="position">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Vị trí đối tượng trên Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Vị trí của Đối tượng Bảng điều khiển này. Vị trí được xác định bằng số điểm ảnh tính từ cạnh trái (hoặc cạnh trên nếu nằm dọc) của Bảng điểu khiển.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toplevel_id">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bảng điều khiển cấp cao nhấn chứa đối tượng">
+ <longdesc>Định danh cho bảng điều khiển cấp cao nhất chứa đối tượng này.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kiểu đối tượng Bảng">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="general">
+ <entry name="profiles_migrated">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Các cấu hình tiểu sử sơ lược cũ đã được chuyển sang">
+ <longdesc>Cờ Boolean (đúng hay sai) chỉ thị cấu hình trước của người dùng trong /apps/panel/profiles/default có được chép sang vị trí mới /apps/panel hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_id_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Danh sách ID đối tượng Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Danh sách ID (thông tin nhận biết) Đối tượng Bảng điều khiển. Mỗi ID xác định một Đối tượng Bảng điều khiển đơn lẻ (v.d. Bộ khởi động nút hành động, nút trình đơn, thanh trình đơn). Thiết lập cho mỗi đối tượng này được lưu trong /apps/panel/objects/$(id).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="applet_id_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Danh sách ID tiểu dụng Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Danh sách ID (thông tin nhận biết) tiểu dụng Bảng điều khiển. Mỗi ID xác định một tiểu dụng Bảng điều khiển đơn lẻ. Thiết lập cho mỗi tiểu dụng này được lưu trong /apps/panel/applets/$(id).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toplevel_id_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Danh sách ID Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Danh sách ID (thông tin nhận biết) Bảng điều khiển. Mỗi ID xác định Bảng điều khiển đơn lẻ cấp cao nhất. Thiết lập cho mỗi bảng điều khiển này được lưu trong /apps/panel/toplevels/$(id).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_autocompletion">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bật tự động hoàn thành trong hộp thoại « Chạy ứng dụng »">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng thì bật tính năng tự động hoàn thành trong hộp thoại « Chạy ứng dụng ».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_program_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bung danh sách chương trình trong hộp thoại « Chạy ứng dụng »">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, danh sách « Ứng dụng đã biết » trong hộp thoại « Chạy Ứng dụng » được bung ra khi hộp thoại được mở. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu enable_program_list (bật danh sách chương trình) là đúng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_program_list">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bật danh sách chương trình trong hộp thoại « Chạy ứng dụng »">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, danh sách « Ứng dụng đã biết » công bố trong hộp thoại « Chạy Ứng dụng ». Danh sách này có bung ra khi hiện hộp thoại hay không tùy thuộc vào khoá show_program_list (hiển thị danh sách chương trình).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="global">
+ <entry name="disable_force_quit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tắt buộc thoát">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, bảng điều khiển sẽ không cho phép người dùng buộc ứng dụng chấm dứt bằng cách loại bỏ quyền truy cập nút « buộc thoát ».</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disable_log_out">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tắt đăng xuất">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, bảng điều khiển sẽ không cho phép người dùng đăng xuất bằng cách loại bỏ quyền truy cập mục đăng xuất trong trình đơn.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disable_lock_screen">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bị phản đối">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disabled_applets">
+ <local_schema short_desc="IID tiểu dụng để tắt khỏi tải">
+ <longdesc>Danh sách IID tiểu dụng mà bảng điều khiển sẽ bỏ qua. Cách này có thể vô hiệu hoá một số tiểu dụng nào đó tải hay hiển thị trong trình đơn. Lấy thí dụ, để vô hiệu hoá tiểu dụng Bộ Lệnh Tí tị thì hãy thêm:
+vào danh sách này. Phải khởi động lại bảng điều khiển để áp dụng các thay đổi ấy.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="locked_down">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Khoá xong Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, bảng điều khiển sẽ không cho phép người dùng thay đổi cấu hình bảng điều khiển. Tuy nhiên các tiểu dụng riêng lẻ sẽ cần bị khoá riêng từng cái. Phải khởi động lại bảng điều khiển để tùy chọn này có tác dụng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="highlight_launchers_on_mouseover">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tô sáng Bộ khởi chạy khi chuột đi ngang qua">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, Bộ khởi chạy được tô sáng khi người dùng đẩy trỏ ngang qua.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="confirm_panel_remove">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Xác nhận gỡ bỏ Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, hộp thoại được hiển thị hỏi xác nhận người dùng có muốn loại bỏ Bảng điều khiển hay không.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="drawer_autoclose">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tự động đóng ngăn kéo">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, Ngăn kéo sẽ tự động được đóng khi người dùng nhấn vào Bộ khởi chạy bên trong nó.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_screenshot_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bị phản đối">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="screenshot_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bị phản đối">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="run_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bị phản đối">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="menu_key">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bị phản đối">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_key_bindings">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bị phản đối">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_hide_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bị phản đối">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_animation_speed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bị phản đối">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_show_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bị phản đối">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_minimized_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bị phản đối">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_animations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bật hoạt cảnh">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="keep_menus_in_memory">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bị phản đối">
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="tooltips_enabled">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bật mẹo công cụ">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, hiển thị chú giải công cụ cho đối tượng trên Bảng điều khiển.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="toplevels">
+ <entry name="animation_speed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tốc độ hoạt cảnh">
+ <longdesc>Tốc độ hoạt cảnh của Bảng điều khiển. Giá trị có thể là "slow" (chậm), "medium" (vừa), và "fast" (nhanh). Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu khoá enable_animations (hiệu lực hoạt cảnh) là đúng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="auto_hide_size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Số điểm ảnh hiển thị khi ẩn">
+ <longdesc>Xác định số điểm ảnh hiển thị của Bảng điều khiển khi tự động ẩn vào góc. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu khoá auto_hide (tự động ẩn) là đúng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unhide_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Khoảng chờ tự động hủy ẩn Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Xác định số mili giây chờ sau khi con trỏ vào vùng Bảng điều khiển trước khi bảng điều khiển tự động hiển thị lại. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu khoá auto_hide (tự động ẩn) là đúng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_delay">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Khoảng chờ tự động ẩn Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Xác định số mili giây chờ sau khi con trỏ rời Bảng điều khiển trước khi bảng điều khiển tự động ẩn. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu khoá auto_hide (tự động ẩn) là đúng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_arrows">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bật mũi tên trên nút ẩn">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, mũi tên sẽ được đặt trên nút ẩn. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết nếu khoá enable_buttons (bật nút) là đúng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_buttons">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bật nút ẩn">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, các nút sẽ được đặt ở hai đầu Bảng điều khiển, có thể được dùng để kéo bảng điều khiển vào cạnh màn hình, chỉ để hiện một nút.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_animations">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bật hoạt cảnh">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, ẩn và ngừng ẩn Bảng điều khiển này sẽ có hoạt cảnh thay vì xảy ra tức thí.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="auto_hide">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tự động ẩn Bảng vào góc">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, Bảng điều khiển được tự động ẩn vào góc màn hình khi đẩy con trỏ ra khỏi Bảng điều khiển. Di chuyển con trỏ quanh góc lần nữa sẽ làm xuất hiện lại Bảng điều khiển.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y_centered">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Giữa Bảng theo trục Y">
+ <longdesc>Đúng thì khoá y và y_bottom (bên dưới) bị bỏ qua và Bảng điều khiển được đặt ngay giữa trục Y của màn hình. Nếu Bảng bị thay đổi kích cỡ, nó vẫn nằm tại vị trí đó - v.d. Bảng sẽ tăng kích cỡ cả hai bên. Nếu sai, khoá y và y_bottom xác định vị trí Bảng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x_centered">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Giữa Bảng theo trục X">
+ <longdesc>Đúng thì khoá x và x_right (bên phải) bị bỏ qua và Bảng điều khiển được đặt ngay giữa trục X của màn hình. Nếu Bảng bị thay đổi kích cỡ, nó vẫn nằm tại vị trí đó - v.d. Bảng sẽ tăng kích cỡ cả hai bên. Nếu sai, khoá x và x_right xác định vị trí Bảng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y_bottom">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Toạ độ y của Bảng, bắt đầu từ cạnh bên dưới màn hình">
+ <longdesc>Vị trí của Bản điều khiển theo trục Y, bắt đầu từ cạnh bên dưới màn hình. Đặt thành -1 thì giá trị bị bỏ qua và giá trị của khoá y được dùng. Giá trị lớn hơn 0 thì giá trị của khoá y bị bỏ qua. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết trong chế độ không bung. Trong chế độ bung, nó bị bỏ qua và Bảng được đặt tại cạnh màn hình, xác định bởi khoá hướng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x_right">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Toạ độ x của Bảng, bắt đầu từ cạnh bên phải màn hình">
+ <longdesc>Vị trí của Bảng điều khiển theo trục X, bắt đầu từ cạnh bên phải màn hình. Đặt thành -1 thì giá trị bị bỏ qua và giá trị của khoá x được dùng. Giá trị lớn hơn 0 thì giá trị của khoá x bị bỏ qua. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết trong chế độ không bung. Trong chế độ bung, nó bị bỏ qua và Bảng được đặt tại cạnh màn hình được xác định bởi khoá hướng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Toạ độ Y của Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Vị trí của Bản điều khiển theo trục Y. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết trong chế độ không bung. Trong chế độ bung, nó bị bỏ qua và Bản điều khiển được đặt tại cạnh màn hình, xác định bởi khoá hướng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Toạ độ X của Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Vị trí của Bảng điều khiển theo trục X. Khoá này chỉ cần thiết trong chế độ không bung. Trong chế độ bung, nó bị bỏ qua và Bản điều khiển được đặt tại cạnh màn hình, xác định bởi khoá hướng.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="size">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Cỡ Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Chiều cao (chiều rộng với Bản điều khiển dọc) của Bản điều khiển. Bản điều khiển sẽ xác định lúc chạy kích thước tối thiểu dựa trên cỡ phông chữ và các thông số khác. Kích thước tối đa được cố định là một phần tư chiều cao (chiều rộng) màn hình.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="orientation">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Hướng Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Hướng của Bản điều khiển. Giá trị có thể là "top" (đỉnh), "bottom" (đáy), "left" (trái), "right" (phải). Trong chế độ bung, khoá này xác định Bản điều khiển nằm trên cạnh nào. Trong chế độ không bung, sự khác biệt giữa "top" và "bottom" không quan trọng lắm - cả hai đều chỉ đến Bản điều khiển ngang - nhưng vẫn là gợi ý hữu dụng cho cách hoạt động của một số Đối tượng Bản điều khiển. Ví dụ, trên Bản điều khiển "top" các nút trình đơn sẽ hiện bên dưới, trong khi Bản điều khiển "bottom" thì trình đơn hiện ngược lên trên.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Bung chiếm toàn bộ chiều rộng màn hình">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, Bảng điều khiển sẽ chiếm toàn bộ chiều rộng (chiều cao nếu nằm dọc) của màn hình. Trong chế độ này, Bảng điều khiển chỉ có thể được đặt ở cạnh màn hình. Nếu sai, Bảng điều khiển sẽ chỉ lớn đủ để chứa tiểu dụng, bộ khởi chạy và các nút trên Bảng điều khiển.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="monitor">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Màn hình Xinerama nơi hiển thị bảng điều khiển">
+ <longdesc>Trong thiết lập Xinerama, bạn có thể có nhiều Bảng điều khiển trên mỗi màn hình. Khoá này xác định màn hình hiện thời chứa Bảng điều khiển.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="screen">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Màn hình X nơi hiển thị bảng điều khiển">
+ <longdesc>Với cấu hình đa màn hình, bạn có thể có các Bảng điều khiển trên mỗi màn hình. Khoá này xác định màn hình hiện thời chứa bảng điều khiển.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="name">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tên để nhận diện Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Đây là tên cho phép người đọc để xác định Bảng điều khiển. Mục đích chính của nó là để phục vụ như là tựa đề cửa sổ của Bảng điều khiển, hữu dụng khi duyệt giữa các Bảng điều khiển.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="background">
+ <entry name="rotate">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Quay ảnh trên Bảng điều khiển dọc">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, ảnh nền sẽ được quay khi Bảng điều khiển nằm dọc.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="stretch">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Giãn ảnh để vừa khít Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, ảnh được co dãn cho vừa kích thước Bảng điều khiển. Tỷ lệ không được giữa nguyên.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="fit">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Khít ảnh vừa Bảng">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, ảnh được co tỷ lệ cho vừa chiều cao Bảng điều khiển (nếu nằm ngang).</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="image">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ảnh nền">
+ <longdesc>Xác định tập tin dùng làm ảnh nền. Nếu ảnh chứa kênh anfa nó sẽ được trộn vào ảnh nền màn hình nền.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="opacity">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Độ đục màu nền">
+ <longdesc>Xác định độ đục của dạng thức màu nền. Nếu màu nền không hoàn toàn đục (giá trị nhỏ hơn 65535), màu sẽ được trộn với ảnh nền màn hình nền.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="color">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Màu nền">
+ <longdesc>Xác định màu nền cho Bảng điều khiển theo dạng thức #RGB.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="type">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Kiểu nền">
+ <longdesc>Loại nền nào được dùng cho Bảng điều khiển này. Giá trị cót thể là "gtk" - nền ô điều khiển mặc định của GTK+, "color" (màu) - dùng khoá màu để xác định màu nền, hoặc "image" (ảnh) - dùng ảnh xác định bởi khoá ảnh làm nền.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="fish_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="rotate">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Quay thành Bảng điều khiển dọc">
+ <longdesc>Nếu đúng, hoạt cảnh cá sẽ được xoay khi hiển thị ngang trên Bảng điều khiển dọc.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="speed">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Khoảng chờ giữa mỗi khung hình">
+ <longdesc>Khoá này xác định số giây hiển thị mỗi khung hình.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
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+ <local_schema short_desc="Các khung hình trong hoạt cảnh con cá">
+ <longdesc>Khoá này xác định số khung hình trong hoạt cảnh sẽ được hiển thị trong hoạt cảnh con cá.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
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+ <local_schema short_desc="Lệnh cần thực hiện khi nhấp chuột">
+ <longdesc>Khoá này xác định lệnh sẽ thực hiện khi nhấn vào con cá.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="image">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Ảnh bằng điểm hoạt cảnh của con cá">
+ <longdesc>Khoá này xác định tên tập tin của ảnh bằng điểm sẽ được dùng cho hoạt cảnh được hiển thị trong tiểu dụng Cá, so với thư mục ảnh bằng điểm.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="name">
+ <local_schema short_desc="Tên con cá">
+ <longdesc>Một con cá không có tên là một con cá khá nhạt nhẽo. Hãy cho con cá cuộc sống bằng cách đặt tên cho nó.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="gweather">
<dir name="prefs">
<entry name="radar">
<entry name="coordinates">
<local_schema short_desc="Toạ độ địa điểm">
- <longdesc>10-49N 106-40E</longdesc>
<entry name="location4">
<local_schema short_desc="Thời tiết dành cho thành phố">
- <longdesc>Thành phố cho đó gweather hiển thị thông tin.</longdesc>
<entry name="location3">
<entry name="location0">
<local_schema short_desc="Thông tin địa điểm thời tiết">
- <longdesc>Thông tin địa điểm thời tiết.</longdesc>
<entry name="enable_radar_map">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
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+ <stringvalue>bottom_panel</stringvalue>
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+ <stringvalue>NotificationAreaAppletFactory::NotificationArea</stringvalue>
+ </entry>
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+ </entry>
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+ <entry name="enable_arrows" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/enable_arrows"/>
+ <entry name="enable_buttons" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/enable_buttons"/>
+ <entry name="enable_animations" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/enable_animations"/>
+ <entry name="auto_hide" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/auto_hide"/>
+ <entry name="y_centered" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/y_centered"/>
+ <entry name="x_centered" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/x_centered"/>
+ <entry name="x_right" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/x_right"/>
+ <entry name="y" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/y"/>
+ <entry name="x" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/x"/>
+ <entry name="monitor" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/monitor"/>
+ <entry name="screen" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/screen"/>
+ <entry name="name" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/name"/>
+ <entry name="y_bottom" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/y_bottom" type="int" value="0"/>
+ <entry name="size" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/size" type="int" value="24"/>
+ <entry name="orientation" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/orientation" type="string">
+ <stringvalue>bottom</stringvalue>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/expand" type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <dir name="background">
+ <entry name="rotate" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/rotate"/>
+ <entry name="stretch" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/stretch"/>
+ <entry name="fit" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/fit"/>
+ <entry name="image" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/image"/>
+ <entry name="opacity" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/opacity"/>
+ <entry name="color" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/color"/>
+ <entry name="type" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/type"/>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="top_panel">
+ <entry name="animation_speed" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/animation_speed"/>
+ <entry name="auto_hide_size" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/auto_hide_size"/>
+ <entry name="unhide_delay" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/unhide_delay"/>
+ <entry name="hide_delay" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/hide_delay"/>
+ <entry name="enable_arrows" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/enable_arrows"/>
+ <entry name="enable_buttons" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/enable_buttons"/>
+ <entry name="enable_animations" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/enable_animations"/>
+ <entry name="auto_hide" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/auto_hide"/>
+ <entry name="y_centered" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/y_centered"/>
+ <entry name="x_centered" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/x_centered"/>
+ <entry name="y_bottom" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/y_bottom"/>
+ <entry name="x_right" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/x_right"/>
+ <entry name="y" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/y"/>
+ <entry name="x" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/x"/>
+ <entry name="monitor" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/monitor"/>
+ <entry name="screen" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/screen"/>
+ <entry name="name" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/name"/>
+ <entry name="size" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/size" type="int" value="24"/>
+ <entry name="orientation" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/orientation" type="string">
+ <stringvalue>top</stringvalue>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/expand" type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <dir name="background">
+ <entry name="rotate" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/rotate"/>
+ <entry name="stretch" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/stretch"/>
+ <entry name="fit" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/fit"/>
+ <entry name="image" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/image"/>
+ <entry name="opacity" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/opacity"/>
+ <entry name="color" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/color"/>
+ <entry name="type" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/type"/>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="general">
+ <entry name="applet_id_list" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/general/applet_id_list" type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>window_menu</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>clock</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>notification_area</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>show_desktop_button</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>window_list</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>workspace_switcher</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_id_list" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/general/object_id_list" type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>menu_bar</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>browser_launcher</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>email_launcher</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toplevel_id_list" mtime="1326736219" schema="/schemas/apps/panel/general/toplevel_id_list" type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>top_panel</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>bottom_panel</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
<dir name="notification-daemon">
<entry name="default_sound" mtime="1326696647" schema="/schemas/apps/notification-daemon/default_sound"/>
<entry name="sound_enabled" mtime="1326696647" schema="/schemas/apps/notification-daemon/sound_enabled"/>
<dir name="schemas">
<dir name="apps">
- <dir name="gweather">
+ <dir name="clock_applet">
<dir name="prefs">
- <entry name="radar" mtime="1326734431" type="schema" stype="string" owner="gweather-applet-2">
- <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Url for the radar map">
- <longdesc>The custom url from where to retrieve a radar map.</longdesc>
- </local_schema>
- </entry>
- <entry name="use_custom_radar_url" mtime="1326734431" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="gweather-applet-2">
- <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Use custom url for the radar map">
- <default type="bool" value="false"/>
- <longdesc>If true, then retrieve a radar map from a location specified by the "radar" key.</longdesc>
- </local_schema>
- </entry>
- <entry name="coordinates" mtime="1326734431" type="schema" stype="string" owner="gweather-applet-2">
- <local_schema locale="en_GB">
+ <entry name="speed_unit" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Speed unit">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>DEFAULT_COORDINATES</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue>Default</stringvalue>
+ <longdesc>
+ The unit to use when showing wind speed.
+ </longdesc>
- <local_schema locale="de">
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="temperature_unit" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Temperature unit">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>48-21N 011-47E</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue>Default</stringvalue>
+ <longdesc>
+ The unit to use when showing temperatures.
+ </longdesc>
- <local_schema locale="vi">
- <default type="string">
- <stringvalue>10-49N 106-40E</stringvalue>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="cities" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="list" owner="clock-applet" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="List of locations">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <longdesc>
+ A list of locations to display in the calendar window.
+ </longdesc>
- <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Location coordinates">
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="internet_time" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Use Internet time">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.6 in favour of the
+ 'format' key. The schema is retained for compatibility with older
+ versions.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unix_time" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Use UNIX time">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.6 in favour of the
+ 'format' key. The schema is retained for compatibility with older
+ versions.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hour_format" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Hour format">
+ <default type="int" value="12"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.6 in favour of the
+ 'format' key. The schema is retained for compatibility with older
+ versions.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_locations" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Expand list of locations">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, expand the list of locations in the calendar
+ window.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_weather" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Expand list of weather information">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, expand the list of weather information in the calendar
+ window.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_tasks" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Expand list of tasks">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, expand the list of tasks in the calendar window.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_birthdays" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Expand list of birthdays">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, expand the list of birthdays in the calendar window.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand_appointments" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Expand list of appointments">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, expand the list of appointments in the calendar window.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_week_numbers" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show week numbers in calendar">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, show week numbers in the calendar.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="config_tool" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Time configuration tool">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>DEFAULT_COORDINATES</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
- <longdesc>Latitude and longitude of your location expressed in DD-MM-SS[NS] DD-MM-SS[EW].</longdesc>
+ <longdesc>
+ The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.22 with the use
+ of an internal time configuration tool. The schema is retained for
+ compatibility with older versions.
+ </longdesc>
- <local_schema locale="ru">
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="gmt_time" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Use UTC">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.28 in favour of the
+ use of timezones. The schema is retained for compatibility with
+ older versions.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_temperature" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show temperature in clock">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>If true, show the temperature next to the weather icon.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_weather" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show weather in clock">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>If true, display a weather icon.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_tooltip" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show date in tooltip">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, show date in a tooltip when the pointer is over the clock.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_date" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show date in clock">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>If true, display date in the clock, in addition to time.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_seconds" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show time with seconds">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>If true, display seconds in time.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="custom_format" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="clock-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Custom format of the clock">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>55-59N 037-30E</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ <longdesc>
+ This key specifies the format used by the clock applet when the
+ format key is set to "custom". You can use conversion specifiers
+ understood by strftime() to obtain a specific format. See the
+ strftime() manual for more information.
+ </longdesc>
- <entry name="location4" mtime="1326734431" type="schema" stype="string" owner="gweather-applet-2">
+ <entry name="format" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="clock-applet">
<local_schema locale="en_GB">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>London/Heathrow</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue>24-hour</stringvalue>
<local_schema locale="de">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>Berlin</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue>24-hour</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="en_US">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>12-hour</stringvalue>
<local_schema locale="vi">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>T.P. Hồ Chí Minh</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue>24-hour</stringvalue>
- <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Weather for a city">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Hour format">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>DEFAULT_LOCATION</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue>
+ 24-hour
+ </stringvalue>
- <longdesc>The city that gweather displays information for.</longdesc>
+ <longdesc>
+ This key specifies the hour format used by the clock applet.
+ Possible values are "12-hour", "24-hour", "internet", "unix" and
+ "custom".
+ If set to "internet", the clock will display Internet time.
+ The Internet time system divides the day into 1000 ".beats". There
+ are no time zones in this system, so time is the same all over the
+ world.
+ If set to "unix", the clock will display time in seconds since
+ Epoch, i.e. 1970-01-01.
+ If set to "custom", the clock will display time according to the
+ format specified in the custom_format key.
+ </longdesc>
<local_schema locale="ru">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>Москва - Шереметьево</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue>24-hour</stringvalue>
- <entry name="location3" mtime="1326734431" type="schema" stype="string" owner="gweather-applet-2">
- <local_schema locale="en_GB">
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="window_list_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="maximum_size" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="window-list-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Maximum window list size">
+ <default type="int" value="4096"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.20. The schema is
+ retained for compatibility with older versions.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="minimum_size" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="window-list-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Minimum window list size">
+ <default type="int" value="50"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The use of this key was deprecated in GNOME 2.20. The schema is
+ retained for compatibility with older versions.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="move_unminimized_windows" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="window-list-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Move windows to current workspace when unminimized">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, then when unminimizing a window, move it to the
+ current workspace. Otherwise, switch to the workspace of
+ the window.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="group_windows" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="window-list-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="When to group windows">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>---</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue>never</stringvalue>
+ <longdesc>
+ Decides when to group windows from the same application on the
+ window list. Possible values are "never", "auto" and "always".
+ </longdesc>
- <local_schema locale="de">
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_all_workspaces" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="window-list-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Show windows from all workspaces">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the window list will show windows from all workspaces.
+ Otherwise it will only display windows from the current workspace.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="workspace_switcher_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="num_rows" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="workspace-switcher-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Rows in workspace switcher">
+ <default type="int" value="1"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ This key specifies how many rows (for horizontal layout)
+ or columns (for vertical layout) the workspace switcher shows the
+ workspaces in. This key is only relevant if the
+ display_all_workspaces key is true.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_all_workspaces" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="workspace-switcher-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Display all workspaces">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the workspace switcher will show all workspaces. Otherwise
+ it will only show the current workspace.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="display_workspace_names" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="workspace-switcher-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Display workspace names">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the workspaces in the workspace switcher will display
+ the names of the workspaces. Otherwise they will display the
+ windows on the workspace. This setting only works when the window
+ manager is Metacity.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="panel">
+ <dir name="objects">
+ <entry name="action_type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Action button type">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>DEFAULT_RADAR</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue>lock</stringvalue>
+ <longdesc>
+ The action type this button represents. Possible values are
+ "lock", "logout", "run", "search" and "screenshot". This
+ key is only relevant if the object_type key is "action-applet".
+ </longdesc>
- <local_schema locale="vi">
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="launcher_location" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Launcher location">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>DEFAULT_RADAR</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ <longdesc>
+ The location of the .desktop file describing the launcher.
+ This key is only relevant if the object_type key is
+ "launcher-object".
+ </longdesc>
- <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Radar location">
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="menu_path" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Menu content path">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>DEFAULT_RADAR</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue>applications:/</stringvalue>
- <longdesc>A three-digit-long code for retrieving radar maps from weather.com, found from http://git.gnome.org/cgit/libgweather/plain/data/Locations.xml.in</longdesc>
+ <longdesc>
+ The path from which the menu contents is contructed. This
+ key is only relevant if the use_menu_path key is true and
+ the object_type key is "menu-object".
+ </longdesc>
- <local_schema locale="ru">
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_menu_path" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Use custom path for menu contents">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the menu_path key is used as the path from which
+ the menu contents should be constructed. If false, the
+ menu_path key is ignored. This key is only relevant
+ if the object_type key is "menu-object".
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="custom_icon" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Icon used for object's button">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue> </stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ <longdesc>
+ The location of the image file used as the icon for the
+ object's button. This key is only relevant if the
+ object_type key is "drawer-object" or "menu-object" and
+ the use_custom_icon key is true.
+ </longdesc>
- <entry name="location2" mtime="1326734431" type="schema" stype="string" owner="gweather-applet-2">
- <local_schema locale="en_GB">
+ <entry name="use_custom_icon" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Use custom icon for object's button">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the custom_icon key is used as a custom icon for
+ the button. If false, the custom_icon key is ignored.
+ This key is only relevant if the object_type key is
+ "menu-object" or "drawer-object".
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="tooltip" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Tooltip displayed for drawer or menu">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>:RBPMS</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ <longdesc>
+ The text to display in a tooltip for this drawer or this menu. This
+ key is only relevant if the object_type key is "drawer-object" or
+ "menu-object".
+ </longdesc>
- <local_schema locale="de">
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="attached_toplevel_id" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Panel attached to drawer">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>DEFAULT_ZONE</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ <longdesc>
+ The identifier of the panel attached to this drawer. This
+ key is only relevant if the object_type key is "drawer-object".
+ </longdesc>
- <local_schema locale="vi">
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="applet_iid" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Applet IID">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>DEFAULT_ZONE</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ <longdesc>
+ The implementation ID of the applet - e.g.
+ "ClockAppletFactory::ClockApplet". This key is only
+ relevant if the object_type key is "external-applet"
+ (or the deprecated "bonobo-applet").
+ </longdesc>
- <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Zone location">
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="bonobo_iid" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Applet Bonobo IID">
<default type="string">
- <stringvalue>DEFAULT_ZONE</stringvalue>
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
- <longdesc>A unique zone for the city, as found from http://git.gnome.org/cgit/libgweather/plain/data/Locations.xml.in</longdesc>
+ <longdesc>
+ This key is deprecated, following the migration to a new library for
+ applets. The Bonobo implementation ID of the applet - e.g.
+ "OAFIID:GNOME_ClockApplet". This key is only relevant if the
+ object_type key is "bonobo-applet".
+ </longdesc>
- <local_schema locale="ru">
- <default type="string">
- <stringvalue> </stringvalue>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="locked" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Lock the object to the panel">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the user may not move the applet without first unlocking
+ the object using the "Unlock" menuitem.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_right_stick" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Interpret position relative to bottom/right edge">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the position of the object is interpreted relative
+ to the right (or bottom if vertical) edge of the panel.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="position" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Object's position on the panel">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The position of this panel object. The position is specified
+ by the number of pixels from the left (or top if vertical)
+ panel edge.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toplevel_id" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Toplevel panel containing object">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ The identifier of the toplevel panel which contains this object.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Panel object type">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>menu-object</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ The type of this panel object. Possible values are
+ "drawer-object", "menu-object", "launcher-object",
+ "external-applet", "action-applet", "menu-bar" and
+ "separator".
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="general">
+ <entry name="profiles_migrated" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Old profiles configuration migrated">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ A boolean flag to indicate whether the user's previous
+ configuration in /apps/panel/profiles/default has been
+ copied to the new location in /apps/panel.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_id_list" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="list" owner="panel" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Panel object ID list">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ A list of panel object IDs. Each ID identifies an individual
+ panel object (e.g. a launcher, action button or menu
+ button/bar). The settings for each of these objects are
+ stored in
+ /apps/panel/objects/$(id).
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="applet_id_list" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="list" owner="panel" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Panel applet ID list">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ A list of panel applet IDs. Each ID identifies an
+ individual panel applet. The settings for each of
+ these applets are stored in
+ /apps/panel/applets/$(id).
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="toplevel_id_list" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="list" owner="panel" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Panel ID list">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ A list of panel IDs. Each ID identifies an individual
+ toplevel panel. The settings for each of these panels are
+ stored in /apps/panel/toplevels/$(id).
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_autocompletion" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable autocompletion in "Run Application" dialog">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, autocompletion in the "Run Application" dialog is
+ made available.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="show_program_list" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Expand program list in "Run Application" dialog">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the "Known Applications" listing in the "Run
+ Application" dialog is expanded when the dialog is opened.
+ This key is only relevant if the enable_program_list key
+ is true.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_program_list" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable program list in "Run Application" dialog">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the "Known Applications" listing in the "Run
+ Application" dialog is made available. Whether or not
+ the listing is expanded when the dialog is shown is
+ controlled by the show_program_list key.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="global">
+ <entry name="disable_force_quit" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Disable Force Quit">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>If true, the panel will not allow a user to force
+ an application to quit by removing access to the
+ force quit button.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disable_log_out" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Disable Logging Out">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>If true, the panel will not allow a user to log out,
+ by removing access to the log out menu entries.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disable_lock_screen" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Deprecated">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>This key is deprecated as it cannot be used to implement proper
+ lockdown. The /desktop/gnome/lockdown/disable_lock_screen key
+ should be used instead.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="disabled_applets" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="list" owner="panel" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Applet IIDs to disable from loading">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>A list of applet IIDs that the panel will ignore. This way you
+ can disable certain applets from loading or showing up in the menu.
+ For example to disable the mini-commander applet add 'OAFIID:GNOME_MiniCommanderApplet'
+ to this list. The panel must be restarted for this to take effect.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="locked_down" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Complete panel lockdown">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>If true, the panel will not allow any changes to
+ the configuration of the panel. Individual applets
+ may need to be locked down separately however.
+ The panel must be restarted for this to take effect.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="highlight_launchers_on_mouseover" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Highlight launchers on mouseover">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>If true, a launcher is highlighted when the user
+ moves the pointer over it.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="confirm_panel_remove" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Confirm panel removal">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>If true, a dialog is shown asking for confirmation
+ if the user wants to remove a panel.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="drawer_autoclose" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Autoclose drawer">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>If true, a drawer will automatically be closed
+ when the user clicks a launcher in it.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="window_screenshot_key" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Deprecated">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue><Alt>Print</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="screenshot_key" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Deprecated">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Print</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="run_key" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Deprecated">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue><Alt>F2</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="menu_key" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Deprecated">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue><Alt>F1</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_key_bindings" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Deprecated">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_hide_delay" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Deprecated">
+ <default type="int" value="500"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_animation_speed" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Deprecated">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>panel-speed-medium</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_show_delay" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Deprecated">
+ <default type="int" value="300"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_minimized_size" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Deprecated">
+ <default type="int" value="3"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_animations" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable animations">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="keep_menus_in_memory" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Deprecated">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="tooltips_enabled" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable tooltips">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>If true, tooltips are shown for objects in panels.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="default_profiles">
+ <dir name="medium">
+ <dir name="applets">
+ <dir name="00000004">
+ <entry name="panel_right_stick" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="bonobo_iid" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>OAFIID:GNOME_ClockApplet</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="position" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="-1"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_id" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000002</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>bonobo-applet</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="00000003">
+ <entry name="panel_right_stick" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="bonobo_iid" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="position" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="-1"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_id" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000002</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>bonobo-applet</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="00000002">
+ <entry name="panel_right_stick" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="bonobo_iid" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>OAFIID:GNOME_PagerApplet</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="position" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_id" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000001</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>bonobo-applet</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="00000001">
+ <entry name="panel_right_stick" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="bonobo_iid" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>OAFIID:GNOME_TasklistApplet</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="position" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="1"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_id" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000001</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>bonobo-applet</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="show_desktop_button">
+ <entry name="panel_right_stick" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="bonobo_iid" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>OAFIID:GNOME_ShowDesktopApplet</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="position" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_id" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000001</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>bonobo-applet</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="objects">
+ <dir name="00000002">
+ <entry name="panel_stick" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="position" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="25"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_id" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000002</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="launcher_location" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>applications:///System/gnome-terminal.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>launcher-object</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="00000001">
+ <entry name="panel_right_stick" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="position" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="20"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_id" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000002</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="launcher_location" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>applications:///nautilus.desktop</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="object_type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>launcher-object</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="panels">
+ <dir name="00000002">
+ <entry name="clock_format" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>%I:%M %p</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_background_color" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>#000000</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_background_pixmap_rotate" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_background_pixmap_stretch" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_background_pixmap_fit" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_background_pixmap" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_background_type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>no-background</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="monitor" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="screen" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_size" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>panel-size-x-small</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>menu-panel</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="00000001">
+ <entry name="panel_background_color_alpha" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="65535"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_background_color" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>#ffffff</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_background_pixmap_rotate" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_background_pixmap_stretch" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_background_pixmap_fit" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_background_pixmap" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_background_type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>no-background</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_button_pixmaps_enabled" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_buttons_enabled" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="screen_edge" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>panel-edge-bottom</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="monitor" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="screen" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_hide_state" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_hide_mode" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_size" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>panel-size-x-small</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>edge-panel</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="general">
+ <entry name="object_id_list" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="list" owner="panel" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000001</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000002</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="applet_id_list" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="list" owner="panel" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000001</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000002</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000003</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000004</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>show_desktop_button</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="panel_id_list" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="list" owner="panel" list_type="string">
+ <local_schema locale="C">
+ <default type="list" ltype="string">
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000001</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ <li type="string">
+ <stringvalue>00000002</stringvalue>
+ </li>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="toplevels">
+ <entry name="animation_speed" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Animation speed">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>fast</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ The speed in which panel animations should occur. Possible
+ values are "slow", "medium" and "fast". This key is only
+ relevant if the enable_animations key is true.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="auto_hide_size" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Visible pixels when hidden">
+ <default type="int" value="1"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Specifies the number of pixels visible when the panel is
+ automatically hidden into a corner. This key is only
+ relevant if the auto_hide key is true.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="unhide_delay" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Panel autounhide delay">
+ <default type="int" value="100"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Specifies the number of milliseconds delay after the pointer
+ enters the panel area before the panel is automatically
+ re-shown. This key is only relevant if the auto_hide key is
+ true.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="hide_delay" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Panel autohide delay">
+ <default type="int" value="300"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Specifies the number of milliseconds delay after the pointer
+ leaves the panel area before the panel is automatically hidden.
+ This key is only relevant if the auto_hide key is true.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_arrows" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable arrows on hide buttons">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, arrows will be placed on the hide buttons. This
+ key is only relevant if the enable_buttons key is true.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_buttons" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable hide buttons">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, buttons will be placed on each side of the panel
+ which may be used to move the panel to edge of the screen,
+ leaving only a button showing.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="enable_animations" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Enable animations">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, hiding and un-hiding of this panel will be animated
+ rather than happening instantly.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="auto_hide" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Automatically hide panel into corner">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the panel is automatically hidden into a corner
+ of the screen when the pointer leaves the panel area. Moving the
+ pointer to that corner again will cause the panel to re-appear.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y_centered" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Center panel on y-axis">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the y and y_bottom keys are ignored and the panel is placed at
+ the center of the y-axis of the screen. If the panel is
+ resized it will remain at that position - i.e. the panel
+ will grow on both sides. If false, the y and y_bottom keys specify
+ the location of the panel.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x_centered" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Center panel on x-axis">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the x and x_right keys are ignored and the panel is placed at
+ the center of the x-axis of the screen. If the panel is
+ resized it will remain at that position - i.e. the panel
+ will grow on both sides. If false, the x and x_right keys specify
+ the location of the panel.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y_bottom" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Y co-ordinate of panel, starting from the bottom of the screen">
+ <default type="int" value="-1"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The location of the panel along the y-axis, starting from the bottom of
+ the screen. If set to -1, the value is ignored and the value of the y
+ key is used. If the value is greater than 0, then the value of the y
+ key is ignored.
+ This key is only relevant in un-expanded mode. In expanded mode this
+ key is ignored and the panel is placed at the screen edge
+ specified by the orientation key.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x_right" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="X co-ordinate of panel, starting from the right of the screen">
+ <default type="int" value="-1"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The location of the panel along the x-axis, starting from the right of
+ the screen. If set to -1, the value is ignored and the value of the x
+ key is used. If the value is greater than 0, then the value of the x
+ key is ignored.
+ This key is only relevant in un-expanded mode. In expanded mode this
+ key is ignored and the panel is placed at the screen edge
+ specified by the orientation key.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="y" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Y co-ordinate of panel">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The location of the panel along the y-axis. This key is
+ only relevant in un-expanded mode. In expanded mode this
+ key is ignored and the panel is placed at the screen edge
+ specified by the orientation key.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="x" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="X co-ordinate of panel">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The location of the panel along the x-axis. This key is
+ only relevant in un-expanded mode. In expanded mode this
+ key is ignored and the panel is placed at the screen edge
+ specified by the orientation key.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="size" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Panel size">
+ <default type="int" value="24"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ The height (width for a vertical panel) of the panel. The
+ panel will determine at runtime a minimum size based on
+ the font size and other indicators. The maximum size is
+ fixed at one quarter of the screen height (or width).
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="orientation" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Panel orientation">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>top</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ The orientation of the panel. Possible values are "top",
+ "bottom", "left", "right". In expanded mode the key
+ specifies which screen edge the panel is on. In un-expanded
+ mode the difference between "top" and "bottom" is less
+ important - both indicate that this is a horizontal panel -
+ but still give a useful hint as to how some panel objects
+ should behave. For example, on a "top" panel a menu button
+ will pop up its menu below the panel, whereas on a "bottom"
+ panel the menu will be popped up above the panel.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="expand" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Expand to occupy entire screen width">
+ <default type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the panel will occupy the entire screen width
+ (height if this is a vertical panel). In this mode the panel
+ can only be placed at a screen edge. If false, the panel
+ will only be large enough to accommodate the applets,
+ launchers and buttons on the panel.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="monitor" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Xinerama monitor where the panel is displayed">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ In a Xinerama setup, you may have panels on each individual
+ monitor. This key identifies the current monitor the panel
+ is displayed on.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="screen" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="X screen where the panel is displayed">
+ <default type="int" value="0"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ With a multi-screen setup, you may have panels on each
+ individual screen. This key identifies the current screen
+ the panel is displayed on.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="name" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Name to identify panel">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ This is a human readable name which you can use to identify
+ a panel. Its main purpose is to serve as the panel's window
+ title which is useful when navigating between panels.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <dir name="background">
+ <entry name="rotate" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Rotate image on vertical panels">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the background image will be rotated when the panel
+ is oriented vertically.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="stretch" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Stretch image to panel">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the image will be scaled to the panel dimensions.
+ The aspect ratio of the image will not be maintained.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="fit" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Fit image to panel">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the image will be scaled (retaining the aspect
+ ratio of the image) to the panel height (if horizontal).
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="image" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Background image">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Specifies the file to be used for the background image. If
+ the image contains an alpha channel it will be composited
+ onto the desktop background image.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="opacity" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Background color opacity">
+ <default type="int" value="6000"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ Specifies the opacity of the background color format. If the
+ color is not completely opaque (a value of less than 65535),
+ the color will be composited onto the desktop background
+ image.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="color" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Background color">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>#ffffff</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Specifies the background color for the panel in #RGB
+ format.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="type" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="panel">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Background type">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>gtk</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ Which type of background should be used for this panel.
+ Possible values are "gtk" - the default GTK+ widget
+ background will be used, "color" - the color key will
+ be used as background color or "image" - the image
+ specified by the image key will be used as background.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="fish_applet">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="rotate" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="fish-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Rotate on vertical panels">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ If true, the fish's animation will be displayed rotated on vertical
+ panels.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="speed" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="float" owner="fish-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Pause per frame">
+ <default type="float" value="0.29999999999999999"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ This key specifies the number of seconds each frame will be
+ displayed.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="frames" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="int" owner="fish-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Frames in fish's animation">
+ <default type="int" value="8"/>
+ <longdesc>
+ This key specifies the number of frames that will be displayed in
+ the fish's animation.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="command" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="fish-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Command to execute on click">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>fortune</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ This key specifies the command that will be tried to execute when
+ the fish is clicked.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="image" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="fish-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="The fish's animation pixmap">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>wanda.png</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ This key specifies the filename of the pixmap which will be used
+ for the animation displayed in the fish applet relative to the
+ pixmap directory.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="name" mtime="1326736219" type="schema" stype="string" owner="fish-applet">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="The fish's name">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Wanda</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>
+ A fish without a name is a pretty dull fish. Bring your fish to
+ life by naming him.
+ </longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ </dir>
+ </dir>
+ <dir name="gweather">
+ <dir name="prefs">
+ <entry name="radar" mtime="1326734431" type="schema" stype="string" owner="gweather-applet-2">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Url for the radar map">
+ <longdesc>The custom url from where to retrieve a radar map.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="use_custom_radar_url" mtime="1326734431" type="schema" stype="bool" owner="gweather-applet-2">
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Use custom url for the radar map">
+ <default type="bool" value="false"/>
+ <longdesc>If true, then retrieve a radar map from a location specified by the "radar" key.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="coordinates" mtime="1326734431" type="schema" stype="string" owner="gweather-applet-2">
+ <local_schema locale="en_GB">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>DEFAULT_COORDINATES</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="de">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>48-21N 011-47E</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="vi">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>10-49N 106-40E</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Location coordinates">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>DEFAULT_COORDINATES</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>Latitude and longitude of your location expressed in DD-MM-SS[NS] DD-MM-SS[EW].</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="ru">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>55-59N 037-30E</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="location4" mtime="1326734431" type="schema" stype="string" owner="gweather-applet-2">
+ <local_schema locale="en_GB">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>London/Heathrow</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="de">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Berlin</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="vi">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>T.P. Hồ Chí Minh</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Weather for a city">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>DEFAULT_LOCATION</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>The city that gweather displays information for.</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="ru">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>Москва - Шереметьево</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="location3" mtime="1326734431" type="schema" stype="string" owner="gweather-applet-2">
+ <local_schema locale="en_GB">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>---</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="de">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>DEFAULT_RADAR</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="vi">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>DEFAULT_RADAR</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Radar location">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>DEFAULT_RADAR</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>A three-digit-long code for retrieving radar maps from weather.com, found from http://git.gnome.org/cgit/libgweather/plain/data/Locations.xml.in</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="ru">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="location2" mtime="1326734431" type="schema" stype="string" owner="gweather-applet-2">
+ <local_schema locale="en_GB">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>:RBPMS</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="de">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>DEFAULT_ZONE</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="vi">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>DEFAULT_ZONE</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="C" short_desc="Zone location">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue>DEFAULT_ZONE</stringvalue>
+ </default>
+ <longdesc>A unique zone for the city, as found from http://git.gnome.org/cgit/libgweather/plain/data/Locations.xml.in</longdesc>
+ </local_schema>
+ <local_schema locale="ru">
+ <default type="string">
+ <stringvalue></stringvalue>