--- /dev/null
+set -e
+# FIXME: Fix sbuild to pass the chroot base path to this script!
+chroots=$(find /var/lib/schroot/mount/*/build/ -maxdepth 2 -name $dsc | wc -l)
+if test "$chroots" -eq 0; then
+ echo "$0: Failed to find chroot in /var/lib/schroot/mount." >&2
+ exit 1
+elif test "$chroots" -gt 1; then
+ echo "$0: Found multiple chroots (but only one wanted):" >&2
+ find /var/lib/schroot/mount/*/build/ -maxdepth 2 -name $dsc >&2
+ exit 1
+# FIXME: possible race condition
+builddir=$(dirname $(find /var/lib/schroot/mount/*/build/ -maxdepth 2 -name $dsc))
+# Determine git checkout directory (which is stored in the workspace)
+# Note: Assume that $OLDPWD points to <Jenkins job dir>/deb-packages/$source
+if echo "${BUILD_TRIGGERS}" | grep -q 'no-test'; then
+ echo "###"
+ echo "### Found build trigger 'no-test' so no reports.tgz will be created."
+ echo "###"
+ echo "###"
+ echo "### Find report files and copy them out of chroot."
+ echo "###"
+ cd $builddir
+ if test "$(find * -maxdepth 0 -type d | wc -l)" -eq 1; then
+ # switch into extract Debian source directory
+ cd $(find * -maxdepth 0 -type d | head -n 1)
+ fi
+ files=$(find . -name surefire-reports -o -name failsafe-reports -o -name unittest.log -o -name tests-0.log -o -name build.log -o -name test-run-all.xml | wc -l)
+ if test "$files" -eq 0; then
+ echo "Found no report files in $(pwd)."
+ else
+ echo "Found $files report files in $(pwd):"
+ find . -name surefire-reports -o -name failsafe-reports -o -name unittest.log -o -name tests-0.log -o -name build.log -o -name test-run-all.xml
+ # Copy reports from the chroot into the workspace (for Jenkins)
+ find . -name surefire-reports -o -name failsafe-reports -o -name unittest.log -o -name tests-0.log -o -name build.log -o -name test-run-all.xml -exec install -D -m 644 {} $workspace/{} \;