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- aem_path: '/content/see-more-with-sirona'
- create_sling_mapping: true
aem_path: '/content/landingpages'
create_sling_mapping: true
- '^/it-it http://www.jointheev.it/ [R=301,L]'
- '^/es-es http://www.jointheev.es/ [R=301,L]'
- '^(.*)$ http://www.profiledentalimplants.com/en-us.html [R=301,L]'
-# Sirona www.exzellenzgruender.de
+# Sirona www.exzellenzgruender.de - kein AEM-vHost
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- - '^/$ %%{ich-trickse}{REQUEST_SCHEME}://www.exzellenzgruender.de/%%{ich-trickse}{ENV:language}.html [R=301,L]'
- comment: 'Migration to flagship site'
- '^/de/vorteile$ https://www1.dentsplysirona.com/de-de/loesungen/themen/existenzgruender/vorteile.html [R=301,L]'
- '^/de-de/vorteile.html$ https://www1.dentsplysirona.com/de-de/loesungen/themen/existenzgruender/vorteile.html [R=301,L]'
- '^/de-de/information.html$ https://www1.dentsplysirona.com/de-de/loesungen/themen/existenzgruender/information.html [R=301,L]'
- '^/de-de/produkte.html$ https://www1.dentsplysirona.com/de-de/loesungen/themen/existenzgruender/produkte.html [R=301,L]'
-# Sirona www.see-more-with-sirona.com
+ - '(.*) https://www1.dentsplysirona.com/de-de/loesungen/themen/existenzgruender.html [R=301,L]'
+# Sirona www.see-more-with-sirona.com - kein AEM-vHost
- www.see-more-with-sirona.com
- see-more-with-sirona.com
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- - 'Accept-Language ^.*$ language=de-de'
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- - 'add Access-Control-Allow-Origin %%{ich-trickse}{AccessControlAllowOrigin}e env=AccessControlAllowOrigin'
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- - { error_code: 404 , document: "/de-de/error-pages/404.html" }
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- - provider: directory
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- - FollowSymLinks
- # error_documents
- - provider: directory
- path: /var/www/html/error_custom/
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- - +Includes
- - comment: 'lanugage Rewrite use Env Vars'
- rewrite_rule:
- - '^/$ %%{ich-trickse}{REQUEST_SCHEME}://www.see-more-with-sirona.com/%%{ich-trickse}{ENV:language}.html [R=301,L]'
- comment: 'Migration to flagship site'
- '^/de/3d$ https://www1.dentsplysirona.com/de-de/loesungen/themen/mit-sicherheit-mehr-sehen/3d-roentgen.html [R=301,L]'
- '^/en-us/security.html$ https://www1.dentsplysirona.com/en/solutions/topics/be-safe-see-more/security.html [R=301,L]'
- '^/en-us/security/dosage.html$ https://www1.dentsplysirona.com/en/solutions/topics/be-safe-see-more/security/dosage.html [R=301,L]'
- '^/en-us/cases.html$ https://www1.dentsplysirona.com/en/solutions/topics/be-safe-see-more/cases.html [R=301,L]'
+ - '(.*) https://www1.dentsplysirona.com/de-de/loesungen/themen/mit-sicherheit-mehr-sehen.html [R=301,L]'
# Sirona www.cerec-com - kein AEM-vHost
- 'Expires'
- 'Content-Type'
- 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'
- exzellenzgruender-de:
- virtualhosts:
- - 'www.exzellenzgruender.de'
- - 'exzellenzgruender.de'
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- - '*'
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- - { hostname: "", port: '4503' }
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- - { type: 'allow', url: '/etc/clientlibs/*' }
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- - { type: 'allow', url: '/libs/cq/security/userinfo.json' } # (CQ user information)
- - { type: 'allow', url: '/libs/granite/security/currentuser.json' } # (data must not be cached)
- - { type: 'allow', url: '/libs/cq/i18n/*' } # (Internalization)
- # CSRF
- - { type: 'allow', url: '/libs/granite/csrf/token.json' } # enable CSRF token
- # Deny content grabbing
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- see-more-with-sirona:
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- - 'www.see-more-with-sirona.com'
- - 'see-more-with-sirona.com'
- clientheaders:
- - '*'
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- - { hostname: "", port: '4503' }
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- - { type: 'deny', glob: '*' }
- - { type: 'allow', url: '/' }
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- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.js' } # enable javascript
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- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.swf' } # enable flash
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.jpg' } # enable jpg
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.jpeg' } # enable jpeg
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.svg' } # enable svg
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.ttf' } # enable ttf
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.woff' } # enable woff
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.woff2' } # enable woff2
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- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.pdf' } # enable pdf
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- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.psd' } # enable psd (Adobe Photoshop Dokument)
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.tif' } # enable tif
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.zip' } # enable zip
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.exe' } # enable exe
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.msi' } # enable msi
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.indd' } # enable indd (Adobe Indesign Dokument)
- # Enable features
- - { type: 'allow', url: '/libs/cq/personalization/*' } # enable personalization
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- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.assetlibrary.json' } # enable asset library JSON API
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.articlelibrary.json' } # enable article library JSON API
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.assetdata.json' } # enable download basket JSON API
- - { type: 'allow', url: '*.updatecheck.json' } # enable update check
- - { type: 'allow', method: 'post', url: '*.forms.html' } # enable forms
- # Security Rules
- - { type: 'deny', url: '/etc/' }
- - { type: 'deny', url: '/libs/' }
- - { type: 'allow', url: '/etc/designs/*' }
- - { type: 'allow', url: '/etc/clientlibs/*' }
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- - { type: 'allow', url: '/libs/cq/personalization/components/clickstreamcloud/content/config.json' }
- - { type: 'allow', url: '/libs/wcm/stats/tracker.js' }
- - { type: 'allow', url: '/libs/cq/personalization/*' } # (JS, CSS and JSON)
- - { type: 'allow', url: '/libs/cq/security/userinfo.json' } # (CQ user information)
- - { type: 'allow', url: '/libs/granite/security/currentuser.json' } # (data must not be cached)
- - { type: 'allow', url: '/libs/cq/i18n/*' } # (Internalization)
- # CSRF
- - { type: 'allow', url: '/libs/granite/csrf/token.json' } # enable CSRF token
- # Deny content grabbing
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- - { type: 'deny', url: '*.tidy.json' }
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- - { type: 'deny', url: '*.docview.xml' }
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- - { type: 'allow', glob: '/etc/segmentation.segment.js' }
- - { type: 'allow', glob: '*/analytics.sitecatalyst.js' }
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- - { type: 'deny', glob: '*' }
- - { type: 'allow', glob: '' }
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- - 'X-Content-Type-Options'
- - 'X-Frame-Options'
- - 'X-XSS-Protection'
- - 'Last-Modified'
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- 'lp.dentsplysirona.com'