from __future__ import absolute_import
# Standard modules
+import sys
import logging
# Third party modules
# Own modules
# from fb_tools.common import to_bool, is_sequence, pp
+# from fb_tools.common import pp
from ..xlate import XLATOR
from ..argparse_actions import NonNegativeItegerOptionAction
from ..argparse_actions import LimitedFloatOptionAction
-__version__ = '0.1.0'
+__version__ = '0.2.0'
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_ = XLATOR.gettext
use_multiple_ldap_connections = False
show_cmdline_ldap_timeout = True
apply_default_ldap_instance_if_not_given = False
+ show_force_option = True
default_wait_after_write = 0.05
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, appname=None, base_dir=None):
+ self.src_instance = None
self.src = None
+ self.tgt_instance = None
self.tgt = None
self.limit = 0
self.wait_after_write = self.default_wait_after_write
self.only_struct = False
"substituting the content of some entry attributes by another values."
+ self._force_desc_msg = _("Do not execute a countdown before starting the application.")
super(MirrorLdapApplication, self).__init__(
appname=appname, description=desc, base_dir=base_dir, initialized=False)
super(MirrorLdapApplication, self)._verify_instances(
is_admin=True, readonly=False, has_sync_source=True)
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def post_init(self):
+ """Execute some actions after initialising."""
+ super(MirrorLdapApplication, self).post_init()
+ limit = getattr(self.args, 'limit', 0)
+ if limit:
+ print()
+ if self.simulate:
+ self.limit = limit
+ LOG.warn(_(
+ "Limiting the number of entries for mirroring to {} "
+ "entries.").format(limit))
+ else:
+ LOG.error(_(
+ "Limition the number of entries for mirroring may "
+ "only be done in simulation mode."))
+ print()
+ self.arg_parser.print_usage(sys.stdout)
+ self.exit(1)
+ self.wait = getattr(self.args, 'wait', self.default_wait_after_write)
+ self._check_source_instance()
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _check_source_instance(self):
+ tgt_name = self.ldap_instances[0]
+ LOG.debug(_(
+ "Checking mirror source instance for target instance {!r} ...").format(tgt_name))
+ src_name = self.cfg.ldap_connection[tgt_name].sync_source
+ LOG.debug(_("Got {!r} as the mirror source instance.").format(src_name))
+ if src_name not in self.cfg.ldap_connection:
+ msg = _("Error in configuration:")
+ msg += ' ' + _(
+ "the source LDAP instance {src!r} for mirroring to {tgt!r} "
+ "does not exists.").format(src=src_name, tgt=tgt_name)
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ self.exit(3)
+ if tgt_name.lower() == src_name.lower():
+ msg = _("Error in configuration:")
+ msg += ' ' + _(
+ "The source LDAP instance {src!r} must not be the same like the "
+ "target instance.").format(src=src_name)
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ self.exit(3)
+ src_base_dn = self.cfg.ldap_connection[src_name].base_dn
+ tgt_base_dn = self.cfg.ldap_connection[tgt_name].base_dn
+ if src_base_dn != tgt_base_dn:
+ msg = _("Error in configuration:")
+ msg += ' ' + _(
+ "the base DN {src_dn!r} of the source instance {src!r} does not match the "
+ "base DN {tgt_dn!r} of the target instance {tgt!r}.").format(
+ src_dn=src_base_dn, src=src_name, tgt_dn=tgt_base_dn, tgt=tgt_name)
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ self.exit(3)
+ self.src_instance = src_name
+ self.tgt_instance = tgt_name
+ self.ldap_instances.append(src_name)
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def pre_run(self):
+ super(MirrorLdapApplication, self).pre_run()
+ self.src = self.ldap_connection[self.src_instance]
+ self.tgt = self.ldap_connection[self.tgt_instance]
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def disconnect_all(self):
+ self.src = None
+ self.tgt = None
+ super(MirrorLdapApplication, self).disconnect_all()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _run(self):
+ if not self.quiet and not self.force:
+ print()
+ src_url = self.cfg.ldap_connection[self.src_instance].url
+ tgt_url = self.cfg.ldap_connection[self.tgt_instance].url
+ msg = _(
+ "Start mirroring LDAP instance {src!r} ({src_url}) to instance {tgt!r} "
+ "({tgt_url}) ...").format(
+ src=self.src_instance, src_url=src_url, tgt=self.tgt_instance, tgt_url=tgt_url)
+ self.countdown(number=5, delay=1, prompt=msg)
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print()"I'm walking, yes indeed I'm walking ...")